
sexta-feira, junho 24, 2016

Day 1: Variations Of Plank To Tone Up Your Body

athlete plank

Planking is a simple yet challenging exercise that develops your mid section.

Day 1: Variations Of Plank To Tone Up Your Body

How to do it?

  • Get yourself on the ground. Make sure you’re on a smooth and even surface, better if you’re on a soft platform or mat.
  • Bend your elbows to 90 degrees on the floor. Make sure you put your weight on your forearms and not on your hands.
  • Stretch your legs out straight. Make sure your body is straight from neck to ankles. No slouching or raising of buttocks.
  • Engage core. Brace your abs and glutes.
  • Hold this position. Get yourself a timer or a stop watch and see how long you can last.

Why it matters?

  • Planking can help tone your belly by building deep inner core muscles. These muscles are responsible for what your six-pack would look like.
  • Your posture will greatly benefit from planking since you’re forced to “lock-in” the muscles around your spine in order to maintain a straight form.

The post Day 1: Variations Of Plank To Tone Up Your Body appeared first on Lifehack.

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