
sexta-feira, janeiro 29, 2016

"Eu pensava em você como alguém que nunca me magoaria."

“Eu pensava em você como alguém que nunca me magoaria.”

- Friends. (via poesografa)

via @notiun

"Eu tenho colecionado textos que eu escrevi para você, na esperança de um dia poder te mostrar e quem..."

“Eu tenho colecionado textos que eu escrevi para você, na esperança de um dia poder te mostrar e quem sabe você me amar.”

- Algo sobre o amor  (via demografar)

via @notiun

"E assim, aos poucos, ela se esquece dos socos, pontapés, golpes baixos que a vida lhe deu, lhe dará...."

“E assim, aos poucos, ela se esquece dos socos, pontapés, golpes baixos que a vida lhe deu, lhe dará. A moça — levanta e segue em frente. Não por ser forte, e sim pelo contrário: por saber que é fraca o bastante para não conseguir ter ódio no seu coração, na sua alma, na sua essência. E ama, sabendo que vai chorar muitas vezes ainda. Afinal, foi chorando que ela, você e todos os outros, vieram ao mundo.”

- Dom Casmurro. (via poesografa)

via @notiun

Shades of GreenThe colour of growth, nature, and...

Shades of Green

The colour of growth, nature, and rebirth.

Sources: Pinterest    SFGirlByBay

"E quando doer, lembra que por mais que eu quisesse, você não me deixou ficar."

“E quando doer, lembra que por mais que eu quisesse, você não me deixou ficar.”

- Meu nome é saudade. (via demografar)

via @notiun

Some Valuable Life Hacks from Nurses Give (10 pics)

Badly tangled, sticky or matted hair can be dealt with by using rubbing alcohol. It helps to dissolve any substances and untangle knots. Holding the hair (so as to not tug the scalp), gently comb the rubbing alcohol through the hair.
When air fresheners fail to do the job, you can absorb unwanted odors with coffee grounds. After brewing a pot of coffee, dump the grounds in a bowl and place it in the center of the room; before you know it, the smell will dissipate. Coffee grounds are also effective in freshening old containers.

When dealing with a stuck or dried-on mess (think dried blood or paint) grab some personal lubricant gel. Coat the dried mess with the gel, then gently rub. The substance should loosen very easily, and you’ll be able to clean it without any difficulty.

Hydrogen peroxide can help remove stubborn stains, specifically blood, wine or grease. It’s also effective in cleaning up spills and preventing stains from setting in.

Trying out a salt-free diet but still craving salt? Reach for a lemon. It’s an all-natural, heart-healthy way to put some pizazz back in your food while sticking to your doctor’s guidelines.

Mentholated scents rubbed underneath your nose can make even the rankest of rooms smell bearable. If you have face masks around, take two and smear a layer of toothpaste or mentholated ointment between them; place the masks on your face to effectively filter the smell.

If you’re in a situation where someone is extremely anxious or upset, have them fold towels. The action will give them a sense of purpose, while distracting them and helping to calm their nerves.

If you suffer a small cut but you don’t have any bandages around, use superglue. Apply a small amount to your minor cut or scratch to help seal and protect the injury. (However, if your cut is deep or severe, always seek medical attention.)

If you spill something on your skin that’s extremely sticky, grab a can of shaving cream. The cream will work like a lotion, helping to loosen and remove the sticky substance. Use wipes to completely remove the residue and cream.

Next time you experience a nose bleed, try cutting a tampon in half and place it up your nose. To stop an open wound from bleeding, hold an open sanitary napkin against your injury to help staunch the flow.

Neft Dasları: A City Built On Oil Platforms

Far out into the Caspian Sea, a hundred kilometers away from the Azerbaijani capital Baku, lies one of the most incredible settlements in the world. A fully functional city of 3,000 living in a network of oil platforms and artificial islands connected by 300 km of trestle bridges. This is Neft Daslari, also known as Oil Rocks, and it lies fully within the world’s largest lake at an incredible distance of 55 km from the lake’s shore.

Azerbaijan has been famed for its rich oil resources since ancient times. There is evidence of oil drilling and actual trade in petroleum as early as the 3rd and 4th centuries. Historical accounts of the area’s oil and natural gas seepage can be found in old Arabic and Persian manuscripts, as well as in the writings of famous travellers such as Marco Polo. The Persians called the area the "Land of Fire”.
Modern drilling began in 1870 after Russia conquered the territory. By the start of the First World War, Azerbaijan’s oil wells were already supplying 175 million barrels of crude oil a year, or 75 percent of the country's entire oil production. After the war, while exploring for oil in the Caspian Sea, Soviet engineers struck top-quality oil at a depth of 1,100 meters below the seabed. Shortly thereafter, the world's first offshore oil platform was built at the spot, and Neft Daslari was born.

