
terça-feira, setembro 13, 2016

"Já segurei nas mãos de alguém por medo, já tive tanto medo, ao ponto de nem sentir minhas mãos. Já..."

“Já segurei nas mãos de alguém por medo, já tive tanto medo, ao ponto de nem sentir minhas mãos. Já expulsei pessoas que amava de minha vida, já me arrependi por isso. Já passei noites chorando até pegar no sono, já fui dormir tão feliz, ao ponto de nem conseguir fechar os olhos. Já amei pessoas que me decepcionaram, já decepcionei pessoas que me amaram. Já passei horas na frente do espelho tentando descobrir quem sou, já tive tanta certeza de mim, ao ponto de querer sumir. Já menti e me arrependi depois, já falei a verdade e também me arrependi. Já fingi não dar importância às pessoas que amava, para mais tarde chorar quieta em meu canto. Já sorri chorando lágrimas de tristeza, já chorei de tanto rir. Já acreditei em pessoas que não valiam a pena, já deixei de acreditar nas que realmente valiam. Já tive crises de riso quando não podia. Já quebrei pratos, copos e vasos, de raiva. Já senti muita falta de alguém, mas nunca lhe disse. Já gritei quando deveria calar, já calei quando deveria gritar. Muitas vezes deixei de falar o que penso para agradar uns, outras vezes falei o que não pensava para magoar outros. Já fingi ser o que não sou para agradar uns, já fingi ser o que não sou para desagradar outros. Já contei piadas e mais piadas sem graça, apenas para ver um amigo feliz. Já inventei histórias com final feliz para dar esperança a quem precisava. Já sonhei demais, ao ponto de confundir com a realidade. Já tive medo do escuro, hoje no escuro “me acho, me agacho, fico ali”. Já cai inúmeras vezes achando que não iria me reerguer, já me reergui inúmeras vezes achando que não cairia mais. Já corri atrás de um carro, por ele levar embora, quem eu amava. Já chamei pela mamãe no meio da noite fugindo de um pesadelo. Mas ela não apareceu e foi um pesadelo maior ainda. Já chamei pessoas próximas de “amigo” e descobri que não eram. Algumas pessoas nunca precisei chamar de nada e sempre foram e serão especiais para mim. Não me dêem fórmulas certas, porque eu não espero acertar sempre. Não me mostre o que esperam de mim, porque vou seguir meu coração. Não me façam ser o que não sou, não me convidem a ser igual, porque sinceramente sou diferente. Não sei amar pela metade, não sei viver de mentiras, não sei voar com os pés no chão. Sou sempre eu mesma, mas com certeza não serei a mesma pra sempre. Gosto dos venenos mais lentos, das bebidas mais amargas, das drogas mais poderosas, das idéias mais insanas, dos pensamentos mais complexos, dos sentimentos mais fortes. Tenho um apetite voraz e os delírios mais loucos. Você pode até me empurrar de um penhasco que eu vou dizer: E daí? Eu adoro voar.”

- Clarice Lispector. (via versificar)

via @notiun

"Um dia eu vou acordar e não vai doer mais."

“Um dia eu vou acordar e não vai doer mais.”

- Make me wonder.     (via recendente)

via @notiun

temporio: Só consigo pensar no quanto poderia estar sendo feliz ao lado dela, mas infelizmente a...


Só consigo pensar no quanto poderia estar sendo feliz ao lado dela, mas infelizmente a felicidade dela não era ao meu lado. Por isso eu a deixei ir, eu abri mão da minha felicidade para que ela fosse feliz, pois nem sempre amar é ficar junto.

Um café?

via @notiun

"Porque aqueles que amamos vivem dentro de nós. E não importa o que aconteça, pra onde iremos daqui a..."

“Porque aqueles que amamos vivem dentro de nós. E não importa o que aconteça, pra onde iremos daqui a uma semana, o quão distante a gente esteja um do outro, ou o tempo que fiquemos separados. Porque quando gostamos muito de alguém, esse alguém mora dentro da gente. Dentro do coração, da mente, de cada parte de nós.”

