
sexta-feira, janeiro 22, 2016

Useful Tips When You Travel With Your Dog.

Dog Vacation

Are you planning a trip and you want to bring your best friend on board? Dogs are essential members of our family and sometimes also our best friends. Have you ever felt a little guilty or sad while you’re packing and your dog is looking at you with those sad eyes? Keep reading to discover how you can travel with your buddy and share all the trip experiences with him without a problem.

First of all, you need to start planning everything with anticipation; consulting preventive medications with your vet or in a case of sickness during the trip; you also should check the vaccination records. Determine if you will be traveling by airplane or if you will make a road trip, accommodation places options, places you will visit etc.

So, here are some useful tips you must follow if you want to make a unique and special trip with your dog.

Use Doggy Seats

If you’re about to make a road trip you must use dog car seats or a waterproof hammock dog seat cover. Dogs must be safe inside your car. You can find it here .

Use secure and well-ventilated crates

Whatever your travel transportation option is (traveling by car or airplane), using crates is a safe way to keep your dogs locked and controlled. Dogs spend a lot of time alone and waiting, so, they also feel safer inside this space.

Don’t leave your dog alone inside your car

It doesn’t matter if it’s a hot or a cold day, avoid it. You also need to make sure that during your road trip your dog keeps itself inside, no head or paws out of the window.

Make a pet’s traveling kit

You need to bring some paper, food, spill-proof bowl, leash, plastic bags, preventive and special medication and you can include its favorite toy or pillow to give your pet a sense of familiarity. Here’s a good option for a Pet Airline Kit.

Your dog needs always to be locatable

If you can’t get a microchip, you should buy an identification collar and tag. Besides you can grab your dog and control it better with its collar and leash, it will definitely look sweet and elegant.

Bring your dog’s favorite things to make him feel comfortable

As we said before, you can include and pack your pups favorite things like home blankets, toys, snacks, etc. This way, dogs feel safer and calmed. This is also a good tip when you’re about to travel by airplane because dogs spend much time alone in their crates. Ask for transportation services that allow dogs on-board.

Ask for transportation services that allow dogs on-board

It is hard to find a taxi cab which allows to bring your dog along, so private transportation services like ShuttleWizard are an excellent option. You just need to tell them that you’re going to travel with your dog when making your reservation. This way you won’t be worried about allowance, space needed or safety issues.

Search for the nearest vets or animal hospitals.

You may not need it, but it is better to know where to go or call in case of an emergency. Remember to always have your personal vet’s phone number on hand.

Consult pet regulations and requirements

If you’re going to fly, check pet regulations and airline requirements in advance. Some airlines require special kettles and crates or medical licenses for dogs. You can ask your vet about medical dog licenses.

Find pet-friendly accommodations and places

If you consult special accommodation websites like, you can find many hotels that allow dogs with you for an extra charge or for free. There are also many pet-friendly places like restaurants, parks, stores where you can go and have great moments with your best friend without any problem.

Please remember that you shouldn’t take out or leave your dog alone if it’s sick, pregnant or injured. If your dog doesn’t feel comfortable traveling and gets stressed easily, don’t make a trip with them, leave dogs in their most comfortable area. There are many pet hotels where your dog can stay, play and maybe get a little training. This is an alternative way for you and your best friend to be happy and enjoy some quality vacation time.

Featured photo credit: Dog Vacations via

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9 Ways to Self-Motivate While Working from Home


What does it mean to ‘be your own boss’? If you’re working from home you know exactly what it means. You probably have exterior deadlines to meet—but what if you don’t? What if your motivation has to come completely from within?

We grow up in a system that provides assignments, checkpoints, and deadlines. Independent thinking and self-motivation aren’t classes we take. There’s no room in high school or college where you sit down and use building blocks, of whatever form, to achieve a goal you set for yourself. That’s why it’s important to think of, and actualize, ways to self-motivate. It’s important to train yourself. As John Dewey put it, “Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.” Here are some starting points to help you self-motivate while working from home.

