
domingo, maio 15, 2016

Food Day 22


Tuna is widely consumed throughout the world especially in east Asia. It is high in protein and omega -3- fatty acids to help the body function.



  1. We recommend that you purchase canned tuna packed in water or broth. This allows for easy storage and portability. Tuna packaged in oil is usually the moistest and the oil is usually high in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
  2. It is best that you eat 8-12 ounces of tuna over 2-3 servings per week. Going over this limit greatly increases your chances of mercury poisoning. Yellow fin tuna variety contains the highest amount of mercury risk among the tuna varieties.
  3. Canned tuna can be used to make easy sandwiches, can be added to salads, or served with vegetables.
  4. If you purchase fresh tuna, make sure it is from a reliable store or fish monger. Avoid tuna that has unusual odors, or brown or dry spots. Stores should be storing fresh tuna on ice.
  5. Make sure to put fresh tuna in the fridge as soon as possible and in the fridge if you are not planning on cooking it within the next 2 days. In the freezer, the tuna will keep for 2 to 3 weeks.
  6. Wash and gut fresh tuna before cooking.
  7. Fresh tuna should be cooked until the internal temperature reaches about 145°F (63°C).
  8. We do not recommend relying on tuna for your intake of seafood or omega -3 fatty acids.
  9. Make sure you are not allergic to tuna.

Health Benefits/Facts

  • Prevents high blood pressure by the actions of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Rich in B vitamins which increase the rate of metabolism and boost the immune system.
  • Strong bones. Vitamin D, which is found in tuna, aids in the reabsorption of calcium by the bones.
  • Good for building muscles. Tuna is high in protein which helps build the body.


Remember to drink honey water and eat broccoli. Honey water will help you feel better and broccoli is high in antioxidants and fiber.

Honey Water


  1. Buy organic honey if possible.
  2. Raw honey has many vitamins and minerals and also contains antioxidants but may contain bacteria or viruses
  3. Drink honey water when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed.
  4. Drink honey water as a replacement for sweet drinks such as pops or sweetened water
  5. Don’t put too much honey in your water otherwise you lose the low calorie benefit
  6. Store your honey in a cool dry place to keep it fresh for as long as possible.
  7. If your honey has crystallized, place the container in hot water for 15 minutes. This will help return it to its liquid state

How do drink

  • Drink with warm water (but hot enough to melt the honey)
  • Add some fresh lemon to enhance the taste
  • Add cinnamon to your honey water to enhance the taste

When to drink

  • We recommended to drink this on an empty stomach
  • Honey water can also be drunk after a workout session

Health Benefits/Facts

  • Helps prevents weight gain. Honey water is sweet and will act to suppress your appetite.
  • Suppresses cough and throat irritation due to its wound healing properties
  • Honey water is low calorie but contains more minerals than sugar water
  • Possible digestive aid. Early evidence has found positive effects of honey in terms of increasing weight and the passage of food through the stomach.



  • To conserve the nutritional content fresh broccoli is the best.
  • To lower the risk of bacterial and viral infection, broccoli should be cooked.
  • We recommend that you steam broccoli for no longer than 7 minutes. The instructions are listed below

Instructions for Steamed Broccoli

  1. Fill the bottom of a steamer with water to a level of about 2 inches and bring to a rapid boil
  2. While the water is heating up, cut the florets into quarters and cut the stems into ½ inch slices
  3. Once the water is boiling, add the leaves and the florets
  4. Steam for 2 minutes
  5. Add the stems to the leaves and the florets
  6. Steam for 5 minutes
  7. Plate and serve


  • Healthy Digestion. The fibre in broccoli helps absorbs toxins put into your intestines by your liver and also acts to help food move through your intestines.
  • Anti-cancer. The antioxidants in the broccoli help neutralize the cancer causing oxidants in your body.
  • Better metabolism of fats and carbohydrates helped by the vitamin B found in broccoli.
  • Lowers the risk of colon-cancer through the chlorophyll present in its cells.

Bonus Tips

How to Quit Craving

Read more

Many productive people around the world rely on coffee to get through their days. It is the world’s most-used psychoactive substance. Yet, we don’t even think of it as a drug! It is all-too-apparent, however, that caffeine is highly addictive: many people can’t do without a cup (or three) of Joe once they start a habit. Sometimes, this is ok. Yet, for many people, caffeine addiction has serious health consequences. If you’re questioning the role that caffeine has in your life, read on.

  • Why Give up Coffee?

Adults should consider giving up a coffee habit if several requirements are met. First, caffeine, like all drugs, affects people in different ways. And, after repeated use, it will affect the same person in different ways. This is known as tolerance. After a period of heavy consumption, caffeine will no longer affect the body and mind as it once did, forcing users to up the ante. Without knowing it, many people end up consuming excessive amounts of caffeine to get the same results that one cup of coffee once gave them. And, as with all drugs, caffeine can damage health.

  • Health Issues

When taken over a long period of time, caffeine can have serious side effects. These include insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, and headaches. If people with anxiety problems, heart conditions, and epilepsy can experience complications from caffeine. In short, caffeine should be viewed as a drug with legitimate side effects.

  • How to Stop

There are two popular methods employed by people trying to stop their caffeine use. The first is the cold turkey method, where you don’t drink any caffeine at all while the body gets used to operating without a boost. This method is the fastest, and it will tell you more about your body’s functioning on caffeine. However, it can lead to withdrawal symptoms and put you out of productive working order for up to 3 days. The second method, weaning, is less severe. To quit, you gradually drink 50 mg less caffeine every two days. While this takes longer than cold turkey, there are less withdrawal symptoms and productivity won’t suffer. Both methods work, it’s just a question of what you want.

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The post Food Day 22 appeared first on Lifehack.

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