
sexta-feira, julho 08, 2016

People Who Learn Faster Have These 2 Characteristics

Formula written on chalkboard

There are many types of intelligence, from emotional to bodily-kinesthetic, linguistics, and beyond. There are also just as many learning techniques. Anyone who turns to the internet for tips on tricks on how to learn faster will find a staggering number of views on the subject. It’s trendy to want to learn more, better, and faster. It’s a hot topic and the experts have a lot to say.

If you want to learn faster but are tired of the hype, take note of these two common traits among individuals who learn faster.

1. They have growth mindsets and pursue knowledge with curiosity.

Growth mindset individuals believe in possibility, including their ability to grow. Aware that they can develop and change their intelligence, these learners are less likely to shy away from challenging things. Fixed mindset individuals, on the other hand, are more likely to avoid subjects in which they struggle. They also despair when they are overlooked for promotion or receive negative feedback from bosses or coworkers. When it comes to learning, those who develop growth mindsets have a clear advantage.

Inquisitiveness serves another important role in the making of a fast learner. Their curiosity leads them to new subjects. The more they learn, the greater their appetite for novelty. Sure, a fast learner might double as a walking encyclopedia when it comes to specialized topics like the RMS Titanic, but these knowledge seekers also pursue the unique, and the brain thrives on challenge. Giving the brain new material makes it sharper and faster, and therefore more sensitive to error. The brain is truly capable of change. Fast learners become increasingly faster with practice.

2. They are more sensitive to errors and then to learn from them.

Fast learners are able to deduce meaning from abstract or obscure information through reason. For example, they can approach a convoluted argument, identify the key points, and extrapolate the essential meaning. Individuals who excel at learning use deductive reasoning to problem solve, judge positions based on evidence, and manipulate information to develop new arguments. They synthesize new material by drawing connections to other pieces of knowledge they’ve acquired. The ability to infer also allows these learners to guess more quickly and accurately than average learners.

Growth mindset individuals also demonstrate differences in the brain from those with fixed mindsets. Numerous studies have shown that people learn more effectively when their brains exhibit two properties. These learners have larger error-related negativity (ERN) signals, suggesting a bigger initial response to mistakes. They also show more consistent error-related positivity (Pe) signals, which indicates that they are probably paying attention to the error and, therefore, trying to learn from it.

The Value of Hard Work

Arguably the most critical quality for quick learning is the willingness to work hard. You may be the next Einstein in terms of natural ability, but your talent is of little value if you don’t work diligently to improve your learning. Having some grit is one of the qualities that distinguishes amateurs from experts across all fields.

Having grit is like having a strong immune system. It prevents us from giving up when met with adversity. For example, if we make a mistake and misread the instructions on a test, having determination helps us learn from the experience. We’re much less likely to make the same mistake twice if we’ve paid attention and adjusted our behavior accordingly. People with sticktoitiveness are definitely members of the growth mindset camp. They persevere with their inquisitions because they have allowed themselves to make mistakes.

Fixed mindset, perfectionist people of the world beware! Hard-working and investigative thinkers are out-learning you in big ways. They believe in their ability to learn and defy the fear of failure. With greater feelings of self-worth, they remain committed to their interests. Growth mindset learners approach life with more creativity and are always up for a challenge.

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How Helicopter Parents Affect Their Children’s Mental Health for a Lifetime, According to Study


Helicopter parents are perhaps this generation’s worst nightmare. From stalking your internet history to calling you every five minutes when you’re away at a party in a friend’s place, we all know what it is like when our mom and dad tend to be just too over protective and cross the invisible line that invades our privacy. Being concerned for your child’s welfare and safety is one thing, but putting their lives on twenty-four-seven surveillance and dictating their every choice and controlling their every move is another. Helicopter parenting takes it to a whole new level, using the time-tested excuse that elders know what’s best for their kids. This actually does way more harm than good.

As per a 2013 study involving 297 students, published  in the “Journal of Child and Family Studies,” college students with helicopter parents reported significantly higher levels of depression and less satisfaction in life and attributed this decrease in well-being to a violation of the students’ “basic psychological needs for autonomy and competence.” Academically overbearing parents may not only force their child to take up a major they have no interest or talent in, but plan their every career choice, leaving no room for voicing the student’s desires. Ultimately, the effects of helicopter parenting do not conclude with a teenager’s coming of age or a student’s moving out; it is lifelong and with deadly consequences.

1. They kill the child’s confidence.

Over-parenting may be advertised as leading the child to success, but in reality, it paves the way for a hassle-free one-way trip to hell. A child who grows up with parents who do everything for him/her, lacks the proper decision-making skills required to face life. One learns from one’s mistakes, but the helicopter mother won’t allow her precious daughter to ever make the wrong move, and as a result, the child never learns how to do the right thing. Without proper experience, the kid never learns to trust their own abilities and choices, and their self-confidence level suddenly drops. This manifests in social anxiety, withdrawal, and low self-esteem issues.

