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sábado, agosto 15, 2015

10 Fun Things To Do Before Giving Birth

Funny Things To Do Before Giving Birth

Raising a child is one of life’s most rewarding experiences, and many women often spend their pregnancies preparing for birth and their child’s future. This is very important, but it’s also important to enjoy these precious few months before you have new responsibilities and commitments.

Make sure you embrace and enjoy your pregnancy; check out these 10 fun things you should do before giving birth.

1. Find A Mommy Role Model

Being a parent can be challenging and difficult, especially for first-time parents. Try to find a mommy role model before giving birth, because they can help you with difficult decisions later. Many brilliant moms have written books and audiotapes on being a parent, such as Tina Fey and Molly Ringwald.

2. Watch A Band You Love Live

After your child is born you will be listening to Disney film soundtracks and nursery rhymes on repeat, so use your pregnancy as a chance to really enjoy the music you love. Buy tickets to see your favorite artist and head out with your partner or friends for a night of great music.

3. Make Your Own Pregnancy Flip Book

Many moms miss being pregnant after giving birth, so it is important to gather memories of your pregnancy while you can. Take pictures of your belly every week and when you give birth, print the pictures together and staple one corner together. Now you can flip through your pregnancy – and watch your body change and grow!

4. Have A Sleepover With Your Friends

It will be difficult to spend the whole night away from your child for a while after giving birth, so use your pregnancy as a chance to have a fun sleepover with your best friends. Buy a few of your favorite films, load up on snacks and some tasty non-alcoholic drinks, and let the giggles commence.

5. Write A Letter To Your Child

Pregnancy comes with some weird stories and some even weirder cravings, so write them down in a letter to give to your child when they are older. No doubt they will find your stories hilarious – and it will certainly crack you up!

6. Treat Yourself To A Mani And Pedi With Your Friends

Being pregnant can be really exhausting, so put a smile on your face by treating yourself to a mani and pedi with your friends. You will love your nails afterwards, and spending time with your friends will put you in a great mood.

7. Film Your Belly Before Giving Birth

Lots of women miss their pregnancy bellies, so film your belly before giving birth so you don’t forget how awesome it was. If there is a song or food that gets your child kicking, try to get footage of it – the footage will be very precious to you after you give birth.

8. Spend Time With Your Parents

Once you have given birth, your parents will most often be the ones to babysit. Use this chance before your baby is born to spend some quality time having fun with your parents.

9. Take A Trip With Your Partner

You may not have the opportunity or funds to travel abroad, but a weekend away in a B&B will be great for you and your partner. Soon you will have someone else to think of, so enjoy your weekend away by getting some quality alone time together.

10. Ask Your Partner To Read To The Baby

Getting your partner to read to the baby is a great way for the pair of them to connect. Whether they read a children’s book or their own favorite book, all three of you will love the time together.

What do you think of this list? Share it with anyone you know who has been pregnant and see what they think!

The post 10 Fun Things To Do Before Giving Birth appeared first on Lifehack.

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