Don’t create unrealistic expectations

It’s natural and healthy to be ambitious and to chase your dream. But goals are steps you take in a lifelong process. You can expect to achieve your ultimate dream of writing that great novel or starting a successful business if and only if your expectations are realistic on a day-to-day basis. Set simple daily goals, such as writing five-hundred to one-thousand words, and go from there. Is the writing terrible but you hit the goal? Good. Build up incrementally. Continue to hit the small goals and expect yourself to improve. A dream is not a goal. You live in the dream, never outside of it.

Organize a balanced day

Just like in any facet of life, establishing balance while working at home is essential. There’s something very Zen about this:

Balance communication – Make sure communication tech is up to date, make sure to build your network and talk to contacts daily; but make time for “water cooler” conversation unrelated to work

Simulate commute time – Before you sit down to work, set aside a time to clear your brain, a time away from the screen in which you’re mindful of everything around you

Compartmentalize – Make your workspace completely separate from the rest of your home-space, and don’t use your computer for tasks that aren’t work-related; set up Do Not Disturb times of no distraction and let your contacts know when you will and won’t be available

Create distractions – Designate times to purposefully distract yourself: every two hours get up for a breath of fresh air or a glass of water—these times are ripe for realizations

Create a system of healthy rewards

When you’re really wanting to ‘get it’ and succeed as your own boss, it can be easy to do nothing but work. Since when do productivity and creativity stem from a lack of diversity? Self-motivation while working from home is a lot like following through on New Year’s resolutions:

Exercise – Find a type of exercise you really enjoy and frame it as a reward for getting work done; you’re rewarding yourself when you exercise, because your body appreciates the increased blood-flow and oxygen distribution

Food – Incorporate a variety (variety is key) of healthy brain foods into your diet and set an eating schedule; just like with exercise, you’ll be rewarding yourself for working by helping your body feel better

Play – Schedule times for fun activities and once again, treat these times as a reward; don’t deviate from work and play schedule, so that you create a pathway in your brain, essentially tying in work with play


There’s a reason you’re seeing the word exercise for the second time here. Not only is exercise a reward for your body, it’s imperative for your creativity and health. Sitting too much puts you at risk of cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, obesity, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease, emotional distress, and other issues. But how do you balance exercise with getting work done? Besides taking medical recommendations, try “deskercises”—exercises you can do at your desk to keep blood flowing and brain active.

Keep current and share ideas

Einstein said, “Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.” One way to do this is by paying a good deal of attention to what’s happening in your field. As you get ideas from others and begin to understand what’s valuable to them, you can in turn share your ideas. This will make you valuable to the community, you’ll make new contacts, and gain new insights to use.

Get to know yourself

Learn your peak productivity times. The great thing about working from home is you can adjust your sleep schedule based on when it’s easiest for you to get things done. Are you a procrastinator? Recognize it and be mindful of the moments when you are slipping into I’ll put it off ‘til later mode. Trying thinking the word ‘no’ when a procrastination or anxiety instinct comes up. What type of learner are you? Try the Multiple Intelligences Self-Assessment. Adjust the way you work with how you learn best. For example, if you’re musical, try listening to instrumental music or classical music while you work.

Take advantage of related technologies

There a ton of productivity apps, whether you have an iPhone, Android, or other device. These can help you get things done, but you have to be motivated to begin with—you are the one doing the work, not the app. The nice thing about productivity apps is they make it easier to focus on the big stuff.

Set aside lazy times

This is all part of balance. But take note: lazy time needs to happen away from the internet. Why? Because the internet splits your attention. Loll around, watch a movie, read an entertaining book, anything that doesn’t involve consuming tons of stimulus and information like the internet does. There’s such thing as productive laziness–it gives your brain the biggest break, an enjoyment of simple focus undivided. Once that focus melts away into reverie, the muse comes.

Pay attention to your body

You can’t motivate yourself without sleep. Be aware of what your body needs or what it has too much of. Being mindful of these things will help clear your brain. It’s like there’s a bump in the road and you’ll keep hitting it unless you recognize it’s there. Don’t try to ignore the bump. Attend to it, learn what it is, hack it, and move on.