2. Depression is inevitable; suicide is possible.

Frustrated and alone, such children succumb to depression, and many of them consider, if not attempt, suicide. College students with helicopter parents reported significantly higher levels of depression and less satisfaction in life. Thus, instead of teaching them how to live, parents end up providing a crash course on how to die.

3. The child cannot cope with real world problems.

Helicopter parents tend to forget that they cannot protect their child forever. Without the constant monitoring of an anxious dad, the son is unable to fend for himself, and performing simple day-to-day tasks become impossible. Such people are also very vulnerable and run the high risk of being cheated, for they have absolutely no idea what to do when everything is in their hands. The well-protected child is absolutely powerless to navigate the thorny paths of reality.

4. All relationships turn sour.

With every need taken care of and every wish being fulfilled before it is even uttered, children of helicopter parents may come off as selfish, immature, and impractical, to no fault of their own. They never know the meaning of adjusting and compromising, and as a result, inter-personal relationships suffer. They cannot connect with other individuals, often lack empathy, and although they may have the very best intentions when it comes to helping others, they may realize that they do not actually know how to help someone in need. As a result, they may never find true friends to make their lives a little less lonely.

The Way Out

Helicopter parenting is becoming increasingly common, and hence, it is imperative to raise awareness about its dangerous lifelong effects it entails. Ultimately, a parent’s job is not to be the child’s best friend or force their unfulfilled aspirations upon their offspring, but to teach him/her to be a healthy, functioning adult. While the promise of being there for your kids is lovely and tempting, the best parents teach their kids to help themselves.

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Survey Finds How Many People Regret Not Traveling Enough, the Results Are Impressive

pablo (3)

If you’ve ever taken a trip that left you smiling for weeks, you’ll know that travel is one of the greatest joys in life. It exposes you to new ideas, ways of life, and can allow you to make friendships that last for years. Even short trips can provide a valuable opportunity to shake you from your regular routine, leaving you refreshed when you get home. Travelling abroad helps you develop appreciation and tolerance for other nationalities and cultures, which help you become a better-rounded individual. It also gives you some great stories to tell!

Why Is Traveling So Great?

Research shows that travelling provides many of us with a serious mood boost. A survey of over 1,000 American adults carried out by Wakefield Research on behalf of Priceline showed that heading away somewhere new made them happier than working out or shopping. According to the research participants, trips do not have to be long to make an appreciable difference to our mood — many Americans stated that they would rather take several short vacations every year than a single, longer trip.

The survey also showed that the majority of traveler were heading to see family and friends, with over 90 percent of those booking trips with Priceline intending to meet up or travel with their loved ones. Both sexes said that romantic vacations were the kind most likely to increase their happiness levels. So even if your partner or relative occasionally annoys you during those long plane or car rides, you’re still likely to have a good time!

How Much Traveling Do We Manage to Fit in Each Year?

Unfortunately, although Americans love to travel, many don’t manage to go away as often as they would like. A survey carried out by The Priceline Group shows that between a third and a half (44 percent) of American adults regret not going on more trips away, and most of the time they miss out because travel costs are too high.

Forty-four percent of adults would like to take four or five trips in 2016, and around 10 percent would ideally go away at least seven times! It’s clear, then, that most Americans wish they could get away on a more frequent basis. With some of the longest working weeks of any country in the world and a frantic pace of life, it isn’t surprising that we dream of taking regular breaks.

How Can You Squeeze More Travel Into Your Year?

If you are like most wannabe travelers, you put your plans on hold because you think the costs will render your ambitions unaffordable. However, there are simple steps you can take to lower the price of your vacation or grand adventure. For example, travelling out of peak season can save you money, as can choosing alternative options such as organizing a house-swap with a family in another state or country instead of staying in hotels. Flights and accommodation costs can also vary significantly by state according to the month in which you are travelling.

There are also some great sites out there that can help you find deals that mean your next trip could cost significantly less than you had imagined. Good places to start are Priceline (, Lastminute (, and Agoda ( There are other, less well-known tips to securing the best price such as searching using Incognito or Private mode in your web browser – the more frequently you search for a destination, the higher the price you will get because businesses want to give you the impression that costs are rising fast for scarcity reasons! Check out The Thrifty Nomad for more little-known tips and tricks.

Travelling is good for the soul, so it’s worth taking the time to find a solution that allows you to see any part of the world that takes your fancy. If you have a “use it or lose it” vacation policy, make a decision to use every single day of your allowance this year and stick to it! Your well-being will be the better for it.

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Why People Who Focus On Improving Themselves Have Better Relationships


“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” ‒ Ernest Hemingway

As Hemingway says, self-improvement is a noble cause. It can help us learning about who we are and this can enable us to strive to be better people in the future. Much of who we are is determined by how we interact with others around us. When we seek to improve ourselves, we can also make our relationships with others better.

