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quarta-feira, julho 27, 2016

Tip #2: Eat For Radiant Skin


Healthy Fats

Don’t be scared, not all fats are bad and in fact the body needs some essential fats to do what it does best…keep you going! These healthy fats act as a natural moisturizer to keep your skin looking fresh and supple…less wrinkles! You can find these fats in fish, avocados, nuts and seeds. But, do be careful and only have in moderation because even though nuts, seeds, and avocados are full of healthy fats, they are also high in calories!

Fish? Eat as much as you like! Low in calories, full of essential healthy fats, and delicious! You can add a sprinkle of seeds and nuts to your salad at lunch or your breakfast porridge maybe. As for avocado, very tasty mashed up on toast or for a totally calorie free treat for your skin, you can put mashed avocado on your face as a home made face pack, all those lovely healthy properties will seep into your skin and make it look radiant.

  • You can find healthy fats in fish, avocados, nuts, and seeds (only have those foods in moderate portion)
  • Eat fish as much as you like
  • Add a sprinkle of seeds and nuts to your salad at lunch (or your breakfast porridge)
  • You can put mashed avocado on your face as a home made face pack

Why it matters?

Essential fatty acids are exactly that, essential! They are necessary to create healthy cell membranes and they also help to produce the skin’s natural oil barrier, which is critical to keep the skin hydrated. Hydrated skin will look plumper, younger looking, and have less wrinkles.

The post Tip #2: Eat For Radiant Skin appeared first on Lifehack.

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