Featured photo credit: Pexels via

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10 Ways To Fit More Protein Into Your Diet

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Many people think that in order to lose weight and get healthy they must follow fad diets. In most cases, these diets just don’t work. Sure, you may lose some weight. Many people report that they lose quite a bit of weight, actually. But, as soon as you go off the diet and start eating normally again, you will see that weight come back on, with a few added pounds for good measure.

The best and healthiest way to lose weight is to get at least a half an hour of exercise each day and to follow a sensible, well-balanced diet. This means that you need to make sure that you are getting the right amounts of the important nutrients, including protein. In fact, the more protein you have in your diet, the easier it is going to be to lose weight. Here are some ways that you can get more protein into your diet.

1. Fish

Fish is a great source of protein, and there are so many delicious meals and snacks you can enjoy. For a quick and easy snack, spread some tuna onto a saltine cracker, then place another cracker on top for a mini tuna sandwich.

2. Dairy

As long as you are not lactose intolerant, adding more dairy to your diet is a good way to get more protein. Just make sure that you are using low-fat dairy products, such as one-percent milk.

3. Nuts and Seeds

Whether eaten on their own or in other foods, nuts and seeds are a delicious way to get more protein. Look for snacks that are loaded with nuts and seeds, but that have little to no salt. Granola bars that have nuts are a great choice, and you can easily make your own by using nothing but healthy, delicious ingredients.

4. Cereal

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you need a healthy breakfast to give you energy for your day. For that reason, there are many cereals that are actually a good source of protein. Check the nutritional information on the box to choose the best cereal for your high-protein diet.

5. Protein Shakes

Many people are nervous about using dietary supplements, but there is nothing to worry about with protein shakes. There are no strange chemicals or other additives, but there are plenty of healthy nutrients. Whey protein shakes are popular, but you need to be careful if you are lactose intolerant.

6. Poultry

Get loads of protein with chicken, turkey, and other poultry. If you are trying to lose weight, remove the skin to get rid of extra fat and grease. Use leftovers with frozen veggies, a bit of soya sauce, and some seasonings for quick and healthy stir-fry meals.

7. Soy and Tofu

If you are vegetarian or vegan, it can be difficult to get enough protein in your diet. Luckily, you have virtually limitless options when you are cooking with soy and tofu. These are the ideal alternatives to red meat when it comes to protein and other nutrients.

8. Beans

There are loads of ways you can use beans in meals, and this is a great way to add protein to your diet. Try adding beans to your salads and soups and enjoy the flavor they add. Peas are also a good source of protein, and can be eaten alone or in many recipes.

9. Beef Jerky

There are loads of delicious snacks you can get that are loaded with protein. One delicious, protein-filled treat is beef jerky. You can buy it just about anywhere, and there are also loads of great recipes to make your own.

10. Spinach

This may be a tough pill for some to swallow, but eating spinach is a great way to get more protein. It is also high in fiber and vitamin A. If you don’t like eating spinach on its own, look for ways to incorporate it into your recipes, such as spinach lasagna.

Featured photo credit: Eugenia Loli via

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10 Ways To Hack Into Your Happy Brain Chemicals

10 Ways To Hack Into Your Happy Brain Chemicals

How you experience life boils down to the chemicals in your brain. Happiness, sadness, anger, anxiety – all can be traced to what’s going on inside your head. In the past decade we’ve come a long way in the science of happiness and have a pretty good idea of what happy looks like in your brain these days. Rather than being in the passenger’s seat of this process, science has proven, without a doubt, that you can take control of your brain and hack into your happy neurochemicals.

Happiness can be found in the seemingly insignificant, mundane things you do every day. These give your brain a boost of feel-good chemicals and keeps them flowing. Your brain is a positive feedback system, meaning that being happy often leads to more happiness. Usually all it takes is a small attitude adjustment to keep your brain feeling good or start it on an upward cycle.

What works for one person may not do anything for another, but there are many little things you can try today to give your brain a more positive slant. So whether you’re depressed, feeling anxious, or have found yourself in one of those crisis freak-out moments, there are simple steps – backed by neuroscience – that you can take right now to start your brain on a more positive path.