The original foundation of Neft Daslari consisted of seven sunken ships including the world's first oil tanker. Over the decades this grew to some 2,000 drilling platforms spread in a 30-kilometer circle, joined by a network of bridge viaducts spanning 300 kilometers. Over these platforms, workers built eight-story apartment blocks, a beverage factory, soccer pitch, library, bakery, laundry, 300-seat cinema, bathhouse, vegetable garden and even a tree-lined park for which the soil was brought from the mainland. During its heydays, some 5,000 workers lived here.

Neft Daslari’s decline began with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the discovery of new oilfields elsewhere. The workforce was reduced and many oil rigs were abandoned. Neglect and lack of maintenance caused many of them to collapse into the sea. Others are in the process of crumbling. Out of the 300 kilometers of roads, only 45 kilometers remain usable, and even they have fallen into disrepair. To the government, however, the place is still the proud, closely-guarded secret it was in Soviet times. It is still very hard for foreigners to gain access to the city. You can’t even zoom into it on Google Maps.

"As pessoas são complicadas, e eu sabia que elas eram, mas mesmo assim eu quis te amar."

“As pessoas são complicadas, e eu sabia que elas eram, mas mesmo assim eu quis te amar.”

- Mayre Y.

via @notiun

"Já me acostumei com a tua voz, com teu rosto e teu olhar. Me partiram em dois, e procuro agora o que..."

“Já me acostumei com a tua voz, com teu rosto e teu olhar. Me partiram em dois, e procuro agora o que é minha metade. Quando não estás aqui, sinto falta de mim mesmo. E sinto falta do meu corpo junto ao teu. Meu coração é tão tosco e tão pobre, não sabe ainda os caminhos do mundo. Quando não estás aqui, tenho medo de mim mesmo, e sinto falta do teu corpo junto ao meu. Vem depressa pra mim, que eu não sei esperar, já fizemos promessas demais. E já me acostumei com a tua voz, quando estou contigo estou em paz. Quando não estás aqui, meu espírito se perde, voa longe.”

- Legião Urbana. (via apagou)

via @notiun

"Há pessoas que dão pena, outras, asas."

“Há pessoas
que dão pena,

- Desconhecido. (via apagou)

via @notiun

"Amor não é se envolver com a pessoa perfeita, aquela dos nossos sonhos. Não existem príncipes nem..."

“Amor não é se envolver com a pessoa perfeita, aquela dos nossos sonhos. Não existem príncipes nem princesas. Encare a outra pessoa de forma sincera e real, exaltando suas qualidades, mas sabendo também de seus defeitos. O amor só é lindo, quando encontramos alguém que nos transforme no melhor que podemos ser.”

- Mário Quintana (via apagou)

via @notiun

6 Ways For Parents to Add More Family Fun Before Bedtime


Bedtime can be a sweet time, but it can also be a hair-raising nightmare. Sometimes, the same old routine just doesn’t cut it for your little tiger who’s still bouncing off the walls 30 minutes after “lights out.” It is in those moments that you must get creative or risk getting committed to a psych ward.

So, here are six ways to break up the monotony of putting kids to bed while adding a bunch of fun. Same old, same old gets…well…old. If you’re stuck in the same routine each night and want to change things up, try one of these methods:

1. Jump out the wiggles.

Kids have energy. Lots of energy. Some kids simply walk past a piece of candy and start wiggling. They have a lot of energy because they’re so full of life. With that comes the test of a parent’s daily endurance. Oftentimes, parents feel more ready for bed than they are. OK, every time. Adding a set time to be intentionally active (WITH mom/dad) right before bed will help kids wind down in a fun and different way.

ACTION STEP: When bedtime approaches and the little ones are still racing from one end of the house to the other, try throwing every soft item in your living room, i.e. cushions, pillows, and blankets, into the middle of the floor. Honestly, the kids take it from there. It’s like lining the flooring underneath with magnets; kids simply have to pounce. You can also play music and join in the fun.

2.  Build a “Story Time Tent.”

Many families curl up on the couch to read bedtime stories, but sometimes children get wiggly or bored – or both.

