
quarta-feira, março 09, 2016

11 Obvious Signs He Wants to Marry You

11 Obvious Signs He Wants to Marry You

When in a long-term relationship, sometimes it gets difficult to decipher the subtle signs that a significant other is sending. If you think that your partner is entertaining the idea of marriage, look for these signs to clue you in.

1. He is Making Future Plans

Guys don’t bring up things that they really would rather not talk about. But when a man brings up future plans, it is an indication that he would like to know your opinion on them, and your opinion does carry weight with him.

2. You are Invited to Every Occasion

You have become his plus one to all special events and family holidays. This means that he sees you playing a huge part in the big picture of his life. He wants to introduce you to his family and make you feel like you are a part of it.

3. He is Punctual

If your man is always on time, he is definitely into you. When a man is in a serious relationship, he will make sure that his woman does not have to wait for him. He will let you know if he is running late and he won’t ever leave you hanging.

4. There’s an Increase in Touch

It will almost feel like when you first started dating. Your man will be way more touchy-feely, touching your arm while you’re cooking or taking the time to massage your neck while you’re working.

5. He Misses You

You will feel like nothing can get in the way when your man has made the decision to make time to see you. When he makes a promise about plans, he will follow through, and this is a great sign. On the flip-side, if he is always calling to break plans, this means you are not at the forefront of his mind. Someone who does this is not feeling committed at all.

6. He Only Sees You

He will not have a wandering eye that will make you feel jealous or uncomfortable. Your man will be focused on you even in a crowded restaurant.

7. He Wants to Live Together

When a man wants to share his space voluntarily and not only as a way to save money, he’s thinking toward the future. This can also happen if he suggests opening a bank account together or getting a pet. Moving in together is one of the most obvious signs he is ready for marriage.

8. He Opens Up to You

If your man opens up about something that’s upsetting or bothering him, this means that he trusts you and your opinion has value to him. This is a level of closeness that is definitely leading down the path to marriage.

9. He Doesn’t Run Away During the Hard Times

There will be challenging points in relationships and they can get more difficult with time. During these times, if your man stays by your side and doesn’t run away, this is a good sign that he will want to be by your side on your wedding day.

10. He Can’t Get Enough of You

This includes staying the night together if you don’t already live together, taking vacations together, and inviting you to events like company parties. He wants you next to him for everything.

11. He Has Said That he Wants to Marry You

Even if he’s joking when he says that he wants to marry you, it means he is comfortable enough to mention this and wants to see how you feel about it.

Men aren’t always the greatest at explicitly saying what they mean, and oftentimes when they try it comes out wrong. Whether your guy has or hasn’t verbally expressed his interest in marrying you, keep an eye out for these signs that it’s on his mind.

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5 Ways to Attract and Retain Top Talent

employee ownership meeting

As a startup CEO, attracting and retaining top talent can be one of the biggest struggles that you face. If your business is brand new, you may wonder what you can offer in order to get and keep the very best talent in your field. Here are a few ways to set yourself apart from other companies in the market for those great employees.

Expect to recruit the best employees

Once you’re the best and the brightest, you can expect great employees to come to you. When you’re still brand new, you will need to reach out to the places your ideal employee hangs out, and you will need to sell them on your company. For example, if you know you want to find a content writer or marketer who believes in Seth Godin’s approaches to marketing and thought leadership, you would want to frequent both Godin’s blog directly, and then blogs and communities that discuss his writings. You would talk about your company, your culture, and then start to talk to content writers who engage with you. This way, you know that you’re approaching people who are already on the same page with you in terms of approach.

When you’re recruiting on the Internet, though, remember that if you’re looking for someone to fill an in the office position, you may be looking at paying moving expenses. Offering that up front is a big deal to many potential employees.

Offer great parental leave policies

Maternal and paternal leave is an active talking point in the modern economic sphere. As more and more research is done on how women are more likely to return to their jobs after longer, more generous parental leave times, and men perform better when they have time to spend with their families and bond with their new babies, it is becoming more and more obvious that companies who want to attract and keep the best people need to offer great parental leave. Studies show that paid maternity leave also helps business growth.

