
terça-feira, abril 19, 2016

Tension Headache: Understanding Of The Most Common Headache


Tension headache is a common form of a headache that is suffered by almost everyone. The headache occurs in the head, around the neck, and behind the eyes. It is believed that tension headache usually starts during the teen period, and reaches its peak during the 20-50 years of a human life. Women are more likely to suffer compared to men. Statistically, people who suffer from tension headache have intermittent pain that lasts for few minutes or hours, once or twice per month. However, there are cases of people suffering for 15 days or more per month. The headaches vary from mild, moderate, to acute aches.

What causes tension headache?

As mentioned previously, tension headache mainly arises in the head, around the neck, and behind the eyes. One of the principal reasons for occurring is the contraction of muscles in the head. Apart from this, there are other factors as well. They are:

  • Looking at a computer screen for long
  • Cold temperature
  • Change of season
  • Dry eyes
  • Tiredness
  • Mental stress
  • Sinus attack
  • Fever
  • Alcohol
  • Bad sitting posture
  • Smoking
  • Inadequate sleep
  • Missing out on meals

The symptoms

Sometimes many people confuse their tension headache with migraine. Migraine is also another form of headache, but the severity is more in migraine than in tension headache. Understanding the symptoms of tension headache is fairly uncomplicated. There are dull aches on the head, plenty of pressure can be felt around the forehead, and throbbing around the forehead and scalp. At times, the tenderness of the head muscles can be felt, while the pain can spread all over the head, at the back of the neck, and all the way to the shoulders. Except for all these symptoms, a tension headache does not take a severe form, but in rarest cases, a patient may get sensitive to light or sound.

Tension headache vs Migraine

In order to differentiate between a tension headache and migraine, always consider migraine to be the serious one. In migraine, the throbbing pain is extremely intense and occurs at either one side of the head, or on the both sides, and cause nausea and vomiting. A migraine patient becomes exceedingly sensitive to light and sound. Considering these, a person with tension headache will not face nausea or vomiting. In the rarest cases, sensitivity to light and sound may crop up.


If a person is consistently suffering from tension headache to an intense level, it is advisable to seek a doctor’s help. The doctor will provide a list of tests just to assure that nothing serious is happening to the patient. The tests will include X-Ray, MRI, as well as CT Scan.


Usually over-the-counter (OTC) medicines such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen (Tylenol) work, but if the case is serious, the doctor will subscribe prescription medicines. Prescription drugs are muscle relaxants, antidepressants, antiseizure drugs or beta-blockers, depending on the situation. If a patient prefers OTC medicines, they have to make sure never to overdose the drugs, and it is always important to seek the doctor’s advise in case the medicines react with the patient’s health condition.

Home remedies to relieve tension headache

There are home remedies to relieve tension headaches. If a patient wishes not to consume any sort of medications, they can try out some home cure. The list contains:

  • Put an ice pack on the forehead for five to ten minutes.
  • Improve sitting on a good posture.
  • Take a hot shower to unwind the tensed muscle.
  • Take occasional breaks from working on a computer.
  • Do the proper exercise.
  • Have meditation.
  • Manage stress.
  • Get a whole body massage
  • Scalp massage- it will help in the circulation of blood in the head, relaxing the muscles.
  • Take supplements

Apart from trying any of the above tips, keeping track on the headache, and later trying to prevent it may come very handy in decreasing the pain eventually. In order to keep track, a journal is the best way possible. Also, a regular diet with proper meals, drinking plenty of water, being less stressed, and using computer with occasional breaks can ease out the headache. Or, inhaling few drops of essential oil, such as lavender or peppermint, can relax the muscles and help reduce the headache.

Featured photo credit: r. nial bradshaw via

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Sinus Headache: Symptoms Causes And Natural Reliefs

Natural remedies for a sinus headache

If you’ve ever had a sinus headache, you know what a real pain it is (literally and figuratively speaking). There are many over-the-counter medications you can take to help relieve a sinus headache, but you may want to think twice before you resort to those all the time. Why? Because even though these options may cover up the symptoms of your sinus headache temporarily, they’re not the best for treating it long-term and don’t address the real issue at hand.

What a Sinus Headache Feels Like

Sinus Headache

A sinus headache will feel as though you have a tight clamp on each side of your head, and you’ll feel this due to pressure caused by a build-up of fluids. You’ll also usually feel your nasal passages clogged and likely have problems with mucus in your throat. You may find yourself constantly coughing or trying to clear your throat with corresponding tension headaches when suffering (whether daily or occasionally).