ACTION STEP: Try constructing a tent with several chairs and a bed sheet. Line the floor of the tent with a blanket and some pillows. Turn out the lights, snuggle in, and read by flashlight. Kids love crawling into places that offer a new experience or some discovery. Imagination plays a big part in the fun. Kids just so happen to be experts in that department.

When we provide creative avenues in which our children can use their imagination, studies show that we’re actually helping them get a grip on reality. According to a study released on the Wall Street Journal, imagination is an integral tool for children as they learn about events that happened in other places in the world or in the past – events they couldn’t see. It also helps them wrestle with the proverbial question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

No flashlight in the house? Grab a flashlight app for your phone if the real thing isn’t handy.

3. Listen to audio books.

This option may not be as exhilarating as throwing a light switch rave or turning the house into a giant maze, but when you want the children to wind down, this can change things up. It also has a more important benefit. According to Tricia at The Domestic Fringe, routinely teaching your children to sit still and listen to audible books or songs helps them develop the patience to sit still in other settings like church, the doctor’s office, etc.

ACTION STEP: Designate a special reading area or reading chair for your child. Tricia recommends one hour each day if your goal is to train your child to sit still. Less time may be sufficient if you simply wish to add variety to storytime.

4. Get in on their game.

Do you remember that ridiculous video of a yoga class being led by a toddler? It looked like a fun workout as each adult tried to mimic the wild and sporadic movements of their tiny instructor. You can bet the child was having the time of his life. Imagine your own child leading in one of his or her games tonight. The Childhood Development Institute reports that playing with our kids tells them that we love them, and “it’s also a great stress reducer for overworked parents.”

ACTION STEP: Try putting down what you’re doing tonight, even if you’re tired, and playing what your children are playing. Get floor-level. You’ll be amazed what you’ll discover when they take the lead.

So often parents feel the need to monitor play time like we’re security guards on patrol. Give yourself permission to build a tower out of blocks or paint nails or jump into a pile of pillows tonight.

5. Let them scribble.

“Don’t write on that!” is a common expression in most households. You probably have planners and notebooks and perhaps a journal resting in various parts of your house. It’s alright for kids to learn that those items are off limits, but what if you permitted them to write or draw something special for you – under your guidance? According to the American Psychological Association, one very important responsibility for parents is to nurture children as they develop their own interests. Another way to say it is this:

“Parents and caregivers offer their children love, acceptance, appreciation, encouragement, and guidance. They provide the most intimate context for the nurturing and protection of children as they develop their personalities and identities and also as they mature physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially.” – APA

ACTION STEP: Your challenge is to sit down with your children before bed and let them write a special note in your notebook or journal. Give them the freedom to express themselves in a way they normally don’t get to.

For example:

Your children can dictate a story, draw a picture, sign their name, tell you about their day, or just scribble. If they’re too young to draw, trace their handprint and label it with your child’s name, age and the date.

Someday, you will flip through that journal, see their scrawlings, and it will be a cherished memory. Or you’ll burst out laughing. These are both excellent reasons to try this.

Don’t have a journal?  Grab a spiral bound notebook and start one.

6. Skype with friends and family.

Many families have at least one parent who works evenings. It can be hard to miss so many good night hugs and kisses from one’s children. Research also says the irregular night shifts so many parents face has the potential to impact a child’s development. To help combat that, start a new routine at bedtime.

ACTION STEP: Depending on your significant other’s occupation, schedule Skype or FaceTime dates to let the children speak with their working dad or mom before bed. This also works great for out of town grandparents or cousins (who are also getting ready for bed. See the added benefit?).

Routine and structure are great things, but sometimes life calls for a change up. For the sake of your sanity and that of your amazing kids, try something new tonight.

What are some ways you’ve spiced up an old routine to make it fun for everyone?

Featured photo credit: 137 – Look Up! / David D. via

The post 6 Ways For Parents to Add More Family Fun Before Bedtime appeared first on Lifehack.

from Lifehack

This Mattress Will Turn Your Car Into A Comfy Bedroom

car mattress

Ever slept in your car? Felt uncomfortable? Good news for you! A car air mattress has been designed and you can turn your car into a comfy bedroom any time! This might be useful for road trippers, and also great for passengers to take a good rest. Some reviews state that it’d save their worries that their kids would make the seat dirty, as it’ll be covered by the mattress. For more details and choices, you can refer to this. The prices range from USD40-70.



car mattress

Featured photo credit: mattress/Simplemost via

The post This Mattress Will Turn Your Car Into A Comfy Bedroom appeared first on Lifehack.

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