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segunda-feira, dezembro 07, 2015

5 Things People With Highly Successful Careers Do Differently

successful people

successful people

To be highly successful in your career, you can’t take the usual path. Just showing up to work everyday (or even putting in long, hard days of work) isn’t going to cut it. It’s also hard to know how to take your career – as great as it may be already – and make it spectacular.

You’d love to have an amazing career and reap the benefits in terms of reaching your financial goals and being able to have the freedom to ultimately have control over the work you get to do. However, to have an exceptional career, you need to do what other highly successful people have done to skyrocket their careers.

You might worry that since you’re not Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or Sarah Blakely you don’t have what it takes. Actually, it’s less about becoming the type of people these career superstars are, than it is about doing what they do – which means you can do these things and become highly successful too.

Here is your path to becoming ultra-successful in your career, based on what others with highly successful careers have done differently.

Focus on Goals

Successful people know what they want and where they are going. They don’t “float” in their careers, just showing up every day or wondering where they want to go. They set goals. You can set a stretch goal, with your ultimate vision of your success, as well as smaller intermediate and immediate goals that can help you get there.


What is grit? It’s a willingness to commit to long-term goals and be persistent, even when things get hard. In other words, you’ll do whatever it takes, and you’ll keep at it no matter what. This kind of effort and creative problem solving is what it takes to become highly successful in your career.


Many successful people will tell you to find something you’re passionate about doing. They may say it for many reasons, including that it makes work fun, pushes you to work harder than you would on something you don’t care about, and is infectious – spreading your message and what you’re trying to accomplish on to other people, compelling them to help you. Once you find the thing you’re passionate about, taking that passion and using it in a way that is helpful to others will be what moves you from someone who is just passionate about their work to someone who is truly successful with their passion.

Be Willing to Take Risks

If you’re willing to take risks, you can have big gains in your career. If you’re looking to achieve something huge, playing it safe isn’t going to get you there. At the same time, taking risks doesn’t mean you need to be reckless. Stepping outside of your comfort zone for career opportunities can make you hugely successful if you take the right kind of risks.

Think Positively

Many ultra-successful people have been interviewed. They are positive thinkers. You can spend more time thinking about what you want and why you can, rather than why you can’t or shouldn’t. Changing your thoughts about your abilities and about what’s possible will have a huge impact on your level of success.


This is the path to career success. It’s only these 5 things that stand between you and where you want to go. It’s not complicated, but it definitely takes hard work. Still, you can become hugely successful by following this path. You already have everything it takes.

All you need to do is find a goal you’re passionate about and you’re willing to stick with no matter what. Once you find it, there’s nothing that will stand in your way. You can be among those who have enjoyed massive success in their careers.

Photocredit via liquene on

Featured photo credit: liquene via

The post 5 Things People With Highly Successful Careers Do Differently appeared first on Lifehack.

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