And remember that parental leave at the very best companies is offered to families who are created through all methods, from birth to adoption to assuming custody of relatives or children.

Engage and empower employees

The very best employees are the ones who challenge your company to do better and motivation plays a significant role. They bring in fresh ideas and new concepts, and aren’t satisfied with the status quo. Their ability to look at problems and come up with brand new solutions are a big part of why you’re trying to recruit them, instead of opting for the person who is just going to come to work and check things off their list until it’s time to go home.

But the challenge of hiring the best and brightest is that you need to give them room to experiment, to try out different options for success, and even to fail. If you hiring an idea person because you need to revolutionize their department, but you then chain them down with endless reporting, busy work, and a refusal to try something new, you’re not going to be able to keep them. If you need someone who’s all about checking off the to do list – and sometimes, that really is the person you need, and that’s okay – than hire that person, and be clear about your needs.

Broadcast your culture as an employee benefit

For many of the youngest workers, employee culture is a huge part of how they choose where they work. Every employee has individual needs and wants for their workspace, and a big part of retaining employees is being honest about your employee culture up front. You may find that an otherwise awesome person doesn’t get along with the culture of your business, and there may not be much you can do about that. Some elements are flexible, while others are not. But by weeding out the people whose culture doesn’t align with yours during interviewing, you reduce the time and money that you spend on recruitment and training.

Pay for relocation expenses

If an employee moves more than 50 miles to continue to work in the same field, their moving expenses are generally tax deductible. Make sure they know this – but also go a step above and beyond and offer to cover moving expenses for employees who are relocating to join your company, or to go to a different branch of the company.

What have you done to attract and keep top talent?

Featured photo credit: Cabinet Office via

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10 Best Website Builders to Easily Build Your Own Site


We browse through various websites daily on the Internet, seeking all kinds of knowledge, information, products, services, and whatever else the Internet has to offer. But if you yourself are a sharer on the Internet, then you probably want a website to pour you knowledge into.

You can hire a programmer or a company to build a decent-looking website of your own (if you are big on the wallet). Or you can do it yourself if you are enthusiastic enough to do so.

Getting your own website used to be a huge hassle. Thankfully, online site builders have simplified the task. There’s an abundance of website-building tools and services available on the market. Here below, we present to you 10 of the best website builders to help you easily build your own website.

1. WordPress

About one-fifth of the websites on the web are built with WordPress. WordPress, being an open-source platform, offers a huge array of templates, themes and plugins to be downloaded for free or bought for a premium price.

It sure demands you invest a little time learning your ways around it but it offers you a level of customization like no other. Although questions are raised sometimes about its security, you can rest assured to find fixes and answers to any of your questions, given the fact that it has a big, robust community of users and developers.

Nonetheless, WordPress excels when it comes to ready-made themes, mobile-optimized templates, and widgets that allow you to include everything from comments to images. There are even tools which can help you find what WordPress theme is used by a site you particularly like.

2. Weebly


Weebly has been on the market long enough to be one of the favorites among those who use template-based website builders. The drag and drop features offer WYSIWYG solutions to neatly build websites from novice to advanced designers.

The customization options are limited to inserting elements into designated areas of your page, but there are plenty of options to help you choose the template of your liking. One of its outstanding features is that it allows you to download your entire website as a ZIP file in case you want to move it to a standard web-hosting service.

It also packs a set of e-commerce tools if you are looking to put up an online store.

3. GoDaddy


GoDaddy is known mostly for its inexpensive domain registration and site hosting. It also sells online website builder accounts which are easy to use, stylish, and minimalistic. This could be just the thing for those who don’t have much talent in designing and want to quickly build a good looking website.

The tools are to-the-point, intuitive and easy to use with drag and drop interface. The storage and bandwidth offers are generous, but they do not offer mobile-site creation and do not have the blogging and ecommerce tools. While it has no freemium package, the premium packages get the top-notch customer support.

