
quarta-feira, fevereiro 03, 2016

Why I would Rather Spend My Money Travelling


I am currently in my early 20s, and I have to admit that everyone and their mum’s uncle will tell me that, “your 20s are your time to experience life”. I can now say that I believe in that statement 100%. Yours 20s are a time where you have very little responsibility, and you have the time to see the world as a traveler. And by traveler I mean, meeting other travelers, backpacking trips, sleeping in hostels, and even at a point where you’d have to sleep on floors. Andrew Zimmerman once said, “Please be a traveler, not a tourist. Try new things, meet new people, and look beyond what’s right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this amazing work we live in”.

So I would say, travel in yours 20s. Travel with family, friends, new friends, and even alone. Travel to see your friends that live in different countries. Seeing familiar faces in a foreign land will be quite reassuring. When you’re in your 30s or so, you might want to travel slightly differently. You might (well I definitely do) want to stay in The Peninsula in Paris, or dine at Usine in Stockholm.

You’re going to make everlasting memories

“I’d rather look back and say, ‘I can’t believe I did that,’ instead of saying ‘I wish I did that.’”

When you travel, you’re going to fall in love. And I don’t just mean by the people you meet there, but you will also fall in love with the beauty, architecture, and even the culture. You will be so in love; you’d actually feel inspired. Inspired to do what, you may ask? I can’t say. That is too personal a question- everyone would feel different about it so it could be anything.

You’ll also then realize that the memories you make while travelling will last longer than anything else. Life is a wonderful gift and everyone should experience it and live it. If you’re like me, and you constantly daydream about a life where you can finally escape, do it. Just get up and do it. On your deathbed, you’ll remember the memories. It’ll be the stories you’ll tell your kids, it’ll be the life you look back on when you’re older. Experience true beauty and fall, madly and deeply, in love with it

 You’ll push your limits

“Fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boring life” – Donald Miller, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing my Life

Now I have to say, I’m the kind of person that thinks about my future way too often and too extremely (I’m serious here, I wouldn’t even research too much on a celebrity in the hope we might become friends one day). I’m also the type that doesn’t break the rules, or does something I’m not supposed to. It’s a fear that I’ve developed since young- to do everything according to a plan, which is to appear perfect. As I grew up, I realized that this is absolutely ridiculous and that my life is utterly boring. It hit me especially hard when I asked my friend, “If you could keep one memory, just one, what would it be?” and I realized I couldn’t really answer that. I’ve lived a very planned out life, and nothing seemed to be overly exciting. And please don’t get me wrong- my parents never pressured me to do anything I didn’t want to do; it was me who pressured myself.

Something I really want to do (and from listening to my friends who often travel) is to travel alone. That may seem like a scary thought but if your reason is fear, then fear will stop you from doing everything you want to do in life. Traveling alone will allow you to get to know yourself, learn more about yourself, and you’ll love yourself even more. And besides you won’t really be alone. You can always make new friends. Friends are just strangers you haven’t met yet, right? I’m not really used to making friends on my own but I’m starting to- it changes you. You just need to get out of your comfort zone. You’ll then realize humanity is interconnected and it’s SO easy to make friends.

Stop holding yourself back because you’re too afraid to bring your dreams to reality. Be the main character in your life story- do whatever you want, and live your life the way you want it to be.

 You’ll appreciate life

“Enjoy life today, because yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is never promised.”

The main excuse I hear is that travelling takes up too much money. It’s true it’s not cheap but it’s not as expensive as you think. All you need is to make a few sacrifices, plan these things out, and control your finances. But please do not get me wrong; you still need to plan out your future. Don’t use every single penny on travelling, and when you’re back home, you’re broke. No, that’s never a good idea. Plan everything out, and do not neglect your future. You don’t need that much to travel. Live on the cheap side- with friends, in hostels, and eat cheap. Money does not equal to happiness. It may sound like a lot of work but trust me on this, it’ll be the greatest invest you’ll ever make.

When you travel, you’ll fall in love with everything- the country/city, the people, or even someone in particular. It’s an experience worth having because it changes you, and even how you view the world. You’ll realize that not everything is about you, and there’s a bigger world out there. You’ll truly understand what the world is really like.

