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sexta-feira, agosto 14, 2015

12 Habits You Should Kick Before You Hit 30


Age 30 is a pivotal age. When you reach that milestone of being 30, there should be certain bad habits you have been able to let go of.

1. You should stop caring about what the world thinks of you

Do you really want to get the world’s attention? Are you always putting up a post or a picture on social media and suddenly you have become so active on social media that you do not have a life of your own put together?

You really need to stop caring about what the world thinks of you and do what makes you happy without seeking any undue attention. It will help you concentrate on your life rather than how others react to it.

2. You keep holding on to a grudge

Forgiveness is very important as you reach 30. Holding a grudge can negatively impact your social life, and your relationships with those you work with.

It is important for you to let go of those who have hurt you and forgive yourself. If you can achieve this, you can break down whatever mental block that is working against you.

3. You don’t want to be responsible

You don’t want to be responsible and keep running around the hole instead of staring at your problems and dealing with them. You are stuck playing the victim, which creates tension in your social life and doesn’t allow you to learn from your mistakes.

You have to take your life and be in charge of it, whether financially, spiritually and emotionally. You should stop making excuses and delegating blames to this or that. If you are not okay with where you are now, you should start fixing it.

4. You don’t save

You spend your money as it comes and live paycheck to paycheck. You think you are the king by buying all the latest luxury goods in the market, when you are really taking away your own safety net.

You really need to start focusing on your future. Saving money is what will secure that future.

5. You still hang around the wrong people

What do your friends say about you? Do they have a positive influence on you or are you trying to have a sense of belonging by following the pack?

You deserve to be with friends that bring out the best in you and compliment your strengths and personality. If your friends are holding you back, make new connections and learn about new communities to start new.

6. You love getting wasted

You believe you are still the ‘wonderkid’ and you love getting wasted to prove to yourself that you are young and adventurous. You keep doing this and you will hurt your career, your personal life, and your health.

Focus on things that bring out the best in you and make you someone everyone wants to be with. There are many ways to have fun without drugs or alcohol – seek out those adventures instead.

7. You don’t value important relationships

You are distant and far from friends and family. You don’t value them or even spend time with them. You only reach out to friends and family when you need something from them.

You have to set aside some time for friends and family, as they important to your personal development. Nourishing those relationships will help you grow, and help you achieve success in the long run.

8. You do not maintain a healthy lifestyle

You prefer to drink, smoke and eat out than to discipline yourself and maintain a healthy lifestyle like exercising, cooking and eating right. Maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle will only jeopardize your health and harm your body in the long run. This negatively affects your health, your ability to manage stress, and probably your social life.

Try to get on a regimented schedule, so you know when you are working out for the week, and what you’ll be eating. Limit your use of drugs and alcohol.

9. You keep on procrastinating

You wait for the time to be perfect before you take an action. Guess what, there is never a perfect time to do what you have to. The world won’t wait for you.

Learn to take action and pursue your dreams.

10. You stick to your past

The past is the past. You don’t have to continue beating yourself over the mistakes you made. Living in regrets does not take you anywhere.

Learn to focus on what is ahead and set goals and make plans for the future.

11. You have no goals

You have no clarity about where you are going. You live your life on auto-pilot. You make others determine your direction when you have no absolute clarity about your destination.

You should determine where you want to be and what you want out of life, and create a road map for it.

12. You are always anxious

You worry about everything: what will happen in the next five years, what your friends are thinking about you, finding the partner of your dreams, being a millionaire before you turn 35…

Worrying doesn’t solve problems. It only saps your energy that will have been used in something more productive. Try not to be anxious and take each day at a time.

Featured photo credit: via

The post 12 Habits You Should Kick Before You Hit 30 appeared first on Lifehack.

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