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quinta-feira, janeiro 21, 2016

10 Amazing Things You Will Experience When You Sleep Naked

Sleeping naked

It’s certainly no news to any of us that we spend a third of our lives sleeping-and there is plenty of information out there to tell us how, when and why to sleep. Google “sleep” and immediately you can choose from 825,000,000 sites that will inform, amuse and yes, titillate you.

Most of us don’t need to be educated. For lucky ones, it just comes naturally. We go to bed, fall asleep, wake up and do the same thing over and over again. We need and love sleep, so it never gets boring. But what if we shook it up just a little and decided to sleep naked?

In a recent survey, less than 12% of Americans admitted to sleeping in the buff. Surprisingly, it’s not hot blooded Italians or the romantic French that spend the most sack time in the nude, it’s the Brits with over a third of them shunning pjs each night.

I decided to do my own little experiment in the interest of journalistic integrity. Yes.I was going to sleep ‘nakid’. Here are some of my most interesting findings:

1. I felt free.

For once, I was not held hostage by my night clothes. There were no nightgowns slowly pinning my arms to my side with each sleeping adjustment I made. No buttons gaping wide (I might as well have been sleeping naked before). Nothing was wedged up into places that shall remain nameless.

2. I felt sexy.

Let’s face it. Sleeping naked feels just a bit naughty. The approximately 22 meters of skin and its nerve endings respond positively to the unfamiliar and pleasing contact with sheets, blankets and nearby humans. Plus, my nakedness was sending a message to my brain saying, “Hey this woman’s got it going on – she is confident enough to let it all hang out” (or in my case, down). What’s sexier than a confident woman,regardless of age or size?

3. My mind follows my body into bed.

As if it were thinking “Clearly this woman is ready for sleep or canoodling. She’s not going to read or study or watch TV.”  My nakedness informs my brain that the time for absorbing thought activity is over.

4.There is a distinguishable delineation between sleeping naked time and lazy-change-into-jammies-after-work time.

Yes,yes. We all need a moment to switch gears and relax. But for me,pyjamas meant sitcoms and snacking-every night. Life goes by fast enough as it is – why waste it? And really,it’s not so good for my own, ahem, bottom line.

5. My sleep was more refreshing

My body temperature was closer to the ideal for optimum sleep. Bonus: Research tells me while sleeping naked, my body was producing melatonin and growth hormones both great for keeping me young looking.

6. My hair was less a bird’s nest the next morning

Because I slept deeper and with less tossing and turning, my tresses didn’t receive the usual scrubbing against the pillows.

7. My hubby snored less

Or maybe because I was having such lovely sleeps, I didn’t hear him.

8. My bed was easier to make.

Just a quick snap and smoothing and those un-rumpled from nights of tossing and turning covers were straight and neat.

9. I woke  up in a better mood

Pennsylvania University studies show that  significant increases in irritability, anger and sadness come with loss of quality sleep.

10. Surprisingly, I felt empowered.

And strong. As if I were saying. Here I am. I accept and yes, celebrate my body just as it is today.This is a body that has powered me through every second of my live – why wouldn’t I love it? That’s a message I don’t send myself very often, and it’s certainly one all women need to believe.

Sleeping naked carries with it many additional benefits. Better skin, better relationships and even loss of body fat were among those listed. With all there is to gain, shucking night clothes may be one of the best things we ever do for ourselves. And one of the easiest.

The post 10 Amazing Things You Will Experience When You Sleep Naked appeared first on Lifehack.

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