
segunda-feira, julho 11, 2016

"i am a dumb writer, perhaps one of the dumbest that’s ever lived. whenever i have an idea, i..."

“i am a dumb writer, perhaps one of the dumbest that’s ever lived. whenever i have an idea, i question myself whether it is sufficiently dumb. i ask myself, is it possible that this, in any way, could be considered smart? if the answer is no, i proceed. i don’t write anything new or original. i copy pre-existing texts and move information from one place to another. a child could do what i do, but wouldn’t dare to for fear of being called stupid.”

- kenneth goldsmith

"Certos amores nós sabemos bem lá no fundo que são impossíveis, mas somos tão perseverantes que temos..."

“Certos amores nós sabemos bem lá no fundo que são impossíveis, mas somos tão perseverantes que temos uma esperançazinha acesa dentro de nossos corações de que no fim, tudo há de acontecer.”

- Franciele Cristina  (via alegrais)

via @notiun

The Monkey Tree HotelA 16-room boutique property in North Palm...

The Monkey Tree Hotel

A 16-room boutique property in North Palm Springs, California, the Monkey Tree Hotel greets visitors with delicious homemade breakfast, a Scandinavian spa, and scenic views of the San Jacinto Mountains.

Designed in 1960 by iconic local architect Albert Frey, the hotel was recently renovated and brought to its former mid-century modern glory.

Rooms are chic, colorful, and appointed with all modern amenities. Some units have their own private patios and kitchenettes, and others are styled with a theme in mind and filled with unique decor items.

8 Exercises To Help You Look Great In Swimsuit This Summer


Looking to get that perfect bikini body, or look great in a swimsuit this summer? Try these 8 fitness exercises: 4 for men and 4 for women!

Fitness Exercises for Men

Here are a few simple workouts for you guys to start looking great at the beach.

Lat Pulldown

The lat pulldown is a great exercise for your shoulders, arms, and back. It’s got a full range of motion compared to similar exercises, which increases muscle stretching and endurance. Many people focus too much on their arms and not enough on their shoulders and back – causing them to have spectacular arms, but lacking in back definition.

Leg Scissors

No bikini body is complete without 6 pack abs. If you do these long enough, you’ll start to feel the burn and be well on your way to those abs you’ve always wanted. These are great for getting rid of that pesky pouch of fat in that hard to exercise area between your belly button and groin.

Front Squat

Of course, you can’t forget about leg day! Skipping leg day turns you into one of those incredibly awkward looking guys with huge upper bodies and wimpy lower bodies. No one wants to see that – never skip leg day!

Bench Press

Last, but certainly not least, we have to hit the chest. What better way to build a huge chest than by the classic bench press? One tip I learned while working out myself – don’t bring the bar all the way down to your chest. Over time, bring the bar that far down can cause serious injury to the ligaments in your chest. Only bring the bar down enough so your arms are parallel with the ground.

Fitness Exercises for Women

Now that the guys have some exercises, this section is for the ladies wanting to look good!

Mountain Climber Planks

Ladies, if you’re ready for your own 6 pack abs, you’ve got to try these. Heck, show the men how it’s done and swap back and forth between these and the leg scissors in the men’s exercise sections to really feel the burn! For added benefit, include planking in between each set and down let yourself fall until you’re totally finished. Start as high as you’re comfortable, whether that’s 5 seconds or 5 minutes. As you continue these exercises every day, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll progress.


A toned booty is highly sought after by all the guys on the beach, according to Stephanie Lee of FitnGeeky (and many others)! The best way to get that figure you desire is by a very basic squat! However, make sure you get your form right; improper squatting can do damage to your back. Good luck toning up your gluteus maximus!

Barbell Hip Thruster

They may look kind of funny, and the guys might turn their heads when they see you doing it, but barbell hip thrusters are one of the best ways to get the highly sought-after “V”. These work your back, glutes, and (most importantly), your lower abs. As with any machine workout (but especially those involving your back), be sure not to put too much weight on the bar or you risk serious injury.


There’s nothing quite like an old-fashioned push-up. They still work out your chest as good as any machine could; maybe better if calisthenics is to be believed! Be sure to incorporate some of the classic exercises in your routine for the best results. As always, perfect your form for best results, and increase your reps when only using body weight!

