
quinta-feira, junho 30, 2016

Tip #5: Eat Less Processed Food

processed food

Today’s Tip

Avoid foods with too many ingredients on the label.

Why it matters?

The simpler a food is, the fewer ingredients it should contain. However, thanks to the modern world and how the food industry loves to sell us junk, simple foods now contain loads of “extras.” Of course, these extras are bad for us. The main culprits are sugar, salt, and fat, but others can be sulfites (or anything with a chemical name). If an ingredient is hard to pronounce, it’s bad for you!

Today’s Processed-food Alternative

This may sound like something not so healthy, but sometimes, we can have treats like this which are slightly more healthy too: Homemade Pizza

Featured photo credit: we heart it via

The post Tip #5: Eat Less Processed Food appeared first on Lifehack.

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