
sexta-feira, março 04, 2016

7 Common Mistakes Every Writer Makes


Feel as though you are the only one in the world who keeps making mistakes with your blog?

Making mistakes is all part of running a blog or website. It happens.

Here are 7 common mistakes that every blogger makes. You will be surprised to learn that it’s far more common that you think! When you are busy with life and rushing to get blog posts together for submission, you  end up rushing the process of posting.


The number #1 common mistake: using the wrong photos. Yes, you may have come across this problem once or twice within someone else’s blog, or even your own. Using the right photos in your blog can change the whole look and feel of your article. A lot of bloggers tend to rush the photo portion, and not really ensure that the image is tied to what the article is about. Making sure your photo relates to your article can make all the difference to your readers.

Spelling and Grammar

So you’re writing an article, and rushing to get it published on time, but you forgot to spellcheck and you hit that “publish” button too quickly. This happens ALL the time; literally everyone does this. Not to say this is good in any sense because it comes off as inexperienced or unprepared, but this mistake does happen. The important thing to know for next time is to slow down, take a minute to review your content, and even sleep on it before you hit publish. Sometimes that extra day or two can really make the difference for your article.

Lacking positivity

Your readers are your community, the lifeline to your blog’s success, without them you wouldn’t really exist as a writer. Lacking positivity often occurs among bloggers, and this can be a huge downfall. There are some writers out there who only post roughly cut articles, with strong opinions and no optimism. These blogs tend to fail because they aren’t touching the hearts of their readers. The readership then sees this article as merely negative, and they tend to move along to the next website. Keep your articles lighthearted, motivational, informative and most importantly: engaging.

Media Sharing

OK, so this has to be the largest issue for most bloggers: not having social media platforms linked to their blog. Readers visit their website expecting to see a fantastic article, and next they are looking to connect with you on some type of platform, but if you don’t have your platforms linked to your website, how can your readers connect? Make sure you plug in all of your platforms so that your audience can get in touch with you!

Color Scheme

My favorite! Colors play such a key role in any website’s success. Colors that pop and beautiful schemes are all anyone looks for when they run across a website. Some bloggers use the wrong colors, and this can really make your audience cringe. Luckily there is a simple fix for all of this, and that is researching different color schemes. There are plenty of websites out there that provide you with different color schemes that really work for you.


A large part of our day is spent either working, doing housework, taking care of our families and that leaves us with little time to sit down and write out blog posts. When can the inspiration really flow? At night seems to be the most popular time for writers to get their work done, it is for me, at least. I know that time is of the essence, and that you don’t have much of it, so take the time to read your articles before publishing immediately and then running off to finish your other chores. Great things take time, and you must put in the hours if you want your articles to be worth the read.

Creativity and Uniqueness

Most blogs out there are simply copies of another one. Quite a few people take ideas and transfer them over to their own blog because they want to be the same as everyone else. Trust me when I say, your audience is subscribing and reading your articles for a reason, there really is no need to steal someone else’s unique idea and bring it to your website. You are a creative individual, and you should own that to allow your audience to accept who you are from the start. Trust me, the pressure of being yourself will be lifted as people appreciate uniqueness and creativity. They love different, so try something new.

I hope this post has inspired you to become a better writer. Don’t feel that you are the only one in the world who is making errors. A hundred percent of writers make errors on a daily basis, that’s how we learn. There is nothing wrong with it. As long as you take the necessary steps to correct them, you are headed down the right path!

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7 Tips to Boost Fertility

7 Top Secrets to Getting Pregnant Quickly

Becoming pregnant and having a baby is often described as one of the most joyous experiences of a woman’s life. It has been said that the love a mother has for her child cannot compare to any other. Many factors come into play when experiencing fertility problems such as genetics, stress, timing, and even something you’d expect to help—lubrication. Some are controllable, while others are not. Here are seven helpful tips to boost your fertility and increase your odds of becoming pregnant.

