
quarta-feira, maio 25, 2016

Don’t Try Harder, Try Different: 5 Ways To Interview Better

interview better

We’ve all heard the phrase “practice makes perfect” and it’s a good motto to live by…most of the time. If you are already good at something or if you are using methods that are tried and true, go ahead and practice until it’s perfected, but what if the methods are bad? This is one of the biggest problems interviewers face. Think about your own experience – you know you have the skills for the job and you know you are a good fit with the company, but you also know you need to interview better to get the job, so you keep practicing the same old techniques over and over, hoping next time you’ll get it right and land your dream job.

Practicing is a great idea, but only if you’re practicing with the right interview techniques. In fact, you might be surprised to learn how many candidates are hired because of how they came across in the interview, not because of their past experience. Here are 6 ways to improve your interview skills – 6 tried and true methods that are worth practicing!

1. Change How You Think About Interviews

Job interviews seem to be all about answering questions, so many people come up with good answers and rehearse those answers until they know them well. Interviewers, however, are looking for so much more than good answers. The interview is their only chance to get to know you as a person, and see if you will be a good fit for the company. Yes, you should be able to answer questions well, and you should be prepared for any type of question, but when you think about what your answers should be, remember that they need to represent you as a person and allow you to communicate normally, not as someone quoting a memorized script. So, if you want to practice this method to interview better, stop thinking of the interview as an exam, and more as a simple meeting between 2 people who want to see if joining together is a good idea. Do you think you will be a good fit at this company? The only way to show them is to be comfortably yourself in the interview.

2. Emphasis on the “Fit”

You may be surprised how often being a good fit for a company or team overshadows past experience and skill sets when companies are looking for someone. Job candidates tend to focus so much on how their experience, job history and professional skills, and often miss another very important ingredient: fit. Your past experiences are very valuable and you should still focus on these aspects of the job interview, but don’t make the mistake of forgetting the fit. Because no company wants to hire someone who won’t fit in with the team, no matter how wonderful their employment history is or how qualified they are for the job. Nine times out of ten, companies would rather spend the money to train someone than hire someone who they aren’t sure is going to fit. Make sure your resume does a good job of covering your qualifications for the job so that you are take those experiences and show how they make you a great fit for the company in the interview. If you know you aren’t as qualified as other candidates will be, you should definitely put extra emphasis on the fit.

3. Learn the Other Side of Interviewing Through Role Playing

Not too many job candidates know what it feels like to be on the other side of the desk. You can stress yourself out, trying to figure out what interviewers are looking for, but the only way to know that is to put yourself in their shoes. Pick a couple of job ads similar to the type of job you are looking for, and find some friends who want to practice their interviewing skills, or better yet, let them find some of their other friends (people you don’t know) and they can practice their interview skills with you. Look into the companies and get a sense of what they are really looking for in a candidate and conduct some interviews. This will help you know how it feels to be the interviewer for a change, and you will be able to pinpoint some things the interviewees are doing wrong. Take notes, and compare with your past interview experiences to see where you need to improve.

4. Know Yourself Better by Seeking Constructive Criticism

Many people do well in the beginning of an interview, only to falter when the questions get personal. You would think that those would be the easiest questions to answer, but a lot of people don’t know themselves as well as they think. To help you get to know yourself, ask some good friends to tell you (nicely) about what they think your biggest strengths and weaknesses are, how you handle stressful situations, what makes you successful, and how you can improve. Take notes and compare with your own perceptions once you are alone again. Remember, your friends care about you and are not out to hurt you. Their constructive criticism can help you interview better.

5. Heavey Research Is the Key to Interview Better

Many job seekers hear that they should research the company before an interview and spend 15 minutes perusing the website, memorize a few facts and take that to the interview, so they can throw in a couple of facts here and there and maybe ask a good question to impress the hiring manager. This is not good enough to set you apart from everyone else.

