
domingo, julho 31, 2016

10 Free Online Resources That Can Make Your Life Better

Young woman using laptop in urban park

With just a little bit of time to spare and some digging around on the internet, it’s easy to come across free online resources. I have utilized some myself. Now after doing more research, I look forward to trying out a few others too. Here are ten of online resources that may be beneficial to your life too:

1. Free Online Education

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Alison provides over 750 free online diploma and certificate courses in a range of categories. The categories of courses available are: Diploma Courses, Business and Enterprise Skills, Digital Literacy & IT Skills, Personal Development and Soft Skills, Languages, Schools Curriculum, Health & Safety & Compliance, Health Literacy, and Financial & Economic Literacy. There are also other services and resources, study groups, and a community page available on the site.

2. Money Saving Tips

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The Pennyhoarder is a site that compiles inspiring money stories and practical tips about how to earn and save. They provide information on a variety of topics relating to: money hacks (money saving tips), work from home, budgeting, coupons, freebies, and more. Many of the tips are simple and straight forth, making it easy to utilize in our own lives.

3. Swap Your Unwanted Clothes

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Rehash is a free clothing, shoes, accessories, jewelry, and makeup swap site. The site says, “Rehash is free to use. There are no listing fees or trading fees; you simply pay for your own shipping and trade as much as you want. Exchange what you don’t wear for stuff you will wear.” I personally haven’t tried any of the swapping sites yet, but it might be a great way to get rid of all the jeans we no longer fit into, or that “what was I thinking?!” polka dot blouse in exchange for someone else’ unwanted items. It seems you photograph your items, add a description, wait for offers, and request trades.

4. Money Saving Coupons

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Find 100’s of coupons for grocery, household and personal care items. As the Coupons site says, “just click, print and save!” Grocery bills can add up quick every week; why not take advantage of extra savings with coupons?! Match them with sale items for an even better deal too. They also offer coupon codes and cashback offers.

5. Nature and Relaxing

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Calmsound, An Oasis of Relaxation, offers free, calming nature sounds and videos. Rain, ocean, waterfall, country garden and more. Take a break to ‘get away’ for a few moments at work, or relax to the sounds while laying in bed at night. Calming sounds can help to relieve stress along with relaxing the mind and body. CD’s of these nature sounds are also available for sale.

6. Educational Games for Kids

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Learning Games for Kids offers a huge variety of games and activities for preschool and elementary school aged children. These games will help to build skills in areas such as math, language arts, science, social studies, and more. Fun for children, yet challenging and educational too.

7. Free Gift Cards

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Earn points to receive free gift cards by performing various online activities such as watching videos, playing games, taking surveys, and more through Swagbucks. The more time you put into the activities, the faster your points will grow. Generally, the more tedious the task, the more points it’s worth. For example, completing a 15 minute survey offers more points than watching a 30 second video. On occasion, ‘Swag Codes’ are available for free points through their blog and social media sites. Gift cards are redeemed through the Rewards Store, with thousands of rewards available. Just to give you an idea, you can receive a $5.00 Amazon gift card by redeeming 500 Swag Bucks (points).

8. CPR and First Aid

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Knowing CPR and First Aid basics is important for everyone. We never know if or when we’ll need it, but it’s best to be prepared. FirstAidWeb offers both these courses for free, and they adhere to the most recent American Red Cross and American Heart Association guidelines.

9. Be Prepared For Emergencies

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Sites like Emergency and Disaster Supplies offers various emergency supplies, both for free and for purchase. It’s important for you and your family to have a plan in place should the need ever arise. There are many free downloadable PDF’s for emergency contacts, an emergency kit checklist, contact and medical information carry cards, and more. There are also other links listed for government sites, weather, services, and training resources.

10. Product Samples Can Be Found Through Free Online Resources Too!

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Product samples allow us to try items before spending the money on full size containers, potentially saving us money in the long run. Samples are also great to toss into luggage, purses or overnight bags too. Sites like My Savings offers free samples, coupons, giveaways and more.

