
terça-feira, julho 28, 2015

6 Qualities of a Great Blogger

6 Bloggers Every New Blogger Should Follow

Before launching my blog, I did extensive research.  My background in research rarely allows me to simply tackle a new project blindly, I understand the importance of researching and understanding the environment that I am choosing to dive into, how those before me succeed, and how they failed. All of this information helps me prepare myself for the challenges that I will face ahead.

For many, blogging is a business, or a way to market their business, meaning there should be a strategy in place. The best way to strategize, is to be aware of your peers and your audience. One thing I love so much about being a part of the blogging community is just how helpful fellow bloggers are.  Always prepare to support new bloggers, it is truly a welcoming community, if you leave yourself open to it.

How do great bloggers find success?

Blogging is challenging, it is time-consuming, and feels like a full-time job a lot of the time, especially if you are doing it right.  If your goal is to create a great platform for your brand to reach out or to build a great business through the blog, then you should certainly spend as much time as possible building your blog. Some of the greatest qualities the most successful bloggers have are listed below.

Be Resourceful

Being resourceful is a necessary quality in every area of life, and the great bloggers are always resourceful. We are aware of how resourceful they are because they offer their the experience with resources freely. By sharing knowledge, bloggers are able to encourage the sense of community that is so important with their own blog and with fellow writers.

Before launching my new blog, I spent hours exploring several bloggers, including Elaine of XOMISSE, and her amazing list of blog resources, tutorials and tips.  From design, to coding tips, you will learn how to not only launch a great blog, but how to create a beautiful blog. There are many online classes that give you step-by-step blogging advice.

Be Friendly

The blogging community is full of networks, with a focus on community.  As I mentioned above, there is a strong sense of community and those that have found success, enjoy offering as much support as possible to other writers. Being friendly to other bloggers will help you to connect and network with the best. In the future, other bloggers will feel comfortable approaching you, and can create wonderful opportunities for you.

Be Experienced in Writing

A background in writing is important in blogging.  Creating great, and engaging content is essential in blogging. The average reader is very savvy and can easily find another source of information if yours is not there. Without great content, it will be impossible to keep your audience engaged, and will certainly make it difficult to keep them coming back for more.  Your ability to offer solutions and answers to their questions through your content is what will help to build value in your brand over time.

Be Organized

A great blogger is organized. Managing a blog requires the ability to multi-task and to juggle multiple responsibilities. A blogger needs to be organized, especially if your goal is to expand and to write for other publications. Use tools at your disposal to create an easy to follow blog calendar in order to organize your content and to remain consistent for your readers.

Be Social Media Savvy

As a blogger, you will spend a lot of time on social media. Those who do not enjoy navigating through the complexities of  multiple social platforms may be required to hire a great social media manager. Aside from Facebook and Twitter, interacting with other bloggers through their blogs is important as well.  Remember to not only focus on your readers, and followers, but utilizing the power of connection by reaching out to other bloggers in order to expand your reach through connections. Use unique avenues to reach your audience and fellow community members.

Be Passionate

Passion can be taken for granted.  Passion is something that helps you experience a drive to succeed.  It is passion that allows you to stay up and to complete a project while others sleep and it is passion that then allows you to be the first to get up in the morning.  Passion helps you to work 10 times harder than anyone else in order to succeed and it allows you to enjoy every step of the way.

If you are not passionate about your craft, it will be harder for you to feel motivated, and to enjoy yourself along the way.  Without that, it is just hard work that has to get done.
Passion inspires innovation, and in blogging, being innovative will allow you to shine among your peers.  There are many bloggers, many blogs on similar topics, what makes you different?

Featured photo credit: IM Free via

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