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sábado, setembro 26, 2015

All The Productivity Tips You Need In 9 Infographics


Ever notice how some people come across as having their act together? They are able to get their work done on time, every time. They have the time and energy for 100 different things. Yet, they always seem non-frazzled, non-overwhelmed, and non-frantic.

Do you console yourself with the thought that these are a special breed of people with a special DNA sequence? Sadly, that is far from the truth. These are regular human beings like you and me. The only difference is that they know the tips and tricks to being super-productive. Productivity is achievable once you learn the tricks and apply them in your life. The following 9 infographics will arm you with the knowledge and productivity tips you need.

1. Reclaim your mornings

One of the most frantic and chaotic times in most people’s day is the morning. Add a couple of kids to the morning mix and your productivity score is gone for a toss. The following infographic gives us a three-step approach to tackling this problem, starting from the night before. Follow the tips given for the night before, for the morning, and tips for after you get to work to effectively reclaim your mornings and your productivity score.


2.Your mouth as the gateway to productivity

Believe it or not, what you put in your mouth can affect your productivity. The sluggish feeling after lunch, the incessant need to take a nap in the early afternoon, or your body’s craving for caffeine are all symptoms of the food you consume. The following infographic provides tips on the right kinds of foods to eat at various times during the day to remain in the productive zone.


3.  Exercise boosts productivity

Eating healthy is not enough. Combine it with moderate bouts of exercise during the workday to up your productivity level. No gym at work? No problem! A brisk walk during lunch time could lead to enhanced time management skills, better ability to meet deadlines, and improvements in mood.


4. Sleep your way to success

A good night’s sleep is key to not only our well-being but to our productivity as well. Time and time again research studies have identified the benefits of sleep. A minimum of 6 hours of sleep is necessary for staying productive. The infographic below highlights the impact of sleep on our productivity levels and also shares tips to sleep better.


5. Your physical workspace impacts your productivity too

Clutter and disorganized workspaces are time suckers and cause frustration, leading to decreased productivity. You don’t have to be a feng shui believer to organize your workspace for maximum efficiency. The computer you work on should also be set up effectively. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails, keep your inbox clutter free, organize your desktop icons, and have the latest virus protection softwares to prevent valuable losses of information (and time!).


6. Single-tasking is the way to go

Research has proven that multi-tasking causes a 40% drop in productivity levels. Our IQ drops by 10 points, too! That is a steep price to pay on our quest towards increased productivity.


7.  Zap out unproductive meetings

Most  workplaces use meetings to brings employees together for a certain purpose. However, meetings have now become  unproductive, leading to time and money drainage for organizations. A whooping $37 billion is wasted on meetings each year! The below infographic shares the perfect meeting recipe to avoid this drain. Is the meeting necessary? Can you achieve the meeting purpose without a meeting? Who should the participants be? What should the agenda be to achieve the desired outcome? Send the agenda and any other preparatory materials ahead of time — this is how to get the maximum benefit from a meeting.


8. Relax to be more productive

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Working without taking breaks through the year can lead to decreased productivity. Our brains need time to rest and recharge. A recharged brain is re-energized and more creative, leading to more productivity. Vacations with a complete disconnect from work are must-haves to re-energize our brains. This UK-based infographic highlights the importance of taking vacations. Though the best vacation spots listed here are all notably on the east side of the Atlantic ocean, you do not have to fly to Italy or Portland to increase your productivity! Take a vacation wherever you can afford to go and disconnect from work, truly.


9. Technology to aid productivity

In this technologically advanced age, it would be amiss to not mention apps that can help boost our productivity.  The infographic below shares 20 apps that help you remain on task and stay focused.

1433526519_productivity-apps-640x7220 (1)

And here’s a BONUS one.

A compilation of 50 productivity hacks.


Which of these tips are you going to implement today to boost your productivity?

Featured photo credit: Picjumbo via

The post All The Productivity Tips You Need In 9 Infographics appeared first on Lifehack.

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