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sábado, julho 23, 2016

3 Effective Ways To Exercise While You’re Sitting


1. Sit Up Straight

Sitting up straight with your shoulder back and your abs tight—compared to slouching at your desk—requires engaging more muscles and can burn more calories. If you want to look slim while sitting, check you posture constantly. Pretend there is a band that stretches from the bottom of your spine to the top of your head. Place your feet on the ground, hip-width apart, directly in front of you.


2. Keep the Knees Together

Sit down back straight with knees, ankles, and heels together. Place hands between thighs as if to grab hold, applying pressure outward. Use your adductor muscles to maintain legs in a closed position. Do the exercise at your own pace until you get used to it. Once use to the exercise increase repetitions to about 30 times each time.


3. Make use of belly breathing

Move to the edge of your seat and sit with your back as straight as possible.  Don’t lean against the back of your chair.  Place your hands on your knees or, if you’re at work, rest them on your desk.


Step 1:     Exhale all the air from your lungs and then some until there’s no more air left.  You will notice that by exhaling completely you will automatically be able to inhale more air.

Step 2:     Inhale slowly through the nose for a 4-count.

Step 3:     Hold your breath for an 8-count.

If you are a complete beginner, don’t hold your breath or hold your breath for a shorter period of time and gradually build up to an 8-count.

Step 4:     Exhale slowly through the mouth for an 8-count.  Fully expel all of the air from your lungs.

Step 5:     Hold your breath for an 8-count.

If you are a complete beginner, don’t hold your breath or hold your breath for a shorter period of time and gradually build up to an 8-count.

Step 6:     Check your posture and repeat Steps 2 – 5.

The post 3 Effective Ways To Exercise While You’re Sitting appeared first on Lifehack.

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