Give or get a hug

A long hug releases the neurotransmitter oxytocin, the bonding hormone, which calms down your amygdala, the fear alarm, and just makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

Get out in the sun

Bright sunlight helps boost the production of serotonin in your brain. Make an effort to get outside on your lunch hour, go for a walk on a sunny day, or take a break and step outside to soak in the sun. Sunlight also improves the release of melatonin, which helps you sleep better at night.

Put your feelings on paper

Studies have shown that linguistic processing of emotions produces less amygdala activity, helping you to feel less distressed. A calmer amygdala means a happier, less anxious you.

Remember some happy memories

Just thinking about happy times boosts serotonin levels in your brain, according to research. Serotonin is necessary for the highest functioning of your prefrontal cortex, the executive, which controls self-reflection and your emotions, helping it to override old knee-jerk patterns. Try visualizing a joyful time in detail or even better, write it down.

Splash cold water on your face

Seriously. Find a sink, fill your hands with cold water, and rinse your face. Doing this will slow down your heart rate by indirectly stimulating your vagus nerve, which regulates a variety of vital bodily functions including your heartbeat and the muscles used to breathe. The vagus nerve also controls the chemical levels in your digestive system, which greatly affect mood and health.


It’s a simple thing to do and really does improve your mood. Most people think we smile because we feel happy, but it works the other way too. You can feel happier if you smile. Your face doesn’t just display emotion – it also creates it. Your face isn’t simply a billboard for your internal feelings, it’s an equal partner in the emotional process.


Laughing works for the same reasons smiling does. You may feel silly, but opening your mouth and letting out a chuckle or thinking of something funny to make you giggle can make you feel happier. There’s not much difference in your brain between fake and genuine laughter and before you know it, provoked laughing can often lead to the real thing.

Be around other people

If you start to feel your mood slipping go somewhere around other people, like a coffee shop, book store, or break room. You don’t even have to interact with them, just being in the same physical space does the trick. Chatting or chilling with a friend is even more beneficial. If you don’t feel like talking, try doing an activity with a friend where you won’t feel forced to talk. Social interaction causes your brain to secrete oxytocin that supports the serotonin system, giving you get the benefits of both feel good chemicals.

Spend time with a pet

Just stroking your pet or even someone else’s can increase the oxytocin, endorphins, and dopamine in your brain. Several studies have shown that having a pet can reduce depression, encourage healthier habits, and increase feelings of connectedness. One Japanese study determined that playing with a dog with which you have a bond increases oxytocin levels.

Diaphragm Breathing

Taking long, deep breaths into your tummy slows your heart rate and activates the calm, parasympathetic nervous system. Place your hand on your diaphragm, the center of your stomach a couple of inches below your lungs, and take slow, full breaths. Count to six and make your hand move in and out with each inhale and exhale. After you get the hang of it, you can practice diaphramatic breathing anywhere without using your hand.

Boost Your Gut Bacteria

Science is uncovering more and more evidence that the bacteria in your gut exerts influence on your brain. Probiotics and prebiotics are showing the potential to help lessen anxiety and depression.

While no one is happy all the time, staying consistently positive begins in your brain with simple changes in thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Small steps can help nudge or keep your brain in a more upbeat cycle and literally start bettering your life immediately.

Featured photo credit: Girl Throwing Autumn Leaves In The AIr – Vicktor Hanicek via

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Science Says Walking In Nature Changes The Brain


Want to live a happier life and have a more productive work day? Take the scenic route to work. The concrete commute that most city dwellers experience on the daily may be having a larger impact on the psyche than you think. Beyond the concrete jungle that we more and more fail to escape on a regular basis exists an environment that may help you combat stress, depression, and anxiety.

Walking In Nature Helps Depression And Anxiety

The isolation of being locked up in offices and high rise condominiums is being linked to psychological disorders including depression, anxiety and a short attention span at work. New York Times article, How Nature Changes the Brain by Gretchen Reynolds, found that people who live in cities spend more time ‘brooding’, a term meaning a renumeration of thoughts in your mind as to what is wrong with yourself and your life. The study compared those who lived in high density urban settings to those who had more exposure to greenery and trees.

