
segunda-feira, maio 02, 2016

Full Body Workouts To Make You Strong After Weight Loss

full body workouts

Controlling weight can be challenging especially when you are keen to maintain a healthy, strong body without getting slim. By getting slim means getting skinny, in other words. A healthy, strong body requires muscles, and that requires some serious workouts. The following selective exercises are full body workouts that will cut down on the excess weight and body fat, trimming your body into your desire result. More importantly, all the workouts are suitable for all sexes.

1. Every beginner’s favorite: Push-ups

Push-ups are one of the basic full body workouts that are introduced to everybody, regardless of their age.  When doing push-ups, the muscles from the chest, triceps and core are used. After completing one push-up, it is believed that a person elevates 60 percent of their body weight. There are many forms of push-ups, labelling on the different stages on a person’s ability. Below is based for a beginner.


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  • Position yourself face down on the floor, with both your hands 36 inches apart from the body. Lift your torso up levelling at your arms length.
  • Now push yourself towards the floor, with your chest almost touching it. Inhale while doing this.
  • Lift yourself up back to the normal position. Exhale out while doing this.
  • Take small intervals during each push-up, and continue as long as you can do.

2. Lunges for the muscles

Another old-school exercise, lunges work on the quadriceps, on the gluteus muscles, and the hamstrings. Lunges will help in shaping, strengthening and building various muscle groups altogether. A simple method of lunge is easily achievable for any beginner, however, if one wants a challenge, they can try with dumbbells or kettlebells held in each hand. The image below shows different types of lunges:


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3. Squats: Another easy full body workouts

Here is another basic exercise that will help to shape the gluteus muscles, hamstrings and the hips. Beginners can only focus on the lower parts of the body till they are used to the exercise. If one wants to focus on the upper part of the body, they can try using weights while doing squats. The picture will provide an elaborate plans on how to achieve squats for a beginner.


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4. Flatten out with a stability ball

Besides dumbbell, a stability ball is a must for a full body workout. There are different forms of exercises that one can do with a stability ball. This following exercise shows you how to work on your muscles, flatten the stomach, and stabilize the spine.


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  • Place a mat on the floor and kneel on it facing the stability ball.
  • Grasp both your hands and put the forearms on top of the ball.
  • At a slow pace, keeping your back straight, lean forward and roll out the ball in front of you. Make sure your forearms stretch as far as possible.
  • Slowly pull back to the original position. Repeat.

5. Straight arm pullover with dumbbell

Advantage of this workout is that it will help build the chest muscle.


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  • Lie flat on a bench, stretch your arms holding the dumbbell with both your hands above your chest. Your feet should be on the floor.
  • Very gradually move your hands behind your head, make sure they are parallel to the floor. Halt for few seconds. Pull back your hands back to the position. Repeat.

6. The supine bridge

Supine bridge is an essential exercise if you want to build your muscles, and stabilize your abdominal wall and the spine.

supine up

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  • Place a mat and lie down on your back. Place your feet flat on the mat and bend your knees. Spread your arms beside you, facing the palm up, in 45 degree angles.
  • Raise your hips up, forming a straight line through your shoulders, hips and knees. Stay in that position for few seconds.
  • Lower your hips and come down slowly. Do this as long as you can.

7. Toe tap crunch

This exercise is perfect for the stomach. The entire stomach muscles are build due to this exercise.

toe tap

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  • On a mat, lie flat on your back and bend your knees. Put both hands behind your head while placing the right foot in front of your left knee.
  • Very carefully, lift your head and shoulders up while bringing your knees to your chest.
  • Slowly lower your head and shoulders first and then lower your left foot.
  • Do the same with your left foot. Take short rest in between the steps.

8. Dumbbell kickbacks for your triceps

Since this exercise is all about the triceps, the lower back of your arms will be benefited only. You can do this exercise in your gym or at home. All you need are a chair (if at home) or your exercise bench (if at the gym).

tricep kickback

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  • Take a dumbbell in your right hand and place your left leg on the chair.
  • Recline forward, supporting your weight on your left leg.
  • Bend the right elbow and move the dumbbell at your side.
  • This is the tricky part: without moving the elbow, straighten your right arm and push it backward.
  • Move your arm back to where your dumbbell was by your side.
  • Switch the dumbbell to your left hand and repeat it with your right leg.

Those who will be trying these exercises for the first time, make sure you take plenty of rests in between your each step. After completing, you may face body aches which are absolutely normal. Drink plenty of water and take warm showers after exercises. If need be give a day break. This uncomfortable is temporary. Once you get used to the exercises, it will be easier on you. One of the benefits of these full body workouts is that your body will be toned down without making you look thin, yet, your body fats will be eliminated.