4. Wix


Wix is recognized for its simplicity offered without compromising possibilities. It is a free website builder in the market which powers over 70 million websites. Your website will be hosted with their subdomain, if you opt for the free account while the paid accounts offer you more, including a customized URL.

There are thousands of extremely user-friendly HTML templates with powerful, intuitive interface, plus mobile site-building tools (although the sites aren’t strictly responsive). Blogging tools are available for the bloggers and also e-commerce tools to put up a storefront.

It provides a wide array of third-party services and a flexible customization service that allows you to separately customize an accompanying mobile site

5. Shopify


Shopify is the all-in-one ecommerce solution which is currently powering over 200,000 online shops. It’s been praised by thousands of its users and the reviewers as the best online shop builder currently available in the market.

With 24/7-available, top-performing support system, Shopify has all sorts of tools to meet the extended functionalities of your online store. It gives you over 100 professional-looking, premium templates to choose from with mobile e-commerce abilities. Everything related to the e-commerce portion is taken care of by Shopify so you can focus on other aspects of your business. It is truly a one-stop ecommerce solution.

6. SquareSpace


SquareSpace stands out from the crowd of website builders because of its responsive, visually stimulating templates. There’s not much you have to worry about the mobile site creation since everything is mobile-ready. It automatically generates a mobile site from the site you built for desktop browsers.

It gives you extensive styling options to customize your website design easily without having to edit codes. However, it gives competent designers choices to insert their own HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes.

Although it doesn’t offer free accounts, the paid accounts are not very expensive and you get 24/7 customer support. It also supports ecommerce site building like Wix and Weebly.

7. Jimdo


Jimdo is another WYSIWYG website builder with lots of site customization options and good mobile support with reasonable prices. The freemium package, JimdoFree, provides you enough tools to build a functional website with not so steep learning curve.

It is actually e-commerce oriented, so it has above average ecommerce features, but that does not restrict you to build a good website other than an online shop such as an Instagram search engine.

It has a large community with multiple language support and features for social integration. It even launched the first iPad app for site building—the first of its kind.

8. BigCommerce


BigCommerce gives you a comprehensive set of e-commerce tools that you actually use to build your online shop. The biggest plus point that BigCommerce offers is that it allows you to build a fully integrated and synchronized store on various social channels to help you grow your sales.

The templates are mobile friendly and professional looking while the BigCommerce apps let you extend functionalities as your business grows. It is the next big contender among the online store builders after Shopify.

9. IM Creator


IM Creator is the one you want if you prefer to have a quick launch without having to spend much time designing and preparing your website. It comes with pre-populated templates with sample contents which you can quickly replace with your own content and publish.

The templates are image rich and professional looking with a pure drag-and-drop editor. The websites are all mobile ready and the customer support responds you within 12 hours, which isn’t bad given the fact that they manage 3 million websites.

10. LightCMS


LightCMS gives you roughly 100 different pre-made templates to choose from while offering a basic set of CMS tools as well as a rich set of ecommerce tools. This lightweight builder allows you to directly add and edit contents while browsing your page instead of featuring a central dashboard editor.

The templates are responsive, but don’t really let you customize the mobile experience, although the desktop sites offer options for the advance users to design the website with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Site-traffic monitoring and optimization for search engines are made easy with a set of SEO and analytical tools.

Featured photo credit: Blogger Tolly Moseley Portrait by Marisa Vasquez via Flickr via

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10 Reasons for You to Listen to Music Even When It’s Not in a Language You Understand

Music listener

Aldous Huxley once wrote “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” Music is and has always been a great source of inspiration and entertainment for many. And even more so when accompanied by brilliant lyrics that gives the song its soul.

But here’s a fun insight. A vast majority of the music that we come across in our life has lyrics in languages we do not speak, hence rendering “the soul of music” incomprehensible, inaccessible. But should this stop us from listening to them anyway? Common sense dictates, yes. But I’m here to prove otherwise.

1. You can learn a new language with ease.

As strange as it may sound, music can be a great tool to learn a language. If you’re learning a new language or at least planning to learn a new language, you should definitely be listening to songs written in it.

There have been lots of research on the role of passive listening in learning a new language. And listening to music can be described more accurately as passive listening on steroids.