There you have it ladies and gents – 4 exercises to get your beach bod on this summer! Happy exercising – be sure to share pictures of your results when you start seeing them!

Featured photo credit: Carrie O’Brien via

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Put A Bar Of Soap Under Bed Before You Sleep, And This Amazing Thing Will Happen

restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is very common today, affecting almost 10% of the population. It can be incredible uncomfortable, and cause you to lose a lot of sleep. Basically, RLS is an uncomfortable prickling, itching, or crawling sensation in the legs, resulting in an irresistible urge to move them around to relieve the sensation. If you have it, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Unfortunately, there is no known definite cure for RLS. However, you’re in luck! Simply putting a bar of soap under your bed is a super inexpensive and easy way to finally cure restless leg syndrome and be able to sleep comfortably again. I know it sounds weird, but it works!

This method has been proven by science to work, and also has a great deal of followers claiming to have used it and finally been cured of the discomfort plaguing their sleep. It is believed to work because TK.

Common Questions

  1. Does it matter what kind of soap I use?
    No, it doesn’t seem to matter. As mentioned in the video, people are claiming success with tons of different kinds of soap. Worst case scenario is trying out a few different types to see which work for you. They’re inexpensive, so you can try as many as you like!
  2. Where should you put it under the bed?
    Many people have found that placing the soap under your sheets by your feet works best. Again, keep experimenting to find the best position for you.
  3. Does the room have to be a certain temperature?
    No, any temperature should work fine. However, very hot and humid temperatures may cause the room to smell a bit if you don’t have good ventilation.
  4. How often should you replace the soap?
    You can probably keep the same bar for an entire year before replacing it if you just scrape off the outer layer every few weeks. However, if that thought grosses you out, you can change it as often as you like.

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8 Tricks To Distract Yourself From Frustrating Illnesses And Pains


There’s nothing worse than being in constant pain or feeling incredibly nauseous. It can be difficult to think about anything besides the discomfort in those situations. Luckily, there are 8 quick and simple tricks you can use to distract yourself from all of your illness and pain!

1. Scratch Your Ear To Cure A Scratchy Throat!

I didn’t believe it either ‒ until I tried it and it worked. As it turns out, Scott Schaffer, M.D., the president of an ear, nose, and throat specialty center, gave this expert advice to Men’s Health. His exact words were, “When the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it creates a reflex in the throat that can cause a muscle spasm. This spasm relieves the tickle.” Fascinating!

2. Relieve Your Migraine with Ancient Techniques

If you’re anything like my sister, you are plagued by constant headaches that never seem to go away. You might even take a lot of advil or other pain relief medicine ‒ which isn’t very good for your body, and you build up a tolerance pretty quickly. Instead, try the ancient technique of using pressure points to relieve your headache.

According to LiveStrong, you can simply use your thumb and index finger to press against the webbing between your thumb and index finger on your other hand to relieve the pain. Press and hold for two minutes on each hand while gently moving your fingers in a circular motion.

Confused? Watch this video:

3. Blow On Your Thumb To Calm Your Nerves

Does it sound ridiculous? Yes. Does it work? You betcha.

If you’ve ever had butterflies in your stomach before a big meeting, a date with a cute girl/guy, or just doing something new, you can use this method! Blowing on your thumb works because it regulates your breathing (thus calming your nerves), and also helps control your vagus nerve, which helps to slow your heart rate.

4. Use Alternating Pressure To Drain A Stuffy Nose

All stuffed up and can’t breathe out your nose? Try this technique.

Alternate pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth and pressing your index fingers against the inside of each of your eyebrows at the same time. Go back and forth between these two pressure points for about 20 seconds, and you should be able to take a nice deep breath! This works by moving the vomer bone back and forth, which breaks up your phlegm.

5. Ice Your Hand to Stop Toothaches

Suffering from horrendous tooth pain? Reach for an ice cube!

Take the ice and rub it on the back of your hand. Rub it back and forth on the webbing between your thumb and index finger. The nerves there are linked to the nerves in your face and both of which are linked to your brain. By icing your hand, you’ll block the pain signals in your teeth! Weird, huh?