1. The way you view yourself affects how others view you

The way you view yourself affects how others view you. If you have a good self-image, then others are likely to relate to you in a positive way. When looking to better yourself you may wish to build up your self-esteem. If you feel confident, you will radiate poise. When people see a composed and self-assured individual, they are likely to be affected in a positive way. They too may adopt your good feeling, and this can result in a more optimistic and constructive relationship.

2. Aiming For Inner Stability Makes You A More Attractive Friend And Partner

People who radiate inner stability are often liked and admired by others around them. If you sometimes feel that you are internally shaky, you may want to try and strengthen your inner core. You can do this by taking time out during the day for self-reflection. By looking deeply into yourself and examining who you really are you can learn to find what makes you calm and what excites you. By tapping into your calmer self, you can achieve more inner stability.

3. People like to be around individuals who like and accept themselves

Only once you have accepted who you are can you grow. If you are continuously fighting against yourself, you won’t have the emotional energy you need to better yourself.

If you wish to get on with people better, then you may want to start by accepting yourself. People like to be around individuals who like and accept themselves.

4. We Attract Who We Are

If you are on a personal trajectory that is going upwards, then you are likely to find a friend or partner who is also seeking to better themselves and their circumstances. Like-minded people attract one another.

5. Relying On Yourself Instead Of Leaning On Your Partner Makes For A Better Relationship

If you are in a relationship maintaining a healthy sense of independence will help to make the relationship strong. If you seek to become more self-reliant then you and your partner will both feel more secure.

6. When You Improve Yourself, You Minimize Self-Sabotage

When you aim to improve who you are, you steer away from self-sabotage. Focusing on your good qualities and endeavoring to enhance and protect these attributes will not only help you become a better person it will also stop you from undermining yourself. When you stop sabotaging who you are, you are likely to refrain from ruining relationships and this can lead to longer and more meaningful connects with others.

The noble task of self-improvement will not only be good for you but will be also good for those around you. If you work to improve yourself then you will find yourself in more meaningful and stronger relationships with others.

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If Kids Like You, It’s Most Likely You’re Truly Attractive

attractive people

Do you consider yourself to be an attractive person? A recent study, published by Frontiers in Psychology, observed how children perceive both attractive and non-attractive people. The result found that if kids don’t warm up to you right away, cry at the sight of you or just don’t seem to like you, you may not be one of the “attractive people”. The reason behind is you do not look trustworthy in the eyes of kids. And the story is totally different for attractive people–they are liked by kids and are trusted!

Are Attractive People More Trustworthy?

The psychologists who conducted this study were probably not aiming to prove that the unattractive faces of the world are not worthy of trust. What they were trying to prove is that both children and adults have biased opinions about who they should trust in this world.

The second part of this study took not only groups of children, but adults as well to see if our perceptions change as we get older. Apparently our viewpoint only gets stronger as we age, and adults are also guilty of assigning trustworthiness to people based on their looks.

Obviously this is a result of society’s great misconception that beauty equals character. If anyone actually believes that attractive people should automatically be trusted, they have a serious problem! When children like some people more than others, it’s not really because those people are more trustworthy; it’s because like everyone else, children gravitate towards people who are happy and confident. People who believe they are attractive are usually more happy and confident.

It’s Up To You

After reading this study, you can choose to walk away with your tail between your legs and think that if children find you unattractive, no one ever will, OR you can do something about your situation.

So what if mainstream society doesn’t find you attractive? Love who you are. Take care of yourself, inside and outside. As you learn to love and care for yourself, you will be happier and more confident. Your happiness and confidence will change others’ perception of you, and you will soon find that children and adults will see you as one of the “attractive people”.

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Completing Goal: Eat More Protein

Eat more protein with main meals and snacks

Day 7 Secret

Eat broccoli with your dinner 5 times a week.

Why it matters?

When people try to consume more protein, they tend to focus on meat with their main meals because it’s the easiest way to obtain some. However, it’s vital that you don’t avoid vegetables, since they give us vital nutrients, and nothing does this better than broccoli. It contains 2.8 grams of protein per 100 grams, and it’s a lot easier to eat than meat! If you’re tired of broccoli, try to at least have some kind of veg with your meat five times a week.

To conclude our advice on protein

Most of the foods we consume contain some protein, but a majority are packed with other dangerous ingredients, especially processed foods. Try to take our suggestions to heart and get into the habit of eating protein-rich foods with every main meal, or even as a snack. It isn’t particularly difficult to eat 50 grams of protein each day if you follow our advice, but it will take some time to get the hang of how much you’re eating each day, unless you plan ahead and know which foods to buy in advance. Your entire body will feel healthier and more energetic, and you’ll be more productive as a consequence.

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