1. Timing

It will be necessary to stop taking regular birth control prior to that time frame so that your body may adjust and start ovulating regularly to become ready for pregnancy. Once the body has been off of birth control for a few months, the monthly cycle should be regulated with ovulation and menstruation. There are many fertility calculators available and it is very important to keep track of the monthly cycle. Ovulation predictor kits are available at drugstores but are not an absolute necessity when trying to become pregnant.

2. Basal body temperature

Charting basal body temperature helps to determine ovulation as well. This can also confirm the time any fertilized eggs would have to implant. The temperature will need to be taken with the basal thermometer every morning immediately after waking up. The temperature drops just a little bit the day of ovulation and then rises the following days and stays there until the period starts. Tedious at first, tracking your basal body temperature will help in the long run.

3. Have sex prior to ovulating

Sperm can live in the uterus and Fallopian tubes for 2 to 3 days but eggs only last 12 to 24 hours after they’re released. It is vital to have sex before ovulation to boost the chances that there will be sperm around when the eggs are released. Having sex a few times a week as soon as menstruation is over should be sufficient. This ensures that the most optimal time will not be missed, as cycles can vary from month to month.

4. Don’t stress the sex

Achieving orgasm during sex is definitely a plus when it comes to your enjoyment, but it does not impact the chances of becoming pregnant. Let the stress go and do whatever feels good in the moment. Positions don’t increase chances of getting pregnant, so this is all the more reason to simply do what just feels good. Keeping all of this in mind, skip the lube when getting ready for sex. It can be toxic to sperm and may reduce your chances of becoming pregnant.

5. Stop smoking

Along with all of the other reasons to quit smoking, it can negatively impact fertility as well as the fertility of any potential children. Smoking can lead to a higher rate of infertility and a much longer time to conceive by harming a woman’s ovaries. It also speeds up the loss of eggs, causing a woman to enter menopause up to four years early. Smoking can increase the risk of a miscarriage, premature and babies with a low birth weight, and increased incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

6. Fact versus fiction

There are many wives’ tales that describe how women can become pregnant (especially later in life), or affect their chances of having either a boy or a girl, but there are several ways to help ensure that pregnancy has a higher chance of occurring. Those trying to conceive should stay lying on their backs after sex. Because the vagina slopes naturally downward, resting on the back can help sperm to make their way up to the eggs. This can be easily accomplished by having sex just before bed.

7. Test but don’t fret

Ideally, a pregnancy test should be taken the day that the period is expected to come. If the test happens to come back negative, don’t worry. Most couples do not succeed in becoming pregnant the first time, and more than half get pregnant at the six-month mark. Around 85% become pregnant within the year.

Focus on eliminating the outside stress and pressure of becoming pregnant, and enjoy the intimacy with your partner. Preparing to conceive doesn’t have to be a cut and dry process, but taking steps to boost fertility and overall health are important for increasing the chances of becoming pregnant.

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5 Types Of Communication That Determine Your Relationships


There are 5 types of communication needed to start and continue a relationship: optical, auditory, emotional, nonverbal, and verbal. From the time you see someone to the time you speak to someone, seconds of communication have already happened.

Communication, in the simplest form, is sending out a message and receiving it. Messages sent out take place in several different ways. Once you understand and learn to apply all 5 of these types of communication, you will be a master at getting and keeping solid personal and professional relationships.

1. Optical

Optical communication is “seeing” someone, having your sights set on someone, and noticing the existence of someone. The moment your peepers see another person and their peepers see you, the optical type of communication begins.

You see what they look like, what they are wearing, the hairdo, the facial expression, their body position, their body type, and instantly have thoughts like, “I like what I see,” or “I will look elsewhere.” If you like what you see and the other person likes what they see, then another decision as to “the next step” takes place. You or the other person will find a way to get closer and begin the second type of communication.

2. Auditory

Auditory communication is (in my opinion) the most important of all 5 types. This is the listening communication.

Wait, you mean to say that listening is communicating? I thought speaking is communicating?