How badly do you want this job? Make it show by investing your time on doing some heavy research on the company. Find out how they started, their past mistakes and successes, their beliefs, vision, goals for the future, past and present CEOs and how they helped the company to success, and whatever else you can dig up. Now, look at your resume, look at who you are as a professional person, and think about what you can do for them. Think about how you fit with this company, what you admire about them and what you can learn from the company’s history. You will want to reformulate some of your interview answers so that you can seamlessly incorporate this information into your answers.

The post Don’t Try Harder, Try Different: 5 Ways To Interview Better appeared first on Lifehack.

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How To Wake Up Earlier: Science-Backed Tricks For Night Owls

sleep early and wake up early

Our modern lives strongly encourage the development night owl sleeping habits. There’s 24-hours services, bustling nightlife, artificial lighting and the lure of the internet.

We’ve clearly become far less dependent on natural sunlight, but if we are not careful this habit will catch up with us. It can become increasingly difficult to wake up early in the mornings amongst other negative health implications.

Benefits of Becoming an Early Bird

As the expression goes, the early bird catches the worm! More specifically, here are a number of reasons change to sleep early and wake up early:

  • You will feel energized, refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead
  • The peace of early morning and extra time will skyrocket your productivity
  • You will accomplish more with your day without working harder
  • Studies have shown you are likely to be happier and healthier overall!

Clever Tricks to Banish Your Night Owl Habits

Changing your sleeping habits will be challenging, but with the right strategies and a couple of tricks, you’ll be rising with the birds in no time!

1. During the Day: Restore Natural Light Exposure


It’s strongly believed a significant contributor to unhealthy sleeping habits is a separation from natural sunlight. Many of us spend the majority of our day under artificial lighting, not to mention blue lighting from computer screens and mobile devices.

Our modern lifestyles can utterly confuse our natural body clocks, even preventing the release of sleep-inducing melatonin.

So, to help you sleep early and wake up early, you should first try to increase your natural exposure to sunlight:

  • Open your curtains before you go to sleep, the flood of natural light entering your room in the morning will ensure you rise with the birds. This will certainly help kick start your natural circadian rhythm.

Then you should decrease your exposure to unnatural sources later in the day. Here are a couple ways to follow the natural light as it fades, winding down your environment to mimic it:

  • Dim the lights as the evening progresses. Use shaded lights and lamps to create a more relaxed environment
  • An hour or so before bed, shut down all electronic devices without excuses. This includes the TV, laptop, and any mobile devices

2. In the Evening: Have a Nighttime Routine


It’s easy to get wrapped up with work and other commitments. Before you know it, it’s already 10PM and you’re still wide-awake. To break this habit you need to set yourself a simple nighttime routine.

  1. Start off with a gentle alarm/reminder at least an hour before bedtime. This will signal the start of your evening wind down.
  2. Tie up loose ends, finish up what you’re doing and shut down your computer and electronic devices.
  3. When you are ready for bed, retire to a dimmed bedroom and perform a relaxing activity such as reading
  4. Finally before sleeping, remind yourself why it’s important to wake up early and visualize it happening.

Building a simple bedtime ritual enables you to wind down gradually and get you off to sleep nice and early.

3. In the Morning: Wake Up Physically and Mentally


Eventually, you should be able to ditch your alarm clock altogether. However, during this transitional stage, having an alarm is going to be a dreaded essential. Use these tricks to help you wake up more naturally:

  • Don’t make the mistake of setting an obnoxious alarm, it will only serve to ramp up your stress. Instead, wake up gently to the sound of a radio talk show, podcast or similar. Hearing these conversations will also serve to awaken your mind.
  • Move your alarm as far away from your bed as possible. The mere act of standing up and going to switch off your alarm will wake up physically.
  • To ensure to your fully awake and reduce the chance of a retreat back to the bed, splash your face with cold water.

4. Bonus: Take a Camping Trip


Separating yourself from all your distractions and artificial stimuli can be beneficial to your overall health. Also, there’s no more effective way to reset your body clock than returning to more natural roots.

Going out to rise and shine with the birds is a powerful indirect trick. You will be working physically during the day, basking in the natural sunlight and winding down over a campfire in the evening.

If you fancy a weekend away, camping could help you slip back into a more harmonious sleeping pattern.

