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quarta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2016

10 Excellent Foods To Heal A Sore Throat You Didn’t Know About


A sore throat is just one of those horrible body infections that often comes to us at the wrong time. The source is easily explained but just too difficult to understand how to avoid. It is caused by a bacteria infection that could be acquired from ingesting contaminated food or brushing your teeth with a contaminated toothbrush(do not keep your toothbrushes in a an open-environment, they are better in a cupboard). Nonetheless, if you have already caught a sore throat as I presume you have, (that is why you are reading this article), you may want to try these 10 excellent foods you didn’t know about to heal your sore throat.

1. Honey + Garlic + Ginger + Lemon


Mixing ground garlic and ginger with honey and lemon all in warm water can be of great help to clear your sore throat in a matter of hours. Garlic, lemon and ginger will help destroy the sore throat causing-bacteria while honey being a universal healing agent will rebuild the layer of your throat which was damaged. This mixture can also serve to assist many other mouth, throat, and stomach issues.

2. Salt + Water


Gargling salt and water is a great sore throat healing agent which has been used for decades and still remains effective. The salt helps to reduce the pain by adding more sodium to your throat’s walls and also frees up your stuffy nose.

3. Chicken Soup

Bowl of clear chicken soup with noodle and vegetables

A delicious bowl of chicken soup is one of the most exciting remedies to deliver you from the excruciating pain caused by sore throat. Chicken soup is not only an anti-inflammatory potion but also a revitalizing agent and energy booster which can clean your alimentary and nasal canal as it contains key ingredients such as garlic, onion and chili.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar


Here is another great concoction you will love. Mixing a Tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar and a Tbsp of honey in a warm cup of water will warm up and lubricate your throat. Taking less than five of these a day should be enough to mitigate the swelling and heal the infection.

5. Eucalyptus oil


Steam inhalation of a bowl of warm water containing two drops of Eucalyptus oil can go a long way to clearing  your sore throat, cough, and runny nose in a matter of hours. As a natural healing agent, eucalyptus has a great penetrating and coating ability which can calm your inflamed throat.

6. Banana


Bananas are a non-acidic and soft fruit which can travel through your throat without causing any pain. Bananas can also provide some necessary nutrients such as Vitamin B6, Potassium, and most importantly Vitamin C which serves for growth and repair of tissues in your throat.

7. Boiled carrots


Carrots are one of the most useful food remedies you need to clear out your sore throat and revitalize your body. Carrots contain a lot of antioxidants and a huge amount of Vitamin C that serves to repair damaged tissue such as that caused by sore throat. Of course, the carrots should first be boiled or steamed before eating since raw carrots are too rigid and may worsen the pain.

8. Oatmeal


Eating warm banana oatmeal is not only delicious but very helpful to heal your sore throat as oatmeal contains a good amount of soluble fiber and protein which can help strengthen your fragile throat. Oatmeal mixed with banana offers double the rewards; banana regenerates the layer in your throat which was damaged while the oatmeal fortifies the regenerated layer.

9. Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are a very nutritious source of proteins that can definitely help to lower the inflammation caused by your sore throat. Also, eating the eggs without much spices will avoid any unwanted irritation in your throat.

10. Cabbage


Eating cabbage can highly reduce the inflammation and pain caused in your throat as it contains a lot of antioxidants including nutritious components such as Vitamin C and Vitamin K. Mixing cabbage with a bit of apple cider vinegar could be delicious and very helpful for your sore throat.

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