
domingo, janeiro 24, 2016

How Your Commute To Work Affects Your Health And Productivity [Infographic]


In 2015, I spent over 500 hours commuting. I work in the next city over, so that means I spend a lot of time on the train and walking to and from the station. To make the most of my time, I read the news, answer emails, and catch up on social media. Sometimes, I just take the interval between work and home to relax, look back, and listen to some music. Even though the commute is time consuming, I still consider it time well spent.

Venngage and ApartmentList conducted a study to determine which commuting modes are most popular in which cities. What they found was that in big cities where the cost of rent was higher, people tended to commute more by biking or walking, whereas cities where the rent is cheaper tended to have a larger population of people who commuted by car or bus. The study also found a correlation between cities where a higher percentage of the population commuted by car with higher rates of obesity, while cities with a higher percentage of walkers and cyclists had lower rates of obesity.

A lot of this seems like common sense. After all, a commute that requires you to be physically active on a daily basis will naturally have a positive effect in your physical health. But, for many people, the stress of using public transit can take a toll on their mental health, and a commute longer than 45 minutes can negatively affect your health as a whole.

What commuting mode do you use? How could you mix it up to involve more physical activity, or to give yourself a mental break?

This infographic shows which commuting mode is most popular by city in America, and the correlation between commuting modes and the rate of obesity.

Commuter Infographic by Venngage

Featured photo credit: commute via

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