With the vast information available to us now through the internet, there are tons of free online resources that we can utilize in our own lives. Useful tips and resources, free of charge, are right at our fingertips!

Featured photo credit: via

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This Man Eats Pizza And Loses Over 100 Pounds In 7 Months

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Let’s be clear – New York City chef Pasquale Cozzolino did lose nearly 100 pounds, and he ate a lot of pizza in order to do so, but he did not attempt to subsist on it. He did not put himself on an oxymoronic pizza starvation diet. Cozzolino was smarter about his weight loss.

Read on to See How Cozzolino’s Pizza Story can Inspire You!

It all started after he’d moved to the United States in 2011 from Naples, Italy to work at a high-end Italian restaurant. Overcome by the worries of such a major life change, Cozzolino began stress-eating lots of cookies and soda. Between his arrival in NYC and early 2012, his weight had increased from about 250 to 370 pounds.

Credit: ABC News

At this point, Cozzolino knew he had to make a change. He felt terrible physically, and his family barely recognized him when he visited. He took matters into his own hands.

Many of us have had similar experiences of weight-gain. Sometimes we gain weight during phases of major change, other times the extra pounds just appear, seemingly with no known cause. It can be tempting to anxiously throw oneself (and a lot of money) into the newest extreme diet.

Fortunately for Cozzolino, common sense won over any panic-driven impulse to yo-yo diet. He researched his BMI and calculated the number of calories he’d need to consume to create a sufficient deficit for weight loss.

Cozzolino’s Pizza Diet is Not Hocus-Pocus, but Sensible Eating

Cozzolino began eating the so-called Mediterranean diet rather intuitively. He cut out desserts and sugary beverages, and added in fruits and veggies. He practiced portion control. He started exercising regularly. Breakfast was often whole-grain cereal and fruit. Dinners typically featured seafood and vegetables, and included a glass of wine. And… he ate a pizza every day!

Note, that’s pizza margherita, a Neopolitan-style pizza pie made with homemade tomato sauce and topped sparsely with mozzarella cheese and fresh basil. The pizza dough Cozzolino makes has few ingredients compared to typical American-style recipes. He combines just water, finely milled wheat flour, yeast, and sea salt, then lets the dough ferment for 36 hours. During fermentation the yeast eats up most of the natural sugars, a process which produces a more satisfying, complex carbohydrate dough.

Credit: ABC News

He asserts that his daily intake of homemade pizza works as a weight-loss practice because it’s nutritional and satisfying. Daily pizza consumption, Cozzolino-style, he argues, staves off cravings for sugar-dense binge foods. As he explains in a New York Post article, it “helps you to stay away from junk food. When you eat a pizza, you don’t need anything else.”

Credit: ABC News

Pizza enthusiast and Lucky Peach writer Chad Roberston concurs. In his article “Pizza Gut,” Robertson explains how the fermentation process actually “reduces the work our digestive systems have to do.” You may have heard arguments against the protein gluten found in wheat and other grains. In short, gluten can increase inflammation in the intestines, which can cascade into a number of other issues like nutrient deficiencies.

The Secret’s in the Dough

But Cozzolino has not stated a case against gluten. Rather, as Robertson explains, pizza dough like Cozzolino makes is both satisfying and nutritious because during the fermentation gluten (in addition to sugars) is broken-down. Fermented foods give us healthy gut bacteria, and people with healthy gut bacteria have an easier time losing weight than those without.

Credit: ABC News

Unlike a lot of good cooks, professional or amateur, Cozzolino is not stingy with his famous recipes. Watch this ABC News video The Pizza Diet to see the pizzaiolo’s transformation, and check out the Eater NY tutorial to learn how to make his dough at home. If you he wins you over, you may want to sign up for an in-person pizza making class at his restaurant, Ribalta, in NYC and abroad.

