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quinta-feira, outubro 08, 2015

10 Weird Facts About New Jersey

10 weird facts about New Jersey

There is no doubt that New Jersey is home to many who are proud of their beautiful Garden state. Heck, there are some residents who would defend it to their very last breath. It definitely seems like a great state with rich history, though there are some pretty weird facts about New Jersey that you probably didn’t know. Here are 10 of them:

1. A New Jersey woman inherited Napoleon’s …er…sword

During Napoleon’s autopsy, he had the unfortunate luck of having his penis removed. His member was then handed over to a priest, for whatever reason. Since then, it has exchanged hands a large number of times. The bodiless penis was last inherited by a New Jersey lady whose father apparently decided that the best thing to do with it was keep it in a suitcase under the bed. It stayed there for 30 years.

So, what happened to it?? The New Jersey daughter still has it, and people are trying to buy it from here. In fact, she has turned down at least one offer of $100,000.

 2. People convicted of drunk driving can’t have vanity license plates

You know those neat license plates that tell others you’re “SCAMMIN”, or that you “heart” someone/something? You know those plates that have some strand of symbols that sometimes seem to only make sense to the driver? Well, people who have been convicted of intoxicated driving are not allowed to have one.

Be good, kids, or you cannot tell people that you heart LH.

3. New Jersey tried to give an old lady’s house to Donald Trump.

New Jersey once tried to use eminent domain on an elderly woman’s house, and then transfer it to Donald Trump. He wanted to build a limousine parking lot there. You know, because it’s totally fair to take away an old lady’s house so you can build a parking lot for limos. Needless to say, they were not successful in this endeavor.

 4. New Jersey also has some pretty strange driving laws

You’ve probably heard the stereotype of New Jersey drivers are crazy. They definitely have the second highest rate of auto insurance in the country. Aside from the state’s reputation for having crazy drivers, it also has some pretty (seemingly) random driving laws. Don’t believe me?

For one thing, it is illegal to plant trees in the middle of the street in Blairstown, New Jersey. (One could argue this should be illegal on every road). Think that’s weird? Another outdated law says all motorists are required to honk before passing another motorist. This includes another car, a bicycle, and even a skateboarder.

5: There are diners on every corner

Seriously. There are diners roughly every ½ mile. Diners are a way of life, and the people of New Jersey practically live in them. They didn’t choose the diner life. The diner life chose them.

6. The people of New Jersey are very careful when they eat soup

In New Jersey, it is against the law to slurp your soup. I think we all know a few people who may have a bit of trouble with this one! Maybe you should send them to New Jersey.

7. New Jersey is where the street names come from for the game Monopoly

While the streets of Atlantic City may look quite different today than they did back in 1929 when the game was created, Monopoly is set in Atlantic City, New Jersey.There are countless versions of Monopoly available in Atlantic City because of this historic connection.

8. New Jersey is the home of the first baseball game

You can thank Hoboken, a city just outside of Hudson County, for the first baseball game.

9. New Jersey is the home of the first drive-in movie theater

The first drive-in movie theater was debuted in Camden, New Jersey.

10. New Jersey is REALLY big on technology

An estimated 2,700 of the companies in New Jersey are software companies, or at least companies that do something software-related.This is a high number of technology organizations.

Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanacek via

The post 10 Weird Facts About New Jersey appeared first on Lifehack.

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