
sexta-feira, março 11, 2016

10 Myths About Organic Food Debunked

organic food

Last Monday as we wandered around the streets of Naples after lunch, we noticed yet anther green, organic and bio food shop. We also noted the layout and the colors which were mainly green, of course. We commented on the pricey food and then got to wondering whether this organic food is healthier and if it really protects the environment. When I got home, I did some research and this is what I found.

Here are the top 10 myths about organic food that are widely believed.

1. Organic farming protects wildlife

You hear people saying it all the time. Yes, organic food does not use pesticides or herbicides therefore it is not damaging the soil or wildlife. The only problem is that this type of farming needs lots of land which is already scarce. We would have to cut down 10 million square miles of forest if the world decided to adopt organic food globally. The fact is that modern farming has actually saved about 15 million square miles of wildlife habitat.

2. Organic farming will save the world from hunger

If we think that this type of farming will save us from hunger, we should think again. Yes, it is true that it may be better to avoid pesticides and herbicides in an ideal world. But reducing food production will only make less food available for the hungry people in this world. It costs three times as much as traditionally produced food. This is a controversial topic. Reading Denis Avery’s book Saving The Planet With Pesticides and Plastic on the benefits of high-yield farming is an eye opener.

3. Organic farming never uses pesticides

The fact is that organic farmers also use pesticides and fungicides so you cannot get away from that. Did you know that there are 20 chemicals which are approved by the US Organic Standards and these are used all the time in organic food production? The alarming thing is that these are not so effective as the synthetic ones used in conventional farming. So, it may well be that organic food contains more chemicals than is really necessary. Some estimates say that organic farming uses double the amount of copper and sulphur organic fungicides than conventional farming!

4. Organic food is more nutritious

The bad news is that this is not true at all. Various studies have shown that organic corn may have more flavonioids than normal corn. But there are lots of studies that show there is no nutritional advantage in eating organic food. The sad fact is that nutritional value really depends on the shelf life of vegetables. It may be organic but if the spinach has been in the store for a week, then it has lost 50% of its valuable foliate content.

5. Organic food is safer

Many people think that organic always means safer and healthier. Unfortunately, this is not always true. Let us take an infamous organic pesticide called rotenone. Yes, it is organic because it is extracted from the roots and stems of subtropical plants. The only problem is that researchers found that it killed off the mitochondria which are like energy powerhouses for our cells. It was also linked to possibly causing Parkinson’s disease. This is just one example, but overall, lots of plants have toxic mixes of their own bacteria and fungi. Just because they do not have chemical name which is impossible to pronounce does not necessarily mean they’re totally safe for us.

6. Organic farming is always ecological

This may be true in a few cases but look how statistics and labels have been manipulated to satisfy this thirst for organic ingredients. Let us take the case of organic milk. There has been such a demand that giant food companies who boast that they are producing organic milk actually import the ingredients to make up the shortfall. How ecological is that and who is controlling the source, quality, purity, and safety of these imported ingredients?

7. Organic food is cleaner

Whether the food is grown organically or not, it is still at risk of containing the deadly E.coli bacteria which is very difficult to treat with antibiotics now. People foolishly think that organic food is somewhat safer from all these germs. In fact, they are not and they need to be washed just as vigorously as vegetables which have been produced on a high-yield farming unit. In a ten year period from 1999-2001, over 10,000 people suffered food poisoning from E.coli infected food and organic foods were to blame in many of these cases.

8. Organic labels are a guarantee of quality

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has started an organic certification program (the USDA Organic Label) which helps producers meet the high standards when they use this seal. But the label needs to be treated with a certain caution and scepticism as pointed out by Peter Laufer in his book, Organic: A Journalist’s Quest to Discover the Truth Behind Food Labeling. Investigating the origin of certain organic foods was extremely difficult, Laufer found.