Causes of Sinus Headaches

Research shows that sinus headaches are the result of overall body inflammation – not actually from allergies alone. Other possible causes of sinus headaches include a respiratory infection, congestion due to mucus build up in the body or an illness such as the flu. Allergies can also trigger sinus headaches or exacerbate existing ones.

Normal sinus pathways allow mucus to drain and air to circulate through the lungs and nasal passages, but when inflammation occurs in the body, these pathways and processes don’t work as they normally would. This can lead to a host of negative issues because blocked nasal passages are the perfect breeding ground for harmful viruses and bacteria that can affect you long-term.

Colds are a common culprit for triggering sinus headaches, but those who swim frequently, suffer from asthma or hay fever, and those with nasal polyps or facial tumors may also be more susceptible than other people.

Natural Options for Relieving a Sinus Headache

Sinus Headache

First, you’ll want to check with your doctor to make sure you have a sinus headache and not something else. Once he or she diagnoses you, here are natural remedies you can do at home to relieve inflammation and even the possible cause(s) of your sinus headaches:

1. Remove all possible allergenic foods

Many people are allergic to certain foods they are eating which is causing the inflammation and mucus build-up. Common allergens are gluten (wheat, barley, rye), just wheat, dairy, soy, and although it’s not an allergy, excessive refined sugar intake can also lead to inflammation and mucus build-up. Consider removing these from your diet to see which ones may be causing issues for you, and then reintroduce each one, one at a time to see if the food is causing mucus build-up for you or overall inflammation. Check labels on all foods you buy, and consider an elimination diet which may also be effective.

2. Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive caffeine and sugar.

Excessive caffeine and sugar intake can trigger inflammation as well as headaches due to the way they affect blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels when they leave the bloodstream. Be sure to drink plenty of water which is your best option for getting your lymph fluids flowing. Warm (low-sodium) broths may also be helpful as well.

3. Use a humidifier to help you breathe more easily.

Place a humidifier in your room each night and let it run while you sleep. This can help you wake up a little clearer in the morning because it helps get mucus moving through the body so you can breathe more easily.

4. Use cold packs on your head to relieve pain.

Ice packs can help dispel the pain from your head by triggering a unique process in the bloodstream and nerve pathways to help relieve pain. You can make cold packs from ice yourself with ice cubes and cloth or plastic baggies. Or, you can buy ice packs at your local drugstore. Place the ice pack on your head ensuring it covers the sides of your head and nose for at least 30 seconds. Consider taking a hot bath each night as you do so for greater effects.

5. Rub peppermint oil on the sides of your head.

Rubbing peppermint oil on your the sides of your head can help relieve pain quickly and the menthol will also help you breathe more easily. Be sure to rub it in for a few minutes, gently massaging the sides of your head as you do so.

6. Drink some warm lemon ginger tea.

Make your own warm cup of tea with fresh ginger root and lemon slices. Just let them steep in boiling water for at least 5 minutes, then strain and drink the tea a few times a day. (You can also just make this tea in a French press.) Lemon and ginger both help relieve inflammation, pain, and can clear mucus from the body.

7. Use over-the-counter sprays as the last option or as a complimentary treatment.

If you need additional care when you’re trying to survive your sinus headache, use saline sprays as a last option or complimentary treatment. Just be mindful that these don’t treat the actual cause of your sinus headache even though they do serve as helpful aids.

Everyone suffers from sinus headaches for various reasons, so do your best to address the real cause of your sinus headache, and speak with a trusted naturopath or medical professional who is willing to help you through the process.

To learn more about natural options to relieve general headaches, check out these options that can help you do so without medication.

Featured photo credit: Flickr / Gonzalo Malpartida via

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Cluster Headaches: How To Deal With The Worst Headache

cluster headaches

If you or someone you love suffers from cluster headaches, you probably understand a little about just how debilitating this condition can be and what a huge impact it can have on someone’s quality of life. Fortunately, there are some treatments available that can help to control this pain and help patients and their families lead a full and happy life. Read on to find out more about these excruciating headaches – why they happen and what can be done to resolve the problem.

What is a Cluster Headache?

A cluster headache is the most painful kind of chronic head and earned its name from the clusters or groups of attacks that sufferers can experience during a period of exacerbation.  It is, fortunately, also the least common form of chronic head and only occurs in around 1 out of every 1,000 people.

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What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Cluster Headache?

