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segunda-feira, setembro 28, 2015

15 Signs You’re A Winner in Life Even If You Don’t Think So


You may think that just because you aren’t wealthy, that you are not a winner in life. This is absolutely untrue. You may be surprised at just how much personal wealth you really do have — and we’re not talking about finances. We’re talking about what makes you the person you are, and what really makes you a winner.

Here are 15 signs to look for in order to see just how great you really are.

1. You have close friends.

You don’t need a huge crowd of friends. What you need are a couple of friends you are very close with, and who will always be there for you when you need them.

2. You have high standards.

You know what you want in life, and you aren’t going to settle for anything less. This includes your career — and the person you will end up spending the rest of your life with.

3. You have no regrets.

Never have any regrets in life. Anything you do is a learning experience, as long as you don’t repeat it.

“Fear is a habit; so is self-pity, defeat, anxiety, despair, hopelessness and resignation. You can eliminate all of these negative habits with two simple resolves: I can! and I will!” – Napoleon Hill.

4. You have people who love you.

Don’t pay attention to those who judge you. They are not the people who love you. You have your parents, grandparents, and other family members and friends.

5. You have no relationship drama.

Keep your circle of friends small, and make sure that they are people you can trust. You don’t need any drama at this stage in your life.

6. You have self-love and self-respect.

When you love and respect yourself, you can expect the same from others, and you won’t accept any less from your relationships.

7. You don’t care what others think.

Once you get to a certain point in life, you do what you want and don’t care what others think. Go ahead and be your wonderful, unique self.

8. You like what you see in the mirror.

If you can look into the mirror and like what you see, you will always be a winner in your own eyes. That is more important than the opinion of anyone else.

9. You always have faith.

You may not be where you want in life right now, but your faith in yourself will get you to where you want to be.

10. Your bills are paid.

You may not have money for expensive trips, jewelry, designer clothing, etc., but if your bills are paid, you can consider yourself a real winner. This is something that not everyone can accomplish every month. You may not have a mansion or drive one of the fastest cars in the world, but you have what you need.

11. You’re content.

When you are always trying to compete with others who have higher salaries, you are never content with what you have. As long as the bills are getting paid and you live comfortably, does it really matter if your salary isn’t as high as your neighbor’s?

12. You have a decent wardrobe.

You don’t need a closet filled with designer clothes. But, if you have enough clothing to not have to repeat outfits for two to three weeks, you are ahead of the game.

“Stop saying ‘I Wish’ and start saying ‘I Will’.” – David Copperfield.

13. You have no unhealthy relationships.

You are a great person, and you don’t need to be with people who bring you down.

14. You push yourself.

If you are critical of yourself and always pushing to do better things, you are going to be a winner.

“My teacher once told me, ‘no one is perfect…that is why pencils have erasers.” – Mahesh Bhatt.

15. You do things you love.

Make sure that you are taking time for yourself. Watch a movie you love, read a great book, or visit with close friends. Do what makes you happy.

Featured photo credit: Nicole Pierce via

The post 15 Signs You’re A Winner in Life Even If You Don’t Think So appeared first on Lifehack.

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