9. Organic food products are carfully inspected

Yes, organic farms, staff, transportation and other relevant production processes are inspected and their goods are then certified. The only problem here is that the process is often poorly carried out and there are certifiers who are much less rigorous and less expensive to hire. There are many conflicts of interest so there is no 100% guarantee that every producer of organic cereal or apple you buy has been properly inspected. Organic accreditation by the USDA is plagued by competing certifying agents.

10. Organic food demand is growing

There are powerful lobbies at work which claim that the demand for organic food is growing at an exponential rate. In the UK, only 1 percent of food sold there can be considered as organic. The Soil Association in the UK is claiming that it is pursuing sustainable development. However, many claim that it is nothing more than a trading group. Maybe there is a conflict of interests here.

It is impossible to say whether organic food is automatically safer and more nutritious than the conventional food produced on farms. It is a minefield. As we have seen, many myths abound and there are many false claims made. There’s nothing inherently wrong with organic, but you need to take that label with a grain of salt, or two!

Featured photo credit: Take Back Your Health Conference Los Angeles 2015/Flickr via

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7 Strategies To Help Boost Productivity As a Writer

boost productivity

Productivity is a major issue in any workplace. This is especially true for writers. For a lot of writers that get paid per output, improving their productivity means getting a bigger paycheck. The problem with writing is that working hard doesn’t always mean that you are making the most of your time at work.

The reality is that a lot of writers find it difficult to maximize their productivity because of so many factors. From writer’s block to distractions, these are things that could hinder a writer from maximizing their performance during working hours.

So how exactly do you boost productivity as a writer? Here are seven effective strategies that you can apply to your writing process.

1. Make a list of things you need to do

Ever wondered how the simplest pen and paper activity of listing your activities can help boost productivity in the workplace?

It is a common problem for writers to forget and miss out on things that they need to finish. By simply making a list of things you need to accomplish, you can eliminate this problem. You can cross each task off as you complete it.

2. Have a schedule for the entire day/week

Next thing that you need to remember is that it is important to plan things ahead. For writers that have the luxury of working any given time of the day, it is a common scenario to forget about the time.

It is important to schedule your entire day/week to prioritize tasks that need to be accomplished. This is especially useful when you deal with deadlines. Approaching the workday or workweek in an organized manner will help prevent moments of panic wherein you compromise the quality of work just to meet the deadline.

3. Wake up early and end at a specific time

Aristotle and Benjamin Franklin are proponents of starting your day early. Unfortunately, a lot of writers stay up late just to finish tasks that they should’ve done in the morning. According to experts, you accomplish more when you work in the morning than at night. And it can be explained by the body’s programming to want to sleep at night.

If you are not a morning person, there are morning routines that you can do in order to energize the body. This way, you get to feel ready for work even without caffeine. Tony Robbins is a proponent of doing a morning routine that can help the body to perform for the entire day. Exercise, breathing habits and meditation are just some of the things that you can do to feel energized in the morning.

And of course, it is also important to set a specific time for when to stop working. There’s a reason why workplaces only implement an eight hour workday. Setting the time when to finish, not only prevents burnout but also creates a habit.

4. Have a schedule for when to check emails

Now that you can receive emails and private messages not only on your computer but also on your phone, it is important to have the discipline to minimize distractions. In order to boost productivity, it is important to have a schedule for when to check and reply to emails and private messages. This is a great way to minimize disruptions when you are writing. Limit checking your emails and private messages to two times per day.

5. Close unnecessary windows on your computer

Multi-tasking is common in today’s society. But before you open multiple windows and decide to work on different tasks at once, keep in mind that there’s a reason why it is considered dangerous to text and drive. This is because of our inability to focus on multiple tasks at once.

In fact, people who multitask think that they are actually saving time. Instead, it is the complete opposite. Make it a habit to commit to finishing one task at a time. As rule of thumb, close all unnecessary windows. This helps eliminate distractions and helps you focus on the task at hand.

6. Read all you need to know first

It is a reality that for a writer to write effectively, he or she needs to do some research. One problem that writers have is switching back and forth between writing and doing research. This can be a problem, especially when you want to get the most work done.

