
quinta-feira, fevereiro 11, 2016

Happy Rescue of a Dog with a Face of "Stone" (8 pics)

This dog's name is Petra which means "stone" in Greek. She had been living for 5 years on the streets of Farrow, Greece. The dog was unhealthy and in such a bad condition that her face looked as it had been turned to stone. But finally, she was rescued and taken to the local animal shelter where the vets took a good care of her. Now Petra is not what she was before and have such a happy face.

Interesting Colorized Photos From The Prohibition Era

Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages that remained in place from 1920 to 1933. It was promoted by the “dry” crusaders, a movement led by rural Protestants and social Progressives in the Democratic and Republican parties, and was coordinated by the Anti-Saloon League, and theWoman’s Christian Temperance Union. Prohibition was mandated under the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Enabling legislation, known as the Volstead Act, set down the rules for enforcing the ban and defined the types of alcoholic beverages that were prohibited. For example, religious uses of wine were allowed. Private ownership and consumption of alcohol were not made illegal under federal law; however, in many areas, local laws were stricter, with some states banning possession outright. Nationwide, Prohibition ended with the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment, on December 5, 1933.

»clean sails« typewriter poems by gustave morin from new star...

»clean sails« typewriter poems by gustave morin from new star books

the 160 pages of clean sails were wrested from dozens of typewriters, some of them hand–modified, through countless thousands of hours of typing over the past half–decade, and informed by gustave morin’s quarter–century of investigation into the (im)possibilities of concrete poetry.

mr. morin insists clean sails is a volume of poetry; others call it an example of “painting through a typewriter.” what is clear is that there has never before been a book like it.

buy the book here

If You Have The Chill Friend, You’re Really Lucky

chilled friend

Do you have a super relaxed friend who you love to be around?

Do you find yourself regularly thinking about how chill and calm they are?

If this sounds like you, you are a very lucky person.

If you have found a friend who brings peace and tranquillity to your life whenever you speak to them, let them know how much you appreciate them. If you have found a friend who dislikes drama and fighting, cherish them. If you have found a friend who you can always go to for advice, never let them go.

Your chill friend will change your perspective on life without you even realizing. They will show you no judgement, only love and positive emotions. They will be one of the best friends that you ever have – and here are 10 reasons why.

1. The chill friend doesn’t hold on to little things

It doesn’t matter if you had a disagreement the day before – your chill friend will never hold it against you. They understand that everyone disagrees sometimes, and the friendship is far too important to end over something so silly.

2. The chill friend is non-judgemental

Often people are overly critical of themselves and others around them, but not your chill friend. They always try to see the best in other people, and they would never judge you for doing something that they disagree with.

3. The chill friend dislikes arguing

The chill friend hates petty arguing – if there is a problem, they will bring it up without any negative emotions. You much prefer the drama-free discussion to a childish fight.

4. The chill friend doesn’t care if there is a change of plans

Your chill friend is always happy to go with the flow – you never have to worry about annoying them with a change of plans.

5. The chill friend gives you your space

They don’t probe you for extra details about your personal life if you don’t want to talk about it. The chill friend respects your boundaries, and they understand that your life and past isn’t their business. This doesn’t mean they aren’t involved in your life; if you ever needed to talk about something they would always be there to listen.

6. When you are stressed out, you seek advice from your chill friend

If you are having a hard day the first person you contact is your chill friend. They have a way of looking at the world that helps you to calm down and focus on the bigger picture.

7. The chill friend doesn’t like making people feel bad

The chill friend takes no pleasure in saying “I told you so.” They don’t like making people feel bad or upset, and they would much rather feel like they are equal to their friends.

8. The chill friend never expects the relationship to be a certain way

The chill friend doesn’t have any expectations for your friendship (or you). They are happy to let the relationship happen naturally, without forcing certain things. They understand that the relationship is out of their hands, and the best thing to do is to just go with the flow.

