
"Você ama, você tenta, você sofre, você cansa."

“Você ama, você tenta, você sofre, você cansa.”

- O Diário de Sofi. (via pendencias)

via @notiun

"Essa vida viu, Zé. Pode ser boa que é uma coisa. Já chorei muito, já doeu muito esse coração. Mas..."

“Essa vida viu, Zé. Pode ser boa que é uma coisa. Já chorei muito, já doeu muito esse coração. Mas agora tô, ó, tá vendo? De pedra. Nem pena do mundo eu consigo mais sentir. Minha pureza era linda, Zé, mas ninguém entendia ela, ninguém acolhia ela. Todo mundo só abusava dela. Agora ninguém mais abusa da minha alma pelo simples fato de que eu não tenho mais alma nenhuma. Já era, Zé. É isso que chamam de ser esperto? Nossa, então eu sou uma ninja. Bate aqui no meu peito, Zé? Sentiu o barulho de granito? Quebrou o braço, Zé? Desculpa!”

- Tati Bernardi.  (via pendencias)

via @notiun

"Ela não pediu que ele ficasse. Ele chorou porque sempre foi o pilar sentimental do casal, e só por..."

“Ela não pediu que ele ficasse. Ele chorou porque sempre foi o pilar sentimental do casal, e só por isso.”

- Gabito Nunes.  (via pendencias)

via @notiun

"E eles ainda perguntam de você para mim, como se eu soubesse a resposta no qual parecem querer..."

“E eles ainda perguntam de você para mim, como se eu soubesse a resposta no qual parecem querer escutar. A verdade é que eu não sei. Não sei absolutamente mais nada de você, onde está, como está, se está comendo direito, se já encontrou um novo amor, se ainda tem as mesmas manias insuportáveis, se continua a machucar sua boca até sangrar, se ainda tem aquela ânsia por atenção idiota, se gosta das mesmas músicas, se tem os mesmos planos para a faculdade, se ainda fala e acha graça de coisas bestas, se continua com o mesmo sorriso lindo, ou se ainda tem aquela dor na coluna horrível, não sei. E é tão triste declarar que não sei mais nada sobre você, que hoje não passamos de apenas dois desconhecidos que um dia já se conheceram tão bem.”

- Para alguém que não deveria ler, Distanciava. (via distanciava)

via @notiun

"Cuidados devem ser tomados. Palavras vomitadas não é a melhor forma de expressar sentimento,..."

“Cuidados devem ser tomados. Palavras vomitadas não é a melhor forma de expressar sentimento, principalmente quando é para por um fim neles. Por que depois será impossível de por tudo para dentro. Palavras cortam e ferem, são cacos de vidro para quem escuta.”

- Relator. (via inarcisos)

via @notiun

"Tem um monte de coisa sobre mim que talvez eu nunca vá conseguir te explicar. É um pouco sobre a..."

“Tem um monte de coisa sobre mim que talvez eu nunca vá conseguir te explicar. É um pouco sobre a minha insônia, mais um pouco sobre os meus sonhos e um pedacinho sobre os meus silêncios. E por mais difícil que seja amar aquilo que a gente não entende, me ame mesmo assim. Me deixa ser egoísta e não querer te dividir com o mundo lá fora, que é sujo e desonesto. Me deixa te proteger da solidão que nem eu sei me desvencilhar.”

- Camila Costa.  (via florejaste)

via @notiun

"Eu e você, não é assim tão complicado, não é difícil perceber, quem de nós dois vai dizer que é..."