Well, let me answer this question with asking you this: have you ever said something like “my dog just died,” and the other person replied with “that’s nice”? Why would anyone say it is nice that your dog died? Because they were not listening, they were not tuned in, and they were not interested. How did that make you feel? Do you think you would have gotten a better response had the person been “tuned in” and listened to what you said? You bet the response would have been more appropriate—this emphasizes the need for listening. When you are tuned in and listen to the other person, you are more likely to pick up on another type of communication: emotional.

3. Emotional

Emotional communication is so important to all aspects of beginning and moving forward in a relationship, so much so that Facebook finally caught up with the 5 additional reaction emojis to its “Like” button. These buttons allow a person to “react with emotion” to a post with more than just “like.” They can now express love, laughter, anger, sadness, and amazement.

Why is it so important for Facebook to make this change to their “Like” button? For the same reason that I mentioned before with the example of the dog. The person in that example said “that’s nice,” and you were no doubt hurt that they reacted in a way that demonstrated inattentiveness and not listening. With these 5 emojis, people can react emotionally and more appropriately to messages that are posted. Now, when you post that your dog died, rather than receiving “likes,” you’ll get the “sad emoji,” letting you know that others care.

Can you see that emotional communication really matters in a relationship? Whether it be a personal or professional relationship, an appropriate response will more likely keep that relationship moving forward.

4. Non-Verbal

Non-verbal communication includes tone of voice, pauses, rate of speech, facial expressions, body positions (i.e. crossed arms)—even walking away is a type of non-verbal communication. If you are speaking to someone and they smile, you will likely feel affirmed and that things are going well. If someone frowns in reaction to what you said, you get the message that someone disagrees with what you said. Non-verbal cues impact the understanding of what spoken and unspoken communication is taking place between people in a relationship.

5. Verbal

Verbal communication is using language in the form of sentences, phrases, and dialogue—but everyone already knows this, right?

In reality, it is much more than that. The words spoken can be misunderstood. However, there is a way to keep your words from being misunderstood. Speak and watch for clues of acceptance. If you are really attentive, you can use words in your sentences, phrases, and dialogues that resonate more positively with the other person and will lead to a positive communication experience. A positive communication experience will lead to more positive experiences. This means more enjoyable interactions that will help to maintain the relationship and keep it moving forward.

By now, you have a more holistic approach to communicating in a relationship. Here is a hint: speak to the other person with expressions and be watchful for clues in the way the other person looks, listens, and reacts to you. Also, after reading this article, you have a better understanding of what to do to start and stay in a relationship—and so will your partner after you share this article with them!

Featured photo credit: Angelo González via

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How I Let Myself Down By Never Being Who I Was Born To Be

girl jump

Throughout most of our lives, we stumble along, never really knowing which direction will lead us to the path created just for us. Perhaps, we never believe there is such a thing and merely come across it by accident. In my case, it was something I still have trouble accepting, even six years later.

I tell myself that I am just a simple woman in her late 40s who has been married for almost 27 years with three grown sons. The career path I chose back in college is nowhere near where I am now, and yet no college course could have ever guided me here. For years, I muddled through life without knowing it. I feel remorseful for cheating my husband and sons out of who I really could have been for them. The truth is that I didn’t know how to be more than who I was. I gave them everything I could and only now understand how I not only let myself down, but them as well.

Downplaying my talents

For years, I downplayed my abilities and denied my gifts and talents. Some of you might be able to relate. In the past, they brought me attention, even though it was usually the good kind. I was recognized for being an academic scholar and a superb athlete in high school. I was popular and many people knew my name. But that was just what everyone saw on the surface. I still had hidden underneath years of not feeling like I fit in or knew where I belonged. Even as a member of team, I never really felt comfortable there. I just played my game and let my skills speak for me — maybe so I wouldn’t have to otherwise.

And that worked for a great number of years.

But it wasn’t just myself I had cheated. Or my family. I had cheated the world too. I had lied, been deceitful, and hurtful — all without ever intending to do so.

I had cheated everyone of everything I was ever born to be.

