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sábado, janeiro 23, 2016

Science Says Eating More Fat Can Be Good for Our Health

Olives and olive oil

Because of the current fitness industry trend of setting unrealistic body image expectations for drug-free men and women, many different myths about nutrition are recognized as healthy truths that help our organs function more efficiently. One of those notorious myths is that fat is unhealthy for you.

Sadly, this is a great lie and people who adapt their diets to this misconception are leading an unhealthy lifestyle—which is exactly the opposite of what they want to achieve. When people hear the word “fat,” they have the wrong idea about what this word actually means—they imagine things like obesity and deep fried foods. However, that’s just what advertising has planted in our minds, and you deserve to know what fat really is.

There Is Not Just One Type Of Fat: The Good and the Bad

First of all, there’s not just one type of fat. Actually, there are four of them: saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and trans fats. Each of these types can be found in a separate group of foods. If you want to avoid bad cholesterol, you should limit your intake of saturated fats that are found in dairy products and meats, and trans fats which are produced artificially and added to a large number of products, and can sometimes be found under the designation “partially hydrogenated oils” or “hydrogenated vegetable oil.”

Polyunsaturated fats are actually oils such as sunflower, corn and walnut, all of which are typically used when cooking. Unfortunately, when exposed to high temperatures, e.g. in a frying pan, these vegetables oils turn to trans fat, and it is this group that increases the risk of getting cancer and many other diseases.

Monounsaturated fats have a completely different effect—they help lower your weight in a healthy way and they can also prolong a person’s life. These fats are highly concentrated in avocado, nuts and olives, and you should add them to your diet and do so on a daily basis. So, these oils are best used as salad dressing, or better yet, you can simply consume olives and different seeds instead of just their oils.

You have probably heard of Omega-3 fatty acids, because there is plenty of information about their benefits all over the Internet—they help your organs fight off various diseases and they help build a strong immune system. They can be found in oily fish like trout, salmon and herring, as well as flaxseed oil.

Our society is practically obsessed with weight issues, and more often than not, people can’t cope with the fact that the functionality of their body decreases with age—which is only natural. This happens because the production of HGH (Human Growth Hormone) significantly decreases when we hit our late twenties, and you can’t expect your body to deal with everything you throw at it as effectively as it did when you were young. So, it’s quite necessary to change your habits if you want to keep your youthful look as long as possible.

It’s Necessary for Your Brain

Considering the fact that your brain is about sixty percent fat, having a low fat diet actually prevents your mind from functioning properly. Basically, when you eat less fats in order to look good, you’re only sacrificing your brain—sounds terrible when you put it this way, doesn’t it?

Vitamins A, D, E and K can’t be transported into your body by water, and they need fats so that your body can absorb them. You should know that these vitamins are quite necessary for your body, if you want to decrease the risk of developing diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

It’s Healthy for Your Skin

The largest organ in the human body that protects all the other organs—skin—is made out of a huge number of cells that have regenerative abilities. As we get older, the power of those abilities significantly decreases. In order to prolong their lifespan (and yours, as a matter of fact), it’s quite necessary to intake healthy fats that fight against dry skin and various other skin diseases.

It Boosts Your Immune System

Preventing your body from feeding on fats directly affects the strength of your immune system. For it to be able to fight off various invaders that attack your organs on a daily basis, you need access to saturated fats, so that you won’t have any troubles with bacteria, fungi and viruses.

I really hope that you now have a different image in your mind when you hear the f-word. Fats are something your organs desperately need in order to function properly. Obviously, your looks are directly connected to your health, so if you take in moderate amounts of healthy fats each day, you’ll look good, as well.

The post Science Says Eating More Fat Can Be Good for Our Health appeared first on Lifehack.

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