The post Full Body Workouts To Make You Strong After Weight Loss appeared first on Lifehack.

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8 Leg And Butt Workouts To Reshape Your Lower Body


Having strong muscles in the butt and legs is essential for your overall health and ability to exercise efficiently. Unless we have active jobs, the threat of sitting down for hours at a time has a huge detrimental effect on these areas; muscles slack and become less defined if not used properly, circulation is dramatically reduced and so blood isn’t able to reach muscles as well as it should, cellulite can form and tone is decreased.

Working out your butt and leg muscles will not only shape and tone them, but will help towards efficiency in other exercises such as running, cycling and swimming. Here you will be taken through 8 leg and butt workouts that will help towards getting the shape and tone that you want.

1. Squats

This is an absolute essential exercise if you want to target your legs and butt. It works the thighs, butt and hips as well as pulling through your core and lower back muscles. If you want a sculptured backside then squats are your best friend.


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  1. Start with feet hip-width apart, keeping your back straight with shoulders pulled back, straighten your arms out in front of you.
  2. Slowly bend your knees and push your butt out and down as though you’re about to sit down on a chair.
  3. Lower yourself so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, your knees are positioned slightly over your ankles and your head and shoulders aligned over your knees.
  4. Using your leg and butt muscles, slowly push up keeping your weight evenly distributed throughout and come back to standing position.
  5. Beginner: start off with a repetition of 3 sets of 10 squats and increase the amount of squats in each set by 1 squat each day.
  6. Advanced: To make this move more difficult, add handheld weights, keeping them at your side throughout the exercise. Increase weights for more intensity.

2. Lunges

Leg and butt workouts are not complete without lunges as they help work the muscles in both areas.


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  1. Start with legs shoulder-width apart and hands resting on your hips.
  2. Extend your right leg out in front of you and lower your hips toward the floor until both knees are at 90-degree angles. Make sure your front knee does not extend over your whole foot and keep your body straight pulling through your core.
  3. Push up on your extended front leg to return to your your original position. Repeat this with the left leg.
  4. Beginner: Repeat 10 lunges on each leg, increasing by 1 for each separate workout.
  5. Advanced: To make this more challenging hold weights in both hands or wear a heavy backpack. Alternatively, try side lunges that add a bit more of a challenge.

3. Bridges

Bridges really work your butt muscles and are good for both shaping and toning.


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  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and hip-width apart.
  2. Keeping your arms relaxed on each side, lift your glutes off the floor pushing through your heels.
  3. Hold and squeeze your glute muscles in this position and then slowly lower your butt back down to the floor.
  4. Beginner: Try 10 reps, 3 times increasing slowly with each workout.
  5. Advanced: To make this move more difficult, add a stable weight to your stomach area or try a Unilateral Bridge by raising one knee to your chest or extend it all the way out, then start lifting your glutes off the floor as with a basic bridge.

4. Plank

Planks are ultimately great for your core but they also engage your glutes and leg muscles if done correctly. This is a great exercise as you can adjust the challenge by adding seconds to each plank.


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  1. Lie on your front and gently raise your body onto your elbows, making sure elbows are shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly raise yourself onto your tip toes and hold.
  3. Beginner: Try holding a plank for as long as possible. Aim for 30 seconds to a minute and increase this over each workout.
  4. Advanced: Once you’ve mastered a basic plank, try a Knee Pull Plank which will work your legs and butt more. This involves pulling one knee in towards your stomach and extending it back.

5. Deadlifts

Deadlifts are amazing for targeting hamstrings, glutes and lower back. It’s really important that you maintain good form while performing deadlifts so try and do them in front of a mirror so that you can make sure you are doing them correctly.


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  1. Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand with arms shoulder-width apart, hanging straight down and making sure feet are shoulder-width apart with knees slightly bent.
  2. Squeeze your shoulder blades together in back and keep your chest high. It is very important to keep your upper body in this position throughout the entire exercise.
  3. Slowly bend forward from the hips, pushing your butt back, keeping your shoulder blades retracted, and chin tucked in.
  4. Lower the dumbbells down your legs and bend down as far as you can until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
  5. Hold for a second and then squeeze your glutes and return to starting position.
  6. Make sure you do this exercise slowly and keep your back and posture straight.
  7. Beginner: Repeat 10 times in a set of 3.
  8. Advanced: Increase your weights to make this more difficult and challenging.

6. Hamstring Curls

These are really great for your legs and will strengthen your hamstrings.