Walking In Nature Improves Your Attention and Focus

So what if you don’t have a park on the route to work or cannot give up the highway commute? There is still hope. The Journal of Environmental Psychology suggests that even small mental breaks viewing nature can help aid off psychological issues such as reduced attention span. The study looked at subjects that viewed either concrete or green spaces and found that the ones who viewed the natural environment made less errors and were more consistent responding to given tasks. Living and working surrounded by thousands of people and concrete drains your mental resources that are critical for attention. While in opposition, viewing trees, parks, and green spaces on a regular basis, helps create a more calm and active mind.

Viewing Nature Helps Your Mind Escape Everyday Concerns

So how does nature help with depression and anxious feelings and give us a greater sense of focus? From a logical perspective it makes sense that being surrounded by thousands of people, heavy traffic, and concrete would make us feel more anxious, and unhappy. But why would nature have such a large effect on our brains? Nature gives the brain a sense of calmness and peace. The presence of trees, water, and open spaces of greenery transitions the mind into feeling an escapement from everyday concerns. It brings the simplicity back into life. Nature literally changes the brain.

And not only are the people who have more exposure to natural settings mentally healthier, but they also enjoy a higher quality of physical health as well. A convincing example in the New Yorker, What a Tree is Worth, by Alex Hutchinson,  showed that patients given hospital rooms that looked over spaces with trees as opposed to a brick wall, recovered faster. In fact , researchers are discovering that surrounding yourself with nature can be one of the most powerful stress-relievers out there.

As unlikely as it is to take a twenty minute detour for a scenic route or to move to a park surrounded area, there are small changes that you can implement into your life today. Change your desktop background to outdoor scenery or hang visual art of the sky and ocean on your wall. Spend more of your breaks outside, plan more trips to the park or runs along the water. Vote in favour of green roofs, and of course make an effort to get into nature and enjoy it. We tend to complicate the cures for anxiety and depression when in fact being in a calm and natural environment may just be what you need.

Featured photo credit: A Couple Walking in a Park via

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Science Says A Chocolate Bar A Day Keeps The Doctor Away


Has chocolate replaced an apple a day? There can be a new golden ticket to your health but one that doesn’t involve touring a creepy factory with orange creatures running around. And I’m not talking about Snooki even though Jersey Shore has been off the air for years. What are the health benefits that come from chocolate and what type of chocolate are we talking about here?

No More Candy Bars

When we are talking about chocolate and potential health benefits we are not referring to chocolate bars that you may find at the checkout line in a grocery or convenience store but true dark chocolate. This type of chocolate is a night and day difference to it’s “chocolate-like” counterparts.

Dark chocolate of at least 70% cacao is what you’re looking for here and ideally 90%. If you’ve eaten Hershey bars your whole life it can be quite an adjustment as dark chocolate has a deeper, richer and more bitter taste. When you start eating this regularly though you develop the taste for it and will not return to sugar filled candy bars.

When you start eating dark chocolate you can look to start providing yourself with some great health benefits. Here are 5 things that come from eating dark chocolate.

1. Dark Chocolate Has A Very High Mineral Content

When you consume dark chocolate you are getting natural amounts of:

  • Fiber
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Selenium Gomez..

2. Dark Chocolate Can Lower Blood Pressure

Studies out of Germany took 18 weeks to observe otherwise healthy individuals that had higher than optimal blood pressure. When small portions of dark chocolate were added into the diet it was seen efficiently reduce their blood pressure.

3. Dark Chocolate Can Help Manage & Lower Blood Sugar

This tends to surprise people because when you think of chocolate you tend to think of sugar. In the case of dark chocolate, there is some sugar but it is primarily made of fat. Dark chocolate, however, is made up of the good fats like oleic acid which is what you find in olive oil. The higher fat content is what helps keep the glycemic index low which helps in keeping blood sugar low. The polyphenols in dark chocolate, among their many benefits, are believed to promote vascular health and glucose control.

