
Why A Plumber Who Won $18M Returned To Work Just Two Days After Winning (9 pics)

52-year-old plumber John Doherty from Scotland bought a lucky lottery ticket and won $18 million (£ 14 million)! But two days after he got his cheque, John returned to fixing toilets and boilers again…

The main reason for that was that he didn’t want to let his customers down and that he would get bored just sitting home and doing nothing.

Mr. Doherty opened his JDPS plumbing and heating engineer firm in 1984, he has a lot of loyal customers and the important thing is that he really enjoys his work. He said: “You'd be bored not working. So I'm just carrying on.”

John and his wife Alison discovered that they got the winning numbers just before their scheduled holiday to Florida which they booked to celebrate their 25th marriage anniversary. They hid their winning ticket inside a lantern at home and flew off to Florida with their kids.

The whole family celebrated their win with a $60 delivery of pizzas from Domino’s and by buying a $400 designer bag for Alison.

Going Camping With A … Cat? (60 pics)

Whereas the idea of going camping with a dog will hardly surprise anyone, cats might be a different story. Or not anymore? Ryan Carter, the creator of the “campingwithdogs” account on Instagram, has recently created the “campingwithcats” account, which is now inspiring cat lovers all over the world to go camping with their cats and share their experiences on Instagram. This has already produced more than 7000 posts with the #campingwithcats hashtag! And that’s what is what actually looks like when cats go camping.