
terça-feira, fevereiro 23, 2016

It’s Never Too Late To Start, Here’s Why [Infographic]


It’s never too late to start doing what you want to do. Thankfully, being creative and innovative doesn’t come with an age limit.

Many people will get to a certain age in their life and think: “I wish I had done that”. Now, it’s time to stop thinking like that and realize that you’re never too old to achieve your goals and dreams.

The latest infographic from Funders and Founders has taken a look at some of the most successful and well known founders of business who have started their most popular ventures at a later age.

The creators behind the infographic looked through the biographies of the top 100 self-starting founders included on Forbes’ World’s Biggest Public Companies list to compile their data. The results found that 35 was the most common age to start a business.

A couple of examples include Doris Fisher who co-founded Gap at 37, Hugo Boss who launched his company at 38, and Masaru Ibuka who launched Sony also aged just 38 years old.


This should serve as the perfect inspiration for anyone struggling through a ‘mid-life’ crisis.

It’s never too old to accomplish your dreams, so don’t wait for tomorrow – get started now and be sure to get your creative vision out there for the world to see.

The full, detailed infographic can be seen below and here.


Featured photo credit: Funders and Founders/Anna Vital via

The post It’s Never Too Late To Start, Here’s Why [Infographic] appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

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