Letting fear take hold

Fear is a nasty slave and once we become its prisoner, it is very difficult to break those chains. For some, it can be downright impossible. For others, there is no one there to show them the way or to encourage them to be somewhere different. We convince ourselves that we are not worthy and that our mere presence is barely worth the ounce of breath we spend with that acknowledgement. Most would never see their lives as diminished, sheltered, and minuscule. This is why what we believe matters.

I didn’t believe in myself.

I never wanted to stand out from the crowd, and even now it still makes me uncomfortable, but I am better at it. “Being ordinary” and blending in with the crowd, barely flying under the radar seemed to work — but that changed six years ago.

Making the change

Without knowing why, a friend and I had arrived at the same crossroads, asking ourselves the “big” questions of our “purpose,” and I became ready for the life I was born to live after just a few words. I allowed my heart to be free and soared higher than I ever had before.

It was scary, new, and yet something I couldn’t dismiss. My purpose had called to me and I was finally ready to hear it and do something with it. Not even really knowing what that meant and stumbling more than I ever had before left me with more questions than answers. At times, I felt like I didn’t know which direction to take, but I never felt lost.

I had spent my previous 40+ years full of logic and reason, following a plan I had no part in designing. I now felt in control of my life, as if I had just found my voice and realized that I could make choices for the first time.

I took me a long way to get there and then once I did, I couldn’t even figure out how to get back to who I once was. Not that I wanted to, but I wouldn’t have had a clue. I was changed — changed for good.

Change isn’t always easy

Some of the roads I took were very hard. So hard, they made me want to run away as fast as I could without looking back. But something kept pushing me forward. I surrounded myself with people who encouraged me to keep going. I read as many books as I could that would enlighten me and bring my sense of awareness to a level I had never experienced before. Admission and honesty became my two of my biggest advocates. Forgiving myself was one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do, and yet I knew in doing so it would give me peace and allow my true spirit to be released from the captivity I created for it.

I began to journal in notebooks in addition to my blog that I shared online. My journals are much more personal and one of my biggest fears is whose eyes will see them one day when I am no longer here. They are the most raw and vulnerable ways of expressing myself that I have shared. Getting these thoughts and emotions out of my head and somewhere else brought a sense of relief that I had not found anywhere else.

Probably the biggest thing I did was to believe in who I have always been. After spending too many years ignoring who I was and what I was capable of, I came out of the shadows — damaged, broken, hurt, and yet still I knew there was more to me than those attributes that I assigned myself a long time ago. I stopped trying to be who someone told me to be, following a road I never wanted to be on, and stopped caring about what others thought about my choices. I have but one life and I consciously chose to start living it on my terms and no one else was going to tell me differently.

Throughout these moments of absolute fear and doubt, I found courage and strength in places I never knew it existed. It filled me with a sense of joy and excitement about life that I had never experienced. Every day was a blessing, not a curse or something to begrudge. As I shared more of my stumbles and struggles, more people began to feel relieved that they weren’t alone and would often sigh heavily as the words, “Me, too!” escaped from their lips. You could just see it in their eyes and feel it when we allowed ourselves to be who we really are.

Where to go from here

If you’re struggling with making similar life-altering decisions, these tips might help you out.

  • Ask questions. Don’t be afraid of the answers and be willing to accept them for what they are, not what you want them to be. Although you may be guided by others, including books about where to find the answers, ultimately the answers are only as good as the questions.
  • Fight through fear. It is easy to walk away and pretend it doesn’t matter, but you and I both know that at some point in your future, that decision to walk away will come back to haunt you. You can only get to the other side of fear by going through it. You cannot avoid it or pretend it isn’t there. Confront it, get it over with, and move on.
  • Be honest. Honesty will become something you hate and yet you are unable to grow without it. It will piss you off and remind you what you need to hear versus what you want to hear. But when all is said and done, you know where you stand.
  • Tell your story. Being vulnerable is one of the most daring things anyone can ever do. There is the fear of ridicule, regret of sharing too much, and even feeling alone, all wrapped into something that most can’t even imagine doing. Ask yourself why TED talks are so well attended and you will understand the value of storytelling and the connection we all make when someone shares a bit of themselves with us.
  • Keep going. Most people never get started, and yet the ones who have taken on the task of finding themselves can get frustrated and discouraged if the road seems too difficult. We forget that by consistently moving forward, even with baby steps, we inspire the world and people in ways we never even imagined. Every ripple begins with one simple movement.