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  1. Lie on the floor face down with your arms linked in front of you.
  2. Place a weight in between your feet and grip tightly.
  3. Slowly lift both legs up at the knee until they are at a 90 degree angle from the floor.
  4. Slowly lower your legs back down again, aiming to keep the feet off the floor at all times.
  5. Beginner: Repeat 10 times in a set of 3.
  6. Advanced: Increase the weight to add more challenge.

7. Calf Raises

This move is specific in toning and strengthening your legs to give you shaped and defined leg muscles.


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  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly balance onto your toes and lift up your heels as far as you can.
  3. Make sure you push evenly your entire foot; don’t allow the weight to push over to your big toe or to the outside of your foot. Keep the push central.
  4. Slowly lower your heel to the ground.
  5. Beginner: Repeat 10 times for 3 sets. You can hold weights in your hand to add further intensity.
  6. Advanced: Try sumo squat calf raises for an extra challenge.

8. Wall Sits

These are fantastic for your glutes, calves and thighs and will test your endurance.


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  1. With your back straight against the wall, stand with your feet slightly apart and a small distance away from the wall.
  2. Slowly bend your knees so that your thighs are at a 90 degree angle from the floor.
  3. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute (or as long as you can)
  4. Slowly use your leg muscles to bring yourself up to a standing position.
  5. Beginner: Start with 30 seconds to 1 minute increasing the time by a few seconds each day.
  6. Advanced: Try a one-legged wall squat by extending one leg out in front of you. This will work the butt and leg muscles more intensely. Change legs once your primary leg cannot sustain the 90 degree angle any longer.

Tips for Leg and Butt Workouts

  • Remember when doing toning exercises, the key is to do the movements slowly and focus on squeezing the muscles as much as possible. It’s also important to remember that quality is better than quantity. It’s much more effective to increase intensity with each exercise than just doing more of the same exercise at the same level of intensity. This way the muscle is being challenged and will tone up much more quickly.
  • Write down a schedule of your workouts as this will help you to keep motivation. Start with a weekly or monthly timetable of each daily workout you do. Make sure you show exactly how many reps you will do for each exercise and show a progression throughout the week or month by adding weights and intensity.
  • Wear sensible, stable shoes that support your feet well to avoid injuries to your ankles.
  • Be aware of your limits – don’t try using heavy weights straight away. Start small and work your way up as this will make the workouts a lot more beneficial and will avoid injuries.
  • Always drink plenty of water when doing workouts as you can get easily dehydrated.
  • Talk with your doctor if you suffer from back pain or are pregnant as these exercises may not be suitable.
  • Remember to eat a healthy diet as eating foods high in saturated fats and sugar will only counteract the good work you’re putting in!

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The post 8 Leg And Butt Workouts To Reshape Your Lower Body appeared first on Lifehack.

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8 Core Workouts For The Attractive Body Shape

core workouts

Other than having great toned abdominals that look good on the beach, having a strong core helps prevent injuries, as most movement starts at the centre and moves outwards. This means that if you have a strong core, it will ensure your general movements are strong and pain-free. A strong core helps to relieve back pain, as this pain is usually caused by a weak core.

Having a strong core will also help protect your organs since your core muscles surround these organs along with your nervous system. Strong muscles will allow vital organs, such as the heart, to work to their full capacity.

Core is important when it comes to posture. Having a strong core will allow you to stand, sit, walk, and run with the muscle support needed to maintain good posture and prevent back pain or difficulties.

With all these points in mind, here are 8 great core exercises that you can follow to get yourself on the road to a much-needed optimal core.

1. Plank

One of the best core exercises out there, the plank concentrates on the muscles running all the way through your body.


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  1. Lie on your front and gently raise your body onto your elbows, making sure elbows are shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly raise yourself onto your tip toes and hold.
  3. Beginner: Try holding a plank for as long as possible. Aim for 30 seconds to a minute and increase this over each workout.
  4. Advanced: Once you’ve mastered a basic plank, try different plank variations, including side planks — these are great for challenging your core muscles.

2. Side Jack Knife

This exercise is great for your abs and will give you an effective workout for your core muscles. It really squeezes your obliques as you lift your legs.


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  1. Lie on your side with your legs nearly straight and slightly raised off the floor.
  2. Lift your torso off the floor and keep your left forearm on the floor for balance. Hold your other hand behind your right ear, with your elbow pointing towards your feet.
  3. Lift your legs towards your torso while keeping your torso stationary. Feel the stretch on the side of your body and pause for a few seconds.
  4. Slowly lower your leg.
  5. Beginner: Repeat this for 3 sets of 10 reps before changing sides.
  6. Advanced: Try a more advanced version that gets you using both top and bottom abdominals at the same time.

