
quinta-feira, agosto 13, 2015

12 Signs That You’re In Love With A Narcissist


For some reason, we’re incredibly attracted to people with deep, persisting flaws. For many, narcissists are one the most attractive types of people, even though they’re some of the worst people to be around. Are you in love with one? Find out by reading this list of common traits amongst narcissists.

1. They can’t or won’t admit when they’re wrong

A narcissist will not accept the idea that they could have been wrong about something. If someone you love argues intensely about something as innocuous as whether or not they took out the trash, you might want to watch your step.

2. They’re jealous all the time

Envy is almost synonymous with narcissism. If your significant other is scared of you even getting in the car with someone of the opposite sex, they could be a narcissist.

3. They control the conversation

Conversations should be a give-and-take. If someone is always leading the conversation and consistently making it about themselves, chances are high that they’re a narcissist.

4. They’re too pretty for their own good

Beauty is often associated with narcissism. This doesn’t mean that if you’re in love with a very attractive person then you’re in love with a narcissist, but it is definitely a possible warning sign. If enough of the other traits on this list match the person you love, they might be a narcissist.

5. They think that kindness equates to weakness

Kindness in the face of adversity requires an inner strength, but a narcissist will argue that displaying kindness shows that you are weak. Someone who believes this is not worth being with.

6. They think they’re the smart one and you’re the dumb one

A narcissist is often convinced that they’re a genius and you are not. Even if you both take an IQ test and you score higher, they’ll insist that there was something wrong with the test. No matter how much evidence is stacked against them, a narcissist will never accept that they’re not the smartest person in the room.

7. They get really angry

Anger is a clear giveaway of a narcissist, especially if the anger is over relatively inconsequential things. For example, if your loved one is mad at you for being a few minutes late to something, you better watch out.

8. They’re not grateful

Check out this list of thank you quotes. If the person you love is a narcissist, they won’t understand any of them. If you can’t get them to grasp the concept of gratitude, there’s not much hope for a healthy relationship.

9. They don’t understand or accept boundaries.

If your loved one feels the need to be with you at all times, not giving you any time to yourself, they might be trouble. When you feel invaded, set clear boundaries. If they’re still ignored, narcissism might be the reason why.

10. They’re TOO honest

Narcissists are generally blunt bordering on rude. If someone always has to tell you the truth, even when it’s hurtful or especially when it’s hurtful, then they might be suffering from some significant character flaws.

11. They remember what you did wrong and forget what you’ve done right

A narcissist is often someone who’s keeping score. They compare the good things you’ve done to the bad, constantly looking for reasons to criticize. Even worse, they’re not counting properly. If someone you love only recollects the problematic things you’ve done in the past instead of all the good, they’re probably a narcissist.

12. They never change

You might argue that nobody ever changes, but narcissists especially won’t budge from who they are. If you’ve deduced that you’re in love with a narcissist, don’t hold out too much hope that you can get them to become the person you need them to be.

The post 12 Signs That You’re In Love With A Narcissist appeared first on Lifehack.

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