And with that, I can honestly say travelling the world is something you will never regret. I know I won’t. I will travel in my 20s and continue to travel even after my 20s- just slightly differently.

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How to Handle your Property Damage Claims after an Auto Accident


If you’ve been in an auto accident, the first thing you want to do is to make certain that you aren’t injured in any way. Once you’ve done that, you can see to your vehicle. In most car collisions, the drivers aren’t injured at all, but the vehicles have hundreds or, more likely, thousands of dollars of property damage. This damage includes more than just the damage to the vehicle – it includes the damage done to any personal items that were in the vehicle at the time of the accident.

But actually handling a property damage claim can be confusing for people who have never dealt with one before. Here are the basic steps for making and handling a claim. Note that these steps assume that the accident was not your fault.

auto-accident lawyer

1. Are you Eligible?

First, confirm that you are eligible to file a property damage claim with you’re auto insurance company. You can do this if you meet one of the following conditions:

  • Your vehicle incurred damage of any kind when hit by another.
  • You want that damage to be repaired by a professional.
  • Your car was damaged badly enough that you will need a temporary replacement while it gets repaired.
  • Your personal property was damaged or destroyed and you want to be compensated for its loss.

If even one of these four points applies to you, you can file a property damage claim. If you’re uncertain if you can, you can speak to an auto accident attorney.

2. Have the Right Information

Unfortunately, many people miss their opportunity to get all of the right information because some of the things you may need when making your claim can only come from the scene of the accident. Remembering to gather all this information after being in an accident can be difficult, especially if you’ve been hurt or are badly shaken.

Make sure you know if a ticket was issued to the other driver. If the police who arrive at the scene decide that someone was at fault, they will issue a ticket. This is evidence that the other driver was negligent and will make your claim go through much more quickly and easily.

You also need to collect as much information about the other driver, their insurance company, and the accident itself. Don’t rely on your memory – write everything down, put it in your phone, or even record it in a voicemail if you have to. You want to be sure you have all of the driver’s information – their phone number, address, and driver’s license information. You also need to know what insurance company they use, the company’s contact information, and their policy information. Finally, make sure you take note of any telling statements, especially if the other person admits guilt.

Next, if you have your phone with you, take as many pictures of the accident itself as you can. This includes pictures of the other vehicle, the area, anything broken that has fallen off the cars, and any personal property that was damaged.  If you think it might be of use later, photograph it.

3. Make the Claim

If you decide to file a claim, the first thing to do call your insurance company. You are required to file a claim with your own insurance company even if the accident wasn’t your fault. You can file your claim directly with the other person’s insurance company, too, but all insurance companies do require you to file with them as well. In many cases, it’s your insurance company that will get you in a rental car and will pay many of the upfront costs. Once the other insurance company has accepted liability, they will be reimbursed.

Don’t wait for the other person’s insurance to contact you. In some cases, you’ll be waiting forever – the other person may not know that they are required to make a claim, and they may not want to admit that they were at fault. Get the process started as soon as you can. You don’t need an auto-accident attorney to file an insurance claim, but you may need to consult one if there is any resistance to your claim.

4. Call the Other Insurance Company

Next, call the other insurance company and make a claim. You will work with a claims adjuster and will be given a claim number, which you need to make sure you write down. Give them all of the information you gave to your insurance company. You’ll need to provide the claim number to your auto-accident attorney if you end up hiring one.

5. Get the Police Report and Weather Report

Once the official police report is available, be sure to request a copy. You also want to get the weather report for the day of the accident, too. This can help prove your claim if the other person is saying the accident was due to weather conditions. Submit both of these reports to both insurance companies and your attorney.

6. After the Claim

Once the claim has been filed, you’ll work with the claim adjuster to coordinate the repairs to your vehicle. Remember, you can choose any auto repair shop you want, but the insurance may only be willing to pay for a certain amount. You can also ask for a rental car. You have the right to one, especially if your vehicle cannot be driven and will take several days or weeks to be fully repaired.

7. Good Luck on your Claim!

Making an auto accident claim is never fun, especially if the other driver is refusing to acknowledge guilt. Have you had any claim horror stories? Share them with us!