- Brian Potter.

via @notiun

"Ela é “estranha”. Tem vergonha até pelo bate-papo, tem ciúmes até de foto. Chora ouvindo sua música..."

“Ela é “estranha”. Tem vergonha até pelo bate-papo, tem ciúmes até de foto. Chora ouvindo sua música preferida e grita quando se assusta. É escandalosa, porém tímida, isso depende se está ou não perto dos seus amigos. Aliás, quando ela está com os amigos, perde a vergonha na cara e só faz “merda”. Sim, ela é “estranha”, mas pelo menos procura ser feliz. Ela tem uma risada alta e ao mesmo tempo uma voz suave. Faz careta do nada. Come pipoca, brigadeiro e sorvete sem culpa. Conversa sozinha, canta errado, dança como uma louca em casa, dá risada dos tombos, faz palhaçadas, conta piada velha e acha maior graça, conversa com os animais, briga com objetos quando esbarra neles. Sim, ela é louquinha, mas quem não é? E sabe uma coisa? Dane-se. Pessoas “perfeitas” são um saco.”

- Caio Fernando Abreu. 

via @notiun

"Eu poderia dar milhões de razões para te amar, poderia citar todos os motivos, os defeitos, os..."

“Eu poderia dar milhões de razões para te amar, poderia citar todos os motivos, os defeitos, os carinhos, os amores, as falhas, as qualidades e as vontades realizadas que teria ao seu lado. Estou aqui para a vida toda. Dia e noite, todas as estações do ano. Não é como se houvesse algum tipo de promessa, mas gostaria que você soubesse e aceitasse que sou diferente e que todas às vezes que acabei ferindo você foi como levar um soco no estômago. Sei que minhas palavras não têm valor e que não seriam o suficiente para provar que ficarei na sua vida mesmo que você me expulse dela e acredite, isso deixou de me incomodar a um bom tempo. Você me compreende, sabe do meu jeito ao avesso, dos delírios, dos medos, das limitações, dos sonhos mais loucos, das loucuras mais insanas e ainda assim segura a minha mão. Mas você não é capaz de aceitar que é puro, genuíno e que se não for comigo haverá dor, sofrimento e lágrimas também, não é que eu ache covardia, mas você melhor do que ninguém sabe que sentimentos assim não se encontram todos os dias. Mas também compreendo seu medo de magoar e ser magoado e espero que você encontre a sua felicidade algum dia. Quero a sua felicidade seja com quem for e que em cada tropeço que a vida ousar colocar em seu caminho que eu esteja ao seu lado sempre. Aceitei não te ter da forma que quero, mas não aceito de forma alguma viver longe de você. Ok, vamos falar a verdade, eu minto para você toda vez que me pergunta se estou bem, acredite eu nunca estou bem. Às vezes estou em constante crise de choro e às vezes acordo com a sensação de que meu lugar não é nesse planeta. Minto sobre não ter esse sentimento aflorado dentro de mim, sobre sonhar contigo e te querer por perto todos os dias, você não imagina quantas vezes chorei por dentro e sorri só para te ver feliz. Eu minto. Você saberia se olhasse dentro dos meus olhos que tenho desmoronado todos os dias. E se me perguntar, continuarei mentindo sobre tudo, sobre os sentimentos que insistem em me sufocar porque não aceito viver longe de você, porque verdadeiramente te amo, porque não aceito ficar sem trocar meia dúzia de palavras com você ao longo do dia e porque é impossível pensar em uma vida sem você. Como entendedor dos meus problemas você sabe que para que eu continue assim cometo suicídio interno mesmo sabendo que nunca o terei e que nunca seremos nada. Continuo porque prefiro que sejamos um mero nada ao ter que viver sem o som da sua risada. Sou inteiramente sua desde o início do outono e consequentemente essa acabou se tornando a minha estação preferida do ano.”

- Anna Paula Varella.

via @notiun

"Às vezes me pego olhando pro nada, imaginando tudo."