It is highly suggested for writers to read all the information first before proceeding to write. How does it help? It gives the writer a clear picture of what the topic is all about. And once he or she has a complete understanding of the topic, writing will be the easy part of the job.

7. Break down broad ideas first

A common problem that takes up a lot of time in the writing process is considering how to discuss ideas. There are some topics that are just too hard to write down on paper. Though you fully understand the discussion, making a well written finished product may seem difficult because of the details and intricacies that you know you shouldn’t miss.

A solution to this type of problem is to start with general topics before getting into the details. This helps the brain to have an idea of where to start from and go afterwards. To organize your thoughts, you can start making a mind map of ideas. From this diagram, you can then proceed to writing.


Writers all over the world face productivity challenges. In the age of highly advanced technology, writers have to deal with so many distractions to get to the final output. With these tips, writers can potentially boost productivity and also improve on the quality of work they deliver to their clients.

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8 Simple Hacks For Low Budget Startup Entrepreneurs

startup entrepreneur

Startup entrepreneurs should be aware of the risks involved starting their own business. Money plays a big role in the success or failure of a startup. In fact, 90% of startup entrepreneurs are expected to fail.  But does this mean that you shouldn’t chase after your dream?

There are simple, yet cost-effective measures that low budget startups could adapt in their business practices. Here are some effective low budget hacks that entrepreneurs could start to implement.

1. Build a solid content online

Quality content makes a huge difference on how a company is perceived online. Content has been considered the king for quite a while, and there’s no sign of it changing soon. Low budget startup entrepreneurs should start investing on an effective content strategy to get the attention of their niche.

This simple, yet effective strategy has been proven to build a company’s reputation. It can also potentially increase your conversion, while attracting the right people.

Is it cheap? Hiring content creators may not be as cheap as you expect. Big companies are even willing to pay $100 or more for high quality content.  For low budget startup entrepreneurs, they could start building their own content. Using tools such as, the content can be proofread even without the help of a professional copywriter/editor. If not, they can hire online freelance writers to get the job done. Freelancers offer a budget friendly solution to this type of concern.

2. Delegate the simple and mundane tasks

It is a common mistake by startup entrepreneurs to micromanage and perform mundane tasks. Startup entrepreneurs could save more money if they focus on the more important tasks in their company.

So who should cover the simple and mundane tasks? If you don’t have the money to hire new employees, you can start having a virtual assistant to get things done. For some businesses, they also allow on-the-job trainees to be part of their organization. On-the-job trainees are young college graduates or students who are trying to gain experience in a relevant industry.

3. Invest on a modern and responsive website

Whether or not you have an office or a physical store, it is imperative to have a modern and responsive website for your startup company.

A responsive design allows the user to have an optimized view of the website in different devices. This type of design responds to the viewing space that is available.

Now that 48% of mobile users start using the internet on search engines, Google has decided to adapt its algorithm to this trend. Aside from providing superb user experience, responsive websites are given an edge on Google. This type of design increases the chance of landing on the first search result page.

4. Study the industry/market well

As rule of thumb, every startup entrepreneur should never get into something that they don’t know.   Investing in an unknown niche increases the risk of failing.

Market research is something that businesses of all sizes shouldn’t forget. By performing a study in your industry and market, you’ll be able to determine the startup’s potential. Is there a demand? Who are our competitors? Is the market already saturated?

5. Branding consistency

Branding is your key to be easily recognized by your audience. An effective branding strategy can help get the message across effectively. Small businesses should be able to understand the value of using consistent designs. Branding isn’t just your logo. Branding is also about the voice, colors, fonts, and even your website’s layout.

6. Develop a social media marketing strategy

Social media has leveled the playing field for a lot of businesses. Even small businesses have been able to get the same exposure as their larger counterparts, thanks to the use of social media. And the good part is that it can be used for free.

With over billions of accounts floating around in different platforms, social media should never be ignored especially by small entrepreneurs. According to one study, consumers tend to buy products from brands they follow (64% of Twitter users and 51% of Facebook users).