Featured photo credit: Auto accident claim via

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How People Who Lack Attention In Their Childhood Love Differently


I spent a lot of my early adulthood trying to work out what “love” really was. I was not in a good place emotionally and mentally. I’d endured a lot as a child and had a lot of difficulty loving myself. Fortunately, through many years of self-discovery and support of my husband, I was able to become the person I am today. A more authentic, happier version of myself. Someone who feels and loves deeply. Someone who may sometimes wrestle with their emotions, but has the ability now not to affect those around them as much.

Maybe you’ve felt the way I have. Maybe you still feel that way. But just remember, there is a silver lining. As much as the pain of your childhood hurts, it won’t stop you from living the life that you deserve. It won’t stop you from having the ability to love yourself and to love others.

Here are the 10 ways that people who lack attention in their childhood might love differently, but the positive aspects to each of them.

1. They understand that love is much more than words.

‘Love’ can mean so many different things to different people. It can mean saying, “I love you”. It can mean buying gifts for someone else. It can mean making time for other people. It can mean giving a loved one hugs and kisses. But to someone who has felt unloved as a child, it might not mean many of these things at all. When you’ve lacked affection as a child, “love” almost feels like a non-existent concept in your life. It’s something that you’re still struggling to understand. But you probably understand that feeling and expressing love is so much more than the words, “I love you”. It’s about proving it with your actions. It’s about trusting someone and being trusting. It’s about respecting a person’s individuality and dreams. The pain you experienced as a child has helped you to gain a deeper understanding of what “love” really is.

2. They know that trust can take a long time to build.

Growing up feeling unloved, unappreciated, and unimportant can leave lasting impacts on a person’s ability to trust.They might be constantly worrying that the people they love will inevitably hurt them. That they are bound to be alone. But this anxiety also means that they know the value of trust. They know that when someone puts their trust in you, it is your utmost responsibility to stay loyal and honest. It will strengthen the bond between two people.

3. They don’t want anyone hurt the way they were.

If you’re an adult whose childhood was far from ideal, chances are that you are determined not to treat others the same. If you’ve come to terms with some of your experiences, you’ve probably realized that it’s not your fault and have worked through some of your emotions. You probably know by now that nobody deserves to be treated like you were. Thankfully, this has helped you to become a kinder, more compassionate and empathetic person who finds it easy to understand how people feel. Throughout many of your relationships, you probably feel a deep love for people and want to listen to their problems. You want them to know that no matter what happens, that someone loves and cares about them.

4. They find it very difficult to believe that there are “plenty of fish in the sea”.

If you’re someone who didn’t get their needs met as a child, you’ve probably struggled a bit with your romantic relationships. Throughout your relationships, you may have been mistreated but felt you didn’t deserve any better. Maybe you were afraid that someone better would never come along. Maybe you were too scared to speak up about how you felt. But your carefulness in selecting partners also has a plus side. You don’t want history repeating itself – you want to surround yourself with people who love and deserve you. You might be putting up a wall, but it’s a wall that will come down when you’ve found the right person for you.

5. They can’t helping questioning people’s love.

If you’ve experienced a lot of childhood pain, you might find yourself thinking a lot, “It’s too good to be true.” You want to trust people and believe in their love, but you can’t help but question it. Your fear and insecurities are holding you back. The other side of the coin though is that you are more alert to warning signs. You stand up for what you believe in and try your best to put yourself first.

6. They are very sensitive about their weaknesses.

If you’re someone who felt neglected during childhood, your sensitivity levels might be quite high. You might find it difficult to accept constructive criticism. You might find jokes said at your expense as offensive and hurtful. You might believe that you have to be perfect to be a ‘good’ or ‘successful’ person. Thankfully though, this means you’re quite tuned into other people’s emotions and feelings. You show love to others by not hurting them. By being aware of their sensitivities. By giving them honest advice without upsetting them in the process.

7. They have very high expectations of themselves.

Unfortunately, for those who have grown up fighting for their family’s attention, they might set very high standards for themselves. They might be perfectionists. You might even worry your loved ones because you put a bit too much pressure on yourself. But the upside is, you might also be someone who strongly believes in working hard. You don’t wait for luck to make life happen. You go out there and look out for opportunities. For the first time in your life, you are in control and it’s this control that is so empowering for you.