4. Dark Chocolate Is High In Antioxidants

This to me is the best selling point on it. A quick lesson on antioxidants; they help prevent free radical damage in the body and free radicals are what are formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Cell oxidation can roughly be compared to when things rust. Antioxidants then are what help prevent damage from cell oxidation which includes premature aging, DNA damage and certain types of cancer. Researchers in Italy found that the antioxidant content in dark chocolate would help combat the negative of effects of free radical damage in the body.

5. Dark Chocolate Can Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

The antioxidant power shines through again through the form of those great polyphenols but also flavonoids. You might be thinking flavonoids are the love child between Flavor Flav and The Noid from Dominos, but they are thought to have heart protecting effects.

Research out of Australia showed that small daily dark chocolate consumption could potentially avert 70 non-fatal, and 15 fatal cardiovascular events per 10,000 people treated over 10 years.

Wrapping It Up

So does this mean you can start eating dark chocolate by the shovel full? Well, you’ll need to slow down your horses there fella. Dark chocolate still contains a lot of calories due to that high fat content but the advantage is it only takes a few squares to help satisfy that sugar and chocolate craving.

If you notice with the studies they all mention SMALL amounts of dark chocolate that produced results. But having a square (or two) a day is a great way to get a treat that is also going to be providing you some tremendous health benefits.

If you’re new to dark chocolate start off easy with a 50% cacao version and start working your way up. When you get up to 90% lower grades which once might have seemed too bitter will not seem to become overly sweet.

And as far as those milk chocolate candy bars, you’ll never want to see them again.

Just like Snooki..

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Science Says People Who Love Spicy Foods Live Longer


If you’re one of those lovely people who thinks the best food ought give you a cold sweat, then I’ve got great news for you! Science says that you (as long as you’re indulging) will live longer. In fact, if you indulge daily with your favorite nose-faucet on-switch, you can lower your mortality risk by an estimated 14 percent! From just helping your drop a few pounds, to preventing (knock-on-wood) cancer, eating your daily dose of capsaicin has a plethora of effects.

Drop a Few Pounds

Whether it’s your favorite spicy soup dumpling or traveling halfway across the world for the slow burning sweet chili heat of a Ddeokbokki, eating your favorite chili rich foods (or just dropping a few chilies into your regular diet) will help you drop a few of the ol’ L-Bs. It’s a super healthy side effect that can aid an already healthy diet. This works when capsaicin increases the amount of saliva and gastrointestinal juices. This can aid in digestion, increase your heart-rate, and improve overall circulation. This combination of effects super-boost your metabolism and lengthen your life. Not only that, but people consume about 75 fewer calories after eating red chili peppers compared to bland food (this is only true if it’s a new thing) and it can reduce cravings for fatty, salty, or sweet foods.

They can even increase the number and activity of brown fat cells (which are crazy awesome good for you!). Be glad you turned up the heat on dinner tonight, because brown fat will burn out all of the ordinary fat. It used to be thought that brown fat was only in infants and hibernating mammals, but after some CT scans of full grown adults, there are pockets of brown fat spread throughout the body. They fire up layers of fat, and keep us warm. If you want to start burning calories like a tiny furnace, try a high carb, low fat diet full of spices of course!

Prevent the Dreaded C-Word

Cancer. The C-word is cancer. Eating chili peppers can reduce your risk of cancer. Pour on that sriracha sauce and keep the spice coming, because the active ingredient in peppers will literally make tumor cells commit suicide. If you want cancer cells in your body to commit harakiri, try laying up habanero peppers on top of pasta, no oil, all carby spicy deliciousness, cancer killing nonsense (and firing up the brown fat in your body).  It’s been known for about a decade to kill prostate cancer cells (and slow the growth of tumors by about 80 percent).