But of course, not all social media campaigns can yield positive results.  To maximize the reach and engagement, it is crucial to learn some effective social media marketing strategies. This includes establishing the right type of voice to balancing the promotional and non-promotional posts.

And of course, you have to understand that the social media platform algorithms are also changing. It has been a concern among social media managers when Facebook changed the way people see posts from pages.

The average reach of Facebook publishers in 2015 is only at 2.27%. On the other hand, in 2012, publishers organically reach 16% of their fans. This only means that small businesses should also consider sponsored posts, to help boost their reach. But more importantly, it is imperative to reevaluate the content shared on social media.

7. Take the customer feedback seriously

You may have heard Steve Jobs downplay customer feedback saying that customers have no idea of what they want until they have seen it. But for startup entrepreneurs, keep in mind that word-of-mouth advertising is still among the most effective means of advertising.

Word-of-mouth advertising can either help or destroy your business. For a virtually unknown brand, it is crucial to get as many people to recommend your products or services. In fact, 84% of consumers say that they trust recommendations of either friends or family when it comes to products. Same is true for online opinion made by consumers.

So what should you do if you are faced with a negative feedback online? This is where startups need to have a protocol on how to manage negative comments and reviews.

8. Analytics

Every startup entrepreneur should consider the numbers. Analytics provide startups a reality check, whether or not they are doing the right thing. For starters, check the social media’s engagement, and reach. Compare which posts have the highest reach and engagement.

Next, look at your site’s traffic. Are you hitting the expected number of visitors? If the numbers are met, are you really hitting the demographic? For local businesses for instance, it is important that the searches come from the area where they operate.


Becoming a startup entrepreneur can be a struggle. The lack of capital can definitely play a major role how your business operates. But the lack of funds doesn’t mean that you should forget about your dream. Today, there are many ways on how you can run your business even if you only have minimal funds. It is about how you make use of your available resources to your advantage as a startup.

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10 Basic Exercises to Help You Treat Plantar Fasciitis

10 Basic Exercises to Help You Treat Plantar Fasciitis

There are many causes for plantar fasciitis, including weak foot muscles, extra pressure due to obesity, incorrect footwear, or even stress from exercise, particularly running. Because of these different factors that can cause this pain, it is a difficult to find a cure. But there are many exercises that can relieve it and help to strengthen the muscles and tissues.

For those suffering from plantar fasciitis, these simple exercises will help to stretch and strengthen the damaged tissue, relieve the pain, and speed up the recovery process.

1. Plantar fascia stretch

Hold the heel of the foot in one hand and gently bend the toes up, hold, and then bend them down, holding again. Repeat this exercise a few times to stretch the plantar fascia, and the Achilles tendon.

2. Standing calf stretch

Using a chair or wall for support, place the pained foot flat on the floor behind the body, with the knee straight. Put the other foot forward, slightly bent at the ankle and knee, so the body is leaning forward. Stretch the back ankle and calf for a few seconds, and then repeat on the other side.

3. Thera-band toe flexion

This exercise is very common among those suffering from plantar fasciitis. With leg stretched out straight in front, cover the sole of the foot with the band so one end is over the toes and the other comes out behind the heel. Hold the band firmly with the hands and slowly curl the toes downward against the band. Hold this position, and then ease the toes back up.

4. Sitting thera-band foot raises

Sitting in a chair with knees bent, place one end of the band around the foot of the ankle to be exercised. Run the band beneath the other foot and up the leg to the knee to be held in the hand. Lift the wrapped foot up, hold it in this position, and slowly lower it.

5. Sitting thera-band ankle eversion

The band should be held the same as in the Thera-Band Foot Raises, but this time, instead of raising the foot, push it outward, away from the other foot, hold, and slowly bring it back in. Be sure to keep the knee straight and only rotate the ankle.