6. Splash Your Face with Cold Water To Relieve Stress

You’ve probably already heard of this hack, but do you know why it works?

Apparently, by holding your breath and feeling the sting of ice cold water on your face, your brain is tricked into what is called the “mammalian diving reflex”. This reflex forces your body to use oxygen more efficiently, which in turn forces you to calm down. WebMD has a lot of studies on the history of the human brain and water ‒ it has a lot of calming effects.

7. Cough To Stop Pain From Needles

Are you afraid of getting a shot at the doctor or giving blood because of the impending needle in your skin?

Next time you’re about to get a needle in you, try letting out a small cough just before the nurse is injecting you. A cough will distract your brain from the pricking feeling and it’ll be done before you even realize anything happened! Just be sure to let the nurse in on your brain so she doesn’t jump and miss your vein!

8. Next Time You Get a Burn, Skip The Water or Ice

By running a burn under cold water or putting ice on it, your skin changes temperatures too rapidly, which can cause blistering and more unnecessary pain. Next time, just hold your fingers or hand over the burn to bring it back to body temperature more slowly, stopping the skin from getting as damaged.

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Scientists Confirm Living Near Water Can Improve Mental Health

improve mental health

We all love the scenic views of the ocean, lakes, streams and even ponds. There just seems to be something calming about water, and people everywhere stop to look when they see even a painting where water is featured. Beachfront vacations are the most popular around the world because we associate water with relaxation. So it wasn’t surprising when a recent study confirmed what we already know–water is good for the soul.

The study, published in the journal Health & Place, found that people who live near water have better mental health than those who don’t. It is thought that those who live near trees and lots of green space have an advantage, but the study discovered that water trumps trees every time. Researchers made sure to look at other factors as well, such as financial information and job stress, but they still found that to improve mental health, you must be able to see water from where you live. So what is it about water that gives it the power to improve mental health?

Water puts things in perspective

ocean 2

While this particular study focused on people living near the ocean, those who live close to lakes and rivers also know the calming effect that water has on them. There is something about seeing and hearing the movement of water that calms the soul. It’s so much bigger than you, your problems, your stress, that it seems to put things in perspective. Most of the time you don’t even realize you are gaining perspective on your problems by looking out at the water, but somewhere deep down, in your subconscious, it happens.

It could be the ocean air

ocean 3

A couple hundred years ago, ocean air was prescribed by doctors when patients were not doing well. Sometimes the only antidote they could suggest was to take the patient to the ocean for an extended time. There were times when this did not work, but for some, the ocean air was what they needed to get well. No doctor prescribes time by the ocean anymore, but maybe they should in some cases. The researchers who conducted this study are not sure what it is about the water that improves mental health, but whatever it is, we need more of it!

The tide could improve mental health


Well, not the tide alone, but the entire “order” of the ocean. No matter what’s going on in your life, or in the world, the ocean never stops. The tide comes in and out every day, right on time, regardless of what is happening. Waves continually come crashing to the shore, no matter what is going on inside or outside of the water. Maybe it’s the steadiness of the ocean that has the power to improve mental health.

What if you can’t live near water?


There are still things you can do to improve your mental health if it is not possible to live near water. Vast amounts of people live far inland, and there has to be something they can do for their mental health as well.

Beachfront vacations are one suggestion, and they don’t have to cost an arm and a leg. If you can’t afford to go to a resort, why don’t you try vacationing by a closer ocean? For example, if you live in Canada, go to the West or East coast for a few days. Spend some quality time by the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean and take it all in. Picture your worries going out with the tide. You can also invest in some pictures or paintings of the ocean and display them in your home. Put ocean sounds on and spend a few minutes each day looking at these scenes and relaxing. This way you still get the sights and sounds of the ocean, even though you can’t physically be there.

Another suggestion is to rent a cottage for a few days in the summer. Spend a few days at a nearby lake as often as possible. If you live close enough to a lake, you can even go for walks along the beach in any season. When you have the opportunity to be near water, take it. You’ll be amazed at what it will do to improve mental health.

