
sábado, fevereiro 13, 2016

How To Balance Family And Work To Reduce Stress

How to Balance Family and Work to Reduce Stress?

Because Americans are so busy these days, they are becoming more stressed. Back in the 1950s, the workers would go to their job, put in their eight hours, and come home to relax. Today, people bring work home. They constantly check their office email through their smartphones, respond to inquiries immediately (even if it’s time for dinner), and read reports late into the evening. This ability to be constantly connected is harming people’s health. It’s time we go back to finding that balance between work and family life.

Many personal development books suggest that incorporating play time and leisure into your work week is necessary. In fact, many companies require employees to take off vacation time to relax and recharge their batteries. However, before you can reconnect with your family, you first have to reconnect with yourself. You must find coping skills for anxiety and deal with your stress, whether it stems from home pressures or work-related issues.

Ways To Reduce Stress

  1. Meditation is a great form of reducing stress because it forces you to forget the world around you and be quiet. You listen to your own breathing and your thoughts. You are able to find peace, even if only for a short time. This 15-minute-a-day activity can improve your health and eliminate your anxiety.
  2. Yoga uses breathing and exercises to help you reduce your stress. In many of the moves, you have to focus on a fixed spot to keep your balance. This focus forces you to remove those work pressures from your mind. As you get more limber, you can try deeper breathing and focusing techniques that improve your ability to let go of stress.
  3. Exercise is important for health and reducing stress. The more movement you create, the healthier your heart is. When the heart is healthy, you have less stress, less anxiety, and more energy to conquer those problems. Exercise also allows you to reduce weight, lower blood pressure, and think clearly.
  4. Prayer can reduce stress and anxiety. The Bible says to give your burdens to God. He will take care of them for you. If you pray, you soon will relax. You might even figure out the answers to your problems.
  5. Singing is not a common therapy for anxiety and stress, but it works. When you sing, you tune into your emotions. If you sing songs you like, you will get rid of the problems that worry you. Breakthrough Performance Workshop teaches people how to use singing to remove stress.
  6. Acupuncture relieves anxiety and stress. According to the Jade Tree Wellness Center, acupuncture uses pressure points to relieve anxiety.
  7. Massage Therapy is another way to reduce stress. Therapeutic massage is designed to heal tension in your muscles. This tension is often caused by stress.

How To Balance Family And Work

Once you have relieved your stress and anxiety, you are better equipped to handle crises at home or in the office. You can listen to the complaints of your children and not think of them as purely criticism. You can think clearly to come up with a solution. At work, you will focus more on problem-solving and what needs to be done. Still, you can do things to keep the two forces from stressing you out.

  1. Family Fun Days or Nights. Dedicate one night or day a week to your family. Turn off the cellphones or ignore them. Do something fun. Every week, ask a different family member to choose. This makes each member feel important.
  2. Regular Meals. It is so hard today to have everyone at the dinner table and engaged. Even while eating together, so many members are using their phones. Try to make it a rule that no phones are allowed at the table. Get together regularly for food.
  3. Talk. It doesn’t matter what the subject is. Find something to say to your spouse or children. Don’t make the conversation about issues, but about other things, such as movies or other interests. Ask about your kid’s dreams and encourage them.
  4. Family Vacations. They might be costly, but you and your children need them. Plan a vacation somewhere so you can relax. Even if you can’t travel, you can take off a week and do things with your family around your hometown.

Experts agree that reducing stress is essential in balancing your work life with your family life. Take these steps to eliminate the negative forces in your life and replace them with positive influences.

Featured photo credit: 10 Ways to Instantly Reduce Stress at Work via

The post How To Balance Family And Work To Reduce Stress appeared first on Lifehack.

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