6. Sitting thera-band ankle plantarflexion

Sitting in a chair, stretch the leg with the ankle to be exercised out in front. Wrap the band around the foot, and hold the ends tightly with the hands at the waist. Push the foot down towards the floor and hold it, then slowly ease it back up.

7. Great toe stretch

Put the big toe of the pained foot on a foot roller. With the rest of the foot on the ground, apply pressure to the foot roller with the foot. The stretch should be felt in the bottom of the foot. Hold this for 15 seconds and then release.

8. Plantar massage

With a foot roller beneath the bare foot, use a bit of pressure to slowly it from the heel to the ball of the foot and back. Continue this motion for about 5 minutes.

9. Toe pick-up

Place a small round hand exerciser on the ground. Pick it up with bare toes and put it back down again. Repeat this exercise a few times, starting with a beginner hand exerciser, and progressing with a firmer one as the foot is strengthened.

10. Strengthening toe flexion

With a hand exerciser on the ground, gently curl it with bare toes, squeezing and then releasing. Use the beginner hand exerciser, and progress to the firmer ones as the foot is strengthened.

Any of these exercises performed a few times each day will help to relieve strain and strengthened the muscles of the foot to rid it of the plantar fasciitis. But be sure to discuss any treatment with a doctor first, to decide the best ones for any individual case, and how many repetitions should be used to begin, to ensure that there is no additional strain. This will ensure the problem will be solved, and perhaps help to keep it from recurring in the future.

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How to Deseed a Pomegranate Without Making a Mess + 5 Ways to Eat Them

How to Deseed a Pomegranate Without Making a Mess + 5 Ways to Eat Them

Trying to dig the arils out of a pomegranate can be a messy and time-consuming job. Fortunately, there are a few methods that can help to speed up the process and reduce the amount of dripping juices. With the following methods, there will be no buyer’s remorse, and the arils will taste that much sweeter.

How to effectively deseed a pomegranate

1. Use a wooden spoon.

The first method to deseed a pomegranate is to knock the arils out with a wooden spoon. Though this is also a rather messy procedure, it is the fastest and easiest way to remove them. To begin, use a sharp knife to cut the outside of the pomegranate, but do not go too deep, to keep from slicing into any of the seeds. Next, pull the two halves apart gently, and put one aside for now. Hold the other half with the seeds facing the palm of the hand, with the fingers slightly spread to allow the seeds to fall through. Holding it over a large bowl, hit the outside of the fruit with a wooden spoon to knock out the seeds. Finally, pick out the white bits that have fallen in the bowl.

2. Soak in cold water.

Though this is also a fast way to deseed the pomegranate, the draining part afterward can take a fair bit of time. To begin, cut the pomegranate the same way as in the spoon method, just around the outside, and carefully split it into two halves. Put both pieces into a large bowl of cold water. Remove the arils from the pomegranate halves, and let them sink to the bottom, while the white bits float to the top. Drain them thoroughly, and enjoy.

3. Cut into wedges.

This is the slowest method, and it’s a bit messy, but the finished product will be free of any white bits, and the bad seeds can be left in the fruit instead of mixing in with the good ones. First, use a sharp knife to cut through the peel at the bottom in a circle and remove the cap. Next, slice from bottom to top though the peel repeatedly to make wedges, but do not go too deep. Pull the fruit carefully apart into the wedges created, and pluck out the seeds.

5 ways to eat pomegranates

Though pomegranate arils taste delicious on their own, there are many ways to enjoy them at any meal.

1. Bruschetta

One tasty way to use pomegranates is to make a pomegranate Bruschetta, with some goat cheese topped with minced red onion, parsley, and a few pomegranate seeds, spread on slices of a toasted baguette.

2. Dip

A pomegranate dip can be made with roasted red peppers, walnuts, olive oil, and pomegranate seeds. Simply whirl them together in a food processor with a bit of salt and pepper, and then serve to guests topped with a few seeds for garnish.

3. Salad

Whether making a simple green salad or an extravagant shrimp and avocado salad, a few pomegranate seeds added in can give it a whole new taste, and give it a pretty and colorful look.

