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domingo, junho 19, 2016

Day 1: Controlling Portion Sizes

Learn to eat smaller portions to maintain a healthy diet

Eating healthy portions rather than a large meal is one of the easiest ways to lose weight, while still obtaining the necessary nutrition and fiber our bodies need. We have become accustomed to eating as much as we want, whenever we want – a terrible habit that will damage our health in the long run.

Here are some of the benefits of portion control

  • Increased energy since your body isn’t working hard to digest food
  • Improved immunity if you stick to healthy foods, especially salads
  • Better sleep quality, both falling and staying asleep
  • Healthier digestive systems and kidneys
  • Eradicate cravings for unhealthy foods and snacks
  • Maintain a healthy body mass index with ease
  • Better mood and less mood swings overall due to a controlled diet

Day 1 Secret

Use smaller plates with meals you typically eat.

Why it matters?

This might seem like a simple solution, and that’s because it is. Eating smaller portions of the same foods you normally eat is perfect for those who aren’t happy about changing their entire diet. We always suggest choosing healthier foods, but even if your smaller portions aren’t particularly healthy, you’ll be eating far less of the same foods. If you use smaller plates for a smaller portion, your brain is essentially being tricked into thinking it’s eating the same amount.

The post Day 1: Controlling Portion Sizes appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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