“Às vezes me pego olhando pro nada, imaginando tudo.”

- Tati Bernardi.

via @notiun

"— Tudo bem eu até te entendo, ele te magoou muito, mas você sabe muito bem que se ele não tivesse..."

“— Tudo bem eu até te entendo, ele te magoou muito, mas você sabe muito bem que se ele não tivesse entrado na sua vida boa parte dela não teria tido graça.”

- Ele foi tipo um dia de sol em pleno inverno. (via abusar)

via @notiun

Os Rios


Há na vida tanta coisa,
Tanta coisa e um só olhar!
Toda a tristeza dos rios
É não poderem parar…

(Mário Quintana)

via @notiun

temporio: vamos falar sobre cansaços. não falo de cansaço físico, apesar de sentir umas dores na...


vamos falar sobre cansaços. não falo de cansaço físico, apesar de sentir umas dores na coluna que há meses me incomodam. essas dores mas podem ser explicadas com o fato de eu carregar uma mochila cheia de saudades nas costas. eu estou tão cansada de tentar te trazer de volta pros meus dias e perceber que todas as minhas tentativas são em vão. eu busco fundo na minha mente todas as nossas lembranças pra tentar de alguma forma te sentir aqui. mas é só isso que elas são, lembranças, que no final do dia me destroem por ver que tudo o que vivemos foi tão real e agora parece que nada nunca aconteceu. eu falo de cansaço psicológico. cansada de jogar sobre mim mesma a culpa da tua ausência. cansada de perceber que não há uma palavra do dicionário que eu possa dizer que te faça voltar. me sinto cansada de frequentar essas festas da cidade buscando desesperadamente te apagar da minha mente seja com álcool ou outros amores falsos. cansada de acordar no dia seguinte com uma ressaca emocional e uma falta absurda de você. faz mais de um ano que nos desconhecemos, que eu não encaixo mais em você, que você não ocupa mais o mesmo espaço aqui, mas mesmo assim eu não consigo me libertar de você, mesmo assim quero me prender no que sobrou de nós porque agora parece ser tudo o que tenho nessa vida.

via @notiun

"i am afraid that if i open myself i will not stop pouring. (why do i fear becoming a river. what..."

i am
that if
i open
i will not stop

(why do i fear becoming
a river. what mountain
gave me such shame.)

- Erosion // Jamie Oliveira  (via mercurieux)

Obese Mum Shrunk To Almost Half Her Size After She Quit Drinking Coffee (16 pics)

Lorraine O'Loughlin, 28, an obese mum-of-three who weighed 120 kg lost 43 kg after she quit drinking coffee 15 times a day. She picked up this bad habit after she fell into depression and stopped leaving the house almost completely. She had this unhealthy routine where she skipped meals in the day and then binged on chips and chocolate at night. And as she had an insomnia, she found a solution to help her go through the day – 15 cups of coffee with three sugars each.

12 Health ‘Facts’ You Have Believed Are Actually Misleading


Our parents would have us believe many health myths when we were younger. Most of which we would assume to be right for a very long time because as kids, we trusted that the adults were always right, or so we thought. Appendicitis and jumping around after eating was one of those myths that have been preached widely everywhere and guess what? They were wrong all along. To know more about those health myths that we were being misled about all these while, read on below for 12 health ‘fact’s you have believed which are actually misleading.

1. Microwaves Gives You Cancer

We’ve got older generation folks avoid using microwaves because they believe it can give cancer. But according to Cancer Research UK, microwaves only heat food and nothing more. Old folks will have you believe that microwaves can destroy the nutritional value of food but other forms of heating food, such as boiling, baking and grilling also does the same thing.

2. The 5 Second Rule Keeps Food Clean To Eat

We’ve all been guilty of picking food up again from the table and eating it as long as it’s within 5 seconds from dropping it. But it actually depends more on how clean the surface of where you drop your food is. The Mythbusters once put this to the test and found out that once your food hits a dirty surface, it would have been contaminated in milliseconds.

