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quinta-feira, setembro 17, 2015

Doing These 9 Things Right Before Big Presentations Will Make You A Great Public Speaker


Everyone has experienced that nervousness when they are faced with delivering a spectacular presentation. The most peculiar thing is that the rush always seems to come just minutes before the big moment. For even seasoned speakers, making a presentation before an audience still causes some tension and unease. What’s important is not whether the anxiety shows up, but how you actually handle such anxiety and battle the fright, yet come out bold and successful.

Courage is not an absence of fear, rather it is how you manage that fear and come out with confidence. Here are some things you should try before a big presentation in order to manage your anxiety. For more tips, check out this article from Business Insider.

1. Be on time

It is best to get into the right mood for a presentation by being at the venue on time. Being on time allows you to meet with your audience, psych yourself up, and test the electronic gadgets for the presentation. All these contribute to the right attitude that will help you excel with your presentation.

2. Meet your audience

Don’t stick to the old rule of being a speaker only. Learn to mingle and socialize. This skill will help you to be more relaxed and ease tension between you and your audience. It also proves to the audience that you are friendly and amiable.

3. Be prepared

Whether you like it or not, preparation is key to making a powerful presentation. But it goes beyond that — being comfortable with your location and your meeting room is helpful when passing along your message to your audience. Get to know the environment, the seating arrangement, lighting, microphone, and whatever other equipment is involved.

4. Visualize your success

Be positive. See the eventuality of the success of your presentation. Practice the first minute in your mind. Think of the witty line that you plan to use to grab the attention of your audience. By visualizing your success beforehand, you build yourself up to realizing the success of your presentation.

5. Pump yourself up

Go to the restroom. Take several deep breaths to maximize the amount of oxygen that gets into your lungs and drink some water. Even some light exercise or stretching will do you some good before you start that presentation by sending more oxygen to your brain. All these activities will get you more relaxed and settled before the presentation begins.

6. Smile

Smiling shows you are cheerful and appealing. It relaxes your body and assures your audience that you are glad to see them. By not betraying your confidence with a stern face, you are not only creating a pleasant attitude — you are also creating a less tense atmosphere.

7. Speak positively to yourself

Talking positively psychs you up to solidify your confidence and self-esteem. Use affirmations like, “I am a great speaker,” and “I am going to deliver a mind-blowing presentation.” Usually such affirmations become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

8. Understand that you are there to give

In the truest sense, you are making a presentation because you have something relevant to say. Your presentation is a gift to your audience. This should generate a feeling of enthusiasm, joy, and preparedness — not one of nervousness.

9. Take a standing position before speaking

Sitting before you are called to speak makes you dull and inactive. Be active by standing or pacing within a small space. Standing gives you the energy and mental alertness ahead of time. It allows every part of the body to get in tune with making your presentation.

Taking advantage of the few minutes before your presentation by getting active and doing the above things will be beneficial to helping you deliver a good speech.

Featured photo credit: via

The post Doing These 9 Things Right Before Big Presentations Will Make You A Great Public Speaker appeared first on Lifehack.

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