The journeys we believe we are meant to take may surprise us and actually take us in directions we were never meant to follow. By withdrawing from life and every possible notion it has created, built, and envisioned for us, we trick everyone into believing that we have nothing more to offer and we become impostors. We become hypocritical and fake in a world that is hungry for more authenticity and honesty.

Our world is what we make it and living our true lives is how we add to it every day. In doing so, we make it better and make a difference in the lives of others. No more hiding, no more pretending, no more cheating. This is who I was born to be — I just never knew it.

So when you least expect it, when you are swamped with everything else going on in your life, you just may find yourself heading down a path you never imagined, and yet you know it is the one you must follow. Without a single regret, you will look back and smile, accepting that this very moment is why you are here, why you matter, why it called to you. Pay attention.

Featured photo credit: Jordan Donaldson via

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How Vlogging Can Improve Your Mental Health

Looking into the camera

Mental illness is, unfortunately, seen as a topic no one is willing to talk about. Even in the 21st century, people still run away from it. Because of this, those who are suffering are afraid to share their problems openly. They fear being mocked and judged, so they keep carrying the burden alone, isolated, which only furthers the illness.

However uncomfortable it might be at times, getting things off your chest can be really helpful. Additionally, spreading the word about what it is really like and the possible dangers will help to destigmatize mental illnesses. Basically, the more people who are aware, the better the chances of finding help and adequate support.

Vlogging is a viable tool for discussing and coping with mental illness

Involving a great number of people is key in order to fight misconceptions about depression, bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness), schizophrenia, or any other mental illness. What these misconceptions do is destroy people’s willingness to seek help, as well as their belief that there is any help available at all.

It’s important to get people to understand that mental health is something a significant portion of the population has problems with, and that it is something that has to be talked about, understood, and treated appropriately.

Vlogging can actually help you improve your mental health, cope with all the related issues, and even help others to live happier lives, and there are people who are already vlogging about this with great success. Here are some of the benefits of vlogging on this topic and a few tips on how to get started.

Speaking about your problems makes it easier to deal with them

Opening up to anyone, or the whole world if you are a vlogger, can be a huge help. By saying some things out loud, you begin to actually deal with them. When you say something, you acknowledge its existence. Also, you start crystallizing your thoughts, which enables you to make the first step towards getting better.

Through vlogging, you not only make it possible for yourself to heal, but you also become an inspiration for others. For instance, if you speak up about self-harm or depression, others suffering the same way will understand you and know that they are not alone in this. Perhaps it will encourage them to seek help or to start openly talking about it and expressing themselves in a creative manner. You can get some things off your chest, and offer a helping hand to someone in need.

You will build a community of people with similar problems and a strong support group

People that would watch your vlog would most likely be others struggling with mental health issues. Whether it is to support you or to try and help themselves, they would be there for you. And, as more and more viewers come along, you will build a strong community with them.

For example, you will communicate with them through your videos, comments, or perhaps build an even deeper relationship by meeting up in real life. The last option could result in a support group with regularly scheduled meetings. If you are feeling really ambitious, you could start an official organisation that would deal with mental health issues.

Spreading awareness and helping others will give you a sense of purpose

Once you make an improvement within yourself, you will feel a lot better and a lot healthier. Helping people around you will give you a sense of usefulness and purpose. This purpose will bring you further into the world of vlogging. In a way, you will become a spokesperson for mental health. This will make you fight harder and try to get your life together.

And, the more you try, the better you will become at it. Spreading awareness by actually talking about an issue, dispelling myths, and teaching people how to cope is immeasurably more helpful than wearing a bracelet or sharing an image on Facebook.