You may have experienced this before. You listen to some catchy tune and you later find yourself involuntarily trying to sing it yourself. What we are talking about is trying the same thing with foreign songs.

2. You can always feel the music.

To brute logic, music may be an organization of rhythm and melody accompanied by lyrics that serve as the prime content of the song. However, as an art form, music is much more than just an organization.

The prime asset of any song is the accompanying emotion. How does it make you feel? And one thing about emotion is that it that there are no cultural barriers, such as different languages, that define it.

Any piece of music in the world, sung in any language, will have an accompanying emotion that its listener can almost immediately comprehend. So the language of a foreign song shouldn’t matter at all as long as it makes you feel the way you wish to feel, which is true of all music.

3. You can just move to it.

One of the prime purposes of music throughout history has been as a means for dancing. Every culture has its own form of dances and with them, songs that accompany these dances. Like emotions, rhythm is something that has no cultural barriers, and anyone who loves to “move” can move to a movable piece of music regardless of the language.

How many times have you come across an upbeat song like Hot Chip’s latest release with no knowledge whatsoever of what the singer or singers are singing about, and you just felt like dancing along? I know I have. This is true for upbeat songs of almost every language.

4. It opens your gateways to the musical styles of the world.

This is particularly important if you’re a creative musician. But it may be just as important for someone simply passionate about music. Every culture in the world has its own unique path of evolution. And with it, its own cultural values, norms and a unique style and flavor of art.

This is just as true for music as it is for any other art form. If you are open to listening to foreign songs, you have opened yourself a gateway to a new dimension of music to draw influences from. Most creative musician draw all their influences from songs originating in one culture. Imagine if they had the entire world to draw influence from.

5. Music is in the same genre, different culture.

Even if you wish to stick to the genre of your culture, there is music of the same genre that is sung in many languages. Rock music, heavy metal, hip hop—whatever you happen to like, it is practiced throughout the world. And each language adds its own unique flavor to the genre.

There could very well be a musician in Mongolia who influences you more than someone in your own country. The point is, if you are open to listening to songs in foreign languages, you do not restrict your influences. There could be a piece of music waiting to inspire you out there. Don’t let one barrier separate you from it.

6. You can translate the lyrics after all.

You are living in the 21st century for god’s sake! You have access to tools that can actually help you decipher the meaning behind the words of that foreign song you’ve so much grown into. Most of these tools are free and incredibly accurate.

Translating the words will for starters help you understand the content of the song, so that the next time you feel like singing it out loud, you actually know what you sing of. Then there is the unique insight the translated words provide on the culture associated with the song.

7. You can connect with native speakers.

Every traveler dreams of being treated by the locals as one of their own. Every traveler also knows how hard it is. Hence, most of us end up travelling to new places but simply miss out on living that new place. Well, once again the answer is music.

Imagine yourself in a room with a foreigner. A tense environment. Suddenly, he starts singing a folk song of your culture. How happy would that make you? Every culture has a set of songs it holds very dearly and if you can sing along with the locals, they will undoubtedly treat you as their own.

8. You avoid the tragedy associated with great music, horrible lyrics.

How many times have you come across a great piece of music only to end up being disappointed with the shallow lyrics? How many times have you appreciated the singer’s singing but just loathed the weak lyric he/she sings?

Well, here’s some great news in the context of this article: this isn’t going to be a problem with foreign songs. If you like the music, you just like it, regardless of how the lyrics go. And having avoided this tragedy, you are free to draw a subjective influence from the music. The greatest artists will tell you: subjective influences are the best!

9. You will be perceived as cultured.

The modern world is incredibly lacking in people who are cultured. And to be perceived as one can be a great asset to hold. If you genuinely enjoy foreign songs, then you are, to the average eye, more cultured than the rest.

Be it cooking dinner while listening to Italian Opera, or working out with Rammstein playing in your work out headphone, if you enjoy doing these things, then you already hold an appreciation for the foreign cultures that they originated from; this is something that is very uncommon among average people and hence “unique.” Cultivating this habit can be as beneficial to your career as it is to your personal life.

