
quinta-feira, junho 16, 2016

Day 1 Check-in: Simple Couch Exercises

Couch ex checkin

You’ve finished the goal “Simple Couch Exercises” and here it comes to the next step you should do to make this habit stick before moving on to more challenging workout exercises.

Progress Check-in

Let’s have a quick check-in to make sure that you’re on track!

  • You’re doing at least 1 of the suggested couch exercises every day.
  • You’re doing the couch exercises with the suggested number of repetitions.

If your answer is yes to both, awesome! You’re in great progress! (Don’t miss out tomorrow’s extra tip!)

If your answer is no to one of them, do these today:

1. Just Pick One of these Exercises to Do Today


2. Do 10 to 15 Repetitions of the Exercise

Do it during every TV commercial break, or do it while you’re watching your favorite TV drama.

Featured photo credit: We heart it via

The post Day 1 Check-in: Simple Couch Exercises appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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