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This Is The Real Life People With Anxiety Experience Every Day

people with anxiety

“You can’t judge a book by its cover” is a popular saying because it is true. In the same way, you can’t know what is going on in someone’s mind by looking at them, or even talking to them each day. Anxiety is the most commonly diagnosed disorder right now, and it is a widespread problem around the world. There are many people walking around, who look like they have normal lives, when they are falling apart on the inside.

If you know someone with anxiety, the number one thing they want you to know is that you can’t fix the problem for them, but that’s ok. It’s enough just to listen to their issues and try to understand what life is like for them. Friendship isn’t about trying to fix the other person; it’s about being there for one another in the good and the bad times. Here are some points that will help you to understand what life is like for people with anxiety:

1. Anxiety Is Relentless

Anxiety does not care about what else is going on in your life right now. It doesn’t care that there has been a death in the family. It doesn’t care that you’ve got too much work to do and don’t have time for it right now. It couldn’t care less that you just want to be happy and live a normal life. Anxiety. Does. Not. Care. It is a committed partner, staying with you til the end.

2. People With Anxiety Can’t Just “Go To The Store”

Doing normal things like going to the grocery store or getting a hair cut do not come easily to people with anxiety. Normally, you would go to the store, pick up what you need and leave without even thinking about it. Normally you would walk into a hair salon, pick out a cut, talk to the stylist, pay at the counter, take a selfie and leave. For people who suffer from anxiety, these everyday activities are not so easy.

It is “normal” for someone with anxiety to suddenly be overcome with self-consciousness while in a store, and spend the entire time worrying that people are looking at them or thinking about them. Or they may not be able to enjoy a shopping experience because they are filled with worry about other things.

And something as simple as a hair appointment can fill an anxiety-ridden mind with dread. The thought of having to conversate with the stylist, choosing the right cut, how much to tip, how to tell the stylist exactly what you want, and what if you have to talk to people while you wait for your appointment! These are just 2 examples of how the “normal” activities in life can be harder for people with anxiety.

3. Anxiety Shows

There are many anxiety symptoms that appear on the inside, but unfortunately, this disorder makes itself known in other ways as well. People with anxiety can have heart palpitations, blushing, sweat, trouble breathing, restless legs, shaking, nausea and vomiting, and many more. The worst part of these symptoms is that other people seeing them only makes your anxiety worse! It’s like a vicious cycle, and even the thought of having someone witness an anxiety attack is enough to make you want to lock the door and stay inside.

4. Stressful Situations Are Even Worse for People With Anxiety

When you suffer from panic attacks when life is going relatively well, stressful situations become a nightmare. Whether it’s financial worries, stress on the job, relationship issues or a bad news from the doctor, anxiety makes any stressful situation much worse. Now, instead of dealing with the stress in a healthy way, you have anxiety piled on top of the stress to deal with.

5. “Be Yourself.” Yeah, Right.

People with anxiety have just as much personality as the next person, but anxiety can override a great sense of humor, a kind heart and a zest for life. “Just be yourself” is great advice for anyone to follow, but for someone who has anxiety, it can be an impossible task. Anxiety works hard to stop you from being yourself. In social situations, when all you want to do is relax and let your personality shine, anxiety shows up and instead of being yourself, you are overcome with baseless fears.

6. Anxiety Clouds Your Thinking

When you suffer from anxiety, you just can’t think clearly about life. Your mind is constantly churning and it never stops. If you need to make a decision, even smallest ones can take a long time to make. Thinking clearly about anything, whether important or not, is just not possible.

7. Sleep Eludes You

Sleep is so necessary for body, mind and soul, and sleep would probably help people with anxiety a lot. Unfortunately, without medication, sleep is something that seems to stay away from anxiety sufferers. There are too many things to think about, troubling anxiety symptoms popping up at inopportune times, and sometimes you just feel too miserable to fall asleep. Thankfully, there are medications that can help, because sleep is insanely important.

8. You Just Want to Feel Normal

Even though the physical symptoms of anxiety, not being able to turn your mind off and the stress are awful things to deal with, the worst part about having anxiety is seeing other people enjoying life and wishing you could just be “normal.” Sadly, many people with anxiety don’t even remember what “normal” feels like, because they have had an anxiety disorder for many years.

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