“Eu e você, não é assim tão complicado, não é difícil perceber, quem de nós dois vai dizer que é impossível o amor acontecer. Se eu disser que já nem sinto nada, que a estrada sem você é mais segura, eu sei você vai rir da minha cara, eu já conheço o teu sorriso, leio o teu olhar, teu sorriso é só disfarce o que eu já nem preciso. Sinto dizer que amo mesmo tá ruim pra disfarçar, entre nós dois não cabe mais nenhum segredo além do que já combinamos. No vão das coisas que a gente disse, não cabe mais sermos somente amigos e quando eu falo que eu já nem quero a frase fica pelo avesso, meio na contra mão, e quando finjo que esqueço eu não esqueci nada. E cada vez que eu fujo, eu me aproximo mais, e te perder de vista assim é ruim demais, e é por isso que atravesso o teu futuro, e faço das lembranças um lugar seguro. Não é que eu queira reviver nenhum passado, nem revirar um sentimento revirado, mas toda vez que eu procuro uma saída acabo entrando sem querer na tua vida. Eu procurei qualquer desculpa pra não te encarar, pra não dizer de novo e sempre a mesma coisa, falar só por falar, que eu já não tô nem aí pra essa conversa, que a história de nós dois não me interessa, se eu tento esconder meias verdades você conhece o meu sorriso, lê o meu olhar meu sorriso é só disfarce o que eu já nem preciso.”

- Ana Carolina.   (via florejaste)

via @notiun

"Vou cuidar de você, mesmo de longe. Proteger você, mesmo estando ausente. Vou te amar todos os dias..."

“Vou cuidar de você, mesmo de longe. Proteger você, mesmo estando ausente. Vou te amar todos os dias como se fosse a última coisa a ser feita.”

- Diluiu.   (via florejaste)

via @notiun

"-Você acredita no amor? — Ele perguntou. - Tenho que acreditar. Aconteceu comigo uma vez."

“-Você acredita no amor? — Ele perguntou.
- Tenho que acreditar. Aconteceu comigo uma vez.”

- Charles Bukowski.  (via amparas)

via @notiun

Hotel Piran - SloveniaScenically located on the Adriatic coast...

Hotel Piran - Slovenia

Scenically located on the Adriatic coast of Slovenia, Hotel Piran is an elegant historical property with lovely sea views, a nice restaurant, and a comprehensive wellness center offering aromatherapy treatments.

Whether overlooking the glistening sea or the charming medieval town of Piran, the rooms and suites are characterful, comfortable, and appointed with modern amenities. The hotel’s piece de resistance sits on the roof, where a gorgeous champagne bar greets guests with stunning panoramic views in the summer months.


Rosewood Abu DhabiLocated on Al Maryah Island, on the...

Rosewood Abu Dhabi

Located on Al Maryah Island, on the northeastern part of the Arabian Gulf, Rosewood Abu Dhabi is a luxurious designer hotel with slick, up-to-the-minute interiors and lavish amenities.

Finished in elegant dark-wood paneling, contemporary furnishings, and upscale textiles, rooms offer smart workspaces and state-of-the-art technology. The exquisite suites feature a sophisticated open-plan design and come with valet service and private kitchenettes.

There’s a tremendous variety of dining options, from authentic Cantonese cuisine to molecular gastronomy. The fabulous spa uses bio-technology and ultramodern equipment, providing a wide range of therapies, treatments and services.


Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort and SpaTucked away in a serene...

Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort and Spa

Tucked away in a serene nature reserve on the island’s northern tip, Shangri-La’s Boracay Resort and Spa combines the group’s hallmark luxury and elegance with the culture, heritage, and indigenous materials of the Philippines.

Its rooms are exquisitely appointed with private verandas, daybeds, and marble-floored bathroom, while the suites feature dazzling ocean views and private outdoor whirlpools. Additionally, guests can choose to luxuriate in one of the resort’s spectacular villas, complete with sprawling living areas, swimming pools, or access to a private beach.

Dining venues include a striking cliffside restaurant focused on fresh seafood and a scenic treetop establishment serving internationally inspired dishes. Perched on an isolated rocky peninsula, CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La is an outstanding complex of treatment villas, lush gardens, and water features.


Health Warning: 10 Mistakes Most People Make When Travelling


Traveling is so much fun until something happens like sickness, getting bitten by something or just some very simple annoyance occurs which ruins your trip. One of the best things you can do is to learn what not to do and realise that a little prevention goes a long way. I have outlined 10 mistakes that most people make and how you can avoid a catastrophe by simply using preventive measures.