8. They sometimes find it easier to forgive.

Having been tested and challenged at such a young age, you’ve learnt very early on that acceptance helps in moving forward. That holding onto anger and resentment does nobody any good, especially for yourself. In the same token, you might find it easier to understand the actions of others and to forgive as much as you can. You may not forget the actions of others, but you know that relationships benefit from compromise and forgiveness. Nobody is perfect and you understand that.

9. They just want their loved ones to be happy.

With the painful experiences that you’ve endured, you can’t help but focus on what truly matters in life. All you want is to be happy and for the people you love to be happy. You think that everything else, like money, material possessions, physical appearance, how we compare to others – is simply not as important.

10. They struggle with loving themselves.

If you’re someone who lacked attention during childhood, the most difficult relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself. Sometimes it’ll feel like you’re own worst enemy. That your biggest critic is actually yourself. Your life is a constant battle between what you feel about yourself and what you wish to feel. But learning to love yourself is a journey. When you believe that you are important and have the ability to make a positive difference in the world, you will transform the way you think about yourself and how you love others.

Featured photo credit: Colin J via

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Spring Picnic Ideas: 15 Healthy Picnic Recipes


Although it is still cold in most places, we are all looking forward to when it will get warmer again. The spring is one off the greatest times of the year to go outside and enjoy life. Nothing is better than having a great picnic with friends and family to celebrate the warmer weather. If you want to stay healthy but don’t have all of the time in the world, these recipes can help you.

You may not have all the time in the world to plan a great picnic, so here are 15 healthy and quick recipes to make your picnic the best you’ve ever had!

1. Honey Grapefruit Salad


This easy, yet delicious fruit salad will be a winner for sure. The grapefruit helps to reduce your blood pressure and removes toxins from your body. How can you beat that?

2. Broccoli Feta Omelet


This hardy sandwich will fill up everyone! Broccoli is a great source of fiber and helps prevent cancer. So eat up!

3. Spiced Chickpea Snack Mix


Need something to snack on? Even snacks can be healthy now! These chickpeas are spicy, delicious and great for your body. They even lower your cholesterol and prevent heart disease.

4. Rhubarb Mint Soda


When you go on a picnic, you also need a drink. Why not make your own healthy soda at home? Rhubarb is good for your eyesight and mint helps with weight loss.

5. Middle Eastern Rice Salad


Since a picnic often is a form of lunch, it is important that it fills you up. Salads are always a good idea. Try this variation with brown rice. Did you know that because brown rice is a whole grain, it is great for healthy digestion? And that’s not all! It also helps prevent breast cancer, diabetes, and more!

6. Turkey Sandwich


This is not an ordinary sandwich. It has turkey, which is  rich in protein, and apple, which is good for weight loss. Why go for a standard sandwich when you can make something this delicious?

7. Chicken Wings with Herbs and Honey


Chicken wings are loved by many people. Although most variations are not very healthy, these wings with herbs are a great way to add some protein to your picnic. They are easy to make, with only three ingredients!

8. White Bean and Herb Humus


Easiest way to eat healthy? Serve some raw vegetables with delicious humus! This humus recipe is quick and easy, yet delicious and healthy. The main ingredient in the humus is white beans, which are high in fiber, iron and protein. This will give you a great energy boost!

9. Arugula and Goat Cheese Salad


Another salad? Yes, because you can not go wrong with a salad. This one is refreshing and light. Most people don’t know that arugula is actually very good for wound healing and brain health.

10. Key Lime Pistachio Bites


Want an easy, healthy bite? Here you go! These delicious bites are quick to make, and if you don’t finish them, you can store them for over a month. Pistachios are great for bone and skin health.

11. Spicy Avocado Wrap


Avocado is getting more popular every day. And it should!  These green beauties have a lot of benefits for your health and they are deliciously creamy. Avocados have the highest protein content of any fruits (yes, avocadoes are fruits – berries to be precise). They also have plant-based fats, which contains no cholesterol. You can’t go wrong with these wraps!