If you are indeed serious about this, and willing to try it, there are some actionable steps you need to take. They can be both easy and hard at times; the key here is to never give up, to never stop. Continuing with your project when you are feeling as if nothing is going your way is crucial. Even when criticism comes, you should fight it and keep doing what you love.

Here are some of the steps you will need to take.

1. Get started on YouTube

Getting started as a vlogger is super easy. You just need the right equipment — a decent DSLR camera, mic, a basic lighting setup, and a YouTube channel. Also, think of a plan. How many times do you want to vlog and what do you want to say exactly? More importantly, choose a good name for your channel and keep it up to date. Lastly, when you post a video, share it on other social media platforms to get the word out. Promotion is very important if you want to be heard and known.

2. Turn streams of consciousness into coherent scripts

If you want to have a good-quality program, you should think of daily tasks. Having a daily theme would be a nice way to start. Perhaps you could have daily or weekly diary entries on your vlog. Moreover, you could answer questions from your followers at the end of each video. Having a quality script will attract viewers. You should also be talking about relevant things, such as how you coped with your personal mental health issues and how you overcame your problems.

3. Engage your audience

As mentioned, engaging your audience through a question and answer segment is the best way to do it. You can have them ask questions or even share their experiences. You can also answer them directly in the comment section, which is more immediate and a lot easier. Additionally, you can request topics to talk about. This way, you address your audience’s needs.

4. Deal with criticism and trolls

When you are in the public eye, especially as an Internet personality, you will constantly be under scrutiny. Unknown people will criticise you, both in good and bad ways. Even worse, as you reach more people, the infamous internet trolls will flood your comment section.

Unfortunately, their words can be hurtful and mean, but you should not let them get to you and bring your spirit down. If you decide to answer them, you should do it in a specific way. It is crucial that you do not answer in a hateful way. You should be humours and calm. Try to write something funny or even sarcastic. Of course, a great tactic is to simply ignore them and ban people who are being abusive. They will go away eventually.

Not everyone has the courage to openly discuss mental health, but the worst thing you can do is to keep your feelings bottled up and let them eat away at you. We are social beings and we need to talk to others about our problems. Not only does this help us cope, but it also provides others in a similar position with some valuable insight and teaches those who don’t have these problems about what it’s really like.

Vlogging is a great outlet, a great way to build a community and share experiences, and a great way to spread awareness about a topic that very few people actually understand or are ready to openly talk about.

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5 Unusual Ways Coconut Oil Can Improve Your Health

natural coconut walnut oil

This may come as a surprise to you, but coconut oil has an abundance of benefits that can greatly improve your overall health. Coconut oil contains a combination of short chain and medium chain fatty acids, which have antioxidant properties. They help your body absorb all the vitamins and minerals it needs in order to function properly and fight free radicals that can cause damage on a cellular level.

You are certainly aware of its common use in cooking, but it has a number of interesting benefits to your health that you may not know about. Let’s take a look at some of the ways coconut oil can impact and improve your health.

1. It can help speed up your weight loss

Since coconut oil contains short and medium chain fatty acids, it improves your digestive system, thus helping you lose weight more effectively. Coconut oil also reduces the stress on the pancreas, which helps you burn more energy. If you have a weight problem, you can start using coconut oil as your primary cooking oil.

The effects are amazing! You will be able to notice the wonders it can do for your body. Don’t be misled by the fact that coconut oil contains a lot of fats. Capric acids, which there is a lot of in coconut oil, improve thyroid function and help you burn more energy.

2. It can improve the quality of your hair

A great little-known fact is that coconut oil has great benefits for your hair. Fatty acids can greatly improve the quality of your hair, especially if you have a dandruff problem and dry hair. It can make your hair very soft, shiny and dandruff-free, since it is rich with proteins that nourish and heal damaged hair.

You can easily achieve such results by using coconut oil as your natural hair conditioner. This amazing oil also helps your hair grow faster, as well as reduce protein loss, which will lead to your hair looking strong and healthy.