By lodging in the membrane of cancer cells, capsaicin will cause the membrane to come apart and the cancer cell will die off. But to meet the huge quantities known to kill other cancer cells in mice you would have to eat HUGE amounts of peppers, so it’s great as a preventative measure, but not as a treatment. Remember that the next time someone snaps at you for drowning your food in hot sauce, you’re not only staying lean, your preventing cancer. You are winning at life by eating like you really want!


Not dying is the best benefit of all. Reducing your risk of heart disease, cancer, lowering blood pressure, anger levels, and losing flab all add up, and give people who eat chilies between 3-7 days a week a 14 percent lowered mortality risk. That’s a big number when talking about a larger population of people, and that’s a big difference for individuals, even quitting smoking only sees a 36 percent lowered mortality risk as compared to continued heavy smoking. Aren’t you glad you ordered extra hot on your curry last night?

We all love not dying, but what are you going to do with your extra time alive? Exploring the spiciest wasabi farms in Japan, or losing your luggage in Burma (where the national dish is a pile of chilies and cheese). You are a chili eating champion, who treats pepper like any other vegetable on the table, and has such hot fire breathe, you could compete with a dragon. Enjoy your time, because your favorite snack is helping you not die (or at least a 14 percent less chance of dying).

Peppers are amazing for you. They make you slim, reduce your risk of cancer, and help you not die (and possibly become immortal and ride a unicorn into the clouds). It hasn’t been dis-proven yet. Slim, hot, cancer free you can ride into the future on a sriracha cloud of dreams.

Featured photo credit: Adam Baker via

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10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2016

Art deco gallore!

I know 2015 was a great year for movies but looking at the list of movies for 2016, it looks like it’s going to be another great year. It is going to be incredibly difficult for everyone and anyone to pick their top movies to watch this year. I present just a few of the outstanding and brilliant films that will be premiering this year and are highly expected for years now.

1. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Expected 16 December 2016)

Another awaited Star Wars movie is coming out in the very near future. A Gareth Edwards film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is a movie about a group of resistance fighters on a mission to steal the Death Star. This movie is more of an untold story of an event that occurred between Star Wars III (2005) and Star Wars IV (1977). I see promising stuff towards this film especially since Gareth Edwards directing history involves Monsters (2010) and Godzilla (2014). Also since Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) has possibly broken every single cinema record since the premiere, it is clear that this movie is going to be everyone’s top pick for 2016. This involves a great number of big celebrities, which include Felicity Jones, Mads Mikkelsen, Diego Luna, Riz Ahmed, Wen Jiang, Donnie Yen, and many more. So while we wait to for the upcoming Star Wars movie, which includes Oscar Isaac, John Boyega, and Daisy Ridley- this movie will possibly satisfy every Star Wars (and non-Star Wars) fan out there.

2. Suicide Squad (Expected 5 August 2016)

Suicide Squad is just one of the DC movie spremiering this year however the story is centered on the supervillains. Supervillains include Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), The Joker (Jared Leto), Deadshot (Will Smith), and Enchantress (Cara Delevingne). The trailer for this movie got so much hype the day the trailer got leaked, so why wouldn’t the movie get the same or, even more, hype? Everyone is more than ready for this movie to premiere, and it’s driving us insane.

3. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (In cinemas 25 March 2016)

2016 is the year of superhero movies, and, of course, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has to be one of the most anticipated movies of 2016. And it is also a DC movie. Directed by Zach Snyder, who previously directed 300 (2006) and Man of Steel (2013), and written by David S. Goyer, who previously was involved with the story for Man of Steel (2013) and the Dark Knight Trilogy, and Chris Terrio, who wrote the screenplays for Argo (2012), the Justice League Part One (2017), and Justice League Part Two (2019).

I think just by that you’re going to think that this movie will have an excellent script and directing skills, and you are right! Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is about how the world is now worried about the presence of Superman, so Batman will then take on Superman, and now the world is wondering which superhero do they really need.

4. X-Men: Apocalypse (Expected 19 May 2016)

I have to admit; I feel that Bryan Singer is going to produce another great X-Men film. I mean the trailer on its own gave me goosebumps. The movie shows many familiar faces from the younger version in the X-Men films and introduces many new faces that play highly important roles in the older X-Men films. The reason X-Men will be on everyone’s list is mainly because superhero films have been dominating cinemas everywhere. With more characters and a stronger storyline, everything is going to go down in this movie.

