
quinta-feira, junho 30, 2016

Tip #6: Eat Less Processed Food

processed food

Today’s Tip

Source food from local farmers or grocers.

Why it matters?

We appreciate that supermarkets make it easy to obtain your entire weekly shop in one place, but it makes it difficult to know where that food is coming from and whether or not it has been genetically modified or processed. If you go to a farmer’s store or a local grocer’s, you can easily obtain this information by simply asking them. Also, foods in such places tend to be 100% organic anyway, and far tastier than their processed counterparts.

Today’s Processed-food Alternative

Here is a useful recipe to go with your freshly bought produce: Homemade Salad Dressing

Featured photo credit: we heart it via

The post Tip #6: Eat Less Processed Food appeared first on Lifehack.

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