The primary symptom of a cluster headache is excruciating pain:

  • The pain can be sharp, stabbing or burning
  • It usually centers around one eye or one side of the face, but other parts of the head and neck can also be involved
  • It is common to have cluster periods lasting anywhere from several weeks up to a year; during this time, headaches will come on up to several times a day and can last anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours.
  • There appears to be a cyclic nature to the pain and it often will occur at the same time of day or the same time of year; one common time for it to occur is at night around 1-2 hours after going to sleep.
  • These cluster periods can be followed by a period of remission which is free of pain and which lasts anywhere from months to years.

Apart from the pain, there are other possible symptoms that can accompany a cluster headache. These can include tearing, redness and swelling of the eye on the affected side of the body as well as drooping eyelids and nasal congestion. Sweaty, pale skin and restlessness are also common.

How is a Cluster Headache Different from a Migraine?

People sometimes mistake cluster headaches from migraines, but there are several ways in which cluster headaches are different:

  • Cluster headaches are a less common form of chronic headache
  • Most cluster headache sufferers don’t get an aura, a sight or smell that signals the onset of a headache and most do not get the nausea and sensitivity to light that comes with a migraine
  • Migraine sufferers find it easier to lie down and rest, while this position seems to make a cluster headache worse.

What Causes Cluster Headaches?

The exact cause of cluster headaches is unknown. However, doctors do know that during an attack, the trigeminal nerve, which runs along the side of the face and around the eye, becomes activated and extremely sensitive.  Many researchers also believe that the underlying cause for this activation lies in some sort of abnormality in the hypothalamus, the small gland which lies in the middle of the brain: the cycles of pain seem to suggest that the problem is linked to a person’s circadian rhythms (sleep and wake cycles), which is regulated by this gland.

Because of the cyclic nature of the cluster headaches, many people mistakenly believe that cluster headaches are related to allergies – but several studies have been done on this subject and no association has been found.


Who is at Risk for Cluster Headaches?

While anyone can develop cluster headaches, certain risk factors make it more likely that a person will come down with this condition. These risk factors include:

  • Age. People between the ages of 20 and 50 are most likely to develop cluster headaches, but the majority actually begin before age 30.
  • Gender. Men are more likely than women to develop cluster headaches.
  • Family history. Doctors suspect that there might be a genetic component to this problem, since it can run in families.
  • Lifestyle choices. Use of alcohol and tobacco can increase the risk as well.


What can be Done for Cluster Headaches?

Unfortunately, to date, there is no cure for cluster headaches. The good news?  People today have many more choices than in the past when it comes to day-to-day management of this condition. Treatments can include:

  • Oral medications, like ergots, corticosteroids (which are used for a variety of inflammatory conditions), and lithium (which was originally used for bipolar disorder but has also proven to be effective at treating these headaches).
  • Triptans, the best-known of which is Imitrex, which can be injected or given through a nasal spray.
  • An injectable form of somatostatin, a hormone found naturally in the brain.
  • A block on the trigeminal nerve to cut off feeling in order to stop the pain.
  • Experiments are underway with nerve stimulation of the occipital nerve and deep brain stimulation, but these are still not readily available.
  • Local anesthetics like Lidocaine can also be incredibly useful.


Are there At-Home or Alternative Treatments Available?

Many patients who suffer from cluster headaches are curious about what alternative treatments are available to help treat this condition.

Unfortunately, the small number of studies that have been done on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices, including chiropractic therapy, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture and acupressure have not found these to be effective for the majority of patients. However, some research has been done with supplements of kudzu, a vine of Asian origin, which seem to be able to ease cluster headache symptoms.

A basic healthy lifestyle with plenty of sleep and good nutrition and adequate hydration are generally supportive, as is the avoidance of alcohol and tobacco.

In short, cluster headaches can bring excruciating pain and seriously reduce the quality of life for those who suffer from it. There is no cure for this condition, but the good news is that more treatments are available than in the past for treating this condition and help patients to manage the pain and lead full and normal lives.

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Mom Tips: How To Relieve Headaches During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is the time when a woman tends to undergo hormonal changes. Due to this hormonal changes, there are certain physical alterations that a pregnant mother bears. One of these is headaches during pregnancy. This headache is related/ similar to tension headache.

