
quarta-feira, abril 06, 2016

Spiti KriosMixing beautiful traditional architecture with modern...

Spiti Krios

Mixing beautiful traditional architecture with modern amenities and lovely views of the sea, Spiti Krios makes for a blissful retreat for large families or groups of friends on the Cycladic island of Paros.

Delightfully private, yet conveniently close to the beach (800 m) and the capital, Parikia (3,5 km), this atmospheric holiday house comes with shaded outdoor dining/seating areas and a glistening outdoor pool. Inside, 4 elegantly appointed, rustic-chic bedrooms provide comfortable accommodation for 8 guests.

Recently renovated, the pool suite has its own private entrance, terrace, and living area with kitchenette. The villa impresses with its distinctive, Mediterranean inspired design, with exposed stone walls and lots of cozy corners for alfresco lounging and entertainment.

These Hipster Restaurants Should Be Closed Like Right Now (19 pics)

This place that served someone’s nice dinner in a glass.
This restaurant that threw caution to the wind and completely deconstructed a bolognese.

This hipster place that tried to act like a shopping trolley was a normal receptacle for coleslaw.

And this place that served a prawn cocktail in a skip.

This restaurant that put a fry-up in a surgical tray.

And of course, literally every single restaurant that serves saucy food on a flat board.

This hipster restaurant that decided to brazenly slip a fruity meat bonanza into the dessert menu.

And this place that couldn’t even be bothered to make a cheesecake.

This establishment that helpfully put the tables 1 foot below the chairs.

5 Breastfeeding Facts Moms With Implants Need To Know


There are many reasons for getting breast implants, but no matter your reason, you may not have thought about the effect it could have on your ability to breastfeed your child. Whether you are thinking about having a child or you’re a proud parent of a recently born child, there are some things you need to know about breastfeeding if you have breast implants. Here are the five most important things mommies with implants should know about breastfeeding their childrens.

1. Yes, You Can Still Breastfeed Safely

The number one thing many moms with breast implants want to know is if they can breastfeed at all. The short answer is yes! There’s still a good chance that you will still be able to breastfeed even if you’ve had breast augmentation, and your milk should be safe for your baby.

If your implants are saline-based, there are no dangers if saline water mixes with your breast milk. And if your implants are silicone-based, most physicians agree that even if they were to leak, the silicone wouldn’t hurt your child. Still, it can’t hurt for you to check with your caregiver before you begin breastfeeding your baby.

2. Your Breasts May Feel a Little More Uncomfortable Than Usual

In most cases, your breasts are going to feel uncomfortable when breastfeeding, implants or not. They will become temporarily engorged, causing some discomfort. If you notice engorgement lasting longer than it should be, your implants may be at fault. In addition, the scar tissue from your surgery could cause some pain due to stretching. You are have a greater chance of a cyst developing if you have implants as well. If your breasts aren’t just uncomfortable, but causing pain, contact a doctor immediately.

3. The Implant’s Location May Affect Your Ability to Breastfeed

However, although having breast implants shouldn’t by default limit you from breastfeeding, there is, unfortunately, still a chance that you may not be able to because of where your implants are located. If your implant was placed between your chest muscle and glandular tissue, it could harm the sensitivity of your breast, restricting milk flow.

In addition, essential nerves could have been damaged during the surgery, affecting your milk ducts. If you are still unable to produce milk a week after birth, consult with a doctor.

4. There Are Methods For Increasing Your Milk Supply

Once you are able to produce milk, you’ll want to make sure that you’re able to produce enough for your child. Thankfully, there are habits that you can pick up that will help you continue to make milk. After feeding your child, use a breast pump to continues making more milk. This will keep your breasts active and also drain them fully of their milk. In addition, massage your breasts to keep them stimulated.

5. You Should Feed Your Baby 8 to 12 Times Per Day

You can determine whether your baby is feeding enough by counting the numbers of wet and dirty diapers he or she is producing every day. The rule of thumb is that by the end of the first week, the baby should be wetting six or so diapers and soiling three diapers per day.

In addition, your caregiver should be tracking your baby’s weight, which will also indicates if he or she is getting enough milk everyday. If, by the end of the week, you find that you’re not producing enough milk to support your child, it could be an issue with your implants, but it could also be an issue of not drinking enough as well. Check with your caregiver to get the best advice for your situation.

Featured photo credit: Breastfeeding via

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10 Reasons to Respect Our Elders


There are many ways which different cultures interact generationally. In traditional China, Confucian law encourages an utmost respect for the family unit, and innate value for its older members. And although times are changing, so too do Japan and Korea celebrate the ages of the old. Latin cultures have a similar respect traditionally with their elders, as do many native tribes. Western culture however, contemporary as it prides itself to be, holds a far more youth-centric outlook. This is a concern, as statistics are showing levels of depression and anxiety have skyrocketed due to a decrease in value once we reach a certain age.

Here are a few things we could take note of in order to perhaps incorporate a few positive ideas about our older peers.

They have lived longer than us

Well this we know, obviously. But when we truly stop to think about it and walk just a little way in their shoes, it commands respect. Life is hard! Have patience and consideration for the time they have spent on this earth.

They might know more than you think

If you haven’t already found things to talk to your grandparents, or your neighbour about, ask them questions. Respect the worlds they lived through, the parts of history they survived. They have a lifetime of knowledge.

They have experience different things to us

The world was a different place ‘back in the day’. Evolution is happening fast, and we all know that different kinds of experience means different kinds of wisdom. Compare your differences, consult them, consider them. You might learn something you never could have learned from your own world.

