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sábado, agosto 15, 2015

10 Common Mistakes Made By First Time Moms

10 Common Mistakes Made By First Time Moms

Are you a first time mom? Being a first time mom can be very stressful, as many women worry about breastfeeding, if they should accept help, or if they should follow the expert books they have bought. After all, every mom wants to make sure they are the best parent they possibly can be

Check out 10 common mistakes made by first time moms here.

1. Not Accepting Help

Being a first time mom can feel very scary. You want to get everything right, and many moms worry that asking for help will make them a bad mom. This is definitely not true – this is the first child you have ever had, and that is why you are worried about being a bad mom. You’re going to be a great mom, but if you are tired, stressed and sad, it will be harder for you. Accepting help is a totally normal part of being a parent.

2. Crying While The Baby Cries

Seeing your baby cry can be upsetting and stressful, which may make you want to cry. Your body is filled with hormones, and crying is a normal part of being a first time mom. However, crying while your baby cries will only stress your baby out more – meaning you will become even more upset, too. Try to remember that even the happiest babies will still cry.

3. Assuming You’re Doing it All Wrong Because You’re A First Time Mom

Every first time mom worries about being a good parent, but even the best moms were first time moms once. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Babies will scream and cry, you will scream and cry, but in the end you will both be completely fine.

4. Relying Too Much On The Experts

You may already own books on parenting techniques, baby behavior, sleeping patterns and feeding methods. In the end, your gut instinct is more important than anything else. Trust yourself to make good decisions for your child. After all, no one knows your baby better than you do.

5. Panicking Over Milestones And Comparing Babies

Don’t worry if your baby is the last to start talking – they could write a masterpiece when they are older. Babies grow at different rates, and this doesn’t have much to do with how you raise them. Try not to spend too much time worrying about when your baby will start crawling. Everything will happen in good time.

6. Taking Time Out For Yourself

Being a mom is one of the most important jobs in the world, but remember to take some time out for yourself too. You are still an individual person who will need alone time, and you shouldn’t feel guilty about that. It is normal and healthy. If everything is getting to you, ask your partner to look after the baby while you have a delicious glass of wine and a bubble bath.

7. Not Focusing On Healing After Giving Birth

Your new baby is so perfect and tiny and adorable, it can be hard to stop watching over them and worrying about them. However, you are also recovering from childbirth, and you need to focus on that, too. Try to make sure you are getting lots of water and nutritious food – if you don’t have any time to cook, buy healthy snacks that you can grab on the go.

8. Not Asking For Help With Breastfeeding Issues

Breastfeeding is a lot harder than it seems, and many women struggle to breastfeed. This doesn’t stop you from being an awesome mom, and don’t feel guilty if you are having problems with breastfeeding. Speak to a consultant or a pediatrician, and see if there are any solutions to the problems. If not, it doesn’t matter – lots of awesome moms don’t breastfeed their children.

9. Being Territorial Of Your Baby

Lots of moms struggle to share their baby with others as they want to forge an important bond with their child. Remember that you have spent 9 months bonding with your child, and letting other members of your family hold your child gives your baby a chance to bond with the rest of their family – share the love!

10. Taking Advice That You Don’t Trust

If your friend tells you to ignore a rash, but your gut tells you to go to the doctors, listen to your gut. Don’t worry about offending your friends. You are the only mommy of your baby, and it is likely that you know best.

What did you think of this list? Share it with the moms you know and see what they think!

The post 10 Common Mistakes Made By First Time Moms appeared first on Lifehack.

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