5. Midnight Special (Expected 15 April 2016)

Jeff Nichol is back with another movie that I’m sure is going to be one of the greats. Jeff Nichol, who previously directed Mud (2012), Shotgun Stories (2007), and Take Shelter (2011) is known for good work.  Michael Shannon is also starring in Midnight Special. Jeff Nichol is one of those indie directors who create masterpiece art films. However, this time, it is more of a commercial film as it is being distributed by Warner Bros. Sci-fi thriller about a father trying to protect his supernatural son from a religious cult and the government. This movie has an excellent cast, which includes Michael Shannon, Joel Edgerton, Adam Driver, Kirsten Dunst, Sam Shepard, and many more. Jeff Nichol is known for his perfect filmmaking; films that are moving and powerful. It will leave you with a scar.

6. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Expected 18 November 2016)

Another wizarding movie by David Yates and J. K. Rowling?! Starring Eddie Redmayne?! How can this not be perfect?! A movie about a writer, Newt Scamander, in New York City’s wizardry and witching community, seventy years before Harry Potter read his book in Hogwarts. This is definitely going to be on the top of the list for every Harry Potter fan out there and certainly will satisfy them too. I mean they’ve been waiting five years for another wizarding movie, so why wouldn’t this be a highly anticipated movie for fans and well, basically everyone.

7. Triple 9 (In cinemas 19 February 2016)

John Hillcoat is here with a thriller about a group of criminals and corrupted cops who plan the murder of a police officer to pull off a seemingly impossible but greatest heist yet. A movie with Casey Affleck, Kate Winslet, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Woody Harrelson, and Anthony Mackie. John Hillcoat is sure not to disappoint audience with his great directing history. It is true; the trailer alone has won us, so a movie with an excellent director, excellent cast, and brilliant story? How can this movie disappoint?

8. Untitled Matt Damon/Bourne Sequel (Expected 28 July 2016)

Although the plot is unknown, the Untitled Matt Damon/Bourne Sequel is one of those movies everyone has to watch. Paul Greengrass has his history with the Bourne films by directing the Bourne Supremacy (2004) and the Bourne Ultimatum (2007). I know change is good but let’s hope not in this case. The movie stars the original Bourne, Matt Damon, rising-star, Alicia Vikander, and more all-star actors. Currently, according to IMDB, the plot is still unknown although expected to be premiered very soon. Therefore, suspense is incredibly high here. Another form of a spy movie, the Untitled Matt Damon/Bourne Sequel has a lot of competition coming from the Bond movies, especially since Spectre was just released last year. =

9. Captain America: Civil War (Expected 29 April 2016)

Again, as 2016 seems to be the year for superheroes- of course, Captain America: Civil War has to be an anticipated one for the year. The same directors as Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Anthony and Joe Russo bring a larger storyline for Steve Rogers. The movie is centered on the feud between Captain America and Iron Man. Starring many familiar faces such as Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Sebastian Stan and more, and even some new faces, such as Tom Holland. With the big reveal of the new Spiderman, the rising rage between Captain America and Iron Man, and considering how many people thought Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) was a letdown, Anthony and Joe Russo have a lot on their plate to deliver a great Marvel film. Just by watching the trailer, I think we’re in for a treat.

10. The Girl on the Train (Expected 7 October 2016)

Tate Taylor is here to direct another adaptation of a best-selling novel into a movie. This year it’s The Girl on the Train. A movie that stars Emily Blunt, Rebecca Ferguson, Justin Theroux, Haley Bennett, and Édgar Ramírez. I have to admit some of the actors in this movie are brilliant but often under looked. Therefore with a movie like this, I hope that people would appreciate them more because these actors’ movies affect me greatly and quickly becomes an excellent movie that moves me. A movie filled with drama, intrigue, and suspense- it’s definitely one of those movies you won’t be able to stop thinking about.

Featured photo credit: Stanley Wood via

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