3. It fights infections and improves your immune system

Lauric acids in coconut oil have antibacterial properties that are excellent in fighting various kinds of infections and fungi. These acids also have antimicrobial properties that help kill bacteria, protozoa, viruses and fungi by dissolving their cellular walls. The human body manages to fight those by converting lauric acids into monolaurin.

It is the most effective way of fighting infections. Using coconut oil on a regular basis can improve your digestive health. It can even cure stomach ulcers, as well as improve your overall immune system. Consider replacing sugar and grains in your diet with coconut oil.

4. It moisturizes your skin

Coconut oil is full of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and a natural moisturizer that can help your skin look wonderful, especially if you have dry skin. Its antioxidant properties also help with reducing the signs of aging, so you can say goodbye to annoying wrinkles. This oil is very powerful in treating various skin problems, such as eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.

Caprylic and lauric acids reduce skin inflammation, both external and internal, additionally making coconut oil an ideal solution for many skin conditions. Due to all of these fantastic properties that can help your skin, it has become one of the main ingredients in various soaps, lotions and creams.

5. It improves brain function and helps people with Alzheimer’s

In people with Alzheimer’s, the brain cells tasked with supplying nutrition to other cells are unable to effectively utilize insulin, which is where coconut oil can be of great help. Medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil help the liver create ketones, which improve brain function by creating an alternate source of energy for the brain. Coconut oil can be used in amazing natural treatment sessions in these cases. It can be helpful when dealing with other brain disorders as well.

Your health is the most precious asset you have, and you should do everything you can to improve it in every way possible. Consider including coconut oil in your everyday routine and diet, so you can enjoy all the marvelous benefits it has to offer.

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10 Things Koreans Discover When Visiting America


When Koreans visit the USA, they find that there are many cultural differences. They are sometimes surprised, pleased, or shocked depending on what the situation is. They also have a different world view which reflects their different culture, history, language, eating habits and climate. Here are 10 things that Koreans always remark on or notice when they visit or work in America.

1. No daylight time saving

Koreans notice how Americans complain about how daylight time saving changes affect their sleep-wake cycles. They talk about having to get used to adjusting to the new time change. Koreans have never experienced this as daylight time saving does not exist in their country and in most of Asia.

2. Patience is a virtue

Another shock for the Koreans is how Americans expect to be on hold for 20 minutes–or even an hour–when they call a company or government department. In Korea, the average wait time for a call is three to four minutes so they think Americans are very patient.

3. Resumes are shorter

When Koreans apply for a job, they are forced to mention their parents’ job histories and education as well! The reason for this is that many of the big Korean corporations are family owned. It is also a reflection of how important family ties are in their society.

4. No military conscription

Korean visitors are usually pleasantly surprised to note that there is no military conscription in the USA. All South Korean males between the ages of 18 and 35 must serve in the army for a two-year period. This is a very controversial aspect of Korean life. Many Koreans envy countries like the USA, where the military draft ended in 1973

5. Service expectations are different

Koreans always notice how much longer everything seems to take in restaurants. They are used to shouting out “Yeogiyo” which means “come here, please.” They find it difficult to adjust to the technique of catching the waiter’s eye, which is considered more polite in American culture but can take a lot longer.

6. Great variety of food and meals

Koreans love eating in America because they are stunned by the variety of dishes and the fact that there are different menus for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In Korea, they always have rice which is served with a vast variety of side dishes. Their staple dishes, such as kimchi (fermented cabbage), can be delicious. Chopchae is another very tasty option.

7. Formality vs. informality

In South Korea, everyone greets each other with a little bow as a sign of respect. In many ways life is much more formal than in the USA. They find it strange that everyone seems to be on first name terms. In Korea, first names are reserved for close friends.

Formality extends to clothes and fashion when, for example, showing too much cleavage is not really coo. The concept of saying “Bless you” when someone sneezes is strange. Since this is a normal body function, there is no reason to acknowledge it. A similar attitude is shown when Koreans do not say “I’m sorry” when they step on someone’s foot in the subway. They find that courtesy a pleasant surprise in America.