Hand Sanitizer

One thing I would never leave home without is hand sanitiser. You see, here is the thing: Most of our diseases come via our nose, mouth and eyes – so how does it get to there? From our hands! Most people never stop to think about being out and about, touching things, picking up things and inspecting them and then touching our face. You will not always have access to soap and water so pull out that hand sanitizer and put it to use! Remember this especially when shaking people’s hands, you never know where those hands have been! Just sayin’!!

Drink Bottled Water

I practice this the world over even in countries where they tell me that it is safe to drink tap water. One thing that it is always good to remember is that when you go abroad it is already a shock to the system so, drinking water that is clean and healthy is an absolute must! While you are drinking bottled water, do not forget that ice comes from tap water. So, if you like your ice, better to avoid it all costs when traveling as you never know what water was used to make it and it does have to melt! By the way, do drink a lot of water as it will help keep you from suffering with dehydration especially in places where it is very hot and humid.

Wearing Shoes

Not only can you get a lot of diseases through your face via your hands, one of the big mistakes that people make is not wearing shoes, especially when visiting a beach town. Diseases also come up through your feet; walking in streets where people spit, animals urinate, and many other things I care not to imagine can cause ill health. One of the worst things you can do is to walk through water, even when it looks clean. Wear your shoes and you will avoid a lot of health risks.


I always make sure I know about any health risks of a country before traveling especially when going to areas which are heavily mosquito-populated. A shot only hurts a little while and then it is over and it could save you from getting seriously ill while traveling overseas. Mosquito bites bring on malaria in many cases and some people are allergic to them as well. As a matter of fact, some countries make it a requirement in order to enter the country. For example, my husband and I traveled to Ghana, Africa two years ago and we had to have a yellow fever injection two weeks before leaving our country of England. We even had to show the shot record upon arrival. Always check before entering a country.

First Aid Kit

An absolute must for every traveler. Different countries or even local cities may or may not carry things that you need in an emergency as it depends on where you are at the time. Having a kit packed with all of the essential such as, band-aids, scissors, tweezers for tick removal or any other insect necessary, gauze, and basic headache pills and antiseptics will put your mind at ease.

Familiar Food

Having traveled all of my life, inevitably you will end up going somewhere where you do not really like the food. The first thing you are inclined to do is to refrain from eating and then you begin to dehydrate which can then lead to health issues. A very wise old traveler used to tell me from a young age, always carry something familiar with you from home to eat, like granola bars, health bars, fruit bars – even chocolate bars. This is because if you should get sick, this gives you an opportunity to eat something you are used to eating. After all, many times once you get to that point, what your body needs is nutrition from something that you will enjoy so you can start to recuperate.


Some of the sickest people that I have seen are those who thought that it was perfectly fine to be out in the sun with no sunscreen. It really does not matter what skin colour you are, you can still burn and end up very sick. The first thing is to investigate how close a country is to the equator and if you are going to be on the coast, then you will know how heavily exposed to the sun you are going to be. You should use an SPF 15 or greater and always check the expiration date. The other thing to keep in mind is to not be out in the hottest part of the day which is between 11am – 3pm.

Street Food

Unless you are used to eating the food from this particular area or country, avoid eating out in the street at all costs. All of us have stomachs that adjust to the way we eat and how we feed it. If, for example, you are used to eating processed food and microwaveable food, eating lots of fresh produce, fruit and other ingredients can make you sick very much in the same way one can become very ill when the opposite occurs. In some countries, the health restrictions are not very strict, therefore, you could be eating food which has not been chilled properly, or not been cleaned properly. Even eating off of a plate or with silverware that has been washed in dirty water can greatly affect your health. Be smart and eat where you know exactly how the food was prepared (where and when).


What kind of health insurance do you have and can it be used overseas? The best thing you can do is to call and let them know where you will be going and find out what exactly will happen if there is a serious injury or accident. Find out if you will be transported back to your home country and/or what hospitals and doctors they work with in that country. What is the procedure when an emergency occurs? It is always good to know this so that you can relax and know that you will still be well taken care of.

