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sábado, setembro 26, 2015

14 Things People that Wore Braces Will Understand

If You Have Worn Braces, You'll Understand These 14 Things So Well

Did you have braces? From never-ending pain to horrible tasting molds, having braces can be a pretty tough experience. The lucky people who have never had braces will never understand the difficulty we went through, but it was all worth it in the end for perfect, shiny teeth. Check out 14 things anyone who has worn braces will totally be able to relate to.

1. The Never-Ending Pain

The pain of wearing braces is unlike any other. From being jabbed in the cheek with stray wires to feeling the brackets rubbing against your tongue, you are a seasoned expert in the area of mouth pain.

2. The ‘Funny’ Jokes

Brace face? Metal mouth? Ugly Betty? We’ve heard all of the ‘funny’ nicknames a hundred times over – and they weren’t even original to start off with.

3. Having To Be Careful with What You Eat

Eating anything much harder than a biscuit could damage the wires, so you mainly ate wet, mushy food. Uncut apples were a total no-go, and you regularly fantasied about enjoying a gobstopper or even a carrot. Occasionally you would crack and eat something hard – then you would fear the telling off you would get next time you visited the orthodontist.

4. Never Chewing Gum

Chewing gum and braces don’t mix. Or rather, they do, and your brace brackets are filled with long strings of chewing gum that take hours to individually pull out. It looks like your mouth is filled with both braces and silly string – not a good look.

5. Never Eating Spinach

If you had braces, you will remember avoiding spinach for years of your life. The pesky stuff always got tangled up in your braces, where it would stay for a good few hours before you looked in a mirror and realized it was there. Sigh. In a stage that already felt awkward, green stuff in your teeth just piled on the embarrassment.

6. A Pocket Mirror Or Reflective Surface Is Essential

Due to the sheer amount of food that could become entangled in your braces, you always carried a pocket mirror or reflective surface around with you. You have literally spent hours of your life looking at your teeth, making sure they were food free.

7. Smiling In Photographs Is A No

Every time a photograph opportunity appeared, you had an internal debate about if you should smile with your mouth open or not. In fact, you normally spent so long thinking about it that the picture was taken without you even realizing.

8. Fearing Kissing Someone

You heard all of the urban legends when you first got braces, like story about a couple with braces who got stuck together for years after they tried to kiss. You feared kissing someone and ending up locked together for all eternity – then you finally plucked up the courage to kiss someone and nothing bad happened at all. Thanks, guys.

9. The Endless Orthodontist Visits

One trip to put them on and one trip to take them off? Pfft, you wish. It felt like you were at the dentist’s every few weeks for new, innovative forms of mouth torture.

10. Nearly Drowning In Your Own Spit

There was a suction pipe for all of your spit while the dentist checked out your teeth, but either it wasn’t strong enough or you had a super-wet mouth. Either way you always ended up dribbling all over yourself.

11. Cleaning Your Retainer

On top of the never-ending pain and orthodontist appointments, you also had to clean your retainer every day. It was mildly gross even after just a day of wearing the thing.

12. The Stress Of Getting Them Tightened

Getting your braces tightened was a real pain in the mouth. For the first few days afterwards, the pain was unbearable and you basically couldn’t eat anything. Sticking to liquids made you feel sorry for yourself all too often.

13. Getting Your Braces Taken Off And Being Shocked At The Size Of Your Teeth

It was so weird seeing your teeth for the first time in months, even years; where they always this big? And shiny? And slimy?

14. Loving Your New, Straight Teeth

In the end, all of the pain was worth it for your perfect new smile. Now you smile broadly in any pictures that get taken – but if you see someone with braces on, you feel a moment of silent solidarity.

The post 14 Things People that Wore Braces Will Understand appeared first on Lifehack.

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