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Top 8 Effective Ways To Quit Coffee Painlessly

quit coffee painlessly

Are you a coffee addict? You’re not alone! If there’s one thing most of us couldn’t give up, it would be our morning cup of joe. However, all of us have different levels of tolerance for coffee, and for many of us, that tolerance has been surpassed. Yet day and day again, you may find yourself reaching for yet another cup just to make it through the day.

What’s the Deal with Coffee?


It’s true that energy drinks, gels, and over-the-counter drugs also contain caffeine and are abused just much as coffee is, however, coffee is addicting for more reasons than the caffeine it contains. Coffee also contains some key nutrients such as magnesium, B vitamins and even chromium, a mineral that plays a role in blood sugar regulation. Regular, modest intake of coffee has even been linked to preventing liver cancer, treating mild depression, treating mild constipation, and reducing the risks of Alzheimer’s Disease and Type 2 diabetes. So why in the world would you want to drink less coffee? Because like anything else, too much isn’t necessarily a good thing.

How Much is Too Much?


The maximum daily recommended intake of caffeine is 400 milligrams. One 8-ounce cup of coffee contains around 90 milligrams per cup, give or take (espresso obviously has more). And who really drinks a small 8-ounce cup of coffee anymore? Most of us get around 120-150 milligrams of caffeine with the first big cup we drink each day.

Too much coffee can lead to headaches, nervousness, depression, digestive upset, heartburn, and even chronic mineral loss. If you’re suffering from any of these and are looking to quit coffee, then here are some tips just for you!

8 Effective Ways to Quit Coffee Painlessly:


1. Reduce your intake by 1 cup per day for one month, then go down another cup the next month. If you drink several cups of coffee a day, this will be easier than those drinking only one or two. If you’re only drinking one or two, reduce your intake by half a dose. If you have no negative side effects of one or two cups a day, then assess whether you should quit to begin with.

2. Replace your cup of caffeinated coffee with decaf coffee. For some people, it’s not the caffeine that brings them back for more coffee. It’s the warming feeling of coffee and the good mood vibes it brings. You can still enjoy (and possibly benefit) from drinking coffee by just having decaf instead of regular coffee. While that might seem like cheating, for some people who have to avoid caffeine such as those who are pregnant, it’s enough to not go into withdrawals.

3. Get enough sleep. Let your body use its own stores of natural energy so it doesn’t need to rely on caffeine to get through the day. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night at a minimum. As you withdraw from caffeine, you may find it necessary to tack on an extra hour of sleep each night. Allow yourself the freedom to do so, and give your body the rest it deserves.

4. Look at why you’re using caffeine as a drug and address that issue instead of just covering up the problem. Is it out of stress, habit, low-energy, dieting, or another issue? Work on eliminating the cause of why you are addicted to coffee and you will find it easier to quit coffee.

5. Try matcha green tea. While matcha tea still contains caffeine, it’s low in caffeine compared to coffee and isn’t stimulating in the same way. It’s so rich in the amino acid, L-theanine. L-theanine helps reduce stress and even helps balance blood sugar levels. Matcha also boosts mood and energy, and doesn’t cause insomnia like coffee does. Learn more about how to improve your health with matcha green tea, and remember to buy from a trusted source that produces a high-grade matcha tea. You can add to smoothies, froth it with a whisk in hot water, or brew it just like you would for regular tea in a French press or tea maker.

6. Find New Beverages to Drink That You Enjoy

It’s always helpful to focus on the positive aspect of things when you’re trying to quit an unhealthy habit, so find other drinks you might enjoy to replace coffee. For instance, try smoothies, protein shakes, or warm herbal coffee alternatives instead.

7. Try Roasted Cocoa Beans

I love a roasted cocoa beverage known as Crio Brü and I drink it daily as a way to reduce my intake of caffeine. Roasted coffee beans have no caffeine, sugar, or fat, and they have a warming, smoky flavor and feel just like coffee does. I mix my coffee with 1/2 coffee and 1/2 cocoa beans to cut down on the caffeine intake, and it’s like a sugar-free, low-caffeine mocha that boosts energy levels just like coffee without the intense crash!