Finally, Be Alert

The idea of traveling somewhere is to get away and be able to relax and enjoy yourself. It is very hard to do that if you are not aware of your surroundings. When we go into a place we always check out the area around our hotel or wherever we will be staying. We find out about any stores or restaurants and pharmacies. It is just smart to be alert and aware of what is going on around you and to have emergency numbers in your wallet or purse/handbag.

My husband and I personally love to travel and while we are never paranoid, we try to follow all of the above guidelines to ensure that we have a great time and a healthy time. Always be wise and then you can go and have a great time knowing all is well.

Featured photo credit: via

The post Health Warning: 10 Mistakes Most People Make When Travelling appeared first on Lifehack.

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How To Avoid Gaining Weight When Traveling

How to Stop Gaining Weight on Vacation

I’ll be 100% candid with you. I rarely go on vacation, but I travel a lot throughout the year on business. I consider myself a very frequent flyer.

Gaining weight doesn’t have to happen on your next vacation

As a business traveler, I’m either being treated out to food or I’m eating food on the go between meetings and events. This can be really stressful on my system and belt size, but not as much as those of you who enjoy taking vacations. The word “vacation” is synonymous with the word gluttony, which is a fancy way of saying eating too much and gaining weight.  So how can you avoid weight gain when traveling? Let’s talk about it.

Curb Your Hanger.

As soon as “I’m hungry”, a timer starts counting down. I don’t turn into a big, green angry monster, but I turn into something called hangry. A curious mix of being hungry and angry about being hungry. To thwart this from happening I pack a few healthy snacks in my suitcase. That curbs my hunger enough so I don’t stop to eat at the first place I see, which almost always happens to be fast food. The fastest way to gain weight on vacation is to eat when you’re really hungry. Chances are you’ll end up at some fast food joint where you’ll stuff your face and eating your weekly calorie intake in just on meal. Stop, grab a healthy snack and think your next action through.

Adapt to the Local Time Zone.

Although I relish in the silence of a 16-hour flight and the excitement of the end destination, I never look forward to the jet lag. The most important thing you can do to get your trip started off right is to adjust to the local time right away. This will help you keep a normal eating schedule, which will save you from getting hungry really late at night and trying to search the city for food at ungodly hours.

The only places that are open at those times are greasy spoon restaurants, where weight gain is imminent.  To avoid this, it’s important to do everything you can to adapt to the local time zone as early as when you board the flight. Set your smartphone to local time, and go by it like clockwork. You can also force your body to adjust to the local time zone during the first day or two at your hotel. Rather than cover the blinds with those heavy curtains, leave them open so you can wake up to the natural sunlight. Mmm…sunshine and regular eating habits.

Stay Hydrated.

If you don’t stay hydrated, you’re going to get tired and irritable much faster. This may not mean a lot when you’re sitting at a desk all day at work, but on a vacation you need all the energy you can muster to enjoy the days ahead.  Staying hydrated also has the direct benefit of stopping you from overeating. Why? The part of your brain that tells you “hey I’m getting hungry” is the same part that says “hey, I’m thirsty!”. By drinking those 8 recommended glasses of water a day, you can avoid the internal debate. Weight gain shut down!

Use the Amenities.

Bring sneakers, workout gear, and a bathing suit on every single trip. Whether it’s for business or a vacation, always be prepared to have fun. Almost every hotel and resort has a pool, weight room or some kind of gym. If for some reason it doesn’t, visit a gym or yoga joint in the local area and ask them about one-week or one-day trial periods. These kinds of amenities help curb any extra pounds you may be adding on when ordering fancy drinks or larger portions.  If you have to, book the time off in your schedule to hit these amenities up. You time is just as important as exploration time.

Plan Ahead.

When traveling, there’s always less time to think about where you can eat well and exercise. With the power of the internet, you can plan way ahead to know where the best places are to eat healthily and the places to avoid. Many times vacationers leave this planning to when they arrive, but no one wants to plan while their on vacation. Don’t kid yourself. Plan for the food and fun ahead of time so you can be as busy or as lazy as you want to be when you get there.