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How My Life Has Changed After Having Children (But It’s Still Worth It)


While awaiting the birth of your baby, there’s so much to do. You avoid certain foods, take special vitamins, and watch your body morph as it grows this miracle inside. You set up a nursery, buy everything you think you’ll need, and find yourself becoming weepy at sappy commercials or songs. Change is inevitable, but just wait, it doesn’t stop there.

The minute your precious bundle is laid in your arms, your heart explodes exponentially. You didn’t know you could love someone so much. Your whole focus now is on this little human being for which you are responsible in every single way. So naturally, you’ll change. Your routine will change. Your home will change. Heck, maybe even the vehicle you drive has changed. Many of these changes are welcome, some are funny. Others, well, to be honest, are not so welcome — sleep deprivation sucks. But all those changes are worth it when tasked with the joy and responsibility of raising a child. Some changes are obvious, some are not, but here are a few you might relate to.


Oh precious sleep, how we moms miss you. Whether it’s the middle of the night feedings and diaper changes to a sick toddler to a wee one with nightmares, the days of getting a solid night’s sleep disappear for awhile. Naps become your best friend. Some moms are fortunate to have babies who sleep through the night quite well, but to them I say, wait until they’re teenagers and you’re up late waiting for them to make it home safely and by curfew. You will not sleep soundly for days on end until you’re an empty-nester.


When you’re pregnant, you remove some foods from your diet that can be harmful to a developing baby or give you heartburn. If you’re nursing, you avoid certain foods, too. But one day, you’ll catch yourself hiding in the closet, eating ice cream out of the carton. You want to set good, healthy eating examples for your kids, but at that moment, you really just want ice cream!


Some moms are blessed to stay home with their children and forego the working world for a while. Some moms love their jobs and happily return after maternity leave, while others must work due to their family’s financial situation. No matter what your work situation, it’s definitely changed from the pre-baby years.

If you’re at home during the day, you may find yourself one day loving every second of watching your child grow up and hit milestones. The next day, you’re begging your toddler to please take a nap so mommy can have a break. If you’re at work, there are mornings where you just can’t get enough goodbye hugs and smooches, then you drive to work sad to be leaving your little one behind. Other days, you may find yourself sprinting out the door gleefully, shouting goodbye to your child because you’re about to get some relaxing quiet time in the car on the commute to work.


You will feel like you’ve won the lottery when your baby takes his or her first real bite of food and doesn’t thrust it back out. You’ll cheer like a maniac when your baby takes his or her first steps. You just might be the loudest person in the stands when your preschooler starts playing sports or dancing or whatever activity he or she is trying. You vow that your child is the smartest on the planet when he or she phonetically sounds out a word, then reads a book, then scores an A on a school test, then lands a great score on the ACT or SAT in high school.

Your emotions will run high, but they’ll also run low. When you discover your child isn’t invited with other kids to a party, it will break your heart to see your child so sad. When your child tries out for a team or other activity and isn’t selected, the hug of solace you share tugs at your heartstrings. Every high and low your kid experiences, you will feel a similar way. It’s part of being a parent and wearing your heart on your sleeve. So applaud the positives, be supportive through the negatives, and let your child know that you always have his or her back.


Parenting successes can be quite comical, to be honest. In those first few days of having a newborn at home, if you are able to take a shower, that’s a big success. But simply knowing that your child is happy, loved, fed, clothed, has friends, interests, and loves life means you’ve succeeded. Don’t get hung up on the little things. There will always be parents who want to parade what they see as parenting successes in front of you. Don’t fall for it. Encourage your child to pursue his or her dreams, whatever age they are, and always been their number one fan. Teach them that success comes with hard work and won’t be handed to them.

Outlook On Life

Becoming a parent also means you’re well aware of the dangers that lurk around your child. You teach them “stranger danger,” how to drive safely, wear a bike helmet, wear a seatbelt, don’t text and drive, don’t drink and drive — the list never ends. But you also simultaneously develop a positive outlook on life in that you see what a wonderful contribution your child will make in this world once they grow up under your tutelage and leave the nest.