4. Sauce

A delicious pomegranate sauce can dress up any roast beef or duck, and even lamb or chicken can be complemented with these tangy seeds and juices.

5. Dessert

Don’t forget about dessert. A few seeds on ice cream, sorbet or frozen yogurt can be a tangy addition, or use the juice and seeds in Jell-O, puddings, or even cakes for a tasty new treat.

With 3 easy ways to deseed these troublesome fruits, there will be no excuse not to enjoy them. And even the most uncreative cook will be able to serve a fantastic meal using any combination of the serving ideas above. With these simple tips, the pomegranate may just climb to the top of the fruit category.

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5 Things to Remember when Someone Keeps Letting You Down

Blong Girl Thoughfully Watching A Sunrise

If you have ever experienced disappointment from another person, here are 5 things to remember when someone keeps letting you down. It could be a friend, a parent, a son or daughter. It could even be your significant other or a co-worker.

It is often hard to not harbor sadness, anger or resentment when someone keeps saying they will do one thing and then does another. The situation could be someone that you just cannot count on for any help or requests you may need.

It is not easy when dealing with someone that is unreliable, or someone that could possibly be over committing themselves. Here are 5 things to remember when someone keeps letting you down so that you can protect yourself from further harm and also maintain your peace.

1. Avoid Assumptions

You might have someone in your life who often says they want to do certain things with you and you invite them, but then at the last minute they cancel or do not show up at all. It is easy to go into a flutter of thoughts as to why that person did what they did. It is also really easy to take it personally and believe they didn’t show up to intentionally hurt you.  The truth is we will never fully know what is going on with someone else’s thoughts or motives. That person could be one that doesn’t like to say no to anyone but in reality they do more damage because the ultimately become an unintentional liar.

That person could be a people pleaser and they want to make everyone happy but they cannot so they end up being out of integrity. When we avoid assumptions it’s easier to stop ourselves from forming resentment and anger at the person or situation.   We don’t know the truth as to what the other person is truly experiencing. In my past when I was going through some pretty serious personal issues, I became so wrapped up in my own life, I was not very reliable to my friends and family. Once I became more aware of that fact myself, I was able to reset my priorities and not over commit myself to others.

2. Accept the Other Person for Where They Are

Once we accept that someone is not consistent in their words or actions and we realize that a sporadic relationship exists, we learn to take it for what it is. We can’t control others or somehow force them to be in integrity, even though the thought of that new reality would be nice. We also can’t expect them to all of a sudden change or believe that the next time will be any different from the last disappointment. Once we accept the other person for where they are in life, it’s easier as the broken promises and inconsistent behavior we do not take personally any longer.

If we also have no expectation of future outcomes, it is so much easier to accept the disappointment. The broken promises will still end up hurting our feelings, but we have the choice whether to allow them to hurt us or allow them to turn into bitterness and negative feelings. Once we stop taking things personally, we can still maintain our peace even when others disappoint us.

3. Let Them Know How You Feel

It is never easy to talk about serious things. I was a severe conflict avoider in my past because I did not want to hurt other people’s feelings.  I would rarely talk about what bothered me which caused me to live a very unhappy and chaotic life for a while. Now I welcome others to come to me with the hard topics because that means the other person desires conflict resolution and really wants their feelings to be made known.  My best friends are those I can trust to come to me with issues so we can quickly resolve conflict if we have an issue.

I now reach out and share my hurts with people I care about.  I want the relationship to become better if possible so I am willing to talk about the hard issues.  If we do not tell someone that what they are doing hurts our feelings, how would they know? It is our responsibility to confront the issue without anger or emotion involved so that the other person is aware of our feelings.  We need to let them know that we feel unimportant when they say they will commit to something but never actually show up or follow through.