12. Vegetarian Burger


How simple it sounds. But do not underestimate the power of these burgers. They are not only a healthier option, but some say, also tastier. One of the main ingredients for the burger is sweet potato. Did you know that sweet potato is good for your lung functions and detoxifies your body from heavy metals? It’s a mouth full but you will benefit from it.

13. Melon Bran Pots


Melon is delicious when it gets warmer outside. These pots are easy to take and easy to make. And of course super healthy to eat. Using the melon of your choice or a mixture of different ones, has great benefits. Most melons are great for weight loss. Watermelon is great for hydrating and improves your mood.

14. Strawberry Banana Protein Smoothie


Smoothies are a standard in the healthy lifestyle. You can mix and match your favorite flavors and take it on the go. So, a smoothie recipe is a great option for a healthy picnic. Strawberries are great for weight loss and they keep you looking young! This recipe is bound to be a hit!

15. Tropical Sherbet


You need a dessert to celebrate the good weather. This recipe has frozen fruits and yogurt, so it’s healthy and delicious. Mango lowers risk of heart disease and clears your skin. Now you really have a reason to celebrate!

Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanacek via

The post Spring Picnic Ideas: 15 Healthy Picnic Recipes appeared first on Lifehack.

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Cereal and Grains Are The Secret To A Long And Healthy Life, Science Says


Of the five food groups experts recommend we eat daily – fruits, vegetables, dairy, protein, and grains – grains are probably the food group most of your calories come from. Bread, corn and types of cereals such as rice, wheat and oats all make up some of our favorite foods. Even some breakfast cereals start with wheat or corn and are manufactured to look and taste the way we’e used to.

Science has shown regular consumption of rice, oats and other grains has more health benefits than you thought. Let’s look at the facts.

Improved heart and digestive health

Regular consumption of fiber is great for both your cardiovascular and digestive system. Dietary fiber, found in foods like corn and whole wheat pasta, is one of the many benefits of consuming cereals regularly. Wild rice, for example, is good for heart health because of its high fiber content. It lowers our LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, which is good news for our hearts. It’s also good for bowel health and controlling blood sugar and keeps you fuller longer, which can reduce your risk of unintentionally overeating.

Decreased risk of disease

One key to living healthier is to do all you can to avoid developing chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity or cancer. According to the Whole Grains Council, studies have shown that eating cereals on a regular basis reduces our risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 21-30%. It has also been found to help reduce high blood pressure levels.

What else does the research tell us?

A 2015 study out of JAMA Internal Medicine concluded that higher intake of whole grains was associated with a lower mortality rate in both men and women. Which means your beloved whole wheat bread, oatmeal and rice should remain a definite dietary staple on your personal menu.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggested that quality carbohydrates, such as cereals, can replace the use of saturated fats in daily caloric intake to reduce heart disease risk. So by eating fewer calories from butter or red meat and more from corn-based products and rice, your risk of heart failure goes down.

How to incorporate more cereals into your diet

  • Use whole wheat flour instead of refined white flour when making homemade rolls, scones, pancakes or waffles for breakfast
  • Make soup with rice or barley instead of noodles
  • Snack on whole grain crackers, popcorn and pretzels
  • Choose whole grain bread when given the option at restaurants

Starting the day off with a healthy, nutritious meal is a foolproof way to put healthy eating habits at the top of your to-do list. Here is a delicious oatmeal recipe to start your journey toward a longer, healthier life.


Prep time: 50 minutes

Servings: 8


3 cups rolled oats

1 cup brown sugar

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup redcued fat milk

2 eggs

1/2 cup melted butter

2 teaspoons vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a large bowl, mix together all ingredients, adding them in the order in which they appear above. Spread the mixture into a 9×13-inch baking dish

Bake 40 minutes and serve hot.

Serving this dish with your choice of toppings adds even more flavor and health benefits.

A balanced diet overall is what’s going to help you live longer, happier and healthier, but making sure you’re eating the right kinds of foods in each food group is even more important. Cereals, if consumed as often as possible from day to day, will help keep your heart beating, your digestive system moving and your blood sugar under control.

Keep eating those grains! Your health will thank you.

Featured photo credit: tracyshaun via

The post Cereal and Grains Are The Secret To A Long And Healthy Life, Science Says appeared first on Lifehack.

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