
sexta-feira, junho 24, 2016

Day 2: Variations Of Plank To Tone Up Your Body

Rocking plank

The basic is tough enough but wait ’til you try the Rocking Plank

Day 2: Variations Of Plank To Tone Up Your Body

How to do it?

  • Get yourself in starting position. Just like the basic plank position.
  • Rock forward on your toes. Make sure you go forward enough until your shoulders move beyond your hands.
  • Control your movement. Do it slow and steady not fast and explosive. Keep the form straight throughout the exercise.

Why it matters?

  • This not only creates difficulty but also makes you work the muscles in your upper body.
  • This exercise challenges your shoulder strength, balance, and muscle coordination.

The post Day 2: Variations Of Plank To Tone Up Your Body appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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