8. Reduce Your Intake Of Caffeine in General

Many times people aren’t just addicted to coffee, but all sources of caffeine like black tea, energy drinks, and chocolate. When caffeine leaves your system, you naturally reach for more to pick you back up again. This can lead to coffee addiction more easily, so attempt to reduce your intake of all sources of caffeine, not just coffee. This is a much healthier approach over the long-run and will help you feel better more quickly.

Don’t give up if you really want to quit coffee, and feel free to have a cup on occasion or once per day if you really enjoy it. Black coffee is still a much better choice than soda or other sugary drinks, and it does have some substantial health benefits that make it worth considering in moderate amounts.

The post Top 8 Effective Ways To Quit Coffee Painlessly appeared first on Lifehack.

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Study Finds People With Ambitious Goals Are Happier And More Satisfied


We often believe we would be happier if we are grateful enough. This might mean not pushing yourself too hard and accept what you have already/what you do not have now. That’s why sometimes ambitious people are thought to be less happy, as they are busy working on their goals. However, a study has proven the opposite. Here’s why.

Ambitious Goals VS Conservative Goals

A study conducted at the University of California-Riverside compared people who set ambitious goals to those who set more conservative goals. The results: The people who set ambitious goals were happier in the “long run”.

Turns out when you set an ambitious goal versus a conservative goal you end up feeling happier. After all, ambition is defined as: A strong desire to do or to achieve something; typically requiring determination and hard work.

Often when we set a goal we expect a specific result. If we set a conservative goal, we get conservative results. The opposite is true when you set an ambitious goal, you end up getting astonishing results.

In this study conducted at the University of California-Riverside people often set goals with two reasons in mind: expectancy and value.  The expectancy portion of the goal is how likely the person will be successful at achieving their goal. The value portion relates to how good it will feel when reach your goal.

When you set a goal, be mindful of also setting aside limiting beliefs. Goals are set to achieve something bigger than what you are currently doing. So why set a conservative goal which in turn will only get you conservative results? Ambitious goals provide great results when achieved.

The tricky thing about goals is knowing whether or not the goal is for personal growth or if it is a “worldly goal”. Besides ambitious goals, setting goals full of intrinsic value are great for your overall happiness.

Goals For Personal Growth Are The Key

Let’s first define an intrinsic goal: A goal that relates to personal growth, something that is “good for the soul”. An extrinsic goal is a goal that relates to “worldly goals” or anything that has to do with money or social status.

A study conducted in 2003 at the University of Rochester requested 147 college graduates share their life aspirations and the end result. The students who set intrinsic goals, set goals such as working on personal relationships and expanding personal growth.  Whereas the students who set extrinsic goals, set goals such as fame, earning a certain dollar figure and appearance.

The result: The students who set intrinsic goals versus extrinsic goals experienced a higher level of happiness. Those who set extrinsic goals reported no improvement in their well-being even after achieving their goal.

The Relationship Between Goals And Happiness

The findings can actually be explained by a psychological theory, the “Self-Determination Theory”, which states the three things in order for people to be happy:

  1. Autonomy: The sense of being in control of their behavior and goals
  2. Competence: Having mastery over tasks and skills
  3. Relatedness: Having a sense of belonging and connectedness to others.

Turns out, extrinsic goals (money and fame) do not meet these three criteria. Whereas intrinsic goals (goals good for the soul) nourish these psychological needs to be happy.

When you set a goal ask yourself: How will this goal provide me with a sense of being in control of my behavior? How will this goal allow me to attain a specific mastery of a skill? Will this goal afford me the opportunity to connect with others?


When you choose to set a goal, be mindful if you’re setting a conservative or an ambitious goal. If you want big results, set an ambitious goal. If you want to feel happier when you achieve your goal, set a goal that is an intrinsic goal that satisfies our autonomy, competence and relatedness. Goals can be a scary thing to set and then to declare, but when you chose a goal that is ambitious and most likely provide happiness, achieving your goal will be worthwhile.