They see the world in a different way

Through the experiences of their own lives and through the time they have spent on this earth, they will see the world from their own perspective. They might assign themselves differently to the way they walk and talk and dress. Take note. It might just broaden your horizons.

They have walked a mile in your shoes

The advantage anybody older than yourself has, is that they have lived at the age that you have before. Although every situation is different, they do know what it is like to be where you are, or at least, at the age you are at. Unfortunately you cannot say the same about them, so have respect and listen to what they have to say.

They are more travel weary

Who knows what countries they have trailed though, what mountains they have climbed to get where they are! They might be tired – offer them a seat!

They have experience we can only dream of

The world is a different place now. The world they lived in will also never exist again as it once did. We will never know what it was like then, before things changed and became now. We can only dream of what it was like to dance in the disco era, or experience war. They lived it. Show respect for the history they have survived.

They will have stories that can benefit us

Everybody has a story to tell. Everyone. These are the stories of our lives, the tales of us. Don’t just roll your eyes when your grandma or grandpa tells you ‘again’ about the good old days … relish in a story that might influence your own.

They are still learning from us too

As we are alive, we are all still learning. They might be older, but they are learning too. Have patience.

They are our family

Your grandparents choices in life resulted in YOU! Be grateful. Look after each other. Love is the answer.

“R.E.S.PE.C.T” – Aretha Franklin, mother and grandmother. x

Featured photo credit: Flickr via

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5 Things That Happen When You Dive Headfirst Into An Unknown Career


Humans are interesting creatures. We like to stick to what we know and dislike feeling uncomfortable, whether it be in our careers or our social lives. Venturing into the great unknown is scary and, frankly, not something many of us are prepared for.

However, it’s the unknown that leads to some of the most rewarding experiences. It’s how we’re able to enjoy the latest Apple iPhone products and use on-demand service apps to call a car or a meal to our doorsteps. When we do decide to explore uncharted waters, we learn a lot about who we are as individuals and professionals.

If you do decide to quit your job and pursue that idea you’ve been throwing around for the past six months, it’s important to be financially and mentally prepared. Here are the five things to expect from your peers, family, and yourself when you dive right into an unknown career path:

1. Your Friends And Family Will Question Your Decisions

So you went to college and got that fancy degree in economics, but now you’re thinking of leaving your secure consulting job to pursue a startup in technology. You’re likely to encounter some pushback from your family and friends. There are a lot of things to prepare for when you seek out a different industry and the people closest to you are bound to advise against pursuing the unknown. It’s an expected reaction to receive, especially from your parents, who are only looking out for your best interests.

Instead of ignoring the haters, take the time to listen to their concerns. Even if you have your transition all planned out, it doesn’t hurt to hear why your family and friends are expressing concern over your decision. You may begin to doubt your decision, but deep down, only you know what’s right for you.

2. You’ll Feel A Sense Of Euphoria

There’s a sense of freedom that comes from having control over your own life. Amidst the doubt and worry, you’ll experience a joy that comes from doing what you want to do. If you’re leaving a toxic work environment, pursuing an unknown career path can feel liberating and like a breath of fresh air. Starting a job in a completely new industry is exciting — as it should be!

“It takes time to discover what you’re truly passionate about, or what you might consider to be the ‘right’ job for you,” says Adam Fridman of Mabbly. “Now’s the time to take risks and try new things. The last thing you want is to regret staying with a job you absolutely dislike.”

Just be careful to not let that euphoria blind your judgement. A new career path is like starting an adventure — don’t delude yourself into thinking it’s the perfect fit if it really isn’t.

3. You May Want To Go Back To Your Old Job

One reason why people are afraid to leave their old job is because their current career provides a steady, secure routine. Unless you’re causing problems at the office, you’re guaranteed a security that doesn’t come with startups and exploring new career options. Right after the euphoria of setting out on a new career path wears off, you might begin to doubt your gung-ho spirit and regret leaving your old job. It’s a valid feeling — we tend to stick with what we know and uncertainty can cause anxiety.

If you feel doubt begin to creep up on you, just remember the reasons for why you left your old job in the first place. Job security is always great to have, but if your old job was making you miserable and you were dreading the weekdays, you’re probably better off sticking to something new.

4. You’ll See That Success Comes From 110% Commitment

Whether you’re starting your own business venture or exploring career options in a new field, your overall success is largely dependant on how committed you are and the level of passion that you bring.

Gali Rosen of Appnext assures that, “Passion is one of the driving factors defining people, from wannabe rock stars to super successful app developers. When I entered the tech world and abandoned the corporate ladder, I felt free to pursue a new career path and commit to my dreams.”

You’ll need to prove to your new employer that you have what it takes to succeed in a field you previously had zero experience in, and that means staying the extra hour in the office and sending one more email on a Friday evening. When you’re starting off in a brand new field where you have little past work experience, you need to go the extra mile to prove your worth to your employer. If success is what you’re chasing in your new career, you need to commit to it 110%.

5. You’ll Realize That Life Doesn’t Follow A Strict Plan

We can plan out the rest of our lives, but there’s zero guarantee that life will follow the plans you’ve laid out for yourself. When you venture into an unknown career path, expect the unexpected. You’re going to encounter bumps and obstacles along the way that you can’t prepare for, so you’ll need to roll with the punches and learn to adapt. It’ll be a test of how resilient you are when faced with foreign challenges. What matters is how you respond to the problems that do arise. Don’t let the minor roadblocks keep you from achieving the job you really want.

The post 5 Things That Happen When You Dive Headfirst Into An Unknown Career appeared first on Lifehack.

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