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This Man Does Something Impressive To Mom And Child, Stranger Decides To Buy Him Lunch


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Source: Love What Matters

This story really proves there are still kind people in this world who value life over dollars. It always pays to reciprocate people’s kind gestures. Not only will you feel gratified for doing a kind deed, but you never know when the roles will be reversed and it’s you who needs help.

Next time you’re out in the world, try to do a good deed for someone. You never know when you might change a life, and learn some valuable lessons along the way. Good luck, and may your belly be full and your bed be warm no matter where you are!

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Pokémon Go Improves Players’ Mental Health In These 3 Ways

Pokemon Go

Pokémon craze is back and this time, it’s bigger and better than ever! The augment reality game Pokémon Go has already taken multiple nations by storm and continues to expand internationally.

While it’s not the first augmented reality game available for mobile, the exciting world of Pokemon has been spreading wildfire ever since its release. This revolutionary twist that’s caused players to start roaming their local neighbourhoods in search for Pokemon has had a number of reported health benefits. Most surprising, this was not only limited to physical health!

Curious to understand how Pokémon Go could have such as significant positive influence mental health? Here’s three unforeseen benefits to partaking in this new craze.

1. Encourages Walking and Exploring Nature

Unlike conventional mobile games, an essential element Pokémon Go is exploring the real-life environment to progress through the digital world. For many players, partaking in this game involves a lot of walking, running, cycling and rambling.

On a medical level, walking offers a wide variety of health benefits associated with it. Mayo Clinic revealed regular brisk walks  helps to elevate mood, boost coordination and balance, maintain a healthy body weight and even strengthen bones.

What’s more, walking through scenic natural areas can provide further mental health benefits. Research from a Standford University graduate found that walking through green areas of campus actually had a significant effect on positivity. Another study from 2015 published in “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” found that a 90-minute walk in nature greatly reduced negative thinking compared to a walk in the city.

2. Creating More Social Interactions Between Players


Another element not often seen in mobile games is real-life social interaction. Conventional online multiplayer games are still limited to purely digital interactions. However, Pokémon Go actually brings people together. Many players report that while hunting for Pokémon they regularly notice, interact and make friends with others out playing the game.

It’s been seen that social activity can have a profound effect on our mental well-being and mood. In many cases, it’s even helped alleviate suffers from depression.Pokémon Go gives gamers a great incentive to socialize and meet others

Pokémon Go gives gamers a great incentive to socialize and meet others who would usually recluse while playing video games.

3. Providing a Boost of Motivation and Purpose


Our level of motivation can have a strong impact on our actions. Sometimes we know what we exactly what should be doing, but without the right motivation it simply doesn’t happen. Whether we lack in enthusiasm or suffer from depression, sometimes even getting out of bed in the mornings can become a challenge.

Often, all we need is a sense of direction, purpose or reason to build momentum. Rather than staying in the house a stagnant environment, Pokémon Go is providing thousands of players with a fun reason to get out back out into the world.

Pokémon Go is creating quite the social media buzz, many claim it’s helped them become more motivated and get through the struggles of depression.


Just Don’t Forget To Look Up From Your Phone


Allowing ourselves to get too carried away in this augmented reality adventure comes with a number of dangers. Here are three main considerations to ensure stay safe while playing Pokémon Go:

  • Demonstrate self-control – Addiction to any kind of game is not going to be healthy in the long-run. Try to keep this game as a fun addition to your life, not an obsession that dominates it!
  • Maintain situational awareness – Players have been caught up in a number accidents, from minor to major, due to lack of awareness of the real-world. So make sure you always watch where you are going, especially in busy, built-up areas or road crossing roads.
  • Don’t wander dangerously – Be cautious if the game is leading you to explore unfamiliar areas, especially if they are more dangerous than usual. It’s may be wise to avoid wandering after dark if you are on your own.

Now with these safety considerations in mind, get on out there and try to catch ’em all!

The post Pokémon Go Improves Players’ Mental Health In These 3 Ways appeared first on Lifehack.

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