
terça-feira, fevereiro 23, 2016

40 Self Care Techniques To Rejuvenate And Restore Yourself


Self care is an important thing that is often overlooked in modern society. Take some time out for you and experiment with these 40 techniques that will lead to rejuvenation and restoration.

  1. Schedule time for a divine self care ritual in the morning and evening. Rituals can include exercising, meditating, reading, writing, looking at your vision board, or saying affirmations.
  2. Hire a wellness coach. A wellness coach will help you bring out the best in yourself and will assist you in making sure that you are taking care of yourself, living according to your values, and being properly nourished in all areas of your life.
  3. Schedule and take 2-3 days off a week.
  4. Set aside 5-10 minutes of uninterrupted time to practice daily prayer and gratitude.
  5. Make time for lunch and meal breaks, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Turn technology off, don’t try and multi-task, just enjoy your meal.
  6. Declutter your home, office, and car. Get rid of anything that doesn’t make your life easier or more beautiful.
  7. Practice extreme self care weekly as a non-negotiable. Have a checklist with your favourite self care practices and tick them off as you complete them throughout the week.
  8. Make an appointment at the spa once a week to enjoy a spa treatment (facial, manicure, or pedicure).
  9. Have your hair blowdried at the salon once a month.
  10. Start work late from time to time.
  11. Finish work early from time to time.
  12. Keep a journal at the end of each day. Share your thoughts and feelings for the day. Write in your journal like you’re talking to your best friend—let everything out.
  13. Practice daily meditation and/or yoga.
  14. Prepare a delicious homemade lunch for yourself the night before.
  15. Schedule lunch out with a friend once a week.
  16. Have a Skype coffee date with a friend once a week.
  17. Take time out to design your life just the way you want it.
  18. Find an exercise that you thoroughly enjoy and do it several times a week.
  19. Surround yourself with other supportive and growing people.
  20. Say “no” to more things.
  21. Do one thing every week that scares you. Challenge and grow yourself—you’ll feel better as a person and your confidence will soar.
  22. Take time out every evening to reflect on the day—what worked, what didn’t work, what will you do differently tomorrow?
  23. Drink water every single day.
  24. Alkalize your diet by adding green juices and green vegetables to it.
  25. Turn off your computer and your phone every night by a certain time. No peeking!
  26. Sleep in a pitch black bedroom.
  27. Start your day with warm water and lemon.
  28. Create a list of activities that are fun and exciting. Commit to doing 2-3 every weekend.
  29. Schedule in your self care at the start of the week. Commit to your schedule.
  30. Schedule two-week or month-long holidays throughout the year, just because.
  31. Schedule days in your calendar month to do absolutely nothing.
  32. Allow a buffer time (30 minutes to 1 hour) in your schedule so you’re not rushing from one thing to another.
  33. Eliminate tasks that drain your energy (delegate or delete them).
  34. Don’t respond to emails right away, take your time on the emails that need a proper response. Think them through.
  35. Focus on achieving in all areas of your life, not just in your business or career. When was the last time you paid attention to fun, your health, romance with your partner, friends, or spiritual development?
  36. Take time out every evening to think about and plan the following day.
  37. Take yourself to the park to read an amazing book and enjoy some fresh air.
  38. Buy yourself something amazing after accomplishing something amazing.
  39. Keep a clean house—no dishes, clothes put away, clean living area, and so on. If need be, hire a cleaner.
  40. Catch up on things you have put on the back burner. These can include your taxes, going to the dentist, a check up with the doctor, and so on.

Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanacek via

The post 40 Self Care Techniques To Rejuvenate And Restore Yourself appeared first on Lifehack.

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