
domingo, maio 15, 2016

Food Day 23

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is a tea that is gaining widespread attention for its anti inflammatory effects as well as its possible anti cancer effects. This tea is made from flowers and contains no caffeine but has the benefits associated with green tea.

Chamomile Tea


  1. Buy organic chamomile tea bags or flowers.
  2. To make chamomile tea, steep a chamomile tea bag or chamomile flowers in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes in a mug covered with a saucer.
  3. For stomach ailments, muscle spasms, and help in falling asleep, use about one tablespoon of dried herb per cup of water.
  4. For headaches, drink this tea before the headache becomes too severe.
  5. You can make your own chamomile tea with other plants like lavender or tulsi to vary the flavor, or drink it alone.
  6. Drinking the tea for 30 to 45 minutes before going to bed can treat sleeplessness.
  7. You can drink one to four cups daily.
  8. Fill your water bottle with tea for maximum portability. You can drink this tea as a replacement for pop and juice.
  9. Using chamomile during pregnancy is not recommended, since it is considered to be a substance that may cause abortions.

Health Benefits/Facts

  • Promotes sleep. Chamomile tea is a herbal tea and contains no caffeine.
  • Soothes migraine headaches. This tea is anti inflammatory and will help with headaches caused by inflammation.
  • Possible treatment for stomach and intestinal cramps. One study from England found that drinking chamomile tea raised urine levels of glycine, a compound that calms muscle spasms.
  • Good for skin. The tea’s anti inflammatory effects extend to the skin where it helps ease skin irritations such as eczema, acne, and allergies.
  • Source of antioxidant which can help prevent cancer and has been shown to causes cancer cell death though further research is needed.


Salmon and tomato provide an excellent source of protein, antioxidants, and omega 3 fatty acids.



  1. Fresh and whole salmon are the cheapest and healthiest form of salmon. Make sure that the store keeps the salmon on ice if not frozen and check for unusual smells.
  2. Use a freezer to store the salmon for as long as possible. It is best to consume salmon within 2-3 weeks.
  3. Cook the salmon until the inside is no longer translucent red.
  4. Cooking methods include broiling, baking, grilling or frying. The best method is broiling because it allows the fish to be cooked just enough so as not to lose too many nutrients.
  5. To reduce fat content, remove the skin of the salmon before cooking.
  6. Avoid losing nutrients by avoiding stir frying the salmon
  7. Low mercury salmon include Southeast Alaskan chum, sockeye, Coho, pink, and Chinook salmon, together with Kodiak Coho, pink, and chum salmon. Alaskan salmon carries the lowest risk in being contaminated,


  • Anti-inflammatory. The ogega-3-fatty acids in the salmon decrease inflammation and increases circulation. Omega-3 fatty acids are also known for their ability to prevent heart diseases diabetes and certain types of cancer.



  1. Make sure to store fresh tomatoes at room temperature and avoid refrigeration.
  2. Make a tomato sandwich (with scrambled or boiled eggs).
  3. Eat fresh tomatoes or cherry tomatoes as a mid-afternoon snack.
  4. Cooking tomatoes helps destroy harmful bacteria and viruses.
  5. Tomatoes can be mashed, diced, and even made into tomato sauce to put on pastas and eggs.
  6. Look for the freshest tomatoes at the supermarket and pick the tomatoes that are firm but yield to slight pressure. Avoid tomatoes that are squishy or have unusual smells.


  • Strong bones. Tomatoes contain a considerable amount of calcium and Vitamin K. Both of these nutrients are essential in strengthening and performing minor repairs on the bones as well as the bone tissue.
  • Helps prevent cancer. The antioxidant, lycopene is present in tomatoes which can help prevent oxidants from causing cancer.
  • High in vitamins and minerals. Tomatoes are high in vitamins A, B, C and contain potassium. All these chemicals are key in maintaining a healthy body.

Bonus Tips

How to Quit Craving

Read more

Now that you’re more than three weeks in to the whole 30 diet, you’ve had plenty of time to examine your health habits. If you’re like millions of Americans, your health is affected by a number of different factors, including alcohol consumption. It is estimated that alcohol contributes to about 200 diseases and health conditions, causing billions of dollars in damage per year in the United States alone. And even if your use falls far below dangerous levels, it’s still possible that your drinking habits are contributing to weight gain, sleep loss, and other problems.

  • Benefits of Cutting Back

While many people have experienced the bloated feeling that comes with excessive drinking, it’s not always easy to connect that to a calorie count. And yet, some brands of beer and cider have more than 250 calories in a pint. Add a couple of those onto a meal and you’ve got more than half of the recommended calorie intake for an entire day in your belly.

  • Steps to Follow

Because alcohol is a social drug, it can be difficult to set off on a period of intake reduction on your own. Luckily, you don’t have to! If you’re looking to seriously cut back, get your friends and family involved. Commit to cutting back on alcohol together. That way, you won’t be put in awkward social situations as the odd man out. Another tip: ditch the rounds. Drinking in rounds can easily become about speed and quantity, and that can be a destructive combination.

  • Pick Your Battles

Of course, alcohol, like everything, has a financial cost. One way to cut back on intake is to take your alcohol fund and spend it on higher quality booze or beer. That way, you’ll buy less quantity and better quality. And, don’t be afraid to take some days off. Giving yourself a schedule and sticking to it is a sure way to succeed.

Featured photo credit: via

The post Food Day 23 appeared first on Lifehack.

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