10. You break barriers between cultures.

Time and again, history has proved that art can be a great means to connect the world. This has been especially true in the modern world where technology has made art forms from every corner of the world accessible. And it is no different with music, the queen of the art forms.

You know this when you see people who don’t speak Korean enjoy k-pop, people who don’t speak Hindi dance to Bollywood songs, or people who don’t speak English produce music in genres that originated in English speaking nations. Basically, we are all becoming a part of one huge mega-culture.

Featured photo credit: Wikimedia via

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8 Reasons Why Your Brand Needs to Be on Twitter


If you are running a business, you probably know that social media is a gold mine and you now need to focus on it as much as you can for your storefront. According to Global Web Index, “Twitter is now the fastest growing social platform” and there’s no way that the growth is going to stop.

From driving traffic to attracting new customers and getting worldwide attention at different times, Twitter is really a great way of promoting your brand online. Getting a portion of your business to a bigger picture, Twitter feeds are a perfect way of delivering any kind of services or products to a huge mass in no time. If you or your business is not on Twitter, you’re already losing out on competition with similar businesses. Check out the 8 reasons why your brand needs to be on Twitter right now.

1. It will help people find your brand.

If you are building a brand, you probably understand the value of marketing. While you try to create more exposure, you need to get to your targeted demographic and to the world at large. Twitter is a great way of promoting yourself and reaching out to your customers at ease. Plus, you can also find the most followed people on Twitter and deal with them to promote you or your brand online. This is why Nike paid Michael Jordan, Proactive employed celebrities like Adam Levine and Kelly Clarkson to grow and promote their products.

2. You can use it to update followers about your products.

Twitter has grown itself to the second largest social media site on the Internet. Twitter has reported that 74% of people who follow a brand on Twitter do so to get updates about products. In fact, it’s so easy to notify your customers about a product update or a release with a simple tweet. This is a great opportunity to promote products and services and engage with your customers.

3. It is inexpensive compared to other outlets.

Imagine the cost of promoting yourself through advertisements on newspapers and media outlets? Though such ad campaigns are still useful, being on Twitter saves a lot of money. It is a free social-media marketing platform where you still have investment options in “promoting tweets.” You get to develop and flourish loyalty towards your customers by promoting your products and services for cheaper than elsewhere.

4. Consumers love Twitter.

Twitter says that at least 33 percent of its users follow at least one brand. This equates to several people engaging with a number of business via this social media platform. Twitter is a great place for customer reviews, and opinions and when your voice is heard, your business is only profiting.

Similarly, in comparison to 69% of Facebook users, 73% of Twitter users shop online and find deals and coupons to make purchases. For businesses that are looking to grow further, Twitter is a great way of designing your online marketing funnel.

5. Twitter is a place for brand discussions.

Even if you are not on Twitter, someone somewhere is talking about you there. If you’re using the social media platform, you get to see the brand mentions and respond to any queries or tackle the questions asked about you. Further, you get to analyze your competitors and their social media marketing model to learn more to grow your business.

6. Twitter increases visibility in search engines.

If you only have a website or a blog to promote your brand, chances are you may not rank anywhere in the first page of search results. But with Twitter, tweets related to brands show up in the first page, and this can increase the visibility to increase leads, followers and engagements.

7. Twitter can be a lead magnet for businesses.

Hubspot reports that 36% of businesses use Twitter to generate leads and sales. This social media platform outcasts Facebook not just as a channel, but to promote and make lead generation cards as well. By nurturing relationships with customers, brands get to promote themselves and use strong call-to-action in their profile and tweets to gather more leads and sales to make profit.

8. Twitter helps you engage with people, real-time.

Imagine a lot of emails in your inbox and the time you need to spend to reply all of the queries! That takes a long time right? Today, a lot of brands use Twitter for customer service. When you respond to a query about your service or product in Twitter, a lot of other people will get to see it and get their queries solved without needing to ask the same thing again.