The trimesters

Having a headache during pregnancy is not abnormal. Out of the three stages, the first symptom of headaches start to appear during the first trimester. This happens due to the increase in blood flow and circulation, and the overflowing of hormones in the body. Cutting down on caffeine is also considered to be another factor. Meanwhile, the body of the mother is getting accustomed to the new changes that is taking place. Once the gushing of hormones and the blood flow settle down, which eventually does in the second trimester, the mother can relax a bit for those three months. The unfortunate part is, the headaches might come back in the third trimester. The reasons being:

  • The tension of the final outcome
  • Carrying extra weight that leads to bad posture
  • Lack of sleep
  • Low blood sugar
  • High blood pressure
  • Dehydration
  • Sinus congestion

Migraine during pregnancy

Surprisingly, majority of the women who suffer from migraine said that this form of pain reduced dramatically than before. Migraine is a neurological disorder that triggers the pain severely. It is caused by hormonal fluctuation during menstruation. Out of 80 percent of female migraine sufferers, 58 percent said they have mild attacks of migraine, or those who are very lucky suffer no pain at all. Only a handful of females reported that they suffer from extreme migraine at least twice or thrice during the entire pregnancy period.

The reason for a reduction in migraine headaches during pregnancy is because the hormonal fluctuation settles down in the body during the pregnancy period.

What can be done to relieve headaches during pregnancy?

There is a limitation to medicine intake during pregnancy. Most of the drugs are prohibited, leaving only a few option to be considered. It is always advised to seek natural remedies to cure headaches. Some of the helpful tips are given below.

  • Eat small amounts of healthy meals frequently. Do not stay hungry for a longer period of time.
  • Get adequate amount of rest, especially during the third trimester.
  • Apply cold/ hot compression on the head, neck and shoulders.
  • Go for a body massage.
  • Do exercises as shown by the doctor.
  • Take warm shower never possible.
  • Improve the bad posture to prevent further headache.
  • Take naps whenever possible, preferably in a dark room.
  • Try to go outside and breathe in fresh air.
  • Listen to music that will distract from all the anxieties.
  • Hydrate by drinking plenty of water, and fresh juices.
  • For severe cases, go for acupuncture and acupressure.

If the above natural remedies don’t work, the safest medication is acetaminophen (Tylenol). If the pain persists for few days, the doctor may prescribe beta-blockers. Beta blockers are used to control blood pressure, are safe for pregnant mothers, and can reduce severe headaches.

What else to avoid

There are some food, drink and medications that are recommended in order to avoid headaches during pregnancy. Food like:

  • Chocolates
  • Food containing artificial sweeteners
  • Too much sweets
  • Old cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Sour cream
  • Peanuts
  • processed meat
  • Smoked salmon

Drinks such as:

  • Alcohol
  • Can juices containing preservatives
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Coffee


  • Ibuprofen
  • Aspirin

Headaches during pregnancy are usually nothing serious. They will come and go, a mother just needs to be cautious and can easily prevent them from coming. It just needs a little persistence, some well balanced lifestyle, eating habits, good posture, and plenty of positivity and happy thoughts. These headaches are preventable. But whatever a pregnant mother does, always ask the practitioner before doing anything.

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10 Steps to Grow Your Beauty Supply Venture into a Successful Business

10 Steps to Grow Your Beauty Supply Venture into a Successful Business

Beauty supply businesses will stock all types of products for hair and skin, as well as cosmetics. These types of stores are common in most cities large and small, and are on the internet as well. If you are interested in starting your own beauty supply venture, follow these steps to help with your success.

Have a Business Plan

This is what should be done first and foremost. Plan the first, third, and fifth years. The business plan needs to be in depth and needs to be reviewed every year. A good business plan is essential if you need to borrow money, and it also comes in handy to remind you of your business goals and to see just how much you have achieved.

Business Type

Will you be acting as a sole trader or will this be a limited company? Will the business be mobile, home-based or on a rented commercial spot? Depending on where the business is based, you will find different considerations. For example if working at a home-base you will need to notify the mortgage provider and insurance company to ensure that it is legal to set up a business at home. You will need to also register with the local counsel and apply for business license.


What will your business name be? When you choose a name you must check with the IPO (Intellectual Property Office) that it is not already registered or has a registered trademark. Remember that your company should have a long-term plan, so the name should be quirky and memorable. When the name begins with the letter that is earlier in the alphabet, the higher it will be listed in directories.

The Budget

Will you be needing a loan? If this is the case, how are you afford to pay it back, are you aware of the loan terms, do you know what the interest payments will be? What equipment do you already possess? What will you need to buy? You’ll need to factor in equipment costs and budget outlay when you are compiling a cash flow outline.


