
quinta-feira, agosto 13, 2015

This Infographic Shows That Facebook Addiction Is Becoming A Real Problem


Do you reach for your phone and scroll through your Facebook feed first thing in the morning and last thing at night? Does checking a Facebook notification come as second nature to you, like picking up a phone call or answering an urgent text? Do you find yourself losing hours to the task of mindlessly scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed? Then let me tell you something: you might be a Facebook addict.

The worrying truth is, many people are. This Stop Pracrastinating infographic on compulsive Facebook use shows alarming evidence that many of us have let Facebook take over our lives. For example, 72% of users says that they access Facebook when they should be working or studying, 76% are on Facebook when they should be asleep, and 56% describe their use of Facebook as compulsive.

It is estimated that half of the three billion people who use the internet access Facebook monthly, with about 65% accessing Facebook religiously on a day-to-day basis. Facebook has become a key aspect of one’s online identity. We live an extension of our lives on this social platform. We communicate with friends, both near and far. We use it to have a good laugh at the most trivial forms of entertainment, but we also utilize it to spread awareness about compelling social topics. Simply put, Facebook is a part of our everyday lives- and it is here to stay for many years to come.

However, when your Facebook life starts getting in the way of your real life responsibilities and interactions, you might need to put down your phone and reassess your life… or at least your Facebook habits.

How do you overcome this addiction? The first step is admitting to yourself that you have a problem. Check out the infographic below to see how many compulsive Facebook user habits you possess.

Facebook-and-its-Usage (1)

Featured photo credit: Stop Procrastinating via

The post This Infographic Shows That Facebook Addiction Is Becoming A Real Problem appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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