
domingo, janeiro 24, 2016

Science Says Gamers Are More Intelligent


We live in a world of criticism and stereotypes. We – as gamers – are often judged by this one interest of ours without having the chance to show our other talents and skills.

If you are someone who can ignore people’s opinion and keep doing what you love, great; however, some gamers feel bad about it, and let that stop them from dreaming big and achieving more in life.

Here’s the motivation boost you’ve been waiting for. Science says we are more intelligent than non-gamers. Furthermore, playing daily for many hours is not all that bad. Regular gameplay actually makes us better at decision making, more goal-oriented, smarter in general, and unleashes the creative genius inside of us.

Since some people don’t believe (my parents sure question this theory), there is some research no one can argue with it. We present three actual reasons why games make us more intelligent. You can use them as proof in front of those who criticize you all the time.

1. Gamers are less stressed.

This study from East Carolina University clearly states that video games help us relieve stress and are one of the best ways to blow off steam.

While the average person may indulge in lazy activities like social media, watching TV, binge eating, or drinking out with friends, gamers already have a way to reduce stress that is a part of their daily life.

This helps us handle problems more easily throughout the day and deal with other people and issues without taking it too seriously. In the long-term, it leads to more peaceful and relaxed mind, body, and soul.

2. Games make us 20% smarter.

If you’d like to speak with numbers and sound more convincing, then use this research by the Department of Defense that directly says that gamers are more intelligent.

The main reason is that video games increase perceptual abilities, improve short-term memory, and help focus longer. On top of that, playing games sharpens the mind and boosts brain power. This is because most games require the person to react fast, and come up with a solution to a problem with immediacy. Gaming helps keep the brain consistently working at higher efficiency.

The love for games usually goes together with being interested in other technologies too. Because of this, gamers like to explore new devices, and master new tools or apps before others learn how to use them. This fosters a healthy curiosity for learning which also definitely helps keep the brain active.

3. Game lovers are much more creative.

This study shows that children who play games are creative when it comes to many other activities like writing or painting.

This ability to express ourselves artistically is due to how games let us be creative in every possible way, like having to come up with unusual ways to overcome obstacles, build something from scratch, and combine seemingly unrelated elements to complete a quest.

When it comes to creativity, once you unleash it, you can apply the same skills to anything in life.

Daily life, with all its worries and distractions, makes people lazy when it comes to going after their goals. Most often, they haven’t even defined their goals yet. Following your dreams means taking action daily to get one step closer to your vision. This pursuit requires patience, consistency, and effort. For gamers, most have learned to turn setting and achieving goals into a habit. Games have taught us how to follow instructions, to always be going after something, and improving our skills all the time.

Games also show us that failure doesn’t mean the game is over, it just means we didn’t find the thing that works yet. Trying again means moving forward and getting closer to the solution.


So, that’s what makes gamers more intelligent.

The facts are there, backed by scientific research. Next time someone disrespects you for being a gamer, show them the truth.

Be proud of being a gamer!

Featured photo credit: ESL Extreme Masters: Pro Gaming via

The post Science Says Gamers Are More Intelligent appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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