Featured photo credit: DariuszSankowski via

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6 Famous Artists Talk About What It’s Like to Overcome Fear and Create Beauty


Long before I was publishing articles for the world to read, I wrote in a private document. I did this for more than a year. There were a variety of reasons and excuses that I used to rationalize why I wasn’t sharing my writing with others, but in many ways it boiled down to fear.

Here’s what I didn’t realize at the time: fear isn’t something that must be avoided. It is not an indicator that you’re doing things wrong. Fear is simply a cost that all artists have to pay on the way to doing meaningful work.

Obviously, not everything that is thought or written or created needs to be shared. In our age, where everyone has a voice and a platform, there is a lot of noise created.

However, if you have a story inside of you, I think you should share it. If you have an idea that you’d like to create, I think you should build it. If you have a dream that would make the world a slightly better place, then I think it’s your responsibility to deliver it to the rest of us. But it won’t be easy. All artists deal with fears, self-doubts, questions, and a roller coaster ride of emotions.

With that in mind, here are six passages from famous authors, actors, and artists on overcoming fear and unleashing your creativity.

1. Fear tells us what we have to do.


“Are you paralyzed with fear? That’s a good sign. Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do. Remember our rule of thumb: The more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.

Resistance is experienced as fear; the degree of fear equates the strength of Resistance. Therefore, the more fear we feel about a specific enterprise, the more certain we can be that that enterprise is important to us and to the growth of our soul.”
—Steven Pressfield, The War of Art

In the beginning, it is more important to start than it is to succeed. It is only through starting that we reveal the opportunity for growth.

2. Start small.


What we need to do is say, “What’s the smallest, tiniest thing that I can master and what’s the scariest thing I can do in front of the smallest number of people that can teach me how to dance with the fear?” Once we get good at that, we just realize that it’s not fatal. And it’s not intellectually realize – we’ve lived something that wasn’t fatal. And that idea is what’s so key — because then you can do it a little bit more.
–Seth Godin (full interview)

Mental toughness is a skill, and like any skill it can be developed. Learning how to overcome fear is just like building a new habit. Start small and increase slowly.

3. Run to the roar.


When you are thinking about doing something and it feels scary, when it feels like this big lion is waiting at the finish line and he’s roaring and he’s ferocious and he’s going to tear you apart… you should just run toward that lion anyway. Run to the roar.
–Tina Essmaker (full interview)

It’s not your job to tell yourself no. It’s not your job to reject yourself or grade yourself or debate the value or worthiness of your ideas. Your job is to create. Your job is to share. Your job is to overcome fear and run the race.

Yes, if you build something people might judge it or dislike it. But if you don’t create and share the things that you have inside of you, then you’ll commit the far worse crime of rejecting yourself. You can either be judged because you created something or ignored because you left your greatness inside of you.

4. Now is as good a time as any.


It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you’re ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There’s almost no such thing as ready. There’s only now. And you may as well do it now. I mean, I say that confidently as if I’m about to go bungee jumping or something — I’m not. I’m not a crazed risk taker. But I do think that, generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.
–Hugh Laurie (source)

It will never feel like the right time. Do not wait for someone to give you permission to begin. Nobody is going to tap you, nominate you, appoint you, or choose you and say, “Now, it’s time to start.”

Give yourself permission. Successful people start before they feel ready.

5. Artists endure.


To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities – I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not – that one endures.
–Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power

Ultimately, the chance to persevere through self-doubt and fear and procrastination is one of the greatest opportunities we have for self-discovery. It is through creating that we find out who we really are and what we are truly made of.

Live in the arena rather than judging from the crowd. It’s more exciting down there. Whether you win or lose, the fight is the reward.

The bottom line

Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished?
Yes; work never begun.
–Christina Rossetti

Contribute to the world around you. Create and share the brilliance that you have inside of you. Life is not meant to spent solely consuming the things that others have made.

James Clear writes at, where he shares science-based ideas for living a better life and building habits that stick. To get strategies for boosting your mental and physical performance by 10x, join his free newsletter.

This article was originally published on

Thanks to Maria Popova of Brain Pickings for pointing me toward some of the quotes above.

Featured photo credit: Lauren Finkel via

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