Helpful Guide

Having a goal without good strategies cannot help you achieve what you want. However, with Lifehack Goal Setting System, you can efficiently attain the best result of your desire. For every goal you add, you will receive practical and useful articles that guide you through the process and achieve remarkable outcomes.

To start with, you can try these health goals:

The post Study Finds People With Ambitious Goals Are Happier And More Satisfied appeared first on Lifehack.

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12 Terrible Side Effects Of High Caffeine Consumption

side effects of high caffeine consumption

We all love coffee, and many of us love tea as well, but the side effects of high caffeine consumption can wreak havoc on our health depending on how high of a tolerance we have for caffeine. It’s important to remember that caffeine is a stimulant, and all stimulants alter the way the entire nervous system works and functions. Our nervous system controls every aspect of our mood, energy levels, heart rate, blood pressure, and even our digestion. Caffeine is also a diuretic, meaning it depletes water from the body which leads to the loss of nutrients in the body.

How much caffeine is too much?


The maximum intake (or upward daily recommended intake) of caffeine for adults over the age of 18 years old is up to 400 milligrams, which is about the equivalent of 4 cups of coffee, give or take since most coffees contain around 90 milligrams per 8-ounce cup. However, caffeine isn’t only found in coffee. There are other sources of caffeine in both food, beverages, and over the counter drugs that you should be aware of.

Here are some of the most commonly consumed sources of caffeine:


  • soda
  • green, black and white tea
  • regular coffee
  • chocolate
  • cocoa (and cacao, or raw chocolate)
  • energy drinks (and many gels)
  • diet pills/thermogenics (fat burners)
  • many over the counter sports aids
  • pain relievers

While most of us are aware of these sources of caffeine, it’s easy to go about the day and forget how much we’re actually consuming. We may have a couple cups of coffee in the morning, some tea later on in the day, a square of dark chocolate after lunch or dinner, and our favorite pre-workout before we hit the gym. Or maybe you’re dragging through your day and you decide to grab an energy drink and pop a few over-the- counter pills to take care of a lingering headache. These daily habits may seem harmless but can lead to some pretty terrible side effects of high caffeine consumption.

Here are 12 of the most common side effects of too much caffeine consumption:


1. Moodiness

2. Insomnia

3. Inability to focus

4. Overwhelming fatigue (once the caffeine barrier of tolerance has been crossed to the point of exhaustion)

5. Digestive upset (diarrhea) or constipation (from being dehydrated)

6. High blood pressure and a fast heart rate

7. Acidic Stomach and/or heartburn

8. Headaches

9. Nausea and loss of hunger

10. Restlessness

11. Jitters

12. Eye twitching

These symptoms are only some of the most common, but long-term consumption of caffeine can lead to severe digestive problems, depression, and mineral loss that leads to malabsorption of nutrients in the body. Adrenal fatigue is also commonly caused by high caffeine consumption. Long-term abuse of caffeine can even lead to weak bones due to the loss of minerals such as calcium and magnesium that assist with bone health. The list of terrible side effects of high caffeine consumption are almost limitless. Luckily, caffeine is a legal drug that is easier to wean yourself off than most are.


If you are suffering from any of these terrible side effects from high caffeine consumption, immediately begin to reduce your intake of all sources of caffeine, or at least evaluate what you’re consuming each day to find out how much caffeine you might be consuming to begin with. Be aware that weaning yourself off of caffeine is not easy and may involve a period of withdrawals. There’s also no need to completely cut out all sources of caffeine from your diet, but you should start with those most detrimental to your health such as soda, diet pills, and too many (or the abuse of) over-the-counter medications.

A cup or two of coffee each day offers significant health benefits, but overdoing the caffeine each day is not a ticket to long-term health. If you want a gentler approach to coffee, you can also try matcha green tea instead!

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"art should never try to be popular. the public should try to make itself artistic."

“art should never try to be popular.
the public should try to make itself artistic.”

- oscar wilde

Brave Women Who Fight Against ISIS (16 pics)

Kurdish and Yezidi women formed a paramilitary battalion in 2014 trying to protect their land against ISIS and they still do. They are ready for anything to protect their loved ones.