Christopher Columbus It.

Mr. Columbus may not have had sneakers or even hiking boots, but that didn’t stop him from having one heck of an adventure. The greatest part about going to somewhere new is seeing and exploring it. Unless you’re a food blogger, I highly recommend you spend your travel budget on experiences instead of just fancy food. Climb a mountain, see that monument, and scuba dive with the fish! These are the types of memories you can share with you family for years to come, and you’ll likely leave with stronger muscles and a looser pant size. If all you do is sit on your butt all day drinking fancy drinks and divulging on fatty foods, it’s not a vacation as much as it is a war on your body and wellness.

Featured photo credit: via

The post How To Avoid Gaining Weight When Traveling appeared first on Lifehack.

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For Busy People: The Complete Guide To Using Lavender Oil

lavender oil

If you only use one essential oil, make sure it is lavender oil!

It is one of the most versatile essential oils, and it is most commonly known for its calming effects on the body. The relaxing scent helps your mind to unwind, but the benefits of lavender oil don’t end there; it can also be used to help cure various physical problems.

Having a bottle of lavender oil in your home gives you a mini first aid kit, food flavoring, perfume and a mood pick-me-up. Check out how to use lavender oil to cure physical and emotional problems below.

1. Aching muscles

If you have aching muscles after a tough work-out, run yourself a lavender bath to help soothe your aching muscles. Simply add a few drops of oil to the water before you jump in!

2. Calming

Lavender is well-known for its calming effect on the body. Add two drops of lavender oil to your cupped palms, then hold your face over your palms and breathe deeply if you are feeling stressed out. Simply breathing like this for a minute or two will calm you.

3. Insomnia

A study found that elderly psychiatric patients sleep better and are more alert during the daytime when their sleep medication is replaced with lavender oil. If you struggle to sleep, put a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow before you go to sleep. Breathing in the lavender scented air will help to induce sleep.

4. Earache

To relieve earache, warm a bottle of lavender in hot water for a few minutes, then massage a few warm drops around your ears and throat.

5. Mosquito bite

Mosquitoes seriously hate the smell of lavender, so you can prevent bites by splashing diluted lavender onto your legs and arms before going out. You can also dab lavender oil onto bites to soothe the need for itching and the inflammation.

6. Headache

Relive headache pain by making a lavender compress for your head. Simply soak the compress in very cold water before sprinkling a few drops of lavender oil onto it. Rest with the compress on your forehead until you feel better.

7. Minor burns

If you have suffered a minor burn, first immerse the area in cold water for 5-10 minutes. Afterwards gently pat lavender oil onto the area to relieve pain and minimize the risk of scarring.

8. Motion sickness

Alleviate motion sickness by placing a drop of lavender oil on your navel or your ears. This will help to reduce the feeling of nausea.

9. Fevers

If anyone in your family has a fever, sponge them gently with room-temperature water with a drop of lavender oil in it. This can be used on small children and babies as well as adults.

10. Small cuts

Simply place a drop of lavender oil on a cut to help kill bacteria and clean the wound.

11. Eczema

You can mix lavender oil with another kind of vegetable oil (coconut, olive, or sesame, for example) to help with any irritation caused by eczema. Mix a few drops of each and gently massage onto the afflicted area.

12. Hay fever

Do you suffer from itchy eyes, sneezing and a runny nose every summer? Try rubbing lavender oil on your palms and inhaling the scent to relieve symptoms of hay fever.

13. Acne

Many aromatherapists say that lavender oil is one of the best natural ways to treat acne. Add a few drops to a plain cream and use a few times a week as a moisturizer.

14. Dry skin and lips

Dry, chapped lips can be re-hydrated with a small amount of lavender oil; simply rub a few drops onto the dry area.

15. Flavoring

Is there anything that lavender can’t do? It can also be used as a delicious flavoring to add to many recipes. We recommend adding a drop of lavender oil to green tea for enhanced flavor. It also works well in salads and desserts!

The post For Busy People: The Complete Guide To Using Lavender Oil appeared first on Lifehack.

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