9. The chill friend makes you feel more chilled, too

Spending time with your chill friend has helped you to become a more relaxed and positive person. Whenever you become upset, angry or stressed you think about your friend and it helps you to relax. After all, if they can live life with such a great attitude, why can’t you?

10. The chill friend can’t be replaced

You hope that your friendship with the chill friend will last for a very long time. They are there for you whenever you need them, and you always try to support and love them. You appreciate their presence in your life and you know that you are a better person for knowing them.

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Sad Music Can Boost Mental Health, Study Finds


It isn’t strange that people really love cheerful songs. You know, the ones you can dance to, sing in the shower to, and drive with the window all the way down to. Many of us can probably admit to blasting our favorite up-tempo song a million times. Pharrell Williams’ “Happy,” Whitney Houston’s “I Want to Dance with Somebody,” and the Beatles’ “Yellow Submarine” certainly put us in the James Brown “I Feel Good” kind of mood.

What is strange is that sad music actually holds the power to make us feel good about ourselves when we are down in the dumps and when we’re already feeling good. If sadness is an emotion we typically try to avoid, why do we listen to sad songs over and over again? What kind of pull do they have on us?

I’ll admit, Adele’s “Hello” is for now my all-time favorite sad song. Even when I don’t feel sad and when I’m not having a bad day, the lyrics of her song reel me in over and over again. It’s somber and sad, yet so very powerful. Does any of this sound familiar? Probably so. And science has quite a bit to tell us as to why we keep certain sad songs in replay mode.

Research Background and Findings

In 2014, Liila Taruffi and Stefan Koelsch at the Freie Universität Berlin in Germany decided to explore the reasoning behind our love of sad songs. They conducted a survey of over 770 individuals from around the world and published their findings in the journal, PLOS ONE. They discovered that overall sad music can evoke positive feelings such as peacefulness, harmony, and kindness. Besides that, the researchers also discovered that sad music causes us to feel more empathic because we connect to the emotions of the artist. We are able to mentally experience sadness without any “real life implications” of a sad event such as the death of a loved one. Such mental exercises can challenge us to reach beyond ourselves and be compassionate to someone else in their time of need.


Whether it’s music, a speech, or art, at our core, we connect to things that touch us personally. It’s almost like being in a support group. Everyone in the group has had the same or similar experiences and by sharing and connecting with each other around common experiences, everyone benefits. When we are connected to something, we unintentionally repeat it, mull it over in our heads, (or in the case of music, replay it). We relate to what is being shared by the musical artists. In so doing, we discover that no boundaries exist between us, and the music is a reflection of our souls. Dr. Robert Zatorre, a neuroscientist at the Montreal Neurological Institute at McGill University said, “We’re not always happy. Sometimes we’re sad. Or Angry. To the extent that you can use music to elicit those moods, and allow you to reflect on your own internal response to those emotions, that can actually be extremely useful and even uplifting.”

Therapeutic Emotion Regulation

Respondents to the survey said when they felt sad or were in a bad mood, they felt better after listening to sad music. The sad music offered an extra boost to their attitude and well-being. In a way, this is similar to how we sometimes feel after we’ve had a good cry. Yes, science says crying can be therapeutic. The sometimes overwhelming feeling of wanting to cry is part of our human response to emotions. It can be therapeutic as well. Researchers found that 90 minutes after participants in a study cried, they reported feeling much better than before they started crying. Songs help to express our inner emotions and to release emotions, permanently or temporarily, that are no longer needed for our health and well-being.

We have come to believe that sadness and any of its counterparts such as depression must be avoided. Indeed, deep sadness that leads to major depression or other disorders should be taken seriously and handled with professional care. However, within the bounds of health and wellbeing, sadness can evoke good feelings and offer emotional regulation. Sad music can encourage prosocial emotions such as compassion, nurture, and empathy. Listening to sad music can connect us with humanity in a way that gives us insight into ourselves, our relationships, and our purpose.

Not all sadness is bad. In fact, as it turns out, Elton John was right. Sad songs really do say so much. 