Having the proper insurance is extremely important and necessary in order for you to work. It is there for not only your protection but the protection of the clients. You have to obtain public and product liability insurance as well as professional indemnity. In order to keep this up-to-date, you have to send copies of any new qualifications that you have obtained, so that you can remain covered for everything that you are offering.

Treatments, Pricing, Products

Decide which treatments you will offer and price them accordingly. Choose the products that you will be using, and stock up on any retail that you will carry. It is suggested to only have a small about of retail as it is “dead” money.


Be sure to set up a bank account and consider which types of payment you’ll be taking and how you will keep a log of the transactions. Register for the HMRC within the first few months of trading. Get a good accountant, and set up a cash book to record daily income and expenditures.


Think about how you will advertise and manage the business. What about a website? The best way to build a website is to utilize free templates. There are plenty of companies on the internet that provide free templates, which is very cost-effective especially for someone who is just starting out and funds are tight.

Web-based applications also assist business owners to automatically manage their businesses online and give them freedom to utilize additional time to do other important tasks. A web app developer can assist in this case, or there are plenty of app development platforms persons can use to build a DIY mobile or web app in minutes.


Stay aware of the competitors, products, services, promotions and offers, new trends, new treatments and techniques, etc. You should have a unique selling point. This is what will set you apart from everyone else. You should be aware of this when you’re writing your business plan.

Wholesale Accounts

You should open wholesale accounts with the distributors and manufacturers of beauty supplies. You can call or email the companies with a list of products you would like to sale and ask how to obtain a wholesale account. Generally you’re required to provide proof of being in business to get the discount.

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How to Handle a Summer Move


Stress — that’s what moving means to many people.

In fact, some people stay in locations they can barely stand for years on end simply because it’s easier than moving. Besides taking about two to three months of planning just to execute a (relatively) painless move to a new location, the actual moving logistics can be tremendously tough to deal with. And it doesn’t end there. Months after the move, most people are still sorting through their boxes, bags, and unpacked articles and finding a spot for them in their new locations.


Now, add to stressful situation the fact that you have chosen to move during the summer, and without even realizing it, you have just complicated your moving tasks and increased the cost of the move. Why? There are several reasons.

May 1st through Labor Day is the busiest time of the year to move. Due to the increased consumer demand, a shortage typically exists in the supply of available moving staff and drivers. This helps to elevate costs and means that most moving companies will have their resources stretched to capacity. All this adds up to using seasonal help that might be less experienced as packers and drivers — adding to your already heightened stress levels. Additionally, you may have problems when it comes to adding extra services on the day of your move. If you’re looking for flexibility, moving in the off season may be a better idea.

Not only do you have to pay more for moving help in the summer, you may actually get less service in the bargain due to the seasonal demands that summer puts on the industry. What can you do to alleviate the stress of an already less-than-ideal situation? Follow these tips!

1. Prepare your stuff for the heat.

Remember, the hot weather will conspire to make your move much less merry. Make sure items like candles, DVDs, and CDs do not melt in the moving van en route to your new home. Not only can the heat destroy certain items, melting items can also destroy items that surround them. Keep these items in their own special boxes and wrap them throughly. Better yet, store them with you in your air-conditioned car and move them into your new home first.

2. Hydrate and cool down.

Provide water and sports drinks for yourself and your helpers. Most professional moving teams will have an adequate supply of drinks, but if you’re not using pros, it might be a good idea to have something available for them. Buy a pack of water and put it in your new home’s fridge before you move so you’ll have refreshments on hand with minimal effort. Be sure to dress for the weather and check that the air conditioning is working in both your current home and destination home. Staying hydrated and having readily available cool environments will make the move much less grueling for everyone.

3. Think of the children (and pets).

Planning for the comfort of your kids and pets is probably a no-brainer, but in the rushed atmosphere of a move, it’s easy for them to get lost in the shuffle. The best plan is to let your youngsters and animal kingdom family members just completely sit out the move. After all, they probably will be more comfortable if they aren’t actively involved with all the hardships and heat a summer move can bring.

If you’re planning to move over the summer, make sure you contact a reputable moving company and do your due diligence when it comes to researching their reputation. Make sure you look for reviews that were written during the summer as well so you know exactly what you’re getting into.

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6 Things You Do Without Realizing That Make You Look Less Intelligent


We all like to think we’re pretty smart people. For the most part, we are.

However, our actions sometimes betray our intelligence in ways that we don’t really even notice – but are glaringly obvious to those around us.