3. Milk Is Good For You

Milk has long been associated with strong bones and healthy teeth but according to the Medical Research Journal, high milk intake is also associated with a higher mortality rate among men and women and higher fracture cases in women.

4. Consuming Chocolate Gives You Acne

Chocolate has also long been known as a cause of acne. But a medical experiment posted in the Journal of the American Medical Association conducted showed that chocolate did not have an effect on zits. One group which was involved in the experiment was given candy bars with 10 times amount of chocolate and the other was given fake chocolate bars. The results showed that there was no increase in zits in the group given real chocolate as compared to the other group.

5. Eating An Apple A Day Helps Keep The Doctor Away 

Apples are known for its vitamin C and fibre but according to research, an apple can do nothing to help if a bacteria or a virus gets into your system. Only a flu shot has a higher chance of protecting you.

6. Jumping After A Meal Doesn’t Give You Appendicitis

You probably have always believed that jumping and running after a meal will give you an appendicitis which is the inflammation of the appendicitis. But research says that this is not true. An appendicitis is caused when a hard piece of stool obstructs the very small opening of the appendix which leads to swelling, inflammation and infection.

7. Take Vitamins To Stay Healthy

Multivitamins are a billion dollar business but scientists are now saying that they are virtually ineffective to reduce the risk of any diseases and could be causing more harm than good. According to a journal posted in Scientific American, clinical trials done on people taking vitamin E, high doses of Vitamin A and beta-carotene actually increases death rates.

8. Sugar Is Addictive Like Cocaine

Ever saw a parody when a guy goes sneefing sugar like it’s cocaine and then goes on feeling “high”? In real life, most actually do believe that sugar can become addictive like cocaine but as research has shown us, although sugar lights up parts of the brain similar to when we are having sex or taking cocaine, there is no evidence yet to show that it is addictive. In fact, scientists haven’t had a clue as to what addiction is like in the brain.

9. With A Lack Of Oxygen, Your Blood Turns Blue

This is absolutely untrue because blood will never turn blue. It only becomes dark red when it’s not carrying enough oxygen. An article on Scienceline also tells us that you could also be looking at your blueish veins and also the color red could be filtered to become blue because there are so many layers beneath the skin of which you are looking through.

10. Eating Carrots Allows You To See At Night

Vitamin A is great for our eyes and carrots have an abundance of it but if you think that eating lots of carrots can give you great night vision, then you will be very disappointed. Apparently, this myth was created as propaganda by the British hoping to mask away the new development of the radar and in hopes to trick the Nazis by saying that carrots have helped the British to “see” German planes flying in.

11. Cracking Knuckles Can Give You Arthritis 

Sorry, this is not true as well. A research posted in the Journal of the American Board of Medicine clearly shows that there is no co-relation between Knuckle cracking and Arthritis. Subjects who knuckle crack and subjects who don’t were still getting arthritis for their age groups of 50 – 89 years old.

12. Diabetes Is Caused By High Sugar Intake

Sugar is definitely not the main cause for diabetes because the disease is such a complex one. However, The American Diabetes Association had stated that weight gain and consuming too much sugary drinks are associated with a higher risk. So there’s not much to worry for people who eat sugar in moderation because there is simply no direct evidence to say that sugar causes diabetes and there is no need to completely cut sugar off from your diet.

The post 12 Health ‘Facts’ You Have Believed Are Actually Misleading appeared first on Lifehack.

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By Applying This Rule, You Can Overcome Procrastination In 2 Minutes


We all know those people (or we are one of them) who have many great talents and could do so much, only if they weren’t procrastinating their way through life. They postpone their tasks till the last minute and make themselves suffer enormous amounts of stress and anxiety in order to get things done on time. The worst thing about it is that once they waste all their energy fighting the temptation for instant gratification when completing mundane tasks, they leave no room for the really important stuff, such as their favorite hobby, or any activity that boosts their self-growth and creativity.