8. Distances take some getting used to

When you think that South Korea is about the same area of Indiana, you can understand how Koreans find talk of travel and distances disconcerting. If you suggest a road trip lasting more than 3 hours, that would be the equivalent of travelling the length of their country!

9. Americans have more free time

Koreans work very hard; figures show that they work 14% longer than we do. It is also shocking to discover how short their vacations are–sometimes only 3 days! They envy this and marvel at how much more free time we have to relax and enjoy life.

10. Workplace etiquette is very different

When Koreans see how Americans are relaxed and casual in the workplace, they blink again. It is a totally new world for them. They will normally have to address their manager with respectful titles, which may include the word “teacher.” They have to wear suits and ties, and women are not allowed to dress casually. Status is so important that it is not surprising to learn that Korean grammar reflects this.

Americans are normally very friendly, informal and direct in almost every level of society. They prefer to speak frankly and economically. If you see Koreans looking puzzled or having difficulty adjusting, you now know why.

“At the end of hardship comes happiness.”- Korean proverb

Featured photo credit: Kieran Lynam via

The post 10 Things Koreans Discover When Visiting America appeared first on Lifehack.

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Scientists Discover Our Walking Postures Affect How We Feel


Can you tell me how gloomy and sad people walk? That’s an easy one, you say. They usually have their head down, their shoulders are hunched, and they walk slowly with little arm movement. The way they are walking is a perfect reflection of how they are feeling. But what if it were true when it is the other way round? If people walk with a brisk pace and shoulders back as if they were happy, can that actually improve their mood? Happily, the answer is yes! This is the conclusion of researchers who wanted to see if faking a confident posture will really help you feel better.

“We don’t just fake it ’til we make it, we fake it ’til we become it.” — Amy Cuddy, psychologist, Harvard University

Poses affect how we feel

Researchers looked at animal and human poses, and the differences between power-focused poses and those of hopelessness were evident. There are numerous examples of this: A peacock fans its tail and struts when seducing a female, the CEO of a company sits back with his hands behind his neck with elbows pointing outwards while his feet rest on the desk, depressed people will usually display a pose which is closed, hunched down, and an indicative of powerlessness. This is also evident while walking. The next time you walk, note your posture and your mood. There is a real connection, it seems.

The researchers were able to show that there were indeed physiological effects, such as changes in testosterone and cortisol levels, which matched the pose and the way people walked. They also noted that there were corresponding behavioral, physiological, and psychological changes. They knew that other research studies show that low-power people have generally bad physical and mental health. They also tend to have poorer memory and immunity.

How the research was carried out

Participants in the study were asked to look at a list of words which contained positive ones such as “happy” and negative ones such as “anxious.” They were then asked to walk on a treadmill. Their walking style was manipulated by researchers and noted. Afterwards, they were asked to remember the words they had been shown. Those who had been walking in a depressed fashion with less arm movement had better recall of all the words but tended to remember more of the negative words. The subjects who had walked with a happier gait had better recall of the more positive words.

The researchers had found enough evidence to justify their claim that a happier posture may have an important role in creating positive moods and energy.

How this research can help with treatment for depression

In another study, the participants were primed with lots of words connected with old age and infirmity. They were then asked to walk down a hallway and they did so more slowly than the control participants.

It is well known that patients suffering from severe depression tend to remember negative events rather than positive ones. The bad memories make them feel worse.

“If you can break that self-perpetuating cycle, you might have a strong therapeutic tool to work with depressive patients.” — Prof. Nikolaus Troje, study co-author

Exercise is the most underutilized treatment for depression. If patients are encouraged to walk with a confident gait, they can reap even more benefits. The movement is encouraging the neurotransmitters and endorphins which will improve their sense of confidence. The happier posture will help them to become less depressed, more positive, and more energetic.

The next time you want to improve your mood, why not put a bounce in your step and see what happens. Just don’t fall!

“If I could not walk far and fast, I think I should just explode and perish.” — Charles Dickens

Featured photo credit: Antonio Foncubierta/Flickr via

The post Scientists Discover Our Walking Postures Affect How We Feel appeared first on Lifehack.

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