
terça-feira, junho 07, 2016

Quick, Simple Morning Workouts To Keep You Energetic All Day

morning workouts

Are you looking for a few quick and simple morning workouts to perk you up and keep you going all day? This 3-minute exercise couldn’t be any easier to start incorporating into your routine, and with almost no time requirement, you can fit it in no matter how busy your schedule is!

Benefits of Morning Workouts

Working out in the morning has a whole suite of health benefits, including:

  • Increased energy throughout the day
  • More positive decision making
  • Higher chance to opt for healthier food choices
  • Elevated mood
  • Heightened metabolism
  • Reduced stress

Advantages of the Morning Workouts in This Video

The particular workouts in the video above are great because:

  • They’re only 3 minutes so they don’t require a lot of time
  • They’re fairly easy and won’t make you too tired for work
  • You don’t need any equipment and they can be done from anywhere

Common Questions

  1. Should I work out before or after breakfast?
    For best results, eat a light snack 30 minutes to an hour before your workout, then a bigger meal after your workout. If you’re in a hurry and can’t wait, you can skip the snack and just eat afterwards for similar results.
  2. Will doing this every day help me lose weight?
    Because the exercise is so short and not very intensive, you probably won’t see any significant weight changes. It is more for waking up properly and getting some energy to start your day. If you want to see weight loss, increase the time to a half hour workout.
  3. Can I do this for longer than 3 minutes?
    Yes! You can increase time as much as you want. 10 minutes is a good bench mark to work up to, followed by 15 and eventually 30 minutes.

Morning Wake Up Workout Video | YouTube via Feelfit Channel

Morning Exercise = Mental Health | YouTube via Kram Gallery

Featured photo credit: VIKTOR HANACEK via

The post Quick, Simple Morning Workouts To Keep You Energetic All Day appeared first on Lifehack.

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