4. Stop the Bleeding

Once you have shared your feelings with the other person and let them know their actions are hurting you, and nothing changes – it’s time to stop the bleeding. Why would we keep allowing more let downs and disappointments to occur when we have made our feelings known? If you still want to maintain the relationship, it is time to set boundaries. If you truly care about the person, you can let them know you are no longer extending invitations.  If they would like to maintain a relationship with you – it is now their responsibility to make the effort.

That way you can still be involved in their lives but you can choose whether to accept their invitation or not.   If the new situation does work for all that are involved then a compromise or solution has been made and we can maintain our peace.  We are still able to continue the relationship even though the dynamic has changed a little. If the person never contacts you again after boundaries were set or feelings were made known, at least you know it was a forced relationship and one that needed to end.

5. Move On

If you have made your feelings known and nothing has changed, then it is time to move on. If the relationship is unsafe or abusive, it is definitely time to end it. Regardless of who the person is (it could be a loved one or close family member), it is never alright to stay in a relationship that causes you emotional or physical harm. Sometimes, we need to compromise to maintain a relationship with a family member and sometimes we need to stop seeing someone altogether because there is too much hurt surrounding that relationship.

Ultimately, we can somewhat control how we allow others to treat us by setting firm boundaries and knowing when to move on. If there are a few relationships in your life that are strained or causing you emotional turmoil, it’s time to evaluate them. Then you can decide what you are willing to accept in those relationships. What we allow in any relationship is what will continue. Life is short and it is exhausting to try and maintain a forced relationship that is not mutually beneficial.

Surround yourself with people that encourage, lift up and support you in all that you do. Real friends will bring up the hard issues and will work together to resolve conflict with you quickly so that you can maintain a lasting and authentic relationship with them.

Featured photo credit: Ed Gregory via

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4 Top Tips for Creating an Extraordinary Bucket List

Creating an Extraordinary Bucket List

Creating a bucket list is something we’ve most likely all done at some point in our lives—that list with all your hopes, goals and aspirations in one place. But how often do you review your bucket list? How often do you go back and cross off items as well as adding them on?

Your bucket list should stay fluid and grow and diversify as you do. It’s also key to structure your bucket list in an easily manageable and achievable way. With that in mind, here are some of my top tips for Creating an Extraordinary Bucket List.

1. Break your bucket list into sections.

Breaking your bucket list into sections can help you to reflect and manage your goals as you move through your journey of life. I use the following headings/sections to categorize my bucket list: Financial, Health & Fitness, Social, Knowledge, Career, Travel, Achievement and Contribution. Within my separate sections, I record the respective goals. This helps me to identify key areas and also reflect on a particular area of my life.

This also allows you to identify the main focus areas of your energy. If you’re growing your career and business goals, but you haven’t touched a single goal in your social section, you can quickly identify that it’s maybe time to focus on other areas of your life.

2. Allow your bucket list to grow.

Allowing your bucket list to grow as you do is vital when it comes to tracking your performance and success. If your goal is to travel to Europe and you achieve this, you should instantly reflect and record a new goal. This could be to travel to Asia or North America, as long as it’s something to make you keep pushing forward.

Another goal might be to earn £100,000 per year. Once you achieve this, to keep momentum, you should revise this to say £300,000 per year. Constantly revising your goals will keep you pushing forward and achieving bigger and better objectives. When you stop and look over your achievements, you’ll easily see all the progress you’ve made and all the accomplishments you have achieved.

3. Share and discuss your bucket list goals with friends.

Now bear with me on this one. I’m sure you’re thinking to yourself “but wait William, some of my goals are personal and I don’t want to share these.” That’s fine. Certain goals on your bucket list will be personal and private; however some items may not be. For instance one of my goals is to backpack through Bali. I never knew my friend shared this goal until I discussed this with him. Now I have a friend I can share that journey with as we now plan to take the trip together.

Sometimes, those around you can help you to achieve your goals as they can become shared goals. This can also help to form and strengthen your relationship with another person and help to grow and achieve goals from the social section of your bucket list.

4. Don’t rush your goals.

Not rushing your goals is another key aspect to take into account. Remember your bucket list should last a life time. Some goals and objectives may take 5 years and others may take 5 minutes. This balance is key to always keep moving forward.

