
quinta-feira, junho 16, 2016

Day 2 Check-in: Simple Couch Exercises

Couch ex checkin

Today’s check-in will be to make sure that you will make simple couch exercises your daily habit with a bonus tip.

Let’s have a quick check:

  • You picked at least one couch exercise and did it when you were watching TV yesterday.
  • You did at least 10 repetitions for the exercise you chose.

1. Do Reflection

Now reflect with these questions below, how do you think of these simple couch exercises?

  1. Did it take you extra time to just move a bit or to workout?
  2. Did you find focusing on just one exercise and repeat doing it for around 10 times a lot of effort?

I’m guessing the answer for both questions would be no!

Remember: “Some exercise is better than nothing”

Even though it’s taking you little effort and time, you’ll soon see the difference on your body. These baby steps you take will have big impact. According to the study conducted by the Boston University, short bursts of exercises can be as healthy as lengthy exercises.

2. Recognise Yourself

When you can do these simple exercises continuously for 5 days, you should recognise your small wins! Pamper yourself with one favorite food or drink over the weekend, or buy yourself something you really love.

Plus, when you see the differences on your body, it’s actually another form of reward – do you know what this means?

You have successfully made doing simple couch exercises your daily habit!

That’s a step forward to make you fitter and healthier, and for sure you can take on more challenging workout exercises for your next goal!

Featured photo credit: We heart it via

The post Day 2 Check-in: Simple Couch Exercises appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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