Whenever you’re in a situation in which the way others perceive you is important – such as at school or work – you need to be constantly aware of how you portray yourself. From the way you dress and act to the way you talk and the content of what you say, the people surrounding you will use every opportunity they can to judge you – for better or worse.

Take this into consideration the next time you interact with anyone outside of your comfort zone.

Dressing Down

The way you present yourself to the world determines how you will be treated by those who don’t know you. If you dress well, you’ll give off an air of respectability. If you schlep around in sweatpants and a T-shirt, no one will feel the need to give you the time of day.

If your workplace requires you to follow a specific dress code, you should be sure to follow it exactly as written every time you walk into the office. Even something as simple as leaving your tie at home one day will lead your colleagues to believe that you don’t think the rules apply to you – or that you don’t understand the rules in the first place. If you choose to dress down even the slightest bit, don’t be surprised if your coworkers and supervisors don’t listen to a word you say.

Misusing Words or Sayings

For those of us who remember Tim Allen’s sitcom Home Improvement, recall the ongoing shtick in which Tim’s neighbor Wilson would relay some sage advice to Tim, only to have Tim jumble up the story when trying to sound smart later on in the episode.

While it was always good for a chuckle when done by a fictional character, mixing up popular words or phrases in the real world is more pathetic than hilarious. If you’re a professor of literacy education who thinks “conversate” is a word, for example, your students probably aren’t going to be able to take you seriously throughout the semester.

Don’t simply use buzzwords just because you’ve heard someone else use them in similar situations. If you can’t explain what you mean without using a colloquialism, you probably shouldn’t have said it in the first place.

(Author’s note: Sadly, the above example is a true story. Don’t be that person).

Appearing Aloof

We’ve all been caught staring into space at some point in our lives, and we’ve all had to pretend as if  we were really listening to whoever was speaking – whether it was our teacher, our boss, or our spouse.

While we often make the excuse that we were “deep in thought” when we get caught with a blank stare on our face, the truth is we simply weren’t focused on the task at hand. While there are many reasons why we may not have been focused on the speaker at the time, they’ll almost always assume we weren’t listening because we didn’t understand or care about what they were saying.

When you fail to maintain proper eye contact and exhibit body language that shows you’re listening, the speaker is likely to think you’re completely lost and have no idea what they’re talking about. Either that, or they’ll think you’re focusing so intently on understanding what they’re saying that you don’t have enough brainpower left to nod your head in agreement.

Either way, the blank stare doesn’t make you look good.

Talking Too Much

We’ve all heard the saying “loose lips sink ships.”

While unless you’re high-level military personnel, what you say probably isn’t a matter of national security. But the words that come out of your mouth can lead others to think you’re not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.

A good rule of thumb is to never say more than needs to be said.

When you speak succinctly, you show that you’re able to collect your thoughts and explain them in an easily understandable manner. You know what’s important and needs to be said, and you know what can be inferred and doesn’t need explanation.

On the other hand, if you’re one to babble on without thinking of what you’re saying, you give off the notion that you talk just to hear your own voice, or just say whatever’s on your mind and hope it makes sense to others.

You have complete control over what comes out of your mouth. Choose wisely.

Talking Too Little

On the other hand, being too quiet can lead people to pass judgment on you, as well.

For those of us who tend to take a backseat during conversation, we know that others may come to think that we’re being rude, or that we don’t have anything important to say. Though we know our quietness, shyness, or even introvertedness is not a sign of lower intelligence, others may not understand this so clearly.

Because of this, it’s important for the quiet ones among us to speak up from time to time. Remember: You don’t have to say a lot; you just have to say enough to let your counterpart know you’re listening and have some sort of intelligent opinion on the topic at hand.

Judging Others

I realize this entire article is based around the fact that people will judge (and perhaps misjudge) you based on singular actions you take rather than seeing you as a whole person. I’m not saying this is right – but I am saying it absolutely will happen.

But just because others judge you based on one-off encounters doesn’t mean you should do the same. In fact, it’s much safer to simply never judge anyone for anything, ever. None of us have any idea what it’s like to live someone else’s life. When you judge someone, what you’re really doing is assuming they’ve had the exact same privileges that you have had throughout your life. You’re holding them to your own standard, as if you should have some say in how they live their life.

When you judge others, it shows you are only able to see the world through your own eyes, and have never once thought about the fact that, with seven billion people in the world, there are seven billion different ways to live.

Featured photo credit: LB And the Ugly Suit / Jason Meserve / Flickr via

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