3. Squats

Core workouts that include squats are essential. Not only do squats help with stability and mobility, they work the muscles through the entire body from the abdominals downwards, creating a great all-round optimal exercise.


  1. Start with your feet hip-width apart, keeping your back straight with shoulders pulled back, then straighten your arms out in front of you.
  2. Slowly bend your knees and push your butt out and down as though you’re about to sit down on a chair.
  3. Lower yourself so that your thighs are parallel to the floor, your knees are positioned slightly over your ankles, and your head and shoulders are aligned over your knees.
  4. Using your leg and butt muscles, slowly push up, keeping your weight evenly distributed throughout, and come back to a standing position.
  5. Beginner: start off with a repetition of 3 sets of 10 squats and increase the amount of squats in each set by 1 squat each day.
  6. Advanced: To make this move more difficult, add handheld weights, keeping them at your side throughout the exercise. Increase weights for more intensity.

4. Arm, Leg, and Chest Raises

This move really concentrates on your core muscles and allows them to work at their full potential.


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  1. Lie on the floor, face down with arms stretched out and legs straight.
  2. Slowly raise both arms up as far as you can and at the same time lift up both legs.
  3. Keep this position for a few seconds and then release your arms and legs back down to the floor.
  4. Beginner: Do 3 sets of 10 reps trying to increase the amount of time you’re engaging the core muscles.
  5. Advanced: Try adding a roll into the exercise by engaging the core on your front and then rolling carefully on to your back with legs and arms above you. This will work your core muscles even further.

5. Quadruped

This move tightens your abdominal muscles and improves balance.


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  1. Start on your hands and knees. Place your hands directly below your shoulders, align your head and neck with your back, and tighten your abdominal muscles.
  2. Raise your right arm off the floor and reach ahead. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Lower your right arm and repeat with your left arm.
  3. Raise your right leg off the floor, making sure to use your muscles to maintain balance. Hold for 5 seconds and lower your leg to the floor. Repeat with the left leg.
  4. Beginner: Repeat full arm and leg movements 5 times each, raising the amount of time you hold positions to add a challenge.
  5. Advanced: Hold a weight in your hand for an added challenge or raise both the opposite arm and leg together to work the core muscles more.

6. Abdominal Hold

While it may be tough at first, this move will help you build strength in your core.


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  1. Make sure you have a sturdy chair.
  2. Sit tall on the edge of the chair and place your hands on the chair down beside you, holding on to the sides.
  3. Tighten your abs and gently lift your toes about 2-4 inches off the ground and lift your butt off the chair.
  4. Beginner: Hold this position for as long as you can — aim for 5 -10 seconds.
  5. Advanced: Try challenging yourself by holding for up to a minute or add a stable weight to your lap to create added resistance and work the abdominals even more.

7. Side Crunches

Side crunches as part of your core workouts are a good way of targeting your mid-section.


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  1. Lie on your left side with your legs lying on top of each other.
  2. Bend your knees so that they are at a rough 90-degree angle.
  3. Begin by moving your right hand to your right ear with the elbow pointing up. Start to move up and over to the side slightly until you can feel the burn in your obliques. Repeat on opposite the side.
  4. Beginner: Do 10 reps 3 times on both sides, increasing as you feel ready to to keep your abs challenged.
  5. Advanced: Try these advanced side crunches to get an extra burn.

8. Using a Stability Ball


Simple exercises using a stability ball can activate twice as many core muscles as classic belly toners like crunches and sit-ups, so it’s well worth investing one.

For beginners, this core workout is a really great introduction to using a stability ball. Incorporate this into the rest of the workout or pick and choose certain exercises if you have time constraints:

This is great for more advanced stability ball exercises, working your core to the maximum:

Tips When Doing Your Core Workouts

  • Write down a schedule of your workouts as this will help you to keep your motivation high. Start with a weekly or monthly timetable of each daily workout you do. Make sure you show exactly how many reps you will do for each exercise and show a progression throughout the week or month by adding weights and intensity.
  • Be aware of your limits — if you feel pain at any stage, then stop the exercise immediately. Start easy and work your way up as this will make the workouts a lot more beneficial and will help you to avoid injuries.
  • Always drink plenty of water when doing workouts as you can get easily dehydrated.
  • Talk with your doctor if you suffer from back pain or are pregnant as these exercises may not be suitable.

The post 8 Core Workouts For The Attractive Body Shape appeared first on Lifehack.

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Daisy Ridley was chosen for a role of Rey, one of the lead characters in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. And you'll see, she takes her training very seriously.