Setting both short term and long term goals is extremely beneficial to create a balanced life. Some goals may take a series of tasks to achieve. These tasks should be kept off the bucket list and jotted down on an action plan sheet instead. I try to record only top level items on my list and refer to an action sheet for the finer details.

Hopefully these tips can help you to identify key areas for growth in your life and to build a successful and proactive bucket list. I’m also keen to find out what your goals are. Please feel free to comment below.

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5 Apps That Enable Your Modern Day Addictions


We all have a guilty pleasure. From watching trashy TV to eating ice cream straight from the tub to blasting that terrible music you just can’t stop yourself from liking, these habits give you a sense of comfort. Whatever your obsession(s) may be, I’m sure you’d agree that you wish you could do it more frequently. Well, what if I told you that there are apps that you can download to help you keep that feeling of satisfaction going?

Get Your Game On

As an avid gamer, I find that I can spend hours on my phone without being aware of the passing time. This can be dangerous, especially in my daytime hours when I am at work but daydreaming of my next Clash of Clans session.

Andy OS

Gaming never gets old, but staring at my phone screen does. My eyes hurt, my back aches…it’s a labor of love, what can I do?

Well, I found my solution with Andy OS. An Android Emulator, this app lets me play mobile games on my computer screen so that I have a more visually pleasing and comfortable experience. A great feature is the option to use my phone as a joystick while playing on the web app of the emulator. Saving my back and maximizing my gaming time – Andy is a great friend to keep around.


Not just an awesome site, but also a handy app for both iOS and Android, Twitch lets you stay up-to-date on the gaming channels you love to follow.  The app keeps you chatting, browsing, following and sharing all of the streams you would be accessing on the web. If you don’t have time to play, watch. Perfect for those days that you can’t get your mind out of the game, let the Twitch app give you your gaming fix.


Whatever you feel about shopping, I we can all agree that getting new stuff is awesome. Sure, it has its pros and cons, but shopping doesn’t have to only be a requirement when your girlfriend is dragging you around the mall.


When I am looking to buy something specific, I really go for it. Whether it be a new pair of jeans or a brand new, top-of-the-line TV, I research, compare and then shop. It’s a high, knowing that the item I’m buying is all mine. But this high dissipates pretty quickly once I get in line to get to the cash register.

Here’s where I have good news: Shopic eliminates the need to wait in line! Available for iOS and Android, Shopic is the perfect solution to maintaining your shopping high. By letting you scan, purchase and pay for your item within the application, you’re saved the hassle and downer of having to wait in line. Just use Shopic and you’re all good to go, no waiting required!


A new form of “shopping,” trench is a great way to upcycle clothes that you already own. It’s a simple process; you upload the clothes that you own but no longer need. From there, you set the amount of “Trench Diamonds” (a monetary unit for the app) that you would like for each item and trade in your diamonds for clothes that other users have uploaded. This app lets you shop without spending any money – and it helps you make closet space by trading out things you no longer wear.

Splurging on Food

When hunger hits, you need to satisfy it. And when that hunger hits, you eat. If I’m out and about when I get hungry, you can find me at the nearest burger joint. Going out to eat is a drain on the wallet and isn’t the healthiest option, but it’s fun, easy and something I can’t get enough of.


I’m not only guilty of going to restaurants to eat – I am an infamous food orderer. After coming home from a long day of work, I don’t have the energy to cook. So I hit up Deliveroo and order from a large selection of local restaurants. Even better, they boast an average of 32 minute delivery time. With delivery services available from noon until 11 pm, this is also perfect for busy days at the office with no time to pick up food.

Some would say that technology itself is a modern day addiction and let’s be honest – that’s pretty accurate. But who says that addictions always have to be bad? These apps help me get my fix of efficiency, entertainment and sustenance. So let’s utilize our tech obsessions to further our real life ones.

Featured photo credit: IMFree via

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