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Instant Cure: Massage Your Fingers to Relieve Pain

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Self administered reflexology and acupressure are great ways to provide quick discrete relief for a variety of pain and symptoms without having to wait for an appointment, further impeding your routine, or touching sensitive areas where you are experiencing pain.

Acupressure & reflexology

You’re right! Acupressure sounds a lot like Acupuncture. It actually works on the same principles without the intimidation factor. Replace the needles with fingers providing moderate pressure and that’s it!

Reflexology specifically is the use of therapeutic pressure massage in specific areas of our hands and feet to facilitate functional flow of energy, pain relief and optimal health. There are areas on our hands and feet called reflexes that correspond to specific areas of our bodies and even organ systems within our bodies. Often in areas that we feel pain there is a blockage of energy preventing health and wellness.

Below are combined approaches of these two practices that you can use, at home or on the go.

Headaches & Migraines

Valley of Harmony

The tips of all four fingers, especially focusing on the area at the base of the fingernails, can help relieve head pain. Focus on the index finder (positivemed) and the webbing between thumb and index finger, often referred to as the Valley of Harmony (as shown).

Sinus Pressure & Pain


With your palm facing you, bring your thumb to the pad of your finger (the part that touches keys when typing) and forefinger to the opposite side close to your cuticle. Squeeze and hold the tip of each finger 1-3 minutes with comfortably firm pressure. Lightly massage the area when done. Repeat on all fingers.

For relief from symptoms of sinus pain, headache, dizziness, pressure, stuffy nose, and congestion. Have a tissue handy.

Neck Pain/Tension


Massage the middle part of each of your fingers between your furthest knuckle toward the base of your finger. Do this for each finger on each hand. Look at your hand and think of the tips of your fingers as your head, and as your work down your fingers you are working your neck and shoulders. Use a professional reflexology chart for reference if needed.

Stomach Upset


Massage and warm up the whole thumb, as this responds to the stomach and spleen meridians. You can also apply direct pressure to hold in the center of your palm.

Cold/Sore Throat


Warm up and massage the whole thumb. Extended pressure may be used on the meaty part of the web of your hand. Also apply specific pressure to the thumb on the tissue to the inside by the nail, as shown.



Lightly massage the whole hand, followed by direct pressure of the point on your middle finger just below and on the side of your nail on the side closest toward the index finger.

Menstrual Cramps/Abdominal Pain


Lightly massage the whole hand, followed by direct pressure on the point on your index finger just below and on the side of your nail on the side closest toward the thumb. The second location for direct pressure is a point on your pinky just away from the nail on the cuticle line toward the outside (away from the rest of your fingers).

Additional tips

1. General area warm-up:

RELAX. Then start by rubbing your hands together for a minute to increase the energy and sensitivity of your hands. Next, use the fingers and thumb of your opposite hand to gently massage and warm-up the skin and general area to be worked on.

2. Area of focus:

In the area of interest to work use your opposite thumb & fingers to provide comfortably firm pressure. (Caution: this area may be sensitive.) Hold the area for 1-5 minutes and repeat 1-5 times as needed, or daily for prevention.

*For more tender areas: Hold for 3-5 seconds. While maintaining pressure begin to slowly massage in small clockwise circles up to five times, then give the area a small break. This massaging should be moving the tissue, not merely rubbing the skin. Provide firm but comfortable pressure again for up to a minute then give the area a break. Repeat this process up to five times.

3. Stay hydrated

This is probably one of the most recommended and underutilized tips from massage therapists and bodyworkers, and it cannot be stated enough. Proper hydration allows for optimal tissue health, quality circulation, and to help facilitate the elimination of toxins released into the bloodstream post massage and otherwise. After all, our bodies are made up mostly of water.


*If you are pregnant there are areas that can assist in stimulating uterine contractions, and unless in labor and supervised by a professional MT or doula, should be avoided. During pregnancy avoid deep pressure to the web of the hand. 

Featured photo credit: Healthy Food House via

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