2-minute rule that triggers immediate actions

If you came to a point when you realized how seriously procrastination affects your life and health, you have probably came across the 2-minute rule solution in your search for remedy. The approach works because it is ridiculously easy and it can be applied to any task at hand no matter its size. It affects the root of the procrastinating process – the problem of starting the activity. The more time-consuming the activity is, the bigger resistance to starting it is created in the mind of the procrastinator.

Relative to the size of the task or project, the rule can be applied in two ways:

  • The first one is to do the short and easy tasks right away to avoid cluttering your space and mind.
  • The second way is applied to bigger projects and things that require more time and effort.

Originating from Newton’s first law of motion that states that objects in rest stay at rest and objects in motion stay in motion, the 2-minute rule in this case means finishing the project 2 minutes at a time. This helps the person who is performing it not to feel overwhelmed and discouraged, but to start lightly, and soon the action will gain momentum leading to longer hours of productivity. As proposed by researches at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, the way to start any bigger project is to break it down into as many micro tasks as possible whose completion will lead to increase in motivation needed for further action.

Why do we procrastinate?

  • Feeling of not being good enough – For many people the reason behind putting things off for as long as possible is the belief that they don’t possess the right skills and talents.
  • Overwhelmed by the size of the task – Another common reason for procrastination is the resistance felt by people when facing great, time-consuming projects.
  • The need for instant gratification – In most cases people tend to postpone their tasks due to lack of willingness to fight the human impulse to do only the most pleasing and undemanding things.

The 2-minute rule provides solution in all three cases as it helps to push through the initial doubt, since with 2 minutes in the activity our confidence levels start to grow and our need for gratification lessens as the process itself becomes gratifying enough. As previously mentioned, the rule is equally efficient in larger assignments as it helps to shift the focus from big end product to small bite-size two-minute steps.

How to apply the 2-minute rule

1. Start small

Let’s take the task of losing weight for example. For most people who struggle to lose those extra pounds this is one of the bigger projects. Therefore, instead of immediately rushing to face the great challenge, you should prepare the way by working on small, unrelated things. Doing everyday chores while they are still in the 2-minute-task category will help you to set foundation for the doer mindset. As the time goes, the momentum will take over, making it more natural and effortless and you will soon be able to transfer the approach to more complex issues.

2. Raise the bar

Once you have developed a habit of doing little tasks, it is time to apply the same principle to a greater project. By taking the different perspective and dividing the strategy for weight loss into 2-minute actions that help to start the process, the entire task won’t seem so demanding. In addition, as you go through easily achievable bits, your motivation will grow, making you more eager to continue. In the beginning, these 2-minute actions would be anything from preparing the low-calorie meal to getting dressed and leaving the house for jogging. As you go along, you will feel much more willing to set further challenges.

3. Postpone reward

As opposed to seeking instant gratification and risk losing energy doing things that are not of the utmost importance in that moment, you should postpone it for after the completion. This way, you enhance your motivation as you have something to look forward to for later. Treating yourself to a movie after finishing Pilates class will improve not only your looks and health, it will also give you rest from guilt as the reward comes as something you earned.

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This Is What Happens To Your Brain When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep


It seems these days as if everyone has their noses to the grindstone. The number of people that pass out too late and wake up early is shocking right now. It almost as if many have dropped their sleep hours from 8 to just 5.

While it can be easy to operate for a day or two on a lack of sleep, the long-term effects can be detrimental. One big problem is that we can get used to not sleeping enough. After all, why do we need to worry about being a bit sleepy every once awhile?

How Lack Of Sleep Affects The Pre-frontal Cortex

Sleep is imperative to allow the brain to function properly. Many of the remaining body functions can regenerate with relaxation, but not the brain. There was a research done that shows that the pre-frontal cortex becomes more active the more rested people are. It’s one of the main reasons as to why you feel so rested after a short nap. It’s because you gave your brain a jolt of energy.

