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quinta-feira, janeiro 07, 2016

50 Small Things That Make Relationships Last


It is up to you to find importance and relevance in the small things that could bring out the best in your relationship.

Here are 50 small things that relationships need to last.

  1. Travel and discover new places together.
  2. Forgive immediately.
  3. Forget and don’t keep a score.
  4. Communicate and listen more.
  5. Pursue your individual passions.
  6. Set goals as a couple.
  7. Pursue goals together.
  8. Learn to say “thank you” to the other person.
  9. Celebrate your victories together.
  10. Manage your losses together.
  11. Always be grateful for the other person in your life.
  12. Surprise the other person with a thoughtful action.
  13. Grow together.
  14. Adjust and tolerate your partner.
  15. Be supportive of your partner’s goals.
  16. Respect your partner’s space and time.
  17. Compliment your partner for their effort.
  18. Don’t hesitate to speak your mind.
  19. Always focus on the best in your partner.
  20. Be accountable and responsible for your emotions.
  21. Be open and willing to share everything. Fully open your heart and let your partner in.
  22. Be present. Be willing to give your partner your attention, your time, your soul, and your focus.
  23. Be silly sometimes. Don’t take everything so seriously.
  24. Respect each other’s friends and family.
  25. Look good and attractive for your mate.
  26. Respect each other’s privacy.
  27. Be responsible with money. Money has a vital role to play in your union.
  28. Be a lady (or a gentleman). Simple things like throwing out the thrash or getting the groceries sustains the relationship and shows that you care.
  29. Never give up on your relationship. Expect everything will turn out well.
  30. Mind your manners and be courteous.
  31. Adapt and be self-sufficient. Don’t ask for everything from your mate. Learn to handle yourself and deal with some of your domestics.
  32. Appreciate their family and friends. There is no harm in having them over every now and then.
  33. Be decent. Maintain good hygiene and dress properly.
  34. Be affectionate. Hold their hands, kiss them, and show that you really care about them.
  35. Be romantic. Be creative on ways to spice up your relationship. Plan a special night with your partner. Do something remarkable for them.
  36. Never forget their birthdays, anniversaries, or special moments. Relive those wonderful times with them.
  37. Admit that you are wrong. You won’t always be right. Throw away your pride and be willing to tolerate the other person – no matter what.
  38. Be a problem solver rather than being overly critical.
  39. Focus on improving yourself and becoming a better person for the your partner. Never stop giving your best in the relationship.
  40. Be a team player. It is not about your singular effort, but rather what you can achieve together as a team.
  41. Don’t be lazy in your love. There is no need to be adamant about how you feel. Always work on improving your love for the other person.
  42. It is your duty to be a partner and to love the other person for who they are. You cannot change them. All you can do is adore their strong qualities and be aware of their flaws.
  43. Be accountable for how you feel. Your partner is not a toy or a thing that is meant to make you happy. Instead, learn to treasure how you feel for them, regardless of what happens.
  44. Never play the blame-game. Instead, find ways to heal your pain and your partner’s also.
  45. Be informed. Know what makes the other person feel validated and loved.
  46. Be vulnerable. You may not want to show it, but your partner is there for you to admit your feelings, worries, and fears to them.
  47. Crack a joke and be willing to laugh at their jokes.
  48. Don’t be cheap. Go the extra mile and show how much you value the other person in your life.
  49. Be aware of their needs and wants.
  50. Listen, and know when silence plays a better role than speaking out.

Featured photo credit: via

The post 50 Small Things That Make Relationships Last appeared first on Lifehack.

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