So with that being the case, you can imagine what happens without the proper amount of rest, your pre-frontal cortex gets exhausted. Now, the reason why this is such an issue is the fact that this part of the brain is extraordinarily important. In particular, that part of the brain attributes your judgement, impulse control, attention and visual association. More or less, when the pre-frontal cortex gets tired, you get loopy. You begin to get super hyper, you develop poor judgement, you can develop hallucinations and more. Being loopy also makes it very difficult to stay focused, as well as do things that normally you wouldn’t. Meaning, you would normally control your impulses, yet that can completely vanish when the pre-frontal cortex is exhausted.

MRIs Results To Show The Effects

Lately, Researchers have been using MRIs to help them understand how sleep affects the brain.

What’s more, they show that it starts to kick in 16 hours into a bout of not getting enough sleep. What that means is -16 hours of you being active without the proper sleep (even if you’ve gotten some sleep during this time) is going to start messing with your ability to function. The craziest part is the fact that the different parts of the brain rest during different phases of sleep. So taking a nap that’s too long will screw with you differently then sleeping for 6 hours. This concludes that you absolutely need to have the proper sleep cycle whenever you go to bed.

Sleep Deprived Brain

Hit the Reset

It leads to an interesting idea that the 8 hours of sleep isn’t just to cool your jets. It essentially allows you to hit the reset button, to let your mind recuperate from all the stress it goes through every day. Think about it, most of your body can rest simply from sitting down. Your brain doesn’t have that option, it has to be active and awake all day long.

We spend so much time making sure that our physical health is up to par that we can sometimes forget the whole things operated by our minds. You owe it to your brain to make sure you get the perfect amount of sleep. It can be tough with twice as much work and half the time to do it, but do get out of there. Only you can make sure that your brain maintains its health.

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The More You Text, The Less Stable Your Relationship Would Be, Research Finds

couple texting

Does it matter how often you text your partner?

You might think that if you text your partner frequently and they also message you on a regular basis, then it’s a positive sign that all is well in your relationship. After all, doesn’t text messaging prove that you are thinking about one another and want to stay connected throughout the day?

However, research suggests that the link between texting patterns and relationship satisfaction differs as a function of gender. In other words, men and women do not think alike when it comes to how often they send messages and how happy they are with their partners.

How the research was done

Research published in the Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy outlines a study in which the texting habits and relationship satisfaction of 276 emerging adults (those aged between 18 and 25) in committed relationships were asked to report on their communication habits and feelings about their relationships. Each participant was asked how often they sent text messages to their partner. Of the 276 participants included in the study, half were engaged or married. They were also asked other probing questions, such as how many times they had considered ending their relationship, and the extent to which they felt as though their partner cared for and paid attention to them.

Perceptions in common

In some respects, men and women use texting in similar ways. For instance, the study found that both sexes are more likely to express affection via text when they feel bonded to their partners. However, there was a clear sex difference when it came to other findings. For female participants, there was a positive correlation between the number of texts they sent on a daily basis and the degree to which they believed their relationship was stable.

Negative correlation between the number of texts they sent and the stability of their partnership reported

However, this was not the case for the men in the study, who reported a negative correlation between the number of texts they sent and the stability of their partnership. Furthermore, there was a negative association between the number of texts the average male participant sent to his partner and his relationship satisfaction. The study also found that women were more likely than men to attempt sensitive or difficult conversations via text. However, participants who reported doing this as a means of resolving conflict were less happy with their partnership.

What is recommended to do then

The study results are correlational, which means that the researchers cannot say that, for example, sending many text messages causes women to feel more secure in the stability of their relationships. However, the findings can still present interesting and useful starting points for discussions around the use of technology in relationships. Lori Schade, lead researcher on the project, told NPR that men may use texting as a means of retaining emotional distance from their partners, which may explain why those who send the most messages tend to be the least satisfied.

“Maybe it was a way for them [men] to check out or not have to show up, by using their cellphone instead,” she speculated.

Schade recommends that whilst there is no need to stop texting your partner altogether, tricky conversations should be saved for face-to-face meetings rather than a prolonged exchange of messages. She also believes that real-life conversations tend to result in fewer hurt feelings, because when texting people “have time to think about it, and stew about it, and then respond again. It’s almost harder to disconnect”.

So when you message your partner, try to keep your communications light-hearted. Stick to talking about upcoming events or the positive elements of your relationship. Use your phone to make them feel loved and appreciated.

Featured photo credit: Studenten via

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Eating Bananas Is Good For Your Health, But Eating Banana Flowers Is A Even Better Choice


Though not widely eaten in the western world, the banana flower is considered to be a vegetable in many parts of the world. It comes from a tree and originated in the Indo-Malaysian region of the Pacific Ocean. It then migrated to Europe and then many other parts of the world. Along with an actual banana, banana flowers actually have some inherent health benefits. Here are 8 benefits of eating banana flowers.

1. It regulates the menstrual cycle and is good for lactating mothers

Banana flowers have the ability to regulate the menstrual cycle as they help increase the progesterone levels in women. Progesterone, as explained by Healthy Womenis a hormone in women that regulates important bodily functions that have to do with regulating the menstrual cycle, maintaining pregnancy, and preparing the body for conception.

High progesterone levels have been know to be causal of some of the symptoms, such as bloating, breast tenderness, or moodiness, when a woman’s menstrual cycle comes around. Low levels tend to be causal of missing a cycle. Along with regulating the menstrual cycle, high progesterone levels also stimulate the milk-producing glands in women during pregnancy, therefore boosting the supply of milk for your child.

2. It is the best food for diabetes patients

A study showed that when diabetes patients consumed banana flowers, their blood sugar levels dropped.

Insulin is the hormone in the body made by the pancreas that is used to help regulate blood sugar levels. People with diabetes have too much sugar in the blood due to not enough insulin being produced and this can be very harmful to the body.

3. It cures anemia

Banana flowers are known to raise hemoglobin in the body as they are rich in iron. As WebMD explains, iron is a component of hemoglobin which is a substance in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is used to transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of your body. Iron is an integral part of our bodily function as a lack of it results in health decline. If you don’t have enough iron, then your body can’t make enough red bloods cells, resulting in anemia.

4. It relieves you from constipation

Banana flowers are rich in fiber. Fiber is an essential part of the body as it assists with healthy digestion, the regularity of bowel movements, and ultimately speeding up the removal of toxic waste within the colon. Fiber is also useful in weight loss.

5. It keeps infection away

Banana flowers naturally fight infection as they encompass ethanol-based extracts. These extracts inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, which is the bacteria that can cause staph, strep throat, and more unwanted and harmful conditions in the body.

6. It reduces free radicals in the body

Banana flowers contain methanol, which works as a powerful antioxidant in the body, reducing free radicals. Free radicals attack healthy cells and lead to detrimental healths problems such as cancer, heart disease, and skin aging.

7. It is rich in vitamins and minerals

Banana flowers have a multitude of vitamins and minerals that are essential to our bodies. These include vitamin A, C, and E, potassium, and, as already discussed, fiber. Vitamin A is essential for normal vision, reproduction, and the immune system. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and assists in the growth and repair of your tissues and bodily wounds. Vitamin E is good for the immune system, the skin, and the eyes. It also helps protect against free radicals. Potassium is important to the proper function of all cells, tissues, and organs within the body.

8. It lowers anxiety levels and blood pressure

Banana flowers act as a natural anti-depressant. They are rich in magnesium, which plays a great role in improving your mood and reducing stress without the detrimental side effects that most anti-depressants have. Magnesium also has the ability to reduce hypertension (high blood pressure), which can lead to heart disease and/or stroke.

And there you have some of the amazing benefits of eating banana flowers. Banana flowers can be found at farmers markets, roadside stands, and grocery stores, and they can be eaten in a multitude of ways. Many Asians use banana flowers as as vegetable. It can be eaten both raw or cooked — whichever way you prefer. Any way you choose to eat it, the benefits of the banana flower are immense. Try incorporating it into your diet!

Featured photo credit: Wen Tong Neo via

The post Eating Bananas Is Good For Your Health, But